


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  transforms from disordered (random coil) to alpha helical structure.
2 mbrane proteins (OMPs), including those with alpha-helical structure.
3 ic linker connects these motifs to a nascent alpha-helical structure.
4 UN)=-1.7 kcal mol(-1) M(-1)] and predominant alpha-helical structure.
5 ort beta-strands and a small (<1%) amount of alpha-helical structure.
6 s99 and Cys29-Cys138), and five stretches of alpha-helical structure.
7 ure resulted in the retention of the peptide alpha-helical structure.
8  The protein folds into an elongated, mostly alpha-helical structure.
9 linearly to form an elongated, predominantly alpha-helical structure.
10  and requires a novel sequence with putative alpha-helical structure.
11 r lipids stabilize a very different dimeric, alpha-helical structure.
12 ats can undergo bending without losing their alpha-helical structure.
13 the C terminus of Hsp33 in a highly compact, alpha-helical structure.
14 n elongated random coil, with two regions of alpha-helical structure.
15 by adopting two shorter stretches of typical alpha-helical structure.
16 aise the possibility that the S6 tail has an alpha-helical structure.
17 , using dipolar EPR, were consistent with an alpha-helical structure.
18 in interactions and induces the formation of alpha-helical structure.
19 rpin sequences with a characteristic induced alpha-helical structure.
20 /v]), 8% of the polypeptide chain adopted an alpha-helical structure.
21 s were made: (i) NorC(sol) was folded into a alpha-helical structure.
22 the middle but opposite surface of the D3-S6 alpha-helical structure.
23 oism (CD) spectrum indicates a predominantly alpha-helical structure.
24 peptide had a CD spectrum consistent with an alpha-helical structure.
25 o monomeric, soluble peptides with extensive alpha-helical structure.
26 nce of vesicles, mAAT-pp adopts considerable alpha-helical structure.
27  channel function seems to favor a potential alpha-helical structure.
28  are clustered on one side of the postulated alpha-helical structure.
29 under the FTIR conditions retains about 50 % alpha-helical structure.
30 glycan has a significantly higher content of alpha-helical structure.
31 with sequence position is consistent with an alpha-helical structure.
32 M1 segment is also consistent with a largely alpha-helical structure.
33 2 nm, confirming the presence of substantial alpha-helical structure.
34  and it is predicted to adopt an amphipathic alpha-helical structure.
35 d others had shown could maintain or enhance alpha-helical structure.
36  with a conserved amino acid composition and alpha-helical structure.
37 lity on sequence position consistent with an alpha-helical structure.
38 l and beta-turn structures at the expense of alpha-helical structure.
39 sociated with multiple domains and increased alpha-helical structure.
40  import resides in their ability to adopt an alpha-helical structure.
41 in stable oligomers that retain their native alpha-helical structure.
42 acceptors, and the polypeptides regain their alpha-helical structure.
43  Cx43 revealed that it folded in to a kinked alpha-helical structure.
44 lical interactions; and (3) non, disfavoring alpha-helical structure.
45 s, resulting in over half of the RD adopting alpha-helical structure.
46  predominantly as a tetramer that is rich in alpha-helical structure.
47 y mutations at the G98 site that may perturb alpha-helical structure.
48 th the direction of their effects reflecting alpha-helical structure.
49 -trifluoroethanol, a solvent that stabilizes alpha-helical structure.
50 e heterodimers and fold into a predominately alpha-helical structure.
51 as a significant tendency to form non-native alpha-helical structure.
52 embrane fusion and indicated the presence of alpha-helical structure.
53 amino acid sequence associated with straight alpha-helical structures.
54  G arise from transitions between 3(10)- and alpha-helical structures.
55 ol, a solvent known to promote and stabilize alpha-helical structures.
56  The TM1 peptide also adopts relatively high alpha-helical structures.
57 wo fragments previously found to organize in alpha-helical structures.
58 he polypeptide is highly restricted to adopt alpha-helical structures.
59 ine micelles, the protein consists mainly of alpha-helical structures.
60 onformers, possibly with side-chain solvated alpha-helical structures.
61 of the allowed substitutions and mapped onto alpha-helical structures.
62 achain hydrogen bonds that stabilize peptide alpha-helical structures.
63 gnals at 222 nm, consistent with the desired alpha-helical structures.
64 mol of Cd/mol of peptide but not recovery of alpha-helical structures.
65 s from other terpene synthases having highly alpha-helical structures.
66 s not require the formation of beta-sheet or alpha-helical structures.
67 tween a natively unfolded state and multiple alpha-helical structures.
68 t Cx45CT constructs identified one region of alpha-helical structure (A333-N361) that mediates CT dim
69 position, the peptides adopt mainly either a alpha-helical structure able to permeabilize dimyristoyl
70 his conformation differs strikingly from the alpha-helical structure adopted by an overlapping MPER p
71 s are (-105, -30); this deviation from ideal alpha-helical structure allows KL 4 to form an amphipath
72              One region contains a predicted alpha-helical structure (amino acids 371 to 393), and th
73 odulin-binding site, has been portrayed with alpha-helical structure, analogous to other calmodulin-b
74   The purified protein possesses significant alpha-helical structure and appears to be partially diso
75 weakly conserved BH3 motif that can adopt an alpha-helical structure and bind to a groove on prosurvi
76 d with at least 16-18 amino acids of ordered alpha-helical structure and binds much more tightly (Kd
77 located in a transitional region between the alpha-helical structure and C terminus and exhibit signi
78 fluoroethanol (30%), the peptides adopted an alpha-helical structure and displayed both homomeric and
79 n between distance between two pyrenes on an alpha-helical structure and excimer/monomer (e/m) ratio.
80                        Insulin has a largely alpha-helical structure and exists as a mixture of hexam
81  PrPC can re-fold to form PrPSc with loss of alpha-helical structure and formation of extensive beta-
82 CAAAAAC maintains the presence of a critical alpha-helical structure and heterocomplex formation with
83 This results in the induction of substantial alpha-helical structure and inhibition or elimination of
84 oil, and it is capable of adopting secondary alpha-helical structure and more stable tertiary folding
85 ble of structures populated by HP21 contains alpha-helical structure and native as well as non-native
86 u residues, which appear to be essential for alpha-helical structure and oligomerization.
87 suggested that the structure of the presumed alpha-helical structure and positioning of polar hydroph
88 of bacteriorhodopsin involves a reduction in alpha-helical structure and proceeds with a large free-e
89  RSV fusion peptides that exhibit stabilized alpha-helical structure and striking proteolytic resista
90 ic scattering intensity shows that there are alpha-helical structure and tertiary-like side-chain int
91  is preserved in this mutant, along with the alpha-helical structure and the dynamic properties of th
92 126) of apoAI is responsible for most of the alpha-helical structure and the marginal stability of li
93  seven-aa residue periodicity that maintains alpha-helical structure and thus creates a high number o
94 1 +/- 0.2 A is consistent with the predicted alpha-helical structure and thus demonstrates an accurat
95 N1 has a very low intrinsic ability to adopt alpha-helical structure and to interact with phospholipi
96 , the translated protein had a pI of 4.3, an alpha-helical structure, and a phosphopantetheine bindin
97 In contrast, apo-con-T possessed significant alpha-helical structure, and saturation with Ca2+ produc
98                       The protein has an all alpha-helical structure, and the active site is formed w
99         All regions encompass coiled-coil or alpha-helical structures, and three are involved in DISC
100 chain lactam cross-links designed to enhance alpha-helical structure; and peptide II containing cross
101           Measurements of pKa suggested that alpha-helical structures are important in sigma N for th
102  the H3 domain, positioned by the underlying alpha-helical structure, are important for its binding t
103  biological actions depend on adoption of an alpha -helical structure, as has been found for other bi
104 t alone (CT1-long; Gly-45-Lys-74) exhibit an alpha-helical structure, as determined by CD measurement
105                                          The alpha-helical structure, as modeled by threading and mol
106 oroethanol and the peptide appeared to adopt alpha-helical structure at an air/water interface with a
107 , this amphipathic peptide loses some of its alpha-helical structure at low pH in the presence of lip
108  conformational change and exhibited reduced alpha-helical structure at pH 8.5, whereas the A region
109 nstead encourages folding into predominantly alpha-helical structures at pH 7.2.
110 channel beta subunit (Ca(v)beta) and a rigid alpha-helical structure between the alpha-interacting do
111 action, the protein retained a predominantly alpha-helical structure but EPR spectroscopy studies of
112 denatured state, which retains a native-like alpha-helical structure but lacks any specific tertiary
113 ixtures, NAC and NAC-(19-35)-peptide adopted alpha-helical structure but NAC-(1-18)-peptide did not.
114 lipid-free apoA-I contains a large amount of alpha-helical structure but the location of this structu
115  On the other hand, rat IAPP forms transient alpha-helical structures but does not progress further t
116 lost charged residues retained much of their alpha-helical structure, but also tended to form intermo
117 sence of Mia40, and chemical induction of an alpha-helical structure by trifluoroethanol suffices to
118 her the PR regions nor their NPB exhibit the alpha-helical structure characteristic of much of the pr
119 ructure near their C termini rather than the alpha-helical structure common to peptides that bind rel
120 5) and Cys(39) similar to cystine-stabilized alpha-helical structures commonly observed in cystine kn
121 m the interaction domain with a constrained (alpha-helical structure competed for interaction with th
122 d carboxymethylated BoINF-alpha both exhibit alpha-helical structure content indistinguishable form t
123                      Despite its amphipathic alpha-helical structure, Ctn[1-14] was totally inert tow
124 directional electron transfer observed in an alpha-helical structure (different ET rates versus the d
125 al interactions in beta-sheet structures and alpha-helical structures dominating the energy table.
126 n intrinsic propensity for adopting multiple alpha-helical structures even in the absence of micelle
127                                     This new alpha-helical structure extends the leucine zipper N-ter
128 o four substitutions) was consistent with an alpha helical structure for the middle and cytoplasmic s
129 d in the cytoplasmic domain, is a part of an alpha-helical structure for both PLB and P-PLB.
130 ly other paramyxovirus FPs likely require an alpha-helical structure for efficient membrane disorderi
131 forms a channel that is predicted to have an alpha-helical structure for protein import.
132  to the popular model of a long and straight alpha-helical structure for the pore-lining TM2 domain f
133                       Assuming the predicted alpha-helical structure for this area of the b subunit,
134 , ruling out the possibility of a continuous alpha-helical structure for this protein.
135       Upon complete binding to vesicles, 32% alpha-helical structure formed, the unordered structure
136                             More strikingly, alpha-helical structures formed almost quantitatively be
137                       The high percentage of alpha-helical structure found requires, when considered
138  cerevisiae cell membrane, the percentage of alpha-helical structures found for TMDs one and five inc
139              Hydrophobic amino acids forming alpha-helical structures frequently line the binding poc
140 ogate approach can afford well-defined short alpha-helical structures from sequences that do not spon
141      Stapling of side chains to stabilize an alpha-helical structure has been generally associated wi
142 Our understanding of the factors stabilizing alpha-helical structure has been greatly enhanced by the
143 he peptide adopts a well defined amphipathic alpha helical structure in association with the lipid at
144 idal activity, yet all molecules retained an alpha-helical structure in a hydrophobic environment.
145             RemCA switches from unordered to alpha-helical structure in a nonpolar environment.
146  in aqueous buffer, but can readily adopt an alpha-helical structure in aprotic solvent.
147 ike 2F, 4F adopts a well defined amphipathic alpha-helical structure in association with the lipid at
148 e-bridged P3 and P2 differed dramatically in alpha-helical structure in benign conditions.
149  CD temperature melts indicated that partial alpha-helical structure in cross-linking domains at lowe
150 -synuclein is mediated by a lipid-stabilized alpha-helical structure in exon 4 and also by residues w
151  In vitro, the predicted TM domain adopts an alpha-helical structure in lipid environments and can fu
152  on these mutants do not show patterns of an alpha-helical structure in monomeric and filamentous act
153                           Both peptides have alpha-helical structure in phosphate buffer, as determin
154                    To understand the role of alpha-helical structure in protein-lipid interactions, w
155 quences Pro21-Ala24 and Leu42-Leu44 adopt an alpha-helical structure in pure lipid bilayers, which is
156 has a high propensity to form an amphiphilic alpha-helical structure in solution.
157 inantly disordered, IAPP transiently samples alpha-helical structure in solution.
158 phan residues and leads to a partial loss of alpha-helical structure in SU-A.
159 ed that trifluoroethanol induced significant alpha-helical structure in TFIIIC131-(1-580).
160  the GR AF1 domain to increase the amount of alpha-helical structure in the complex.
161                                  Second, the alpha-helical structure in the middle of the helix F is
162 he peptide has a high population of a stable alpha-helical structure in the middle with fraying ends.
163 g studies were consistent with the predicted alpha-helical structure in the N-terminal F1 region and
164                             The induction of alpha-helical structure in the peptide was maximal when
165 ctively, both possessed the ability to adopt alpha-helical structure in the presence of lipid.
166 l amino acid sequencing, and the adoption of alpha-helical structure in the presence of sodium dodecy
167         The propensity of dehydrins to adopt alpha-helical structure in the presence of sodium dodecy
168  molecule, the truncated peptides adopted an alpha-helical structure in the presence of trifluoroetha
169 ules there was little indication of extended alpha-helical structure in the tail, but molecules viewe
170  data are consistent with the presence of an alpha-helical structure in the US11 TMD essential for MH
171      The 32mer peptide displays typically an alpha-helical structure in trifluroethanol or 0.2 M octy
172 d variants that are more prone to forming an alpha-helical structure in vitro are generally more toxi
173  peptides form thermally stable, independent alpha-helical structures in both micelles and vesicles.
174 he peptides were found to have predominantly alpha-helical structures in both solvent systems.
175 nd human IAPP(1-19) fold into similar mostly alpha-helical structures in micelles, paramagnetic quenc
176 ic Motif 6 in Xenopus, and similarly located alpha-helical structures in other vertebrate FoxD protei
177 le cAMP induced more apparent changes in the alpha-helical structures in PKA holoenzyme IIbeta.
178  hydrophobicity, and the propensity to adopt alpha-helical structures in relation to membrane permeab
179 ular dichroism (CD) spectra, MW assembles to alpha-helical structures in the sub-micromolar range and
180 30 with mK2Pg demonstrated that the peptidic alpha-helical structure increased substantially when bou
181 phorylation-dependent conversion of PrP from alpha-helical structures into beta-sheet structures was
182 ellular prion protein, composed primarily of alpha-helical structure, into a disease specific isoform
183  PrPSc through a process whereby some of its alpha-helical structure is converted into beta-sheet.
184  ability of the N terminus of p2 to adopt an alpha-helical structure is essential for its function du
185 al analysis indicates that C5A's amphipathic alpha-helical structure is necessary but not sufficient
186 e microsecond timescale, indicating that the alpha-helical structure is only part of the equilibrium
187 phobic core, and not the extent of intrinsic alpha-helical structure, is the primary determinant of p
188 d by intrinsic W423 fluorescence and induced alpha-helical structure, it is inferred that binding of
189 ntains a predicted arginine-rich amphipathic alpha-helical structure mediates nuclear retention of th
190  physiological pH, the A region of SspB lost alpha-helical structure more rapidly than that of SspA o
191 ere created to produce a predicted amount of alpha-helical structure: mostly helical, some helical, a
192 880) and Phe(882) are situated in a putative alpha-helical structure of 15 amino acids between residu
193 wo histidines significantly destabilized the alpha-helical structure of 2 when compared to NTH-18.
194 ed rational design approach to stabilize the alpha-helical structure of CAI and convert it to a cell-
195 fide-linked, protease resistant, homodimeric alpha-helical structure of CBP is likely to be advantage
196 ficiently than Sox12, owing to a more stable alpha-helical structure of its TAD.
197 sing N-terminal portion contains most of the alpha-helical structure of lipid-free apoAI.
198 f Cd(2+) accessibility is consistent with an alpha-helical structure of M2.
199  as indicated by an overall reduction of the alpha-helical structure of proteins and increase in the
200             The membrane association and the alpha-helical structure of the C terminus in the presenc
201    Taken together, our data suggest that the alpha-helical structure of the connexin37 N terminus may
202                          Here, we report the alpha-helical structure of the membrane domain of comple
203                         We have obtained the alpha-helical structure of the mutant transmembrane doma
204 tivity, suggesting that the integrity of the alpha-helical structure of the N-terminal region of hist
205 blique membrane insertion and an amphipathic alpha-helical structure of the N-terminus of alphaAMP (r
206 A simulation significant deviations from the alpha-helical structure of the peptides are observed, ho
207  This interaction introduces a bend into the alpha-helical structure of the Pgamma C-terminus, allowi
208 /Phe781 residues, is most consistent with an alpha-helical structure of the Pgamma C-terminus.
209 plex (liquid versus solid) on chirality, the alpha-helical structure of the positively charged polype
210 clear that substrate dimerization and/or the alpha-helical structure of the substrate can regulate th
211 mutations induce distinct alterations in the alpha-helical structure of the TILRR core protein.
212 st all phages, indicating that the predicted alpha-helical structure of this region is important.
213 plexes within native membranes to reveal the alpha-helical structure of two reaction centres and 28 L
214 n hypothesized that transient membrane-bound alpha-helical structures of human IAPP are precursors to
215 il are discussed in relation to the possible alpha-helical structures of their DNA channels.
216 86-(255-320), was found to consist mainly of alpha-helical structures on the basis of its CD spectrum
217 e transformations by either intensifying the alpha helical structure or changing from alpha helical t
218 es containing anionic lipids, (ii) adopts an alpha-helical structure oriented in plane with respect t
219 an allosteric site preferentially recognizes alpha-helical structure over beta-sheet structure.
220 rifluoroethanol, the HIV-1 peptide adopts an alpha-helical structure over half of its length, while t
221 y structure prediction programs predicted an alpha-helical structure overlapping with amphibian-speci
222 2) with amino acid residues that disrupt the alpha-helical structure predicted by molecular modeling,
223 nteractions with various chemical groups and alpha-helical structure presented by the unfolding polyp
224                                          The alpha-helical structure presented here has important imp
225 mutant experiences partial distortion of the alpha-helical structure presumably resulting from the te
226 has emerged as one such solution, conferring alpha-helical structure, protease resistance, cellular p
227 d folded domains dominated by beta sheet and alpha helical structure, respectively.
228           Mutations predicted to disrupt the alpha-helical structure resulted in a significant decrea
229 id bend in the region of residues 23-26 with alpha-helical structure resuming at Pro-27 at an angle o
230  domain of the CMV assembly protein forms an alpha-helical structure similar to that in HSV-1, peptid
231 of the SCN5A C terminus predicts predominant alpha-helical structure (six helices) in the proximal ha
232 MP and Cnlp, respectively), and have similar alpha-helical structures, spectra of antimicrobial activ
233 gion when converted into alanine improve the alpha-helical structure, stability, and self-assembly be
234  that PHF-tau possesses a higher fraction of alpha-helical structure than soluble tau.
235                        This domain adopts an alpha-helical structure that bears little resemblance to
236 he synaptobrevin transmembrane domain has an alpha-helical structure that breaks in the juxtamembrane
237 odes a type 2 dUTPase (DutNM1), which has an alpha-helical structure that is distinct from the type 1
238 lein cubic phase bilayer, yielding a dimeric alpha-helical structure that is in excellent agreement w
239 H(Tm) can be accounted for by melting of the alpha-helical structure that is inferred by CD to consti
240 at alpha-synuclein forms an extended, curved alpha-helical structure that is over 90 aa in length.
241  ADPH C terminus is an independently folding alpha-helical structure that is relatively resistant to
242 an irregular structure, a beta-strand, or an alpha-helical structure that may span the membrane in a
243 ved to be generated by the conversion of the alpha-helical structure that predominates in the normal
244  the intermediate has approximately 10% less alpha-helical structure that the native conformation.
245      Four of these residues reside within an alpha-helical structure that was revealed by nuclear mag
246  large aggregates, whereas inhibitors induce alpha-helical structures that form stable dimeric/trimer
247  hinge regions connecting the beta-sheet and alpha-helical structures that form the binding cleft.
248                 On the basis of an idealized alpha-helical structure, the helical parameters were mod
249  whose function is unknown, and a C-terminal alpha-helical structure, the SPM (SCM, PH, MBT domain, w
250  can support similar deviations from regular alpha-helical structure, thereby resulting in similar te
251 substitution expected to break the predicted alpha-helical structure; this significantly reduced FoxD
252  residue is located in a region of predicted alpha-helical structure, thus identifying a putative dim
253              Subunit b contributes a central alpha-helical structure to the peripheral stalk, extendi
254 t straightforward approach for the design of alpha-helical structure to validate the knob-socket mode
255                     In contrast to the ideal alpha-helical structures typically assumed in mechanisti
256 he surface of the micelle, as opposed to the alpha-helical structures typically found of most amyloid
257 seconds duration, of transient, "flickering" alpha-helical structure, until a bit of tertiary structu
258 species revealed the formation of additional alpha-helical structure upon binding to DNA.
259 monstrated that betaLG acquires a non-native alpha-helical structure upon binding with anionic lipids
260 ndergoes coupled folding and binding to form alpha-helical structure upon interacting with KIX.
261 arily random coil in aqueous buffer, adopted alpha-helical structure upon interaction with membranes.
262 ts random-coil state, alpha-syn can adopt an alpha-helical structure upon lipid membrane binding or a
263 t also undergoes a dramatic transition to an alpha-helical structure upon metal ion binding.
264 ts secondary structural motifs, including an alpha-helical structure, upon binding to cyclin-dependen
265                                           An alpha-helical structure was confirmed by circular dichro
266 or trifluoroethanol, an alpha-helix inducer, alpha-helical structure was formed in [1-44]apoA-I up to
267  an 18 aa peptide insertion with a predicted alpha-helical structure was unstable when expressed tran
268 f this motif, which is predicted to adopt an alpha-helical structure, we have isolated a number of mu
269  and with the hybrid protein adopting a more alpha-helical structure when calcium is bound.
270   Circular dichroism revealed an amphiphilic alpha-helical structure when reconstituted in lipid vesi
271 three to four positions apart, suggesting an alpha-helical structure where these groups form opposing
272 spectral analysis of PLB indicates about 70% alpha-helical structure, whereas Cys-to-Ser PLB manifest
273 l studies suggest that PrPC is enriched with alpha-helical structure, whereas PrPSc contains a high p
274 tion, with micelles stabilizing a particular alpha-helical structure, whereas submicellar lipids stab
275 showed a subtle but reproducible increase in alpha-helical structure, whereas the F155S and R106W did
276 io) vesicles, M2-22, M2-26, and M2-35 formed alpha-helical structures, whereas the other peptides for
277 findings suggest a curved membrane-dependent alpha-helical structure, wherein each 11-aa repeat takes
278                                           An alpha-helical structure which maximizes the hydropathici
279 e in AChE subunit assembly, and possesses an alpha-helical structure which protects against the devel
280  unfolding/refolding process, a loss/gain of alpha-helical structure, which did not disrupt the capsi
281  protease domain contained a large amount of alpha-helical structure, which is consistent with the re
282 determined that the Walker A domain forms an alpha-helical structure, which is consistent with the st
283 e in this protein is that TNF-alpha acquires alpha-helical structure, which is not present in the nat
284 amino acid at a time, without altering their alpha-helical structure, which is required for correct a
285 shield by combining reinforcement of overall alpha-helical structure, which slows the kinetics of pro
286 domains are known or predicted to possess an alpha-helical structure, which suggests that such domain
287 icated that zinc removal resulted in loss of alpha-helical structures, which are sites of DNA contact
288  OmpA and OprF proteins contained nearly 20% alpha-helical structures, which disappeared completely u
289 ased on standard linear peptides with purely alpha-helical structures, which we call hydrogelating se
290 lpha-synuclein fibrillation and induced some alpha-helical structure, while all other sphingolipids s
291 1 of opsins showed a pattern consistent with alpha-helical structure with a conserved face.
292        Apocyt c acquires a higher content of alpha-helical structure with negatively charged membrane
293 how that the Rab11-binding domain assumes an alpha-helical structure, with the conserved residues for
294  Recently, gain-of-function mutations in the alpha helical structure within the linker sequence of th
295 , we show that BASIC contains an amphiphilic alpha-helical structure within its N-terminal domain.
296 ot the hydrophilic segment adopted a stable, alpha-helical structure within the tunnel when the most
297 sidues present on one side of an amphipathic alpha-helical structure within this domain.
298 ediction of the Q239-D258 fragment confirmed alpha-helical structures within the linker, with a short
299  Native, cell-derived alpha-synuclein showed alpha-helical structure without lipid addition and had m
300 d sirtuin Zn(2+)-tetrathiolate and a loss of alpha-helical structure without overall thermal destabil

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