


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and the N-terminal amino acids 117 to 161 of alpha-catenin.
2 nhancing the interactions between DE-Cad and alpha-Catenin.
3 vicinity to the amino-terminal VH1 domain of alpha-catenin.
4 n beta-catenin and the actin-binding protein alpha-catenin.
5 association with vinculin's binding partner, alpha-catenin.
6 asmic domain of classical cadherins and with alpha-catenin.
7 termediate binding proteins beta-catenin and alpha-catenin.
8 x20 and the cytoskeletal remodeling protein, alpha-catenin.
9 n the heart, is a constitutive actin-binding alpha-catenin.
10 force-dependent conformational activation of alpha-catenin.
11 h increased protein levels of E-cadherin and alpha-catenin.
12  least partly to be intrinsic to the loss of alpha-catenin.
13 siRNA increased the levels of E-cadherin and alpha-catenin.
14 d substrates reduced the levels of activated alpha-catenin.
15 atenin complex and actin that is mediated by alpha-catenin.
16 in filament-bundling protein, which bound to alpha-catenin.
17 that can interact with both the cadherin and alpha-catenin.
18 d beta-catenin through its interactions with alpha-catenin.
19 1A mutant bound more vinculin than wild-type alpha-catenin.
20 cal cadherins to the F-actin-binding protein alpha-catenin.
21 d to the activated state remains unknown for alpha-catenin.
22 een the actin-binding domain and the rest of alpha-catenin.
23 volving multistate conformational changes of alpha-catenin.
24 a-catenin ubiquitylation requires binding to alpha-catenin.
25  of the N-cadherin complex in the absence of alpha-catenin.
26 sense mutations in the CTNNA1 gene (encoding alpha-catenin 1) in three families with butterfly-shaped
27 ere we show that in the presence of F-actin, alpha-catenin, a cytoplasmic component of the cadherin a
28 n E-cadherin expression was not dependent on alpha-catenin, a DLC1-binding protein associated with E-
29 Here we show that the APC CID interacts with alpha-catenin, a Hippo signaling regulator and heterodim
30        Additionally, our studies reveal that alpha-catenin, a molecule previously implicated in tumor
31 ere, we report the identification of p100 as alpha-catenin, a vinculin-related protein involved in ad
32 ofiling and biochemical analyses reveal that alpha-catenin ablation is accompanied by activation of N
33 pling these clusters with F-actin through an alpha-catenin actin-binding domain (alphaABD) dramatical
34 .beta-catenin complex, and the effect of the alpha-catenin actin-binding domain on beta-catenin assoc
35  to actin and used them to probe the role of alpha-catenin-actin interactions in adherens junctions.
36 itching and vinculin recruitment reveal that alpha-catenin activation and vinculin recruitment occur
37 lt-bridge mutations R551A and D503N enhances alpha-catenin activation in live cells, but R551A has a
38 idges within the force-sensing core modulate alpha-catenin activation.
39                   We show that reductions in alpha-catenin, activation of NF-kappaB, and inflammation
40                   We find that a decrease in alpha-catenin activity causes the anterior fold to invag
41      The mechanosensitive junctional protein alpha-catenin acts through vinculin and Ena/VASP protein
42                      Thus a VE-cadherin-PAR3-alpha-catenin adhesion complex regulates cPLA(2)alpha re
43                Biochemical data suggest that alpha-catenin adopts an autoinhibitory conformation, in
44                                Activation of alpha-catenin allows it to interact with vinculin in add
45       These results suggest that the loss of alpha-catenin alone drastically reduces the adhesive for
46                                              alpha-Catenin (alpha-cat) is an actin-binding protein re
47 here the AJ components E-cadherin (E-cad) or alpha-catenin (alpha-cat) were knocked down.
48  The function of the actin-binding domain of alpha-catenin, alphaABD, including its possible role in
49  characterize the expression of two forms of alpha-catenin, alphaE-catenin and alphaN-catenin, in the
50 tified the adherens junction molecule neural alpha-catenin (alphaN-catenin) as a Snail2 target gene w
51 dynamics of GFP-tagged wild-type and mutated alpha-catenins, altered for their binding capability to
52  actin cytoskeleton through beta-catenin and alpha-catenin, although the quaternary complex has never
53      Interestingly, PC3 cells do not express alpha-catenin, an actin binding protein in the cadherin
54                                              Alpha-catenin, an integral part of cadherin-catenin adhe
55 el function for alpha-catulin and imply that alpha-catenin and alpha-catulin have distinct activities
56 mmunoprecipitation studies further show that alpha-catenin and APC are recruited with beta-catenin to
57  graded for histology, expression pattern of alpha-catenin and beta-catenin, and IQGAP1.
58                   beta-Catenin in turn binds alpha-catenin and connects the AJ complex with the actin
59   Of importance, reverse genetics shows that alpha-catenin and delta-catenin, but not beta-catenin, r
60 al borders, but was linked to recruitment of alpha-catenin and dephosphorylation of N-cadherin-linked
61                 The hybrid junctions recruit alpha-catenin and exhibit remodeled cortical actin.
62       We show that simultaneous depletion of alpha-catenin and focal adhesion kinase or p21-activated
63 anotransmitter, allowing vinculin binding to alpha-catenin and formation of a secondary molecular bon
64  and p120ctn, as well as the dissociation of alpha-catenin and gamma-catenin from VE-cadherin.
65 rce-dependent binding of vinculin stabilizes alpha-catenin and is responsible for AJ adaptation to fo
66 veal that Merlin can associate directly with alpha-catenin and link it to Par3, thereby providing an
67 haken about the other two major AJ catenins, alpha-catenin and p120-catenin.
68 ype beta-catenin that contain, respectively, alpha-catenin and postsynaptic density-95 (PSD-95)/discs
69 of E-cadherin and increased the abundance of alpha-catenin and stabilizing proteins in adherens junct
70 ins, also increased levels of E-cadherin and alpha-catenin and stimulated formation of adherens junct
71 fines evolutionarily conserved properties of alpha-catenin and suggests that multiple mechanisms regu
72  evidence that EPLIN interacts directly with alpha-catenin and tethers the VE-cadherin.catenin comple
73     We further show that Jub associates with alpha-catenin and that its localization to adherens junc
74 lin must be in an activated state to bind to alpha-catenin and that this interaction is stabilized by
75 ntercellular Ecad/Ecad bond strength through alpha-catenin and the kinase activity of glycogen syntha
76 e human parental breast cancer cells lacking alpha-catenin and these cells where alpha-catenin is re-
77 ntly exhibit loss of cadherin, beta-catenin, alpha-catenin and/or vinculin, key elements of adherens
78 nt-insoluble protein fraction of E-cadherin, alpha-catenin, and beta-catenin, consistent with the kno
79 e tension-dependent recruitment of vinculin, alpha-catenin, and F-actin as a function of stiffness, a
80 e requires beta-catenin, but not cadherin or alpha-catenin, and muscle-expressed beta-integrin is non
81 g fluorescent fusion proteins of beta-Actin, alpha-Catenin, and the ERM family member Moesin1 (Moesin
82  to p120-catenin nor beta-catenin binding to alpha-catenin, and thereby the actin cytoskeleton, is re
83 ect on the adherens junction, as deletion of alpha-catenin, another component of the complex, did not
84 , mechanical and force-sensing properties of alpha-catenin are critical to its proper function.
85 n to adherens junctions and association with alpha-catenin are promoted by cytoskeletal tension.
86  mobilities of E-cadherin, beta-catenin, and alpha-catenin are similar, regardless of the dynamic sta
87               These studies demonstrate that alpha-catenins are critical regulators of Yap, a transcr
88                                              alpha-Catenins are important mediators of cell-cell adhe
89                                We identified alpha-catenin as a predominant miR-9 target.
90 atenin may serve as a link between AChRs and alpha-catenin-associated cytoskeleton, revealing a novel
91 rane domain (JMD) diminished the turnover of alpha-catenin at adherens junctions as measured by fluor
92 (Ecad) and binding partners beta-catenin and alpha-catenin at adherens junctions.
93 on via CK2alpha-dependent phosphorylation of alpha-catenin at S641.
94 th diminished localization of E-cadherin and alpha-catenin at the sites of adherens junctions.
95   Interestingly, tyrosine phosphorylation of alpha-catenin at Y177 disrupts binding to APC but not be
96 ention of beta-catenin from interacting with alpha-catenin attenuated agrin-induced AChR clustering.
97 wn magi-1 or afd-1 function in a hypomorphic alpha-catenin background leads to complete morphogenetic
98 n between normal and cancer cells as well as alpha-catenin-based intercellular adhesion of the normal
99                                 We show that alpha-catenin becomes Tyr phosphorylated in intercellula
100 ble conformation change further reveals that alpha-catenin behaves like an elastic spring in series w
101  We establish that the junctional components alpha-catenin, beta-catenin, and cadherin become highly
102                    The expression pattern of alpha-catenin, beta-catenin, and IQGAP1 varied with cell
103 d suggests that multiple mechanisms regulate alpha-catenin binding to F-actin.
104 inding to BCL9 without affecting cadherin or alpha-catenin binding.
105                                    Monomeric alpha-catenin binds more strongly to E-cadherin-beta-cat
106 rmore, unlike all known vinculin activators, alpha-catenin binds to and activates vinculin independen
107                                     Although alpha-catenin binds to beta-catenin and to F-actin, beta
108 ltiple Wnt regulatory complexes reveals that alpha-catenin binds with beta-catenin to LEF-1/TCF DNA-b
109                 The dogma according to which alpha-catenin bridges cadherin.beta-catenin complexes to
110 43-1066) that is capable of interacting with alpha-catenin but unable to target into focal adhesions.
111                                              alpha-Catenin can bind beta-catenin and F-actin, but in
112                                  As a dimer, alpha-catenin can bind to actin filaments, affecting the
113                                As a monomer, alpha-catenin can bind to beta-catenin, which localizes
114 his static model into question, showing that alpha-catenin can directly regulate actin dynamics.
115                 It is currently thought that alpha-catenin cannot simultaneously bind beta-catenin an
116                    In contrast, depletion of alpha-catenin caused long-term disruption of junctions.
117                               The absence of alpha-catenin causes a dominant negative effect on both
118 teins, we show that desmosomal cadherins and alpha-catenin compete directly for binding to plakoglobi
119 mensional model of the cadherin.beta-catenin.alpha-catenin complex based on these new structural data
120          The classical cadherin.beta-catenin.alpha-catenin complex mediates homophilic cell-cell adhe
121                                     The DLC1-alpha-catenin complex reduced the Rho GTP level at the p
122 es to regulate chemotactic response and ZO-1/alpha-catenin complexes to regulate endothelial barrier
123 t cell-cell junctions by using an engineered alpha-catenin conformation sensor based on fluorescence
124 cence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based alpha-catenin conformation sensor demonstrated that each
125 cells, the relative rates of force-dependent alpha-catenin conformation switching and vinculin recrui
126 gested how the salt-bridge mutants alter the alpha-catenin conformation, and identified a novel load-
127 ference between the active and autoinhibited alpha-catenin conformers.
128 vidence that in the cadherin-catenin complex alpha-catenin contributes to the binding strength of ano
129                                Precisely how alpha-catenin contributes to the formation and stabiliza
130                                              alpha-catenin controls Yap1 activity and phosphorylation
131                 These multiple functions for alpha-catenin converge on the regulation of adhesion and
132                           Examination of the alpha-catenin-deficient MDA-MB-468 cells and their deriv
133 by distinct activity states of Rap1 modulate alpha-catenin-dependent coupling between junctions and a
134                    This sensor reconstitutes alpha-catenin-dependent functions in alpha-catenin-deple
135 icts invagination of both dorsal folds in an alpha-catenin-dependent manner.
136 titutes alpha-catenin-dependent functions in alpha-catenin-depleted cells and recapitulates the behav
137 nding form of beta-catenin is a beta-catenin-alpha-catenin dimer, indicating that there is a distinct
138 tudies question the conventional wisdom that alpha-catenin directly bridges the cadherin adhesion com
139                               Significantly, alpha-catenin directly regulates actin-filament organiza
140 on, in the accompanying paper we report that alpha-catenin does not bind simultaneously to both E-cad
141        We test this hypothesis and find that alpha-catenin does not interact with actin filaments and
142            Fetal genes were increased in the alpha-catenin double knockout hearts indicating a less m
143 companied cardiomyocyte proliferation in the alpha-catenin double knockout hearts.
144 -deficient epidermal cells fail to undertake alpha-catenin-driven actin cytoskeletal reorganization a
145   Northern blotting for five of these genes (alpha-Catenin, DTR, FYN, GADD45a, and Zyxin) verified th
146                Using a mathematical model of alpha-catenin dynamics, I show that alpha-catenin must t
147 ependent recruitment of vinculin-a principal alpha-catenin effector-to junctions requires the vinculi
148 ind beta-catenin and F-actin, but in mammals alpha-catenin either binds beta-catenin as a monomer or
149        Collectively, these data suggest that alpha-catenin employs a novel mechanism to activate vinc
150                                              alpha-Catenin enhanced GTPgammaS binding by ARF6 in vitr
151 s also suggested that Tyr phosphorylation of alpha-catenin enhances its inhibitory role on cell trans
152                       Tyr phosphorylation of alpha-catenin enhances its translocation to the plasma m
153                     Here we demonstrate that alpha-catenin exists as a monomer or a homodimer with di
154 Recent data supports the classical view that alpha-catenin facilitates actin attachments at adherens
155 atenin fraction, we investigated the role of alpha-catenin family members in beta-catenin-mediated si
156 roperties are conserved across the mammalian alpha-catenin family.
157 le for Scribble in controlling clustering of alpha-catenin foci in dividing progenitors.
158 atenin significantly weakens the affinity of alpha-catenin for F-actin.
159 s of selective exclusion of beta-catenin and alpha-catenin from desmosomes.
160 relates with the loss of cytoplasmic protein alpha-catenin from E-cadherin-rich intercellular junctio
161 t Tmods protect actin filaments recruited by alpha-catenin from minus-end subunit loss, enabling them
162 ns, which was accompanied by dissociation of alpha-catenin from the beta-catenin/E-cadherin complex a
163 is is the first report showing regulation of alpha-catenin function by Tyr phosphorylation and its in
164                     Thus, core properties of alpha-catenin function, F-actin and beta-catenin binding
165 ially rescued by expression of an E-cadherin-alpha-catenin fusion protein but not by E-cadherin-green
166 ) cells upon transfection with an E-cadherin-alpha-catenin fusion protein, which targets into adheren
167         Consequent reduction in OB-cadherin, alpha-catenin, gamma-catenin, beta-catenin, vimentin and
168 aused by a hypomorphic mutation in the hmp-1/alpha-catenin gene.
169 ugh the C-terminal F-actin-binding domain of alpha-catenin has been shown to be crucial for its funct
170       The C-terminal actin-binding domain of alpha-catenin has no influence on the interactions with
171 eening using a weak allele of the C. elegans alpha-catenin, hmp-1, thereby identifying UNC-94/tropomo
172                   The Caenorhabditis elegans alpha-catenin homolog HMP-1 is essential for actin-depen
173  force-dependent structural rearrangement of alpha-catenin in adherens junctions [10] and vinculin's
174 s completely abolished with the depletion of alpha-catenin in adipocytes.
175 st a functional cooperation between p120 and alpha-catenin in cadherin-based adhesion.
176 ells, and show that the forced expression of alpha-catenin in cancer cells can restore both higher in
177 cells are central to elucidating the role of alpha-catenin in cellular mechanics and tissue function.
178 ture of the vinculin binding domain (VBD) of alpha-catenin in complex with the vinculin head domain (
179  plakoglobin, consistent with the absence of alpha-catenin in desmosomes.
180               However, the potential role of alpha-catenin in directly modulating the adhesive functi
181                                Knocking down alpha-catenin in DLC1-positive cells diminished DLC1 loc
182                                 Knockdown of alpha-catenin in hESCs prevents the switch-off of Wnt/be
183        These results indicate a new role for alpha-catenin in local regulation of actin assembly and
184 tained force is not required for maintaining alpha-catenin in the active state.
185             Our findings indicate a role for alpha-catenin in the APC destruction complex and at Wnt
186           p120 is positioned in proximity to alpha-catenin in the complex with cadherin.
187               Here, we show that ablation of alpha-catenin in the epidermis selectively induces apopt
188 identify a previously unappreciated role for alpha-catenin in these processes.
189                                  The role of alpha-catenin in this process has been vigorously debate
190 ify proteins that functionally interact with alpha-catenin in this process, we performed enhancer scr
191                                 Knockdown of alpha-catenins in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes also resul
192                     Finally, inactivation of alpha-catenins in the adult heart using an inducible Cre
193                       Perinatal depletion of alpha-catenins increased cardiomyocyte number in the pos
194                     Here we demonstrate that alpha-catenin is a force-activatable mechanotransducer a
195 n human cells that the AJ-associated protein alpha-catenin is a new binding partner of DLC1.
196                        The cytosolic protein alpha-catenin is a postulated force transducer at cadher
197  modulation of beta-catenin activity through alpha-catenin is a potentially attractive approach to at
198 ngineered alpha-catenin sensor revealed that alpha-catenin is a reversible, stretch-activatable senso
199 ion, and biophysical studies have shown that alpha-catenin is activated in a tension-dependent manner
200                                              alpha-Catenin is an actin- and vinculin-binding protein
201 se different binding states, indicating that alpha-catenin is an allosteric protein.
202                                              alpha-Catenin is an identified force transducer within c
203                                              alpha-catenin is central to recruitment of actin network
204 Wood et al. show that the junction component alpha-catenin is critical in freely moving cells to prom
205 terned membranes, we show that activation of alpha-catenin is dependent on E-cadherin clustering, and
206 ely dispensable in mature junctions, whereas alpha-catenin is essential for the maintenance of functi
207     As contact time between cells increases, alpha-catenin is essential for the strengthening of the
208                                              alpha-Catenin is essential in cadherin-mediated epitheli
209 t known if this conformational regulation of alpha-catenin is evolutionarily conserved.
210                                  The protein alpha-catenin is found as a monomer or homodimer.
211         At usual cytoplasmic concentrations, alpha-catenin is found predominantly in monomeric form.
212                  This structure reveals that alpha-catenin is in a unique unfurled mode allowing dime
213 munocomplex phosphatse assays confirmed that alpha-catenin is in deed an SHP2 substrate.
214  lacking alpha-catenin and these cells where alpha-catenin is re-expressed.
215                                              alpha-Catenin is the primary link between the cadherin.c
216 hat when a single adherens junction protein, alpha-catenin, is removed by conditional targeting, the
217 he weakening of cell-cell interactions in an alpha-catenin knockdown monolayer reduces the defect siz
218 tical for this event because a point mutant (alpha-catenin L344P) lacking high affinity binding does
219 hway, which reduces levels of E-cadherin and alpha-catenin leading to disruption of adherens junction
220  casein kinase 2-mediated phosphorylation of alpha-catenin, leading to destabilization of the adheren
221                           Binding of DLC1 to alpha-catenin led to their accumulation at the plasma me
222                    Contrary to the idea that alpha-catenin links the adhesion protein E-cadherin thro
223                                              alpha-catenin links the cadherin-catenin complex (CCC) t
224 iR-9 in human SCC metastases correlated with alpha-catenin loss but not E-cadherin loss.
225 t adherens junctions, but also suggests that alpha-catenin may act as a force transducer, and may hav
226              beta-Catenin and the associated alpha-catenin may serve as support sites for actin polym
227                      At short contact times, alpha-catenin mediates a 30% stronger interaction betwee
228  we provide proof of concept that inhibiting alpha-catenins might be a useful strategy to promote myo
229  an AJ, are sufficient to locally accumulate alpha-catenin monomers and homodimers.
230 model of alpha-catenin dynamics, I show that alpha-catenin must transiently homodimerize while bound
231  thereby abrogating the inhibitory effect of alpha-catenin on beta-catenin transactivation via CK2alp
232 ectroscopy measurements in cells depleted of alpha-catenin or expressing the hereditary diffuse gastr
233 d VAB-9/claudin, but surprisingly, not HMP-1/alpha-catenin or HMP-2/beta-catenin.
234 ramework with other binding partners such as alpha-catenin or talin to induce vinculin head-tail diss
235 with a loss of interaction between actin and alpha-catenin or ZO-1.
236 esion components like focal adhesion kinase, alpha-catenin, or vinculin.
237 eum lacks a cadherin homolog, we identify an alpha-catenin ortholog that binds a beta-catenin-related
238 ction proteins E-cadherin, beta-catenin, and alpha-catenin, p120 catenin family members p0071, ARVCF,
239                        The data suggest that alpha-catenin-p120 contact within the cadherin-catenin c
240 sequently enhancing CK2alpha activity toward alpha-catenin phosphorylation.
241 dherin germ-line missense mutation show that alpha-catenin plays a critical role in cadherin-mediated
242                                              alpha-Catenin plays a crucial role in cadherin-mediated
243                           Therefore, whether alpha-catenin plays a direct role in cadherin-dependent
244                                     ZO-1 and alpha-catenin polypeptides were colocalized in S1P-induc
245 ers of cadherin signaling, gamma-catenin and alpha-catenin predominate in the lateral motor column.
246 his EGFR-ERK-CK2-mediated phosphorylation of alpha-catenin promotes beta-catenin transactivation and
247                                 Importantly, alpha-catenin promotes beta-catenin ubiquitylation and p
248         Finally, depletion of either PAR3 or alpha-catenin promotes cPLA(2)alpha-dependent endothelia
249  the neural subtype of the adherens junction alpha-catenin protein, regulates cranial neural crest ce
250                                       Alpha (alpha) catenin proteins can regulate both cell adhesion
251 rnary complex of cadherin, beta-catenin, and alpha-catenin regulates actin-dependent cell-cell adhesi
252 h alpha-catenin was reintroduced showed that alpha-catenin reinforces E-cadherin-p120 association.
253                   Recently, we identified an alpha-catenin-related protein, alpha-catulin, whose func
254 cate that although the initial activation of alpha-catenin requires micron-scale clustering that may
255                  Conversely, introduction of alpha-catenin restored the responsiveness of cells to JN
256                       In addition, levels of alpha-catenin S641 phosphorylation correlate with levels
257                                    Moreover, alpha-catenin self-associates into homodimers that block
258                              This engineered alpha-catenin sensor revealed that alpha-catenin is a re
259 ns requires the vinculin binding site of the alpha-catenin sensor.
260  Collectively, our findings reveal Ovol-Zeb1-alpha-catenin sequential repression and highlight Ovol1
261 ssing a Vinculin binding-deficient mutant of alpha-catenin, showing that Vinculin recruitment is not
262 f the full length or a 103-residue region of alpha-catenin strongly inhibits the induction of the TCF
263 em, we have characterized mutations in hmp-1/alpha-catenin that identify HMP-1 residues 687-742 and 8
264 t-bridge network within the core M region of alpha-catenin that may be the structural determinant of
265 y conserved amino acids in the C terminus of alpha-catenin that modulate F-actin binding in living em
266  elongated multidomain assembly of monomeric alpha-catenin that structurally and functionally couples
267 on hyperactive Wnt signaling is dependent on alpha-catenin; the rescue effect is completely abolished
268 isruption of the complex of beta-catenin and alpha-catenin, thereby abrogating the inhibitory effect
269 main deletion mutants showed that binding of alpha-catenin to beta-catenin was required for transport
270 sely, activation of JNK increased binding of alpha-catenin to beta-catenin, which was blocked by the
271 , force-induced conformational transition of alpha-catenin to the activated conformation.
272                            Direct binding of alpha-catenin to vinculin is critical for this event bec
273 ator-stimulated phosphoprotein-like protein, alpha-catenin, tubulin alpha-chain, copper-transporting
274 adherin-11 cytoplasmic JMD as a regulator of alpha-catenin turnover at adherens junctions and actin-c
275 complex composition varied, showing enriched alpha-catenin under the cell-type-specific conditions in
276 ells expressing the sensor demonstrated that alpha-catenin undergoes immediate, reversible conformati
277                                      The two alpha-catenin variants differ in their self-association
278 , and induced vinculin dissociation from the alpha-catenin-VE-cadherin complex.
279 ts intracellular partners, such as beta- and alpha-catenins, vinculin, and actin filaments.
280      We propose a feed-forward model whereby alpha-catenin-vinculin interactions promote their bindin
281  is stabilized by the formation of a ternary alpha-catenin-vinculin-F-actin complex, which can be for
282 se data demonstrate that the force-dependent alpha-catenin/vinculin interaction, manipulated here by
283 o adherens junction formation in cells where alpha-catenin was absent or knocked down.
284                     Interaction of p100 with alpha-catenin was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation of
285 ly with the peripheral assemblies, activated alpha-catenin was present in both peripheral and central
286                         When the full-length alpha-catenin was re-introduced, the phenotype of PC3 ce
287 DA-MB-468 cells and their derivates in which alpha-catenin was reintroduced showed that alpha-catenin
288 tingly, we found that the N-terminal half of alpha-catenin was sufficient to suppress invasive phenot
289         A key regulator of this stability is alpha-catenin, which connects the cadherin-catenin compl
290                                 Depletion of alpha-catenin, which couples E-cadherin to the actin cyt
291 in complex binds to the cytoskeletal protein alpha-catenin, which is essential for both the formation
292 0 as bait revealed specific interaction with alpha-catenin, which is known as a regulator of adherens
293 residue abolishes binding of beta-catenin to alpha-catenin, which links to cytoskeleton, suggesting t
294 s are disconnected from the cytoskeleton and alpha-catenin, which links VE-cadherin to the cytoskelet
295 ough cytoplasmic interactions with beta- and alpha-catenin, which serve to increase adhesive strength
296 J permeability by controlling the binding of alpha-catenin with beta-catenin and the consequent inter
297 erin junctions led to reduced association of alpha-catenin with N-cadherin, prevented organization of
298  suggest that JNK affects the association of alpha-catenin with the adherens junction complex and reg
299 adherin complex and increased association of alpha-catenin with the cytoskeleton.
300 tributed to inhibition of the association of alpha-catenin with the DeltaEXD-beta-catenin complex.

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