


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 subsequently was enzymatically digested with alpha-chymotrypsin.
2 face of the enzyme protein bovine pancreatic alpha-chymotrypsin.
3 he dielectric response in the active site of alpha-chymotrypsin.
4  isolated following limited proteolysis with alpha-chymotrypsin.
5 eating the denatured protein with trypsin or alpha-chymotrypsin.
6 tion with endoproteinase Asp-N, trypsin, and alpha-chymotrypsin.
7 vex Eyring plots that have been observed for alpha-chymotrypsin (alpha-CT)-catalyzed hydrolysis of sp
8 we determine the rate of E*I* formation from alpha-chymotrypsin and alpha1-antichymotrypsin using two
9                 The systems are catalyzed by alpha-chymotrypsin and driven by hydrolysis of dipeptide
10                                          For alpha-chymotrypsin and human leukocyte elastase, both in
11      These biocatalytic plastics, containing alpha-chymotrypsin and subtilisin Carlsberg, can contain
12 nication times, concentrations of trypsin or alpha-chymotrypsin and treatment times.
13 tween TH-1 and TH-2/3 is cleaved by trypsin, alpha-chymotrypsin, and endo-AspN but not V8 protease.
14 nd 12 are strongly hydrophobic, resistant to alpha-chymotrypsin, and retained by the membrane bilayer
15  cells with proteases (proteinase K, papain, alpha-chymotrypsin, and trypsin) abrogated entry, indica
16 ested with two serine proteases, trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin, and two serine esterases, acetylchol
17 lbicans; the serine proteases granzyme B and alpha-chymotrypsin; and the cysteine proteases cathepsin
18 this approach, the activities of trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin are detected using protamine and synt
19 lic peptides were investigated using NMR and alpha-chymotrypsin assay.
20 j7170 specifically inhibited the activity of alpha-chymotrypsin at micromole concentrations.
21          This oligopeptide can be cleaved by alpha-chymotrypsin at multiple locations and become smal
22          We use these methods to analyze the alpha-chymotrypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of silent substr
23 ndencies and solvent isotope effects for the alpha-chymotrypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of Suc-Phe-pNA (
24                              A model system, alpha-chymotrypsin (Cht) (a protease) and a cleavable pe
25  clusters modulate the catalytic behavior of alpha-chymotrypsin (ChT) toward cationic, neutral, and a
26  The interaction of these nanoparticles with alpha-chymotrypsin (ChT) was investigated by activity as
27  thermodynamics of these functional NPs with alpha-chymotrypsin (ChT), histone, and cytochrome c (Cyt
28  protein isolate (WPI) were hydrolysed using alpha-chymotrypsin (chymotrypsin), pepsin and trypsin.
29 human erythrocytes with trypsin, followed by alpha-chymotrypsin, cleaved Kx and destroyed the binding
30 d sequences of a 76-kDa peptide from limited alpha-chymotrypsin digestion were determined.
31                       TH-2/3 is resistant to alpha-chymotrypsin digestion.
32          Although separate Asp-N, Lys-C, and alpha-chymotrypsin digests of thiaminase I (42 kDa) yiel
33 he conversion of the alpha1-antichymotrypsin.alpha-chymotrypsin encounter complex, E.I, to E*I*.
34 ted enzymatic hydrolysis was performed using alpha-chymotrypsin immobilised on agarose microparticles
35 time is 3h, the limit of detection (LOD) for alpha-chymotrypsin in buffer solution is 50 ng/mL, where
36  basis of the dark or bright signal from LC, alpha-chymotrypsin in buffer solution or complex media s
37 ng limited proteolysis with either papain or alpha-chymotrypsin indicated that the amino acid accepto
38 er gramme (TIU/g) of flour) and low level of alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitor (120.4-150.6 CIU/g).
39 nique dual-function peptide, i.e. a specific alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitor and a potent tumorigenesis/
40 er was sufficient to reduce both trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitors to negligible values, also
41 e ectodomain of gB, gB(730t), was cleaved by alpha-chymotrypsin into two major fragments comprising a
42 acellular Na(+), mechanical shear stress, or alpha-chymotrypsin-mediated proteolysis, suggesting that
43 d to determine the in vitro conformations of alpha-chymotrypsin oligomers that form as a result of pa
44 ittle difference between active and inactive alpha-chymotrypsin, only active protease can be detected
45  proteolysis of the recombinant protein with alpha-chymotrypsin produced four discrete fragments reve
46 ospheres or nanofilaments by protease XIV or alpha-chymotrypsin, respectively.
47 atment of peanuts by ultrasonication-trypsin-alpha chymotrypsin, resulted in maximum reductions of Ar
48 K) and RDMQDMEFTIEEGKL (positions 317-331 in alpha-chymotrypsin-treated PPDK), thus locating one of t
49 ydrolyze substrates for thrombin, factor Xa, alpha-chymotrypsin, trypsin, or plasmin, nor did it immu
50     Screening this library with biotinylated alpha-chymotrypsin under appropriate conditions revealed
51         GLUT1 was extensively proteolyzed by alpha-chymotrypsin, which cuts putative pore-forming amp
52 luorescent change resulting from reaction of alpha-chymotrypsin with a fluorescent derivative of alph
53 ydroxamic acid is a competitive inhibitor of alpha-chymotrypsin with a KI value of 16 muM.

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