


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  to the other known dystrobrevin (now termed alpha-dystrobrevin).
2 rs distinct properties of association on the alpha-dystrobrevins.
3  of two key DGC signaling-related molecules: alpha-dystrobrevin 1 (global MIFs) and syntrophin beta1
4  predominate in skeletal muscle: full-length alpha-dystrobrevin-1 (84 kD), and COOH-terminal truncate
5          Thus, the distinct distributions of alpha-dystrobrevin-1 and -2 can be partly explained by s
6 a selective reduction in the localization of alpha-dystrobrevin-1 and -2, alpha- and beta1-syntrophin
7 lycan restores the sarcolemmal expression of alpha-dystrobrevin-1 and -2, and beta1- and beta2-syntro
8 )-AR signalosome by the C-terminal domain of alpha-dystrobrevin-1 and not the closely related splice
9 pha-dystrobrevin-2 binds dystrophin, whereas alpha-dystrobrevin-1 binds both dystrophin and utrophin.
10                                              alpha-Dystrobrevin-1 is associated with Dp71, utrophin,
11                                 By contrast, alpha-dystrobrevin-1 is found in perivascular astrocytes
12                                 In contrast, alpha-dystrobrevin-1 is more highly restricted to the sy
13                                 In contrast, alpha-dystrobrevin-1 remained synaptically localized in
14 of dyb-1(lf) were partially rescued by mouse alpha-dystrobrevin-1.
15 revin-1 (84 kD), and COOH-terminal truncated alpha-dystrobrevin-2 (65 kD).
16 ecipitation of in vitro-translated proteins, alpha-dystrobrevin-2 binds dystrophin, whereas alpha-dys
17 ng isoform-specific antibodies, we find that alpha-dystrobrevin-2 is localized on the sarcolemma and
18                                              alpha-Dystrobrevin-2 preferentially copurifies with dyst
19                                              alpha-Dystrobrevin-2 was lost from the nonsynaptic sarco
20 dence of myopathy, despite reduced levels of alpha-dystrobrevin-2.
21 1 and not the closely related splice variant alpha-dystrobrevin-2.
22 tal protein, physically interacts with DYB-1/alpha-dystrobrevin (a component of the dystrophin comple
23                       Mice rendered null for alpha-dystrobrevin, a component of the dystrophin comple
24 neuromuscular junctions of mice deficient in alpha-dystrobrevin, a component of the dystrophin glycop
25                          In mice that lacked alpha-dystrobrevin, a component of the dystrophin-glycop
26 strophin-associated protein complex (DPC) is alpha-dystrobrevin, a dystrophin-related and -associated
27                            We show here that alpha-dystrobrevin (alpha-DB), a protein contributing to
28 e, we show that a cytoplasmic DGC component, alpha-dystrobrevin (alpha-DB), is dispensable for format
29 d 75 kDa isoforms of tyrosine phosphorylated alpha-dystrobrevin (alpha-dbn) 1 (which are required for
30 d neuromuscular junctions and interacts with alpha-dystrobrevin and that the level of alpha-catulin i
31 in-associated proteins, the sarcoglycans and alpha-dystrobrevin, are critical for both cardiac and sk
32  of the postsynaptic membrane, and establish alpha-dystrobrevin as a key control point for regulation
33              DAMAGE associates directly with alpha-dystrobrevin, as shown by yeast two-hybrid, and co
34                                   Thus, like alpha-dystrobrevin, beta-dystrobrevin is likely to assoc
35 recipitation is dependent on the presence of alpha-dystrobrevin but not beta-dystrobrevin.
36 In the present study, we have cloned a novel alpha-dystrobrevin cDNA encoding a protein (referred to
37                                              alpha-Dystrobrevin (DB), a cytoplasmic component of the
38 hat the level of alpha-catulin is reduced in alpha-dystrobrevin-deficient mouse muscle.
39 alterations in mouse skeletal muscle lacking alpha-dystrobrevin (Dtna(-/-)), we identified a highly s
40                  Alternative splicing of the alpha-dystrobrevin gene generates multiple isoforms whic
41 alysis and biochemical binding studies, that alpha-dystrobrevin in fact contains two independent synt
42 ding beta-dystroglycan, alpha-syntrophin and alpha-dystrobrevin in mdx muscle.
43                          The precise role of alpha-dystrobrevin in skeletal muscle has not yet been d
44                          In skeletal muscle, alpha-dystrobrevin is a component of the dystrophin-asso
45                                              Alpha-dystrobrevin is a dystrophin-related protein expre
46                                              alpha-Dystrobrevin is both a dystrophin homologue and a
47 at the interaction between alpha-catulin and alpha-dystrobrevin is evolutionarily conserved in C. ele
48 eas synaptic AChEs are more stable, and that alpha-dystrobrevin is important for controlling the dens
49 at alternatively spliced variants of the new alpha-dystrobrevin isoform, alpha-DB2b, are differential
50 ntial expression of exons 12 and 13 in other alpha-dystrobrevin isoforms in skeletal muscle and heart
51 ion similar to that previously described for alpha-dystrobrevin isoforms.
52                                        Thus, alpha-dystrobrevin may serve a signaling function that i
53 ; however, the physiological function of the alpha-dystrobrevins remains unknown.
54                                     To study alpha-dystrobrevin's function in skeletal muscle, we use
55 ated within an alternatively spliced exon of alpha-dystrobrevin, termed the variable region-3 (vr3) s
56       A positive interaction between DMN and alpha-dystrobrevin was confirmed with an in vitro coimmu

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