


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  substantial amounts of epimerization at the alpha position.
2 sidues with a variety of substituents at the alpha position.
3 ng OR or equivalent functional groups at the alpha-position.
4 ketones containing quaternary carbons in the alpha-position.
5 ce the acidity as well as one located at the alpha-position.
6 such as diastereoselective alkylation of the alpha-position.
7 and amines having a quaternary carbon at the alpha-position.
8 tion of the carbocation by a pi-donor in the alpha-position.
9 tonation by H2O is mostly at the naphthalene alpha-position.
10 Wittig-Horner reaction after chlorination in alpha-position.
11 tics such as 2-pyrrole or 2-indole favor the alpha-position.
12 ith or followed by uptake of a proton at the alpha-position.
13 tope effect of 1.010 was observed at the C2 (alpha) position.
14  template for catalytic activation of ketone alpha-positions.
15 on of substituents at the pyrrole alpha- and alpha'-positions (2- and 5-, respectively).
16 oketone substrate has a hydrogen atom at the alpha position a peroxyvinylsulfenic acid intermediate c
17  by the presence of an aromatic group at the alpha-position adjacent to the ketone, which stabilizes
18                               Linkage at the alpha-position allows both inter- and intramolecular N..
19  were k(12C)/k(13C) = 1.041 +/- 0.005 at the alpha position and 1.013 +/- 0.006 at the beta position.
20 KIEs were k(H)/k(D) = 1.076 +/- 0.005 at the alpha position and 1.017 +/- 0.005 at the beta position.
21     When the dimer (I) was deuterated at the alpha position and subsequently oxidized by MnP in the p
22 izes two antiparallel bases focused at the C(alpha) position and oriented perpendicular to the PLP ri
23           Addition of carbonyl oxygen at the alpha-position and formation of C-O bond at the beta-pos
24 hange of substituted toluenes labeled in the alpha-position and relative equilibrium acidities comput
25 vinylsulfenic acid can also rearrange to the alpha position, and by reaction with the starting thioke
26 d possess trimethylsilyl substituents in the alpha-positions, and the ancillary Cp2, Me2C(eta(5)-C5H4
27 on in directing the Grignard addition to the alpha position as opposed to 1,4-addition on the ene-lac
28 g partners are exclusively arylated at their alpha-position by an asynchronous [3,3]-sigmatropic rear
29             Varying the lipophilicity of the alpha-position by replacing the isopropyl group of 11c w
30 roup was readily introduced into the pyrrole alpha-position by the reaction of 2-thiocyanatopyrrole (
31 root-mean-square (r.m.s) deviation for 210 C alpha positions considered equivalent is 2.28 angstroms
32 nylene dyad with primary amines in the alpha,alpha'-positions could be prepared and isolated.
33 to study the dynamics of deuterated backbone alpha-positions, D(alpha), are developed.
34                   Placing heavy atoms at the alpha-position decreases conductance, whereas placing th
35 ophene, was arylated regioselectively at the alpha-position directly with iodoarenes.
36 ctly at the beta position rather than at the alpha position followed by isomerization of a reaction i
37 ow-up reactions involve deprotonation at the alpha-position followed by beta-scission to form the ben
38               A tetrahedral adduct at the C2 alpha-position formed between the enamine and D,L-S-meth
39                          Substitution in the alpha position has the strongest effect.
40            However, SiH3 substitution at the alpha-position has a similar, if smaller, effect.
41 s where the carboxyl functional group at the alpha-position has been replaced by an ester or by a hyd
42 nctionalization of carbonyl compounds in the alpha-position has gathered much attention as a syntheti
43 this trend, whereas such substitution at the alpha-position has negligible effect.
44 ssion of WT macrophage ABCA1 migrated to the alpha position in a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.
45 alpha-amino acids undergo arylation at their alpha position in an enantioselective manner on treatmen
46 ean-squared differences between comparable C-alpha positions in the X-ray structures and the NMR stru
47 istence of deactivating polar effects at the alpha-position in Cl(*) abstractions is likely also to b
48 e products are prone to epimerization at the alpha-position in the presence of the B-promoter system.
49  methyl substituents at the C2, C3, C4, or C(alpha) positions, including the unsubstituted parent, wa
50 ed mitogenic effect of steric bulk in the 11 alpha-position is also evident.
51  by regioselective azide substitution at the alpha position of alpha,beta-dihydroxyesters 6a-c via a
52          Addition of a carboxyl group at the alpha position of carbocyclic nucleoside phosphonate ana
53 ective migration of the N'-aryl group to the alpha position of the amino acid, followed by ring closu
54 y studies in this series by branching at the alpha position of the C-2 benzyl side chain and through
55 with either an ether or an alcohol at the C2 alpha position of the enamine.
56 red with linker chains extending from the 17 alpha position of the estradiol to N-2 (compound 3), N-6
57 "peptoids") containing chiral centers at the alpha position of their side chains can form stable stru
58 of two bromine atoms occurs at the alpha and alpha' positions of the cyclopentenyl scaffold via succe
59  enables carbon-carbon bond formation at the alpha'-position of silylenol ethers by using catalytic a
60 ce substituents appended to the biphenyl and alpha-position of 5 with structurally diverse functional
61 de and one cysteine thioether bridged to the alpha-position of a methionine, a posttranslational modi
62 tive coupling of electron-rich arenes to the alpha-position of carbonyl functionality of in situ gene
63 a-enoates and syn-selective azidation at the alpha-position of ester enolates.
64 thyl groups increase the reactivities of the alpha-position of hydrazines, they decrease the reactivi
65 carboxylic functionality at the pTyr mimetic alpha-position of macrocyclic ligands.
66 he rates of deuterium incorporation into the alpha-position of mandelate and the racemization of (R)-
67  alpha-nitrogen of pTyr residues or from the alpha-position of P0 pTyr mimetics not only increases bi
68  introduces acyclic and cyclic amines to the alpha-position of phosphonates in one step.
69 losure process: (i) condensation between the alpha-position of pyrrole ring A and the alpha-acetal un
70             In contrast, modification at the alpha-position of the beta-alanyl carboxylate group resu
71  of lactones possessing a sulfur atom in the alpha-position of the butyrolactone group, whereas carbo
72 at is, products derived from coupling at the alpha-position of the enone.
73 udy revealed that a small alkyl group on the alpha-position of the ether was required, with the (R)-e
74 owed that 1, which has a chiral amine at the alpha-position of the gamma-aminobutyric acid turn (gamm
75 icoid agonists than those linked through the alpha-position of the lactone.
76 up is installed at the gamma- instead of the alpha-position of the N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine backbone u
77                     The configuration at the alpha-position of the new generated alpha-amino acid can
78 ective introduction of substituents into the alpha-position of the resulting gamma-amino acids.
79                          The highly reactive alpha-position of the terminal thiophenes can allow for
80 od is that when a hydrogen is present in the alpha-position of the thioamide the initially formed thi
81 , and isotopic labeling established that the alpha-position of the three-membered ring is the favored
82 of introducing different substituents at the alpha-position of the tryptophan containing neurokinin-1
83         Introduction of methyl groups at the alpha-position of the vinyl group or the ortho positions
84               The selective oxidation of the alpha-position of two heme-Fe(III) tetraarylporphryinate
85 erance is observed at the keto-, ester-, and alpha-positions of the nucleophile.
86 ons of thiophenes and annelation between the alpha-positions of thiophenes.
87 red with double bonds tethered either to the alpha-position or the gamma-position of the allene.
88    The 3-(dimethylamino)phenyl groups at the alpha position prove to be important to the efficiency o
89 phamycins which contain substitutions at the alpha-position proximal to the carbonyl group that norma
90 (E)-stereoisomers with the -OCH3 group in an alpha- position relative to the double bond had the grea
91 nating carbon sites and deuteration at the C alpha position to overcome these difficulties.
92 ereochemistry of a methyl-substituent at the alpha position to the ester, resembling amino acid side
93 ar recognition, where deprotonation at the C(alpha) position to form a putative ketene intermediate o
94 which bear a benzylic methylene group in the alpha-position to a stereogenic center (-CHMeX), and wit
95 (cat) of 48 +/- 1 min(-1), via attack at the alpha-position to exclusively generate the (R)-phenyl vi
96  cleavage of the carbon-hydrogen bond at the alpha-position to nitrogen.
97 his reaction, acting as a nucleophile at the alpha-position to provide fully substituted glycolic est
98 branched tryptamines with aryl groups in the alpha-position to the amino group, while (2-methylcyclop
99  pro-9R hydrogen atom of biotin, which is in alpha-position to the CO(2)(-) group, might be changed t
100 to occur between the triarylamino C atoms in alpha-position to the naphthalene linker because the res
101  by introduction of a heteroatom (N or O) in alpha-position to the phosphonate and using the resultan
102 rapped with Ellman imines selectively at the alpha-position to yield enantiopure 3-pyrroline products
103 ubstituent groups in the meso (8)- and/or 3 (alpha)-positions was investigated.
104 with a stereogenic center (-C*HXR(2)) in the alpha position were generated by ionization of the respe
105 ortho-carborane groups at the 8(meso) or 3/5(alpha) position were synthesized and characterized by NM
106 oids with a 3-hydroxyl group oriented in the alpha position, whereas the beta-isoform acts on steroid
107  a lambda(5)-phosphorus functionality at the alpha-position with respect to the diazo moiety, here re
108                         Carbonylation at the alpha-position with respect to the N atom attached to th
109 bsequently hydroxylates fatty acids at their alpha-position with S-enantioselectivity.
110 the M-C bond more than anticipated if in the alpha-position, with the effect on bond strength diminis

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