


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  too large to assay and to interact with the alpha-amylase.
2 sis, different from the case of thermostable alpha-amylase.
3 ion, in addition to their ability to inhibit alpha-amylase.
4 nificantly improved secretion of recombinant alpha-amylase.
5 enital fluids that correlated with levels of alpha-amylase.
6 ead flour after optimisation by additions of alpha-amylase.
7 dextrins, and glycogen treated with salivary alpha-amylase.
8 hibited higher inhibitory activities against alpha-amylase.
9 with mucosal alpha-glucosidases and not just alpha-amylase.
10  inhibitors in complex with human pancreatic alpha-amylase.
11 on of the S. gordonii gene amyB, encoding an alpha-amylase.
12  dependent on the presence of human salivary alpha-amylase.
13 -glucans digested by purified human salivary alpha-amylase.
14 P4 and CSP6) showed high affinity in binding alpha-amylase.
15 ng and hydrolytic activity of human salivary alpha-amylase.
16 ents synthesis of secretory proteins such as alpha-amylase.
17 ed by transglycosylation using a recombinant alpha-amylase.
18 lin-induced and ABA-suppressed expression of alpha-amylase.
19  Ca(2+) and Zn(2+) metal ions in P. furiosus alpha-amylase.
20  C430) are conserved in the P. kodakaraensis alpha-amylase.
21  C165S dramatically destabilized P. furiosus alpha-amylase.
22 t but also necessary for the GA induction of alpha-amylase.
23 uate into a point-of-care detection tool for alpha-amylase.
24 malian digestive enzymes, namely trypsin and alpha-amylase.
25 d was baked with and without the addition of alpha-amylase.
26 baker was sensitized also to either flour or alpha-amylase.
27  similar to most family 10 xylanases and the alpha-amylases.
28               We show that the chloroplastic alpha-amylase 3 (AMY3) also participates in starch degra
29 ergistic action of beta-amylase 1 (BAM1) and alpha-amylase 3 (AMY3)-enzymes that are normally not req
30 xtracts inhibited alpha-glucosidase (37.8%), alpha-amylase (35.6%), dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (34.4%),
31 he present study investigates the effects of alpha-amylase (6 and 10ppm), xylanase (70 and 120ppm) an
32               We sought to determine whether alpha-amylase, a protein secreted by salivary glands and
33  an inhibitor to inactivate human pancreatic alpha-amylase, a therapeutic target for oral hypoglycemi
34  of stress loading, chromogranin A (CgA) and alpha-amylase (AA) are supposed to link the activity of
35 PhytoPs) on four enzymes: alpha-glucosidase, alpha-amylase, acetylcholinesterase, and butyrylcholines
36  for which possible binding modes within the alpha-amylase active site could be investigated in silic
37  effect of extracts on alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase activities were investigated.
38 a were able to inhibit alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase activities.
39                            The assessment of alpha amylase activity is carried out by the quenching o
40                              The increase in alpha-amylase activity and protein reduction status was
41 otein and negatively with monomeric protein, alpha-amylase activity and sodium carbonate solvent rete
42 purified protein immunoprecipitated secreted alpha-amylase activity and verified the enzymatic identi
43 ensor coatings suitable for the detection of alpha-amylase activity have been developed.
44 imilar acceleration in the appearance of the alpha-amylase activity in deembryonated transgenic grain
45 a paper-sensor for quantitative detection of alpha-amylase activity in human blood serum.
46                           The measurement of alpha-amylase activity in serum and urine has been used
47     This work provides new insights into how alpha-amylase activity may be regulated in the chloropla
48                               Flour with low alpha-amylase activity needs to be supplemented with add
49 sed satisfactorily for the assessment of the alpha-amylase activity over activity range (3-321U/L) in
50                                    Assays of alpha-amylase activity reveal that GA-induced alpha-amyl
51                   In germinating brown rice, alpha-amylase activity was significantly higher in treat
52 in the rate of germination and appearance of alpha-amylase activity with a 1.6- to 2.8-fold increase
53 seaweeds appeared to be potent inhibitors of alpha-amylase activity with an IC50 of (0.075+/-0.010-0.
54 d ABA reduced, whereas applied GA3 increased alpha-amylase activity.
55 3.5 exhibited the highest ability to inhibit alpha-amylase activity.
56 hioredoxin h on germination and the onset of alpha-amylase activity.
57 salicylic acid (DNSA) method for determining alpha-amylase activity.
58 d as an optical sensor for the assessment of alpha-amylase activity.
59                      Enzymes (amylolytic and alpha-amylase) activity increased at both temperatures f
60 plemented with additional alpha-amylase, but alpha-amylase added to weak flour can lead to decreased
61 , lysozyme, and isoforms and/or fragments of alpha-amylase, albumin, and proline-rich proteins.
62 , myricetin showed the highest inhibition of alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase and lipase (IC50: 0.38m
63 wards metabolic syndrome-associated enzymes (alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase and lipase) was evaluat
64 ssays, all PSP samples inhibited the enzymes alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase and xanthine oxidase.
65 ssociated with metabolic syndrome, including alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase, lipase and hydroxyl me
66 erol absorption via their ability to inhibit alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase, sodium-glucose transpo
67 that the cell wall anchored starch-degrading alpha-amylase, Amy13K of E. rectale harbors five CBMs th
68        Here we report that the chloroplastic alpha-amylase AMY3, a starch-degrading enzyme, interfere
69 obus solfataricus secretes an acid-resistant alpha-amylase (amyA) during growth on starch as the sole
70 oxidant properties and inhibitory effects on alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase activities.
71 es were determined by evaluating the lipase, alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase activities.
72                  Some monoterpenes inhibited alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase activity and stimula
73 lth-promoting benefits (anticancer activity, alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase inhibition, angioten
74 rch was to evaluate extracts of seaweeds for alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory effects.
75 llet cultivars showed superior inhibition of alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase than foxtail millet
76 activities and inhibitory properties against alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase were investigated.
77 activities and are also potent inhibitors of alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase.
78 eat sources of strong natural inhibitors for alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase.
79         The effect of two different enzymes, alpha-amylase and amyloglucosidase, and their combinatio
80                Five Pinto bean peptides with alpha-amylase and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) in
81 ny growth of coleoptiles and any increase of alpha-amylase and beta-glucanase activity.
82                                     However, alpha-amylase and cellulase incubation caused significan
83 s casei rhamnosus) and tri-enzyme (protease, alpha-amylase and chicken pancreas conjugase) extraction
84       Type II tannin sorghum did not inhibit alpha-amylase and consequently the NaOH treatment had no
85 ed as an index of fear arousal, and salivary alpha-amylase and cortisol concentrations were assayed a
86 viewed in a sequential manner beginning with alpha-amylase and followed by alpha-glucosidase to produ
87 testinal extract containing a combination of alpha-amylase and mucosal alpha-glucosidase activities,
88  had inhibitory effects on the activities of alpha-amylase and pancreatic lipase, while they rendered
89 egrees C (applying a dienzyme treatment with alpha-amylase and protease).
90 e results clarify the biological role of the alpha-amylase and provide additional methods for the dir
91 e in chloride affinity between the wild-type alpha-amylase and the K300R mutant, in good agreement wi
92 d on starch included the major extracellular alpha-amylase and two distinct alpha-glucanotransferases
93                                Inhibition of alpha-amylase and/or alpha-glucosidases is a strategy fo
94 ligosaccharide complex structures of various alpha-amylases and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase and r
95  enzymes for starch: salivary and pancreatic alpha-amylases and four mucosal alpha-glucosidases, incl
96  ABA prevents the transcription of genes for alpha-amylases and other secreted hydrolytic enzymes, bu
97 unction of storage time, usage of maltogenic alpha-amylases and spatial position in the loaf by textu
98 th four carbohydrases viscozyme, celluclast, alpha-amylase, and amyloglucosidase, and then extracted
99  pancreatic extract containing predominantly alpha-amylase, and intestinal extract containing a combi
100 starch hydrolysis (e.g. cell wall invertase, alpha-amylase, and starch phosphorylase) were expressed
101                                         Anti-alpha-amylase antibodies raised against the purified pro
102 alpha-amylase by Western blotting using anti-alpha-amylase antibodies.
103                                              alpha-Amylases are glucan hydrolases that cleave alpha-1
104 203A/Y276A/W284A/W316A/W388A; human salivary alpha-amylase aromatic residue multiple mutant (HSAmy-ar
105  quantification (0.025-1000IU/L) compared to alpha-amylase assays in current clinical use.
106      For this purpose, alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase assays were assessed; among all bean ecoty
107                                              alpha-Amylase at 37 degrees C during 15min followed by a
108 ubjected to hydrolysis by porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase at 37 degrees C for several digestion time
109                      Thermal inactivation of alpha-amylase at 67 degrees C resulted in first-order ki
110 s essential for the stability of P. furiosus alpha-amylase at very high temperatures.
111 sp197, Glu233, His299, Asp300 and His305 for alpha-amylase; (b) His353, Ala354, His383, Glu384, His38
112 ctivities of the germination-related enzymes alpha-amylase, beta-amylase and beta-glucanase varied by
113                                              alpha-Amylase binds three cyclodextrin molecules.
114                        The assessment of the alpha amylase biomarker by the proposed method increases
115 rmostable variants of Bacillus licheniformis alpha-amylase (BLA) that result from the incorporation o
116 ) and Bacillus stearothermophilus maltogenic alpha-amylase (BStA) can be used jointly.
117 ket bakers are exposed not only to flour and alpha-amylase but also to other 'improver' enzymes, the
118 n acinar cell cytoplasm and colocalizes with alpha-amylase but is not detected in pancreatic islets.
119 ity needs to be supplemented with additional alpha-amylase, but alpha-amylase added to weak flour can
120 mately 58-kDa protein that was identified as alpha-amylase by Western blotting using anti-alpha-amyla
121 ling in barley, we studied the regulation of alpha-amylases by SA and a WRKY gene whose expression is
122                          In vascular plants, alpha-amylases can be classified into three subfamilies.
123 ed anthocyanins inhibited the human salivary alpha-amylase catalyzed hydrolysis competitively.
124           However, the presence of xylanase, alpha-amylase, cellulase and lipase resulted in bread wi
125                                           In alpha-amylase, chloride is bound in a specific buried si
126                                              alpha-Amylase combined with the mucosal alpha-glucosidas
127 ns with active site residues of T. castaneum alpha-amylase compared to C. chinensis alpha-amylase, wh
128 here is a high-molecular-weight glycoprotein-alpha-amylase complex which is capable of inhibiting GTF
129 r reviewed our X-ray diffraction analysis of alpha-amylase complexed with alpha-cyclodextrin.
130  for larger systems such as human pancreatic alpha-amylase, concanavalin, Pichia pastoris lysyl oxida
131 ve achieved a highly linear response against alpha-amylase concentration.
132 the substrate-binding site of human salivary alpha-amylase contains two residues Trp58 and Trp59, whi
133 oteins were identified, of which five [i.e., alpha-amylase; copper zinc superoxide dismutase; protein
134 ) as well as acinar-specific markers-namely, alpha-amylase, cystatin C, TMEM16A, and NKCC1.
135  of potential functional divergences for the alpha-amylase, D-isomer-specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydroge
136   The lack of bedside monitoring devices for alpha-amylase detection has hitherto restricted the clin
137 se, and maltotetraose, the major products of alpha-amylase digestion.
138 ion of genes encoding high-isoelectric point alpha-amylase during grain development and that the LMA
139  forms of starch and their interactions with alpha-amylases during processing.
140 s in increased expression of the S. gordonii alpha-amylase-encoding gene amyB.
141 nels, lower density kernels displayed higher alpha-amylase, endoxylanase, and peptidase activities as
142 erized for the assessment of the activity of alpha amylase enzyme in urine and serum samples for earl
143 essing alpha-amylase secretion or inhibiting alpha-amylase enzyme activities.
144  hydrolysis of starch in a model system with alpha-amylase enzyme.
145 the synthesis of SLN1 led to derepression of alpha-amylase even in the absence of GA.
146 ase, PKABA1, is known to suppress GA-induced alpha-amylase expression, PKABA1 RNAi did not hamper the
147  they have no effect on GAMyb-transactivated alpha-amylase expression.
148                                     Diastase alpha-amylase extracted from malt, catalyses break down
149 roduct, a novel protein with homology to the alpha-amylase family of glycosyl hydrolases, and UGP1, a
150 ion curves obtained using porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase for a range of particle size fractions.
151 ction, including how GAS uses human salivary alpha-amylase for its own metabolic benefit.
152 the most effective (IC50: 0.25mg/mL) against alpha-amylase; Fraction V from black turtle bean was the
153             The immobilization of maltogenic alpha-amylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus (BsMa) on
154                                   Maltogenic alpha-amylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus (BStA) is
155                                 Glycosylated alpha-amylase from germinated wheat seeds (Triticum aest
156                      A maltotetraose-forming alpha-amylase from Pseudomonas saccharophila (PSA) was r
157                                Particularly, alpha-amylases from Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera) w
158 rAhAI showed differential inhibition against alpha-amylases from human, insects, fungi and bacteria.
159                         To better understand alpha-amylase function and regulation, the structural ge
160 ses GA-induced expression of a barley low pI alpha-amylase gene (Amy32b).
161  be involved in sugar- and hormone-regulated alpha-amylase gene expression in rice.
162  be involved in sugar- and hormone-regulated alpha-amylase genes expression in rice.
163                                Expression of alpha-amylase genes in rice is induced not only by sugar
164 essible WRKY genes inhibit the expression of alpha-amylase genes in rice, we studied the steady state
165                        Promoters of two rice alpha-amylase genes, alphaAmy3 and alphaAmy8, have been
166                                   Industrial alpha-amylases have been used for many years to mitigate
167  cross-reactivity to mealworm tropomyosin or alpha-amylase, hexamerin 1B precursor and muscle myosin,
168                               Human salivary alpha-amylase (HSAmy) has three distinct functions relev
169                               Human salivary alpha-amylase (HSAMY) is a major component of salivary s
170 show that the changes of chloride binding to alpha-amylase, human serum albumin (HSA) and Omp32 with
171                                              alpha-Amylase hydrolyses starch molecules to produce sma
172  and 2885 +/- 85.4 mug/ml, respectively) and alpha-amylase (IC50 343 +/- 26.2 and 167 +/- 6.12 mug/ml
173 ractions displayed strong inhibition towards alpha-amylase [IC50, 108.68 mug/ml (bran) and 148.23 mug
174 nnatifida showed inhibitory activity against alpha-amylase, IC50 0.74+/-0.02mg/ml and 0.81+/-0.03mg/m
175         We have developed a highly sensitive alpha-amylase immunosensor platform, produced via in sit
176  in commercially unacceptably high levels of alpha-amylase in harvest-ripe grain in the absence of ra
177 The adoption of an enzymatic treatment, with alpha-amylase in order to reduce the paste viscosity of
178 rates of sensitization to enzymes other than alpha-amylase in UK supermarket bakers; in only a small
179 agin was a very effective inhibitor of human alpha-amylase in vitro, comparable to the drug acarbose.
180 ations and conditions for the application of alpha-amylases in sugarcane processing are discussed in
181 nhibitory effect of ABA on the expression of alpha-amylase, indicating that a PKABA1-independent sign
182                           Thus far, only the alpha-amylase inhibition activity has been described for
183 ype III sorghum caused a 60-80% reduction in alpha-amylase inhibition compared to a 20% reduction by
184                                              alpha-Amylase inhibition of WSEs were >34% in both milk
185 ivities, inhibition of alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase, inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzy
186 iadin, high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin, alpha-amylase inhibitor (AAI) dimer, and wheat lipid tra
187 l reductase (Tri a 27) and the wheat dimeric alpha-amylase inhibitor 0.19 (Tri a 28).
188 5 components, Tri a 27, Tri a 28, tetrameric alpha-amylase inhibitor CM2 (Tri a 29.02), serine protea
189                   The smallest 32 amino acid alpha-amylase inhibitor from Amaranthus hypochondriacus
190 sfully combined as deemed fit to enhance the alpha-amylase inhibitor peptide discovery.
191                              Antioxidant and alpha-amylase inhibitor peptides were successfully extra
192 B/POZ proteins (BTB), Glutaredoxins, Trypsin alpha-amylase inhibitor proteins, and Zf-Dof proteins.
193 rty not observed in any other class of human alpha-amylase inhibitor studied to date.
194 , which is modified from the beta-hairpin of alpha-amylase inhibitor tendamistat (residues 15-23), is
195 oxidant peptides, whereas seven peptides for alpha-amylase inhibitor.
196 as to characterize the expression of various alpha-amylase inhibitors (alphaAIs), well known anti-nut
197 e was observed in total starch content (TS), alpha-amylase inhibitors activity (alphaAI) and eGI valu
198                                 Cystine knot alpha-amylase inhibitors are cysteine-rich, proline-rich
199      Similar to other knottins, cystine knot alpha-amylase inhibitors are highly resistant to degrada
200 ur results expand membership of cystine knot alpha-amylase inhibitors in the Apocynaceae family and t
201              Here, we show that cystine knot alpha-amylase inhibitors named alstotides discovered fro
202 nd one disulfide bond conserved within known alpha-amylase inhibitors were present in AhAI.
203 ne motif superfamily of protease inhibitors, alpha-amylase inhibitors, seed storage proteins, and lip
204  phenolic compounds and alginates are potent alpha-amylase inhibitors, thereby potentially retarding
205 characteristics shared by other cystine knot alpha-amylase inhibitors.
206                                          The alpha-amylase inhibitory activities ranged from 52.5 to
207  S/E ratio and temperature, gave the highest alpha-amylase inhibitory activity (57.5%).
208  (i.e., ABTS (42.2%) and FRAP (0.81 mM)) and alpha-amylase inhibitory activity (62.1%), was then subj
209 ted protein co-precipitates showed increased alpha-amylase inhibitory activity compared to non-sonica
210 thod for the detection and quantification of alpha-amylase inhibitory activity using the glucose assa
211                  The range of the values for alpha-amylase inhibitory activity was 10.03-23.33mM, whe
212  exhibited the highest alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase inhibitory activity with IC50=1.1+/-0.1mug
213 e loss of ABTS, DPPH scavenging activity and alpha-amylase inhibitory capacity, whereas the incorpora
214                                     However, alpha-amylase inhibitory effect of the VJ (IC50: 41muM)
215 cts of Ascophyllum nodosum had the strongest alpha-amylase inhibitory effect with IC50 values of 53.6
216 tential phenolic compounds and alginates for alpha-amylase inhibitory effects.
217 to develop an efficient workflow to discover alpha-amylase inhibitory peptides from cumin seed.
218 strated for three camelid VHH domain-porcine alpha-amylase interactions.
219                    The effect is larger when alpha-amylase is added.
220                                              alpha-amylase is an established marker for diagnosis of
221                These studies show that human alpha-amylase is present in the female lower genital tra
222 urther challenges the conventional view that alpha-amylase is the only rate-determining enzyme involv
223 ity, galvanic skin conductance, and salivary alpha-amylase levels compared to sham.
224                                Late maturity alpha-amylase (LMA) is a genetic defect that is commonly
225 After 72 h at 40 degrees C, only trypsin and alpha-amylase maintained high activity.
226  the salivary step (pH 6.9, 5 min, 3.9 units alpha-amylase/ml), the gastric step (pH 2, 90 min, 71.2
227        Eight mRNAs, barley (Hordeum vulgare) alpha-amylase mRNA, rabbit beta-hemoglobin mRNA, Arabido
228                                       Barley alpha-amylase, oat globulin, and rabbit beta-hemoglobin
229                                       Barley alpha-amylase, oat globulin, and satellite tobacco necro
230                   The effect of xylanase and alpha-amylase on DON content depended on the fermentatio
231 cosidases can have a synergistic effect with alpha-amylase on granular starch digestion, consistent w
232  was inhibited by GIF but not by uncomplexed alpha-amylase or an unrelated high-molecular-weight glyc
233 mix' enzymes without sensitization to either alpha-amylase or flour.
234                 Pre-treatment of ginger with alpha-amylase or viscozyme followed by extraction with a
235 imultaneously co-immobilizing three enzymes; alpha-amylase, pectinase and cellulase onto amino-functi
236                                     Internal alpha-amylase peptide sequences obtained by tandem mass
237  (ABA) and gibberellins (GA) in pre-maturity alpha-amylase (PMA) formation in developing wheat grain,
238 stion of potato starch by porcine pancreatic alpha amylase (PPAA) was investigated using isolated sta
239 K-Q-7 strain also showed a 94.1% increase in alpha-amylase production compared with NK-DeltaLP strain
240 lpha-amylase activity reveal that GA-induced alpha-amylase production in aleurone cells is inhibited
241 play a role include chloroplast development, alpha-amylase production in aleurone tissue, NO-dependen
242 idase gene driven by the GA-inducible Amy32b alpha-amylase promoter (Amy32b-GUS) and the ABA-inducibl
243 series of base substitution mutations in the alpha-amylase promoter (amyP).
244 ent specifically represses GA-induced Amy32b alpha-amylase promoter but not abscisic acid-induced HVA
245          The barley (Hordeum vulgare) Amy32b alpha-amylase promoter contains at least five cis-acting
246  the ABA-repressible and GA-inducible Amy32b alpha-amylase promoter reporter construct (Amy32b-GUS) b
247 rge T Ag oncoprotein as a transgene from the alpha-amylase promoter, resulting in the development of
248 of HvGAMYB to the cis-acting elements in the alpha-amylase promoter.
249 ptimization of trienzyme treatment combining alpha-amylase, protease and gamma-carboxy peptidase allo
250 hibitors) or even different hydrolases (e.g. alpha-amylase/protease inhibitors preventing both early
251 or the detection of immunosuppressant drugs, alpha-amylase protein, or protease activity of thrombin
252                      The predominant form of alpha-amylase purified from saliva of various races and
253 rect therapeutic dose of drugs used to treat alpha-amylase related diseases.
254 mination of the embryo and the appearance of alpha-amylase released by the aleurone.
255  TAKA-term and Pyrococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 alpha-amylases, respectively) even without adding Ca(2+)
256    Although Ca(2+) is known to contribute to alpha-amylase's stability, the absence of two out of the
257 nt study examined salivary CORT and salivary alpha-amylase (sAA), an indirect measure of NE, in relat
258               Salivary cortisol and salivary alpha-amylase (sAA), heart rate (HR), respiratory sinus
259 resistance (TER), and polarized secretion of alpha-amylase secretion after beta-adrenergic receptor s
260 ibitory effect is unlikely due to repressing alpha-amylase secretion or inhibiting alpha-amylase enzy
261                                   Dispensing alpha-amylase solution on the starch-iodine coated paper
262                        Covalently binding an alpha-amylase specific antibody to a polyaniline (PANI)
263 tential function of cysteines in P. furiosus alpha-amylase stability, these five residues were substi
264 milar rotation was observed in the mammalian alpha-amylase structure caused by an equivalent tryptoph
265  as the catalytic nucleophile in other plant alpha-amylases such as the barley AMY1.
266                            GLU bound blotted alpha-amylase, suggesting that the latter molecule is th
267 yrococcus furiosus produces an extracellular alpha-amylase that belongs to glycosyl hydrolases' famil
268 induces and ABA suppresses the expression of alpha-amylases that are essential for the utilization of
269  PKABA1 strongly inhibit the GA induction of alpha-amylase, they have no effect on GAMyb-transactivat
270  how the mucosal alpha-glucosidases act with alpha-amylase to digest granular starch.
271 y work either independently or together with alpha-amylase to digest starch.
272   Starch digestion involves the breakdown by alpha-amylase to small linear and branched malto-oligosa
273                                  Addition of alpha-amylase to the solution resulted in the rapid degr
274 ng after starch is extensively hydrolyzed by alpha-amylase (to produce alpha-limit dextrins (alpha-LD
275 xyl radical scavenging assay, except for the alpha-amylase treated sample, all other samples demonstr
276                                              Alpha-amylase/trypsin bi-functional inhibitors (ATIs) ar
277 In this work, the allergen Tri a 30 (the CM3 alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitor) was quantified in durum
278                              We identify the alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitors (ATIs) CM3 and 0.19, pe
279                                              alpha-Amylase/trypsin inhibitors were also found to be i
280 n classes, such as LTPs, omega5-gliadins and alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitors.
281                 The effect of application of alpha-amylase, viscozyme, cellulase, protease and pectin
282 es including beta-amylase, isoamylase 3, and alpha-amylase was also reduced in the myb305 plants.
283  Enzyme susceptibility of granular starch to alpha-amylase was not affected.
284 ts to bind to bovine serum albumin (BSA) and alpha-amylase was studied by fluorescence quenching of p
285 raphy with human saliva and Tenebrio molitor alpha-amylases was used to assay inhibition activity.
286 um and Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera) alpha-amylases were completely inhibited.
287                   Mutant SSCSA and wild-type alpha-amylases were strongly destabilized by dithiothrei
288 s not inhibit the synthesis and secretion of alpha-amylase when Cl- ions are omitted from the incubat
289 aneum alpha-amylase compared to C. chinensis alpha-amylase, which could be the rationale behind the d
290 ap has shown that crystals of pig pancreatic alpha-amylase, whose structure we reported more than 15
291 le inhibitor of porcine and human pancreatic alpha-amylase with an IC(50) value of 0.026 and 0.025 mM
292 c acid was found to be a potent inhibitor of alpha-amylase with an IC50 value of 0.046+/-0.004mg/ml.
293 characterization of these gene products, one alpha-amylase with exceptional process compatibility and
294 erum albumin (HSA) and Omp32 with pH, and of alpha-amylase with mutation agree well with experimental
295 sures via the salivary analytes cortisol and alpha-amylase with self-assessments of psychosomatic str
296 arch forms were evaluated for two commercial alpha-amylases with high (HT) and intermediate (IT) temp
297 d inhibition of bacterial and human salivary alpha-amylases with IC50 values of 0.11 and 0.04mumol, r
298 microbial DNA libraries was used to identify alpha-amylases with phenotypic characteristics compatibl
299 e properties among other characterized plant alpha-amylases, with a pH optimum of 7.5-8, appropriate
300                 Additionally, combination of alpha-amylase, xylanase and cellulase had a synergetic e

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