


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng with Glu-126 within its carboxyl-terminal alpha helix.
2 is remodeling is triggered by a single Rpn12 alpha helix.
3  BH3 motif, which folds upon binding into an alpha helix.
4 n SMRT comprising a GSI motif followed by an alpha helix.
5 s and trimers, potentially via a coiled-coil alpha-helix.
6 main, a middle region, and a long C-terminal alpha-helix.
7 king pin mechanism involving the amphipathic alpha-helix.
8 ain proteins are inhibited by the inhibitory alpha-helix.
9  induces the N-terminal loop to fold into an alpha-helix.
10 , with high intrinsic potential to fold into alpha-helix.
11 Lys substitution destabilizes its N-terminal alpha-helix.
12 lel beta-sheet stabilized by a crossing-over alpha-helix.
13  the AXXXG motif on the opposite face of the alpha-helix.
14 amma-peptides to structurally mimic a native alpha-helix.
15 nomer interactions mediated by an N-terminal alpha-helix.
16 reas in the GRK1 peptide complex it forms an alpha-helix.
17 the same hydrophobic projecting hot spots of alpha-helix.
18 spots at positions i, i + 3, and i + 7 of an alpha-helix.
19 , a number of extended loops and a prominent alpha-helix.
20  mutants lacking the beta-hairpin and/or the alpha-helix.
21  of arginine residues located within the ZnF alpha-helix.
22 f such bifurcated H bonds in a transmembrane alpha-helix.
23 ic substitutions only along one face of this alpha-helix.
24 iparallel beta-sheet wrapped around a 5-turn alpha-helix.
25 hods, finding that human calcitonin forms an alpha-helix.
26  hydrophobic face of the amphipathic protein alpha-helix.
27 flexible center to an end-to-end K2hPg-bound alpha-helix.
28 form supramolecular nanofibers consisting of alpha-helix.
29 tional change by a C-terminal domain-derived alpha-helix.
30 ed by an intrinsic N-terminal autoinhibitory alpha-helix.
31  1-9), followed by the N-terminal portion of alpha-helix 1 (residues Cys-11, Glu-12, Val-13, Lys-15,
32 t two residues near the N-terminal region of alpha-helix 1 in GPPrP might mediate its susceptibility
33 epends on these amino acids, which reside on alpha-helix 1 of the CtrA receiver domain, and on cdG bi
34 cond thiol of C(15)SQC(18)H, indicating that alpha helix-1 is required for positioning the first cyst
35 s (2-3-fold), providing further evidence for alpha helix-1 positioning the first cysteine.
36  cyts c with deletions of single residues in alpha helix-1, which mimic bacterial cyt c, are poorly m
37 ognize simply the CXXCH motif, not requiring alpha helix-1.
38                                          The alpha-helix 2 of PrP contains a string of four threonine
39 alpha-helix 3 and the loop between beta2 and alpha-helix 2.
40 ed by rpb1-G730D, a substitution within Rpb1 alpha-helix 21 (alpha21).
41 lobular domain affecting interaction between alpha-helix 3 and the loop between beta2 and alpha-helix
42  central beta-sheet is highly structured and alpha-helix 3, which is partially formed, packs against
43 motions drive Switch-I region motions, while alpha-helix-3L7 motions control both.
44 uence with a predicted propensity to form an alpha-helix(583-591), one side of which consists of thre
45  amino acid substitutions in a putative Gln3 alpha-helix(656-666), which are required for a two-hybri
46 tational analysis suggest that transmembrane alpha-helix 7 affects the oligomerization interface.
47         Introduction of point mutations into alpha-helix 7 at ORF57 aa 280 to 299, a region highly co
48      Here, we identify a structural element, alpha-helix-7, in human Argonaute2 (Ago2) that is requir
49  area on RTA and makes primary contacts with alpha-helix A (residues 18-32), alpha-helix F (182-194),
50 shoe-shaped substrate pocket, formed from an alpha-helix, a 310 helix, and a recently evolved tri-pro
51 8)Q results in a Mg(2+)-complexed end-to-end alpha-helix, accompanied by attenuation of NMDAR inhibit
52 rotein bind membrane and form an amphipathic alpha-helix (AH).
53 nt mutation in the signal peptide breaks the alpha helix allowing co-translational cleavage.
54 ophobic N terminus that is a curved extended alpha-helix, alpha1, in X-ray crystal structures.
55 raction is mainly mediated by an amphipathic alpha-helix (alpha2), which undergoes a substantial conf
56               Our data show that the two A3H alpha-helixes alpha3 and alpha4 represent the Vif-bindin
57 is a flexible loop, followed by a C-terminal alpha-helix (alpha5).
58 own that Fic enzymes are autoinhibited by an alpha-helix (alphainh) that partly obstructs the active
59 to interact with RAG2 depends on a predicted alpha-helix (amino acids 997-1008) near the RAG1 C termi
60 ds, a linker loop domain with an amphipathic alpha-helix and a C-terminal mitochondrial carrier domai
61 pha-helix as the fragment wedges between the alpha-helix and a loop homologous to the main immunogeni
62 minal domain, which undergoes beta-strand-to-alpha-helix and alpha-helix-to-beta-strand transitions d
63 es with structural changes in the C-terminal alpha-helix and an increase in the distance between the
64 ally folded at pH 4.3 with approximately 35% alpha-helix and are unusually resistant to proteolysis.
65                                          The alpha-helix and beta-sheet contents decreased, while agg
66 sis revealed that, as temperature increased, alpha-helix and beta-sheet decreased, but aggregated bet
67 otion is concentrated in regions between the alpha-helix and beta-sheet domains.
68 like a polycrystalline material in which the alpha-helix and beta-sheet regions of the protein are si
69 ely selected amino acid residues fall on the alpha-helix and beta-sheets of the peptide-binding domai
70           Effective strategies for mimicking alpha-helix and beta-strand epitopes have been developed
71 -546/Glu-547 lie near the predicted 997-1008 alpha-helix and components of the active site, raising t
72 dent mechanism that involves the dpBMAL1 TAD alpha-helix and dpCLK W328 and a TAD-independent mechani
73 ort loop (Asn-Gln-Gly-Glu-Pro) instead of an alpha-helix and forms hydrogen bonds with Gln-281.
74 charide heparin derivative (dp8) bind to the alpha-helix and in the loops between the beta2 and beta3
75 mance index showed positive correlation with alpha-helix and negative with intermolecular+antiparalle
76                                          The alpha-helix and random coil contents of the 600 MPa trea
77 OH decreased the beta-turn and increased the alpha-helix and random coil.
78 air of helices is composed of the N-terminal alpha-helix and the C-terminal helix, showing structural
79 ence (named PMasseq) contains an amphipathic alpha-helix and the FWC signature, which is palmitoylate
80 han a smaller subdomain comprised of a short alpha-helix and three-stranded beta-sheet.
81 n placed close to the putative transmembrane alpha-helix and to the active-site entrance; an FAD isoa
82 43 kDa) and secondary structure (beta-sheet, alpha-helix and unordered structure) were analyzed.
83 ated by the folding of residues 3-11 into an alpha-helix, and mediated by membrane water or by previo
84 kinase activity, including the alphaB helix, alphaD helix, and the P-loop.
85 ructured in the monomeric state but forms an alpha-helix approximately 70 residues long in the self-a
86  about a proline "hinge" residue in a stator alpha-helix are directly responsible for generating the
87 ts of the secondary structure, including the alpha-helix, are conserved, but the salt bridge between
88 a-strand conformation, instead of forming an alpha-helix as observed in the previously solved structu
89 s site causes a conformational change of the alpha-helix as the fragment wedges between the alpha-hel
90 tructure leading to a loss of the N-terminal alpha-helix associated with decreased kappa-opioid recep
91 tion of cysteine at the amino terminus of an alpha-helix, associated with activity in thioredoxins, i
92  them based on the calculated free energy of alpha-helix association.
93  II), and inserted across the membrane as an alpha-helix at low pH (State III).
94                  The stability of Trp-cage's alpha-helix at low temperatures suggests a possible evol
95  provide evidence for a partially disordered alpha-helix backbone that participates in hydrogen bondi
96                                         Such alpha-helix barrels engineered from peptides could find
97 he M87T mutation causes a major shift of the alpha-helix bearing the mutated residue, significantly w
98 roteins of increasing structural complexity (alpha-helix, beta-hairpin, alpha-helix bundle, and alpha
99 s higher accuracy, with a blind three-state (alpha-helix, beta-strand and coil) secondary structure p
100 ese findings may support the changing of the alpha-helix/beta-pleated sheets ratio in protein structu
101 tructural flexibility of the TMD in terms of alpha-helix/beta-sheet transitions in model membranes (m
102                                         This alpha-helix binds to the cytosolic face of the plasma me
103                         Here we bridge two 3-alpha-helix bundle proteins with two radically different
104                  The-fold consists of a four-alpha-helix bundle with structural similarity to the hig
105 with engineered variants of protein G (GA, 3-alpha-helix bundle).
106 tural complexity (alpha-helix, beta-hairpin, alpha-helix bundle, and alpha/beta-protein).
107         In contrast, mutants lacking the TAD alpha-helix but retaining the most distal C-terminal res
108 , each with a single predicted transmembrane alpha-helix, but their orientation and topography are un
109 , we disrupted the hydrophobic moment of the alpha-helix by replacing Phe(604), Ile(608), or Ile(612)
110 g sites in K2hPg Further, the adoption of an alpha-helix by VKK38 upon binding to K2hPg sterically op
111        In this dimer, the active position of alpha-helix C in the kinase N lobe is stabilized, which
112 all structure of StnA can be described as an alpha-helix cap domain on top of a common alpha/beta hyd
113 rus 5 into the density, it is shown that the alpha-helix close to the RNA became flexible when RNA wa
114 y to mammalian deubiquitinases with a unique alpha-helix close to the substrate-binding pocket.
115 fect the surface-exposed residues of the K10 alpha helix coiled-coil and caused localized disorganiza
116 ther to partially stabilize a short internal alpha-helix comprising L(M) residues 43-46.
117           After a rigid docking of NCC in an alpha-helix conformation, molecular dynamics (MD) and me
118 coil-beta motif forms a short membrane-bound alpha-helix connected by a disordered loop to the TM dom
119 a three-stranded beta-sheet and a C-terminal alpha-helix constrained by two disulfide bonds.
120 terminal domain and an incipient amphipathic alpha-helix contained within it.
121              The beginning of the C-terminal alpha-helix contains a strictly conserved and fully trim
122 alpha-helix --> beta-sheet, with increase in alpha-helix content during the lag phase followed by inc
123 inal to C-terminal interactions with greater alpha-helix content for the 20-29 fragment, with hydroph
124 phipathic CPPs correlates with their adopted alpha-helix content in membranes rather than their helic
125                                   A residual alpha-helix content in the central part of the peptide (
126  profiles were obtained as a function of the alpha-helix content of different segments of the 17-mer
127 he same kind of changes i.e. decrease in the alpha-helix content with a simultaneous increase in the
128 howed that while HHP treatment decreased the alpha-helix content, free sulfhydryl content, and Rg, it
129 f the secondary structure from beta-sheet to alpha-helix could be monitored at a time resolution of 1
130 EGF-D harboring a mutation in the N-terminal alpha-helix, D103A, exhibited enhanced potency for activ
131 2 regulates circadian repression through TAD alpha-helix-dependent and -independent mechanisms.
132 ochondrial outer membrane via its N-terminal alpha helix domain and hosts a redox-active [2Fe-2S] clu
133       Using the same 12-aa beta-strand-hinge-alpha-helix domain, superantigens engage both B7-2 and C
134       FTIR analysis indicated that PPO is an alpha-helix dominating enzyme.
135 on of 8 cysteine residues, important for its alpha-helixes enriched structure.
136                        Side chains in the M1 alpha-helix experience extraordinarily large energy diff
137 ontacts with alpha-helix A (residues 18-32), alpha-helix F (182-194), as well as the F-G loop.
138                      PGL-1 DD has a novel 13 alpha-helix fold that creates a positively charged chann
139 types of charged amino-acid residue pairs on alpha-helix folding.
140                   The CTD is comprised of an alpha helix followed by an acidic region (AR) and a C-te
141  of CPT enzymes that form part of the second alpha-helix, for determining substrate and product speci
142 nine R210 on the adjacent subunit's backbone alpha-helix form salt bridges in hexamers and pentamers.
143 A is engaged on cellulose, as models predict alpha-helix formation and decreased cellulose interactio
144 ch that they favor helix formation) speed up alpha-helix formation by up to 50% and slow down the unf
145                    The structure reveals how alpha-helix formation directly within the peptidyltransf
146 ons, and on the other hand, they can promote alpha-helix formation in certain peptides.
147 A underwent coupled folding and binding with alpha-helix formation upon interaction with RCD1, wherea
148  was resistant to conformational collapse or alpha-helix formation upon the addition of the osmolyte
149 ight coupling between membrane partitioning, alpha-helix formation, and electrostatic repulsions betw
150 ng a pathogenic, expanded Gln length and N17 alpha-helix formation.
151 n by formation of a glycine zipper involving alpha helix formed by amino acid residues 263-294.
152 ed monomer is mainly disordered with a short alpha-helix formed at the central hydrophobic core regio
153 face on Nsp9 is located in the two predicted alpha-helixes formed by 48 residues at the C-terminal en
154 ractions with the enzyme allow it to form an alpha-helix from residues 31-49.
155 nd suggest that the formation of an extended alpha-helix from the disordered carboxy-terminal region
156     Importantly, the N-terminal part of this alpha-helix, from Phe(93) to Thr(98), is required for bi
157 e that: (1) Glu-25 is more frequently in the alpha helix group in the phosphorylated state with the a
158 ed changes in structure from random coil --> alpha-helix --> beta-sheet, with increase in alpha-helix
159 spots at positions i, i + 3, and i + 7 of an alpha-helix had few orientations when interacting with t
160 ta-sheets+antiparallel beta sheets and lower alpha-helix had greater gluten strength.
161 ositioning of the RNMT lobe and the adjacent alpha-helix hinge, resulting in optimal positioning of h
162                               These included alpha-helix II and hairpin turns between beta-strands be
163  Mutation of two basic residues in HTLV-2 MA alpha-helix II, previously implicated in BLV gRNA packag
164 a conformational rearrangement involving the alpha-helix III of LC3, especially in the three basic re
165 nt of mAb 10B9 was found to form a very rare alpha helix in its third CDR of the H chain.
166            The K259A mutation, mapping to an alpha helix in the predicted structure of 2C(ATPase), re
167 The zeta-protein is bound via its N-terminal alpha-helix in a catalytic interface in the F1 domain.
168      The role of the outermost transmembrane alpha-helix in both the maturation and function of the p
169 als that fibrillar exon1 has a partly mobile alpha-helix in its aggregation-accelerating N terminus,
170  Surprisingly, the corresponding part of the alpha-helix in mature VEGF-C did not influence binding t
171 nto membranes and forms a transmembrane (TM) alpha-helix in response to slight acidity, and has shown
172 stigated a deletion mutant lacking only this alpha-helix in stable cell lines and Xenopus laevis phot
173 tructures of these three factors revealed an alpha-helix in the C-terminal inhibitory domain that pac
174 ybrid analysis to identify a surface-exposed alpha-helix in the C-terminal mannosyltransferase domain
175 the canonical cleavage site form an extended alpha-helix in the ER membrane, which covers the cleavag
176 a 60:40 ratio of double- and single-stranded alpha-helix in the highly rigid hydrogel of native agaro
177 how that pore loop residues form a canonical alpha-helix in the monomer early in biogenesis and that
178 onclusion, we have identified an amphipathic alpha-helix in the NCX1 large intracellular loop that co
179                          We detected a short alpha-helix in the soluble structure that comprised thre
180 rminal tail binds to membranes as a parallel alpha helix, induces bilayer thinning, and increases acy
181  to reveal that SpoVM's atypical amphipathic alpha-helix inserts deeply into the membrane and interac
182  beta-sheet, and insertion of the N-terminal alpha-helix into the heterodimer interface, leading to e
183 close proximity to one another only when the alpha helix is intact.
184                                          The alpha-helix is a ubiquitous secondary structural element
185  are high, the N-terminus of the amphipathic alpha-helix is bound to a cleft in the regulatory domain
186 sidues Arg-47, Arg-50) in the repeat 1 front alpha-helix is crucial for KCNQ2/3 but not Nav1.2 bindin
187  drop, the cleft closes, and the amphipathic alpha-helix is released to bind to the carrier domain vi
188 to this region, suggesting that folding into alpha-helix is required for chaperone-like activity unde
189 onserved tryptophan (W972) in the C-terminal alpha-helix is widely accepted as essential for E2 recru
190 icit and macromolecular crowding induce high alpha-helix levels in vitro, suggesting that prevalent c
191 from a beta-amino acid, to participate in an alpha-helix-like secondary structure.
192 Y from Bacillus subtilis revealing a 10-turn alpha-helix linking otherwise discrete GAF and wHTH doma
193 VRAASEFA320 that composes the first C-linker alpha-helix located just below the pore is a crucial det
194 petition for binding with coactivators on an alpha-helix located within the transactivation domain (T
195 nterface between the outermost transmembrane alpha-helix, M4, and the adjacent transmembrane alpha-he
196 erved MGF motif and the presence of a fourth alpha-helix make TDP2 UBA distinct from other known UBAs
197                                         Each alpha helix makes hydrogen-bond (H-bond) contacts with u
198                                              alpha-Helix mediated PPIs may be amenable to modulation
199 esign and experimental characterization of a alpha-helix-mediated homodimer with C2 symmetry based on
200  scaffold led to the selective disruption of alpha-helix-mediated PPIs.
201                      Selective inhibition of alpha-helix-mediated protein-protein interactions (PPIs)
202  this class, which emerged from screening an alpha-helix mimetic library, stimulate the immune respon
203 sis of trispyrimidonamides as a new class of alpha-helix mimetics is reported.
204 gn of novel, low-molecular-weight, synthetic alpha-helix mimetics that recognize helical c-Myc in its
205 onalized alpha/beta/gamma-peptides assume an alpha-helix-mimicking 12,13-helix conformation in soluti
206 (93)CGPAI(97) portion of a predicted central alpha-helix most drastically suppressed the inhibitory a
207                     This is the first single alpha-helix motif identified in viral proteins.
208 osome) but share the presence of the class A alpha-helix motif.
209 ta-stranded barrel pore, with its N-terminal alpha-helix (N-alpha) bound to its interior.
210 o the three conserved regions of the CTD: an alpha helix, needed for the structural integrity of the
211 (SNAREDelta60) suggested that an 'accessory' alpha-helix of Complexin-I inhibits release by inserting
212                               The C-terminal alpha-helix of CXCL14 had neither antimicrobial nor chem
213 e, formed by contacts between the C-terminal alpha-helix of eL19 and 18S rRNA in concert with additio
214 inst GFP, ubiquitin, an OVA peptide, and the alpha-helix of influenza hemagglutinin's stem; the last
215 tagenesis to demonstrate that the N-terminal alpha-helix of mature VEGF-D (Phe(93)-Arg(108)) is criti
216                               The C-terminal alpha-helix of NPY, which is formed in a membrane enviro
217 derable repositioning of the very C-terminal alpha-helix of pUL50 upon pUL53 binding.
218 e-exposed and is located near the N-terminal alpha-helix of the extracellular domain.
219  Hyp(10) disrupts only a small region of the alpha-helix of the Mn(2+).peptide complex, which display
220  Pseudomonas aeruginosa, including a charged alpha-helix on the globular domains of the ZapA tetramer
221 t there were changes in both pore length and alpha-helix organization near the cytoplasmic vestibule
222            We further probe the net collagen alpha-helix pitch angle within the gel mixtures using wh
223 ing pockets, the beta-hairpin pocket and the alpha-helix pocket.
224 ding has previously been employed to measure alpha-helix propensities among proteinogenic alpha-amino
225        This system allows the measurement of alpha-helix propensities for d-alpha-amino acid residues
226 was surrounded by IDRs, individual intrinsic alpha-helix propensities varied as shown by CD spectrosc
227 oil protein content along with a decrease in alpha-helix protein.
228 on and bishistidine ligation in a range of 4-alpha-helix proteins.
229  longer ranging effects, stabilizing a short alpha-helix quite distant from the mutation sites, but a
230                                  The peptide alpha-helix represents a common structural motif that me
231  in the beta6-alpha5 loop and the C-terminal alpha helix (residue 330).
232  interacting with a highly conserved central alpha helix-rich domain.
233 e availability of apoAI or other amphipathic alpha-helix-rich apoproteins relieves the burden of exce
234 (amino acids [aa] 1 to 152) and a structured alpha-helix-rich C-terminal domain (aa 153 to 455).
235  residues, which facilitate the formation of alpha-helix-rich oligomers, which further undergo struct
236 ent work suggests it also occurs normally in alpha-helix-rich tetramers and related multimers.
237 , but recent work suggests it also occurs in alpha-helix-rich tetramers.
238 and primarily disordered except for a single alpha-helix (SAH) at the N terminus and a short nascent
239 ddition to Survivin and Borealin, the single alpha-helix (SAH) domain of INCENP supports CPC localiza
240 d coil but a approximately 32-nm-long single alpha-helix (SAH) domain.
241 on measurements show a significant degree of alpha-helix sampling in the protein regions encompassing
242 sidues ("alpha/beta-peptides") can mimic the alpha-helix secondary structure, and that properly desig
243 rface receptors, a single transmembrane (TM) alpha-helix separates ecto- and cytosolic domains.
244 ion of the native peptide, by addition of an alpha-helix stabilising sequence and histidine residues,
245 contains a hydrocarbon cross-link to enhance alpha-helix stability.
246 tions of Ca(2+)-free (apo) CaM (reduction in alpha-helix structure by 13% (CD) and 15% (2D)).
247 tergent micelles, which results in a gain of alpha-helix structure in its N-terminal lipid-binding do
248   More precisely, we observe that the single alpha-helix structure is more stable in the phospholipid
249  aggregates, which retain a large content of alpha-helix structures.
250  mimetics was designed to target the central alpha-helix subdomain of Abeta (Abeta13-26).
251 ynuclein mutants with a disrupted N-terminal alpha-helix (T6K and A30P) had little effect under ident
252 beta-barrel domain and a long, mildly kinked alpha-helix tail.
253 nomers while the C-terminal section forms an alpha helix that directly blocks IL-17RA from binding to
254 n folds in the virion into a single extended alpha helix that wraps around the DNA.
255 of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate destabilizes an alpha-helix that bridges the allosteric and active site
256 sues and was found to form a well structured alpha-helix that closely resembles the juxtamembrane hel
257 ility occurs at the N-terminus and the first alpha-helix that connects the HlyIIC domain to the HlyII
258 lved at 2.7 A resolution reveals an extended alpha-helix that contributes to an intermolecular four-h
259  as a partly unwound helix, forms a complete alpha-helix that displaces the amino (N)-terminal helix
260 rich loop that binds the major groove and an alpha-helix that interacts with a downstream minor groov
261  between the two protomers is mediated by an alpha-helix that interacts with the ATP-binding site at
262 ment of MOAG-4 forms a transiently populated alpha-helix that interacts with the negatively charged C
263 g the NTD onto the AraC backbone revealed an alpha-helix that likely serves as the primary determinan
264 pressor ETV6 (or TEL) is autoinhibited by an alpha-helix that sterically blocks its DNA-binding ETS d
265 or TEL) is auto-inhibited ~50-fold due to an alpha-helix that sterically blocks its ETS domain bindin
266 hat the amphipathic nature of the C-terminal alpha-helix (Thr(603)-Thr(613)) was important for foldin
267 winged helix-turn-helix (wHTH) motifs use an alpha helix to read the base sequence in the major groov
268 m-loop target RNA and extends a newly-formed alpha helix to the distal loop where it forms protein in
269  mechanical pulling force can facilitate the alpha-helix to beta-sheet (alpha-to-beta) transition by
270                                 A shift from alpha-helix to beta-sheet conformation of proteins indic
271 ons promote the pentapeptides transform from alpha-helix to beta-sheet conformation.
272           Rather, these oligomers undergo an alpha-helix to beta-sheet conversion catalyzed by lipid
273  affects protein conformation, by causing an alpha-helix to beta-structures transition in both protei
274 ion of Glu(615) at the end of the C-terminal alpha-helix to Lys reduced surface expression of SERT-E6
275            The asymmetry caused the terminal alpha-helix to thermodynamically uncouple from the rest
276 e hexon and penton are mediated by a drastic alpha-helix-to-beta-strand structural transition.
277 ich undergoes beta-strand-to-alpha-helix and alpha-helix-to-beta-strand transitions during catalysis,
278        The functionally relevant random-coil-alpha-helix transition associated with Ca(2+) uptake tha
279 ng lipid conditions or rigidification of the alphaS helix triggers an increase in small unilamellar v
280 ecule was found to contain a large amount of alpha-helix/unordered structures and many signatures of
281 e produced a synthetic PA mutant in which an alpha helix was crosslinked into the alpha clamp to bloc
282 hat the amphipathic nature of the C-terminal alpha-helix was dispensable to endoplasmic reticulum exp
283  dominated in the coacervate state, although alpha-helix was predominant after subsequent cross-linki
284 ctures (e.g. the order of propensity to form alpha-helix was: PST-297S approximately PST-287K > PST-W
285 that a JMJD6 peptide (Lys84-Asn96) adapts an alpha-helix when bound to the ET domain.
286  in changes to the p-loop, alphaC helix, and alphaD helix when compared to the staurosporine-bound st
287 up to 50% and slow down the unfolding of the alpha-helix, whereas salt bridges with an unfavorable ge
288 ctroscopy showed that LsbB has an N-terminal alpha-helix, whereas the C-terminal of the molecule rema
289 m FPP to GPP, until replacement of the final alpha-helix, whereupon cyclopropanation and branching ac
290 nected to its cytotoxic domain by a flexible alpha-helix, which allows it to adopt two distinct confo
291 sized that this segment forms an amphipathic alpha-helix whose properties facilitate Cys-739 palmitoy
292 structure of the allosteric site revealed an alpha-helix with a loop connecting a coil fragment.
293 ularly flexible between the first and second alpha-helix with the first helical part exhibiting sligh
294 p f3's peroxidase activity, and extended the alpha-helix with the former peroxidatic cysteine residue
295 ic motif of the I-II linker forms a straight alpha-helix, with the positive charges facing the lipid
296 event adoption of the metal ion-induced full alpha-helix, with unknown functional consequences.
297 osition 175, which is part of an amphipathic alpha-helix within the C-terminal region of GobX.
298  surface of a series of residues on a stable alpha-helix within the motif with high potential as a pr
299                  We propose that a predicted alpha-helix within this domain orienting parallel to the
300                   Furthermore, the incipient alpha-helix (within the purified soluble C terminus) par

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