


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 residue mutations in TPM1, the gene encoding alpha-tropomyosin.
2 ssociation with decreased phosphorylation of alpha-tropomyosin.
3 ur through direct interaction with actin and alpha-tropomyosin.
4 ene identified in these analyses encodes for alpha-tropomyosin.
5 leles of myosin heavy chain, troponin-T, and alpha-tropomyosin.
6 proteins, including myosin, alpha-actin, and alpha-tropomyosin.
7 nly: beta-actin increased 1.4-fold (P<0.05); alpha-tropomyosin, 1.3-fold (P<0.05); alpha1-actinin, 1.
8  myosin heavy chain, cardiac troponin T, and alpha-tropomyosin account for > 45% of familial hypertro
9                                              alpha-Tropomyosin (alpha-TM) has a conserved, charged As
10 c cardiomyopathy mutations A63V and E180G in alpha-tropomyosin (alpha-Tm) have been shown to cause sl
11                      Alternative splicing of alpha-tropomyosin (alpha-TM) involves mutually exclusive
12                 Mutations in striated muscle alpha-tropomyosin (alpha-TM), an essential thin filament
13 tion inTPM3, which encodes the slow skeletal alpha-tropomyosin (alphaTm), was linked to NM in a large
14 h them to smooth muscle-specific splicing of alpha-tropomyosin and also alpha-actinin.
15 tein levels of smooth muscle alpha-actin and alpha-tropomyosin and increased levels of macrophage mar
16 yocytes expressing green fluorescent protein-alpha-tropomyosin and microinjected with mAb17 revealed
17 s with multiple transcripts, skeletal muscle alpha-tropomyosin and one for a repetitive sequence, sho
18 isting of the first 19 residues of rat short alpha-tropomyosin and the last 18 residues of the GCN4 l
19 t depression in levels of phosphorylation of alpha-tropomyosin and troponin I in fiber bundles from t
20 ts with mutations in troponin T, troponin I, alpha-tropomyosin, and actin do not invariably present w
21 s of cardiac troponin T, cardiac troponin I, alpha-tropomyosin, and cardiac actin was performed using
22          Two distinct point mutations within alpha-tropomyosin are associated with the development of
23 nd that both short nonmuscle and long muscle alpha-tropomyosins bind there as well, though with diffe
24 sense mutations in cardiac troponin T (TnT), alpha-tropomyosin, C-protein, or cardiac myosin heavy ch
25                        Missense mutations in alpha-tropomyosin can cause familial hypertrophic cardio
26 rt that purified RNA from the 3'UTR of human alpha-tropomyosin can inhibit in vitro translation in a
27                             Here, a rat fast alpha-tropomyosin cDNA with the Met8Arg mutation was exp
28 cardiac function or structure, whereas total alpha-tropomyosin deficiency is incompatible with life.
29                   Striated and smooth muscle alpha-tropomyosins differ by the regions encoded by exon
30 nts that activate the weak 3' splice site of alpha-tropomyosin exon 2 as well as a variety of heterol
31 in family, 9G8, can activate the splicing of alpha-tropomyosin exon 2.
32 mapped the functional domains encoded by the alpha-tropomyosin exon 9a (striated muscle-specific) and
33                                           In alpha-tropomyosin, exon 6a or 6b is not specific to any
34 opomyosin (TM9a) and TM2 (TM9d), a nonmuscle alpha-tropomyosin expressed in many cells.
35 ta-tropomyosin expression is down-regulated, alpha-tropomyosin expression is increased.
36 sin heavy chain, troponin T, troponin I, and alpha-tropomyosin for disease-causing mutations.
37                         We have used the rat alpha-tropomyosin gene as a model system of tissue-speci
38 (FHC) caused by an Asp175Asn mutation in the alpha-tropomyosin gene in affected subjects from three u
39  3' untranslated region riboregulator of the alpha-tropomyosin gene is not needed for the inhibition
40                                Exon 3 of the alpha-tropomyosin gene is specifically repressed in smoo
41                Nucleotide residue 579 in the alpha-tropomyosin gene may have increased susceptibility
42 lotypes of three kindreds with FHC due to an alpha-tropomyosin gene mutation, Asp175Asn, were analyze
43   We conclude that haploinsufficiency of the alpha-tropomyosin gene produces little or no change in c
44   We created a mouse that lacks a functional alpha-tropomyosin gene using gene targeting in embryonic
45  the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of human alpha-tropomyosin has tumor-suppressor properties in viv
46 high percentage of beta-tropomyosin replaces alpha-tropomyosin in the hearts of transgenic mice, the
47         Recombinant TM5a, a short non-muscle alpha-tropomyosin, inhibited depolymerization.
48            The inclusion of exons 2 and 3 of alpha-tropomyosin is governed through tissue-specific al
49                                    Exon 3 of alpha-tropomyosin is specifically inhibited in smooth mu
50 N-acetylated striated muscle TM (stTM), long alpha-tropomyosin isoforms with the same N-terminal sequ
51 l model peptides with sequences of alternate alpha-tropomyosin isoforms, and a troponin T fragment th
52  working heart preparations) of heterozygous alpha-tropomyosin knockout and wild-type mice were indis
53                                 Heterozygous alpha-tropomyosin knockout mice have approximately 50% a
54                                   Homozygous alpha-tropomyosin "knockout" mice die between embryonic
55  mice have approximately 50% as much cardiac alpha-tropomyosin mRNA as wild-type littermates but simi
56 brillar tropomyosin despite the reduction in alpha-tropomyosin mRNA.
57  between embryonic day 9.5 and 13.5 and lack alpha-tropomyosin mRNA.
58                  Analysis of striated muscle alpha-tropomyosin mutants in which internal sequence has
59 in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy caused by the alpha-tropomyosin mutation Asp175Asn.
60 ses of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy caused by alpha-tropomyosin mutations have been hampered by the ra
61 mutations, 6 had troponin I mutations, 3 had alpha-tropomyosin mutations, and 1 had an actin mutation
62 expression of SMC-related genes alpha-actin, alpha-tropomyosin, myosin heavy chain, and calponin H1 d
63 was studied by deletion from skeletal muscle alpha-tropomyosin of internal residues 49-167.
64 -terminal 31 residues of rat striated-muscle alpha-tropomyosin (preceded by a fragment of the GCN4 le
65 in mRNA as wild-type littermates but similar alpha-tropomyosin protein levels.
66            Nine recombinant chicken skeletal alpha-tropomyosin proteins were prepared, eight C-termin
67  an 81-residue N-terminal fragment of muscle alpha-tropomyosin reveals a parallel two-stranded alpha-
68 combinant human cardiac troponin (rhcTn) and alpha-tropomyosin (rhcTm) expressed in Escherichia coli.
69 model carrying the human Met9Arg mutation of alpha-tropomyosin slow (Tpm3).
70  human TPM3 gene encoding gamma-tropomyosin (alpha-tropomyosin-slow) expressed in slow skeletal muscl
71 from the ability of hC0C1f to bind actin and alpha-tropomyosin, suggesting that cleaved C0-C1f could
72 pon other defined regulatory elements in the alpha-tropomyosin test minigene.
73 ncoprotein E1A 3' splice site, IVS2 of human alpha-tropomyosin, the consensus polypyrimidine tract fo
74 issue-specific splicing, represses exon 3 of alpha-tropomyosin through distant pyrimidine-rich tracts
75 g of the mutually exclusive exons 2 and 3 of alpha-tropomyosin (TM) involves repression of exon 3 in
76                                      Cardiac alpha-tropomyosin (Tm) single-site mutations D175N and E
77     We investigated the functional impact of alpha-tropomyosin (Tm) substituted with one (D137L) or t
78 s cardiomyopathic mutations in human cardiac alpha-tropomyosin (Tm), a method of depletion/reconstitu
79 the cardiac contractile apparatus, including alpha-tropomyosin (Tm).
80  proteins, including four point mutations in alpha-tropomyosin (Tm).
81 sted from non-transgenic mice that expressed alpha-tropomyosin (Tm).
82 an HCM mouse model with an E180G mutation in alpha-tropomyosin (Tm180) that demonstrates increased my
83  C-terminal, or both ends of striated muscle alpha-tropomyosin (TM9a) and TM2 (TM9d), a nonmuscle alp
84 he 34 C-terminal residues of striated muscle alpha-tropomyosin, TM9a(251-284).
85                            Exon 3 of the rat alpha-tropomyosin (Tpm1) gene is repressed in smooth mus
86  a Spanish-American family caused by a novel alpha-tropomyosin (TPM1) mutation and examine the pathog
87 D230N missense mutation in the gene encoding alpha-tropomyosin (TPM1) was identified.
88 ); S179F of troponin T (TNNT2); and D175N of alpha-tropomyosin (TPM1).
89 le-specific exon (SK) of human slow skeletal alpha-tropomyosin, TPM3, and stimulates inclusion of the
90                         Tnnt2, together with alpha-tropomyosin (Tpma) and cardiac troponins C and I (
91                              A series of rat alpha-tropomyosin variants was expressed in Escherichia
92 ago, mutations in cardiac troponin (Tn)T and alpha-tropomyosin were linked to familial hypertrophic c

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