


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 er (e.g. serpins, regulating cell death, and alpha-macroglobulins).
2  systemic inflammation as measured by plasma alpha-macroglobulin.
3                                              alpha-Macroglobulins (alphaMs) are large glycoproteins t
4      Only the active enzyme bound to the two alpha-macroglobulins, and the interaction was specific f
5            Murinoglobulin, the second murine alpha-macroglobulin, bound both TGF-beta isoforms with 3
6 inhibitors phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and alpha-macroglobulin could reverse the sigB biofilm defec
7 lpha2M, which is not redundant in the murine alpha-macroglobulin family or in murine plasma.
8 bulin, which is the only known member of the alpha-macroglobulin family that does not bind TGF-beta,
9 uch as albumin, fibrinogen, transferrin, and alpha-macroglobulin in hepatocytes.
10 nalysis of bacterial genomes identified many alpha-macroglobulin-like sequences that appear to have b
11 d C5 are members of the thioester-containing alpha-macroglobulin protein superfamily.
12        The specific binding of plasma CPB to alpha-macroglobulins suggest that these proteins may fun
13                  Malpha2M is the only murine alpha-macroglobulin that promotes NO synthesis.
14 ion and characterization of such a bacterial alpha-macroglobulin, that from Escherichia coli.
15                       This is also the first alpha-macroglobulin to be characterized that is predicte

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