


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gnate peptide and alpha-bungarotoxin, a long alpha-neurotoxin.
2 or interactions and the orientation of bound alpha-neurotoxin.
3 he binding and functional activity of a long alpha-neurotoxin.
4 which permitted the evolution of snake venom alpha-neurotoxins.
5 re with the biological action of short-chain alpha-neurotoxins.
6 sociation of agonists and slow rates for the alpha-neurotoxins.
7 forms a major determinant for the binding of alpha-neurotoxins.
8  inhibition mechanism by snake-venom-derived alpha-neurotoxins.
9 Arg36, a residue that is invariant among all alpha-neurotoxins.
10 ariant in kappa-neurotoxins and not found in alpha-neurotoxins.
11  neuronal membrane molecule related to snake alpha-neurotoxins able to modulate nAChRs.
12 ing for alpha-bungarotoxin and similar snake alpha-neurotoxins also targeting alpha7 nAChR.
13 ription of the contacts between a prototypic alpha-neurotoxin and its cognate recognition sequence.
14 olved in the binding interaction on both the alpha-neurotoxin and the receptor interface.
15                                    While the alpha-neurotoxins are monomeric, the kappa-neurotoxins o
16                                              alpha-Neurotoxins are potent inhibitors of the nicotinic
17                                          The alpha-neurotoxins are three-fingered peptide toxins that
18 igate whether the alpha18-mer can bind other alpha-neurotoxins besides alpha-bungarotoxin, we designe
19                                              alpha-Neurotoxins bind with high affinity to alpha-gamma
20 ica mossambica (NmmI) that, similar to other alpha-neurotoxins, binds with high affinity to alphagamm
21  interaction, we examined the flexibility of alpha-neurotoxin bound to the acetylcholine-binding prot
22                                              alpha-Neurotoxins constitute a large family of polypepti
23         Like the kappa-neurotoxins, the long alpha-neurotoxins contain the same five conserved disulf
24 otoxins readily dimerize in solution and the alpha-neurotoxins do not and also suggest that there is
25  domain and tested the effect of short-chain alpha-neurotoxin erabutoxin-a (ETX-a) from the Erabu sea
26 luding two residues conserved throughout the alpha-neurotoxin family (K27 and R33), resulted in subst
27                       Amino acid variants of alpha-neurotoxin from N. mossambica mossambica at positi
28 genesis had identified three residues on the alpha-neurotoxin from Naja mossambica mossambica (Lys27,
29                    We report here on a short alpha-neurotoxin from Naja mossambica mossambica (NmmI)
30                                  Because the alpha-neurotoxin from Naja mossambica mossambica I shows
31                           The three-fingered alpha-neurotoxins have played a pivotal role in elucidat
32 al resistance against conspecific long-chain alpha-neurotoxins in Elapidae snakes also interfere with
33 pha-conotoxin ImI and a chimeric Naja oxiana alpha-neurotoxin indicating that the major role in alpha
34 that only one face of the second loop of the alpha-neurotoxin is immobilized significantly by its bin
35              The results indicate that bound alpha-neurotoxin is not rigidly oriented on the surface
36 ited by some other three-finger toxins, long alpha-neurotoxin Ls III and nonconventional toxin WTX.
37 g occurs in millisecond time frames, and the alpha-neurotoxins may induce a distinct conformational s
38          To advance our understanding of the alpha-neurotoxin-nAChR interaction, we examined the flex
39              Using a recombinant DNA-derived alpha-neurotoxin (Naja mossambica mossambica, NmmI) and
40 e conserved disulfide bonds, while the short alpha-neurotoxins only contain four of the five.
41                           A model describing alpha-neurotoxin resistance in Elapidae snakes is presen
42                     Phylogenetic analysis of alpha-neurotoxin resistance suggests that alpha-neurotox
43 of alpha-neurotoxin resistance suggests that alpha-neurotoxin-resistant nAChR evolved first, which pe
44 his effect correlates with the variations in alpha-neurotoxin sensitivity of different species and, i
45 -Bungarotoxin is structurally related to the alpha-neurotoxins, such as alpha-bungarotoxin derived fr
46 uorescent conjugate of fasciculin 2, a snake alpha-neurotoxin that tightly binds to the catalytic sub

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