


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              alpha-Gal A activity in the organs became equal to or hi
2                                              alpha-Gal A infusions were well tolerated in all patient
3 esults from deficient alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-Gal A) activity and the pathologic accumulation of
4 -linked deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-Gal A).
5 ked inherited loss of alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-Gal A).
6 activity of lysosomal alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-Gal A).
7 ed by a deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-Gal A).
8 ed by a deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-Gal A).
9 es upon inhibition of alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-Gal-A) in lysosomes.
10 ry disease (deficient alpha-galactosidase A [alpha-Gal A] activity) were performed in alpha-Gal A-def
11 ce of tissue and plasma GL-3 by administered alpha-Gal A, thereby providing the in vivo rationale-and
12                              By 4 mo of age, alpha-Gal A -/0 mouse aortic endothelial cells achieved
13 ence with G, A, C, or T at nt 9331 within an alpha-Gal A complementary DNA expression vector were pre
14                               Both GCase and alpha-Gal A are more stable at lysosomal pH with and wit
15 e results provide insight into how GCase and alpha-Gal A are thermodynamically stabilized by iminosug
16 ted the structure and stability of GCase and alpha-Gal A in a neutral-pH environment reflective of th
17  aortic endothelial cells from wild-type and alpha-Gal A -/0 mice were established.
18 patterns were compared between wild-type and alpha-Gal A null cells.
19 e synthase, restored cholesterol in cultured alpha-Gal A-deficient mouse aortic endothelial cell cave
20  revealed that the excessive Gb3 in cultured alpha-Gal A-deficient mouse aortic endothelial cells acc
21                      Importantly, cells from alpha-Gal A -/0 mice but not alpha-Gal A +/0 mice expres
22  cultured embryonic fibroblasts derived from alpha-Gal A(-/0) mice were corrected by transducing thes
23 mouse aortic endothelial cells isolated from alpha-Gal A null mice was measured.
24       Thermodynamic parameters obtained from alpha-Gal A unfolding indicate two-state, van't Hoff unf
25 sidase (GCase) and acid-alpha-galactosidase (alpha-Gal A) hydrolyze the sphingolipids glucosyl- and g
26                       Recently, we generated alpha-Gal A gene knockout mouse lines and described the
27 rug resistance retroviruses containing human alpha-Gal A cDNA.
28     Preclinical studies of recombinant human alpha-Gal A (r-halphaGalA) infusions in knockout mice de
29 s were determined for four recombinant human alpha-Gal A glycoforms, which differed in sialic acid an
30         Depleting Gb3 with recombinant human alpha-Gal A protein or d-threo-ethylenedioxyphenyl-P4, a
31               By contrast, recombinant human alpha-Gal A was less effective in normalizing the choles
32 - or DGJ-dependent conformational changes in alpha-Gal A are not seen.
33 globotriaosylceramide levels was observed in alpha-Gal A(-) males treated for 4 weeks with D-t-EtDO-P
34  A [alpha-Gal A] activity) were performed in alpha-Gal A-deficient mice.
35 tly, cells from alpha-Gal A -/0 mice but not alpha-Gal A +/0 mice expressed high levels of the globo-
36                Histopathological analysis of alpha-Gal A -/0 mice revealed subclinical lesions in the
37                            The deficiency of alpha-Gal A activity and the accumulation of material co
38 een, and heart with concomitant elevation of alpha-Gal A activity.
39             We report here the generation of alpha-Gal A deficient mice by gene targeting and an anal
40 The knockout mice display a complete lack of alpha-Gal A activity.
41 ycin (DGJ), including the first structure of alpha-Gal A with DGJ.
42     Moreover, microbes induced inhibition of alpha-Gal-A activity in antigen-presenting cells.
43 present TLR-dependent negative regulation of alpha-Gal-A as a mechanistic link between pathogen recog
44                              When 8-week-old alpha-Gal A(-) males were treated for 8 weeks with 10 mg
45                                  Recombinant alpha-Gal A more significantly lowered Gb3 levels by 48
46                           Here, we show that alpha-Gal-A deficiency caused vigorous activation of NKT
47  57-nucleotide (nt) intronic sequence to the alpha-Gal A transcript from intron 4 of the gene has bee
48 our results with analogous experiments using alpha-Gal A and the chaperone 1-deoxygalactonijirimycin

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