


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  addition of an antimuscarinic therapy to an alpha-blocker.
2 verine, and solifenacin), with or without an alpha-blocker.
3 of disease progression during treatment with alpha-blocker.
4 riamterene and hydrochlorothiazide, and 1 an alpha-blocker.
5 lls could be a marker for treatment with TNF-alpha blockers.
6 ing these cell types unlikely targets of TNF-alpha blockers.
7  are normalized in patients treated with TNF-alpha blockers.
8  enzyme inhibitors, and 1 of 1 RCT (100%) of alpha-blockers.
9                       Combination therapy of alpha-blocker and 5alpha-reductase inhibitor results in
10 patients benefit from combination therapy of alpha-blocker and 5alpha-reductase inhibitor.
11 omatic benign prostatic hyperplasia is still alpha-blockers and 5alpha-reductase inhibitors.
12 population, such that an interaction between alpha-blockers and prostate cancer risk is clinically re
13 inhibitors, calcium channel blockers (CCBs), alpha-blockers, and angiotensin receptor blockers-was si
14               Medical expulsive therapy with alpha-blockers appears to be efficacious, shortening the
15                                              alpha-Blockers are no longer recommended as add-on thera
16 ent (calcium-channel antagonists, diuretics, alpha-blockers, beta-blockers, and centrally acting agen
17 e inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blockers, alpha-blockers, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers,
18 ical centers were analyzed, including use of alpha-blockers (both selective and nonselective), IFIS,
19                     HF-HP and HF-LP received alpha-blockers (chlorpromazine and/or prazosin).
20 t declines in the use of doxazosin and other alpha-blockers coincided with the early termination of t
21      PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To determine whether alpha-blockers, commonly used for the treatment of benig
22 , Enbrel), which is a tumour necrosis factor alpha blocker currently used to treat rheumatoid arthrit
23 zyme inhibitor (lisinopril; n = 8233), or an alpha-blocker (doxazosin; n = 8195).
24  between 1996 and 2002, including changes in alpha-blocker drug prices, generic conversion, drug prom
25 cted comparing the safety and efficacy of an alpha blocker-finasteride combination versus placebo in
26 ior prostate surgery and men who were taking alpha-blockers for urinary tract symptoms, 708 participa
27   Patients given calcium-channel blockers or alpha blockers had a 65% (absolute risk reduction=0.31 9
28          Additionally, tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockers have been shown to be effective in the tr
29                             RECENT FINDINGS: Alpha-blockers have been associated with a reduced risk
30 r, this relationship is complex as different alpha-blockers have divergent effects in laboratory stud
31 tors (ACEIs), calcium antagonists (CCBs) and alpha-blockers in preventing one or more major clinical
32 e of antimuscarinics, in combination with an alpha-blocker, in men with an overactive bladder and sum
33                                Compared with alpha-blockers, low-dose diuretics were associated with
34 cantly to this decline although cessation of alpha-blocker marketing may have hastened the decline.
35 n patients who were not premedicated with an alpha-blocker (n = 5) had a higher level of systolic blo
36               There were steady increases in alpha-blocker new prescriptions, dispensed prescriptions
37  with alpha-adrenergic-receptor antagonists (alpha-blockers) or 5alpha-reductase inhibitors.
38               Patients premedicated with the alpha-blocker phenoxybenzamine appear to have a reduced
39 2% of patients with IFIS (428/569) had taken alpha-blockers preoperatively (P < .00001).
40        A total of 1254 patients (25.5%) took alpha-blockers preoperatively (selective, 587; nonselect
41            Between 1999 and 2002, new annual alpha-blocker prescription orders declined by 26% (from
42                Treatment options include new alpha-blockers, psychological intervention, and prostate
43 ed during healing, administration of the TNF-alpha blocker reduced apoptosis of bone-lining cells by
44 increase in risk associated with exposure to alpha-blockers require replication and warrant further i
45 whether treatment with tumor necrosis factor alpha blockers results in further increased incidence of
46 ta are provided, doxazosin, and probably all alpha-blockers, should no longer be used as first-line a
47 ies have shown the efficacy of new selective alpha-blockers (silodosin and naftopidil); however, ther
48 veractive bladder) following therapy with an alpha-blocker, the addition of an antimuscarinic therapy
49 ungal therapy and the safety of resuming TNF-alpha blocker therapy after successful treatment of hist
50                            Resumption of TNF-alpha blocker therapy also appears safe, assuming that t
51                                          TNF-alpha blocker therapy was initially discontinued in 95 o
52 atients with recurrence, 2 had restarted TNF-alpha blocker therapy, 1 of whom died.
53 s may complicate tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha blocker therapy.
54 nercept and infliximab have showed these TNF-alpha blockers to be well tolerated and effective in the
55           The routine use of antibiotics and alpha-blockers to treat chronic abacterial prostatitis i
56                        Tumor necrosis factor alpha blocker use was associated with better antibody re
57                        Tumor necrosis factor alpha blocker use was associated with better serologic r
58 t, there was a slightly higher prevalence of alpha-blocker use in case vs control patients (32% vs 30
59                    The pooled risk ratio for alpha blockers was 1.54 (1.29-1.85) and for calcium-chan
60  trials in which calcium-channel blockers or alpha blockers were used to treat ureteral stones were e
61  trials in which calcium-channel blockers or alpha blockers were used to treat urinary stone disease.

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