


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 (q) protein, suggesting cooperation with Lbc/alpha-catulin.
2 ting protein of relatively unknown function, alpha-catulin.
3 ans genetic study, we demonstrate that CTN-1/alpha-catulin, a cytoskeletal protein, physically intera
4     Mechanistic investigations revealed that alpha-catulin activated Akt-NF-kappaB signaling downstre
5                         Here, we report that alpha-catulin also drives malignant invasion and metasta
6 dy demonstrates that the interaction between alpha-catulin and alpha-dystrobrevin is evolutionarily c
7     Clinically, high levels of expression of alpha-catulin and ILK were associated with poor overall
8   These results suggest a novel function for alpha-catulin and imply that alpha-catenin and alpha-cat
9 d endogenous alpha-catulin product, document alpha-catulin and Lbc co-expression in multiple human ce
10 ssion in multiple human cell lines, and show alpha-catulin and Lbc subcellular co-fractionation and i
11                                              Alpha-catulin appears to inhibit Ras-mediated signals to
12         Taken together, our study implicates alpha-catulin as a unique regulator of GPCR signaling an
13                                Thus, the Lbc/alpha-catulin axis participates in 5-HT-induced PASMC mi
14                                 Furthermore, alpha-catulin co-expression enhances Lbc-induced GTP-Rho
15                                Functionally, alpha-catulin co-expression leads to increased Lbc-induc
16                               Interestingly, alpha-catulin expression attenuates the activation of th
17 itutively upregulated Wnt signaling, whereas alpha-catulin expression had no effect.
18                                    The human alpha-catulin gene (CTNNAL1) maps to 9q31-32.
19 ted as alpha-catulin(GFP)), we discover that alpha-catulin(GFP) is expressed by only 0.02% of bone ma
20 e gene Ctnnal1 in mice (hereafter denoted as alpha-catulin(GFP)), we discover that alpha-catulin(GFP)
21 l imaging, allowing us to image thousands of alpha-catulin-GFP(+)c-kit(+) cells and to digitally reco
22 titution of irradiated mice, indicating that alpha-catulin-GFP(+)c-kit(+) cells are comparable in HSC
23            We find that approximately 30% of alpha-catulin-GFP(+)c-kit(+) cells give long-term multil
24                          The distribution of alpha-catulin-GFP(+)c-kit(+) cells indicated that HSCs w
25 pha-catulin and imply that alpha-catenin and alpha-catulin have distinct activities that downregulate
26 increased, suggesting a compensatory role of alpha-catulin in dystrophic muscle.
27 apped, and complex formation between Lbc and alpha-catulin in mammalian cells was detected.
28 paB or alphavbeta3 was sufficient to inhibit alpha-catulin-induced cell migration and invasion.
29                                              alpha-Catulin interacted with integrin-linked kinase (IL
30             The required regions for Lbc and alpha-catulin interaction were mapped, and complex forma
31                                              alpha-Catulin is an oncoprotein that helps sustain proli
32 tation and blot overlay assays indicate that alpha-catulin is directly recruited to the alpha(1D)-AR
33 strophin, we discover that the expression of alpha-catulin is increased, suggesting a compensatory ro
34                We further show that in mouse alpha-catulin is localized at the sarcolemma and neuromu
35 ith alpha-dystrobrevin and that the level of alpha-catulin is reduced in alpha-dystrobrevin-deficient
36 we show that CTN-1, a homologue of mammalian alpha-catulin, is required for subcellular localization
37                                 Furthermore, alpha-catulin knockdown attenuated 5-HT-induced PASMC th
38      Here, based on evidence suggesting that alpha-catulin may associate with a beta-catenin fraction
39         Taken together, our study shows that alpha-catulin plays a critical role in cancer metastasis
40    Here we identify the predicted endogenous alpha-catulin product, document alpha-catulin and Lbc co
41 ort the concept that the recently identified alpha-catulin protein may modulate Rho pathway signaling
42 t and is identical to the alpha-catenin-like alpha-catulin protein of unknown function.
43                        Attenuation of ILK or alpha-catulin reciprocally blocked cell migration and in
44 eased association between Lbc, RhoA, and the alpha-catulin scaffold.
45 eomic and biochemical analysis revealed that alpha-catulin supersensitizes alpha(1D)-AR functional re
46                                              alpha-Catulin was upregulated in highly invasive non-sma
47 identified an alpha-catenin-related protein, alpha-catulin, whose function is poorly understood, as p

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