


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nct roles in regulating alphaIIbbeta3 versus alpha5beta1 integrin.
2 iRNAs directed against both collagenases and alpha5beta1 integrin.
3 domain III (residues 240-248) binds purified alpha5beta1 integrin.
4 a tempering the bacterium's interaction with alpha5beta1 integrin.
5 VEGF-induced association of VEGFR-2 with the alpha5beta1 integrin.
6 y inhibited the association of RhoA with the alpha5beta1 integrin.
7 ntibodies, suggesting the involvement of the alpha5beta1 integrin.
8 tion mediated by the alpha4beta1 but not the alpha5beta1 integrin.
9 hich mesodermal cells migrate using the same alpha5beta1 integrin.
10 microm2 in cells attached to fibronectin via alpha5beta1 integrin.
11 ally identified as a binding partner for the alpha5beta1 integrin.
12 ress fibers and the consequent clustering of alpha5beta1 integrin.
13 h affinity VEGF receptor 1 and antibodies to alpha5beta1 integrin.
14 sitive to the normal outside-in signals from alpha5beta1 integrin.
15 SRN sequence, which induced invasion through alpha5beta1 integrin.
16 as reduced in the presence of mAbs to FN and alpha5beta1 integrin.
17 rn typical of that seen with fibronectin and alpha5beta1 integrin.
18  binding site (LIBS) on the beta1 subunit of alpha5beta1 integrin.
19 ckdown of either fibronectin or its receptor alpha5beta1 integrin.
20 is an absolute requirement for initiation by alpha5beta1 integrin.
21 f beads bound per cell nor the clustering of alpha5beta1 integrin.
22 o effect on the extracellular aggregation of alpha5beta1 integrin.
23 nds to an integrin receptor, most likely the alpha5beta1 integrin.
24 cells frequently up-regulate the FN receptor alpha5beta1 integrin.
25 n forces, which are transduced to Fn through alpha5beta1 integrin.
26 oupling protein (RCP)-dependent recycling of alpha5beta1 integrin.
27 d to decreased expression of fibronectin and alpha5beta1 integrin.
28 ress both functional p53 and a high level of alpha5beta1 integrin.
29 ls and restores the association of uPAR with alpha5beta1 integrin.
30 nriched in plasma membrane-localized, active alpha5beta1-integrin.
31 A binding to uPAR and fibronectin binding to alpha5beta1-integrin.
32  in Rab25-knockdown cells reversed losses of alpha5beta1-integrin.
33 omaterials have focused on ligands that bind alpha5beta1 integrins.
34 d migration mediated by both alpha4beta1 and alpha5beta1 integrins.
35  and to a lesser extent with alphaVbeta5 and alpha5beta1 integrins.
36 0-kDa RGD-containing fragment that activates alpha5beta1 integrins.
37 ectin required alpha2beta1, alpha4beta1, and alpha5beta1 integrins.
38 lanoma cells was mediated by alpha4beta1 and alpha5beta1 integrins.
39 sters of PINCH that are colocalized with the alpha5beta1 integrins.
40 st cell receptors, including alpha-5 beta-1 (alpha5beta1) integrin.
41 ization and direct association of Rab25 with alpha5beta1-integrins.
42 ing a selective, small-molecule inhibitor of alpha5beta1 integrin, 2-aroylamino-3-{4-[(pyridin-2-ylam
43 ena forms an adhesion-regulated complex with alpha5beta1 integrin, a fibronectin receptor involved in
44                        We show here that the alpha5beta1 integrin, a fibronectin receptor, is an effi
45 complex comprised of the cytoplasmic tail of alpha5beta1 integrin, actin, and the signaling molecules
46  mechanoreceptors have been identified, with alpha5beta1 integrin acting as a predominant mechanorece
47 egrins, alpha4beta1 and an RGD-directed, non-alpha5beta1 integrin, activate ERK2 in response to mecha
48 alize, with their internalization regulating alpha5beta1 integrin activation and signalling.
49                               The effects of alpha5beta1 integrin activation on both whole-cell and s
50                        Our results show that alpha5beta1 integrin activation potentiates BK channel a
51 ovel EGF-dependent mechanism controlling the alpha5beta1 integrin activation state.
52     Thus, BK channel activity is enhanced by alpha5beta1 integrin activation, likely through an intra
53                                    Following alpha5beta1 integrin activation, native CaL channels in
54 its (mSlo) are acutely potentiated following alpha5beta1 integrin activation.
55 l isoforms are acutely potentiated following alpha5beta1 integrin activation.
56 myosin II contractility and is necessary for alpha5beta1-integrin activation and leading edge adhesio
57 -4 (VLA-4; alpha4beta1 integrins) and VLA-5 (alpha5beta1 integrins) activation.
58 integrin and uPAR drive the translocation of alpha5beta1 integrin-acylated Fyn signaling complexes in
59 s forming a complex, while expression of the alpha5beta1 integrin also increases the Nischarin/PAK1 a
60                                Activation of alpha5beta1 integrin also markedly potentiates the recru
61 ction which involves FN-f stimulation of the alpha5beta1 integrin and activation of the nonreceptor t
62  on EP4 was inhibited by an antibody against alpha5beta1 integrin and by inhibitors of phosphoinositi
63 n by controlling the population of activated alpha5beta1 integrin and cytoskeleton strength during ce
64  In a reciprocal manner, TGF-beta1 activates alpha5beta1 integrin and downstream signalling to focal
65 sociation of Rab-coupling protein (RCP) with alpha5beta1 integrin and drove RCP-dependent recycling o
66                                              alpha5beta1 integrin and endoglin form a complex on the
67 and used to measure binding strength between alpha5beta1 integrin and fibronectin by quantifying the
68  maturation by regulating surface density of alpha5beta1 integrin and fibronectin.
69 ve regarding the consistent up-regulation of alpha5beta1 integrin and FN in many tumors and their cor
70 at two additional focal adhesion components, alpha5beta1 integrin and focal adhesion kinase (FAK), ar
71 cell-matrix interactions and survival (e.g., alpha5beta1 integrin and its ligand, fibronectin).
72 this framework, PPFIA1 interacts with active alpha5beta1 integrin and localizes close to EC adhesions
73 gs indicate that negative cross-talk between alpha5beta1 integrin and p53 supports glioma resistance
74 al type I repeats of fibronectin bind to the alpha5beta1 integrin and support cell adhesion.
75 l, Thy-1 is capable of independently binding alpha5beta1 integrin and syndecan-4 (Syn4) receptors.
76  Functionally, endoglin-mediated fibronectin/alpha5beta1 integrin and TGF-beta pathway crosstalk alte
77 R with the amino-terminal fragment recruited alpha5beta1 integrin and the acylated form of the Src fa
78 zed using the PR_b peptide that binds to the alpha5beta1 integrin and the AG86 peptide that binds to
79 ngly dependent on ligation of fibronectin by alpha5beta1 integrin and the capacity of Rab25 to intera
80  gradients requires intact signaling between alpha5beta1 integrin and the epidermal growth factor rec
81  depletion suggests that the interactions of alpha5beta1 integrin and uPAR drive the translocation of
82 f tensin and actin with N-cadherin, released alpha5beta1 integrins and tensin from cell-cell contacts
83 in matrix assembly has been shown to recruit alpha5beta1 integrins and tensin into fibrillar adhesion
84 part through an interaction between beta1 or alpha5beta1 integrins and the EBV BMRF-2 protein; and (i
85 D and PHSRN sequences of fibronectin to bind alpha5beta1 integrins and triggers signalling for cell a
86  receptor (uPAR) expression, which activated alpha5beta1-integrin and epidermal growth factor recepto
87 ubiquitin-mediated proteasome degradation of alpha5beta1-integrin and facilitating effective beta1-in
88 ase influences tensin production to regulate alpha5beta1-integrin and fibrillar adhesion assembly and
89 the cell surface and total protein levels of alpha5beta1-integrin and increased its degradation.
90 ement in coordinating polarized transport of alpha5beta1-integrin and likely of other specialized end
91      This contrasts with the behavior of the alpha5beta1-integrin and paxillin, which do not co-flux.
92 correlates with expression of CD36 receptor, alpha5beta1 integrin, and alphavbeta3 integrin on prolif
93 a mechanism involving brain endothelial cell alpha5beta1 integrin, and the subsequent neuroprotective
94 The inhibitor of PI3-K, Wortmannin, and anti-alpha5beta1 integrin antibodies abrogated the effect of
95  bloodstream, we intravenously injected anti-alpha5beta1 integrin antibody and 10 minutes to 24 hours
96            Intense vascular labeling by anti-alpha5beta1 integrin antibody co-localized with the unif
97 oreover, a specific blocking monoclonal anti-alpha5beta1 integrin antibody, PB-1, blocks insulin-stim
98 RK becomes activated, uPAR is overexpressed, alpha5beta1-integrins are activated, and dormancy is int
99 eta receptor (TbetaRII) and the FN receptor (alpha5beta1 integrin) are required.
100             Using RGD-based peptides for the alpha5beta1 integrin as a model system, we have demonstr
101                        Our data identify the alpha5beta1 integrin as a potential therapeutic target t
102           H. pylori and its cag-T4SS exploit alpha5beta1 integrin as a receptor for CagA translocatio
103                    As IGFBP-1 binds both the alpha5beta1 integrin as well as IGF-I in vitro, we asked
104 n and its interaction with and activation of alpha5beta1-integrin as determinants of the in vivo grow
105 er preclinical validation of fibronectin and alpha5beta1-integrin as targets for breast cancer therap
106          This effect is mediated through the alpha5beta1 integrin because blockade of fibronectin-alp
107  that L1 binding to L1, TAG-1, or F3, and L1-alpha5beta1 integrin binding are not essential for norma
108 ence of three distinct activation states for alpha5beta1 integrin binding to adsorbed fibronectin for
109 neering hydrogel materials to promote alpha3/alpha5beta1 integrin binding, we can promote the formati
110 1 homophilic binding was lost, along with L1-alpha5beta1 integrin binding.
111 process is known to involve both the central alpha5beta1 integrin-binding and the C-terminal heparin-
112             Fn fragments containing both the alpha5beta1 integrin-binding domain (III 9 to 10) and th
113 y click-chemistry (CuAAC) trimerization of a alpha5beta1 integrin-binding pseudopeptide on the triaza
114                                Additionally, alpha5beta1-integrin blockade reversed the membrane retr
115 d cell surface expression of alphaVbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrins, both FN receptors.
116 ferentiation was controlled by the levels of alpha5beta1 integrin bound to Fn, and differentiation wa
117                                Activation of alpha5beta1 integrin by an appropriate, insoluble alpha5
118 e cooperative binding of heparan sulfate and alpha5beta1 integrin by the AAV2 capsids.
119                                Activation of alpha5beta1-integrin by uPAR generates persistently high
120                                              alpha5beta1 integrin can occupy several distinct conform
121           We demonstrate that syntaxin 6 and alpha5beta1 integrin colocalize in EEA1-containing early
122                                          The alpha5beta1 integrin complex is important for anchoring
123 L-8 and ROS production and activation of the alpha5beta1 integrin complex on HAECs.
124 C surface, suggesting that both activate the alpha5beta1 integrin complex on the endothelial surface.
125 udy showed that PA binds to alpha4beta1- and alpha5beta1-integrin complexes, leading to their conjoin
126   Cell binding to fibronectin through either alpha5beta1 integrins (constitutively expressed) or alph
127                   The impact of this site on alpha5beta1 integrin-dependent cell functions was examin
128 oblasts and soluble fibronectin that promote alpha5beta1 integrin-dependent fibronectin fibril assemb
129 and cyclin D1 and decreases p21 and PTEN via alpha5beta1 integrin-dependent signals that include PI3-
130               We found that alphavbeta6- and alpha5beta1-integrin-dependent activation of Rac1 was me
131 itro, alpha-defensins specifically inhibited alpha5beta1-integrin-dependent migration of bovine retin
132                    We further determine that alpha5beta1-integrin depends on an AnkB/RabGAP1L complex
133                                 Recycling of alpha5beta1 integrin did not affect its regulation or ab
134 ocalization and levels of active SMAD2/3 and alpha5beta1-integrin distinguish patient-protective from
135 grounds studied here, loss of fibronectin or alpha5beta1 integrin does not contribute to tumorigenesi
136         Due to its unique ability to bind to alpha5beta1 integrin, EETI 2.5F showed superior in vivo
137          Adhesion to fibronectin through the alpha5beta1 integrin enables endothelial cells to prolif
138  protein (RCP)-driven endocytic recycling of alpha5beta1 integrin enhances invasive migration of canc
139 ted cohesivity, we used a series of chimeric alpha5beta1-integrin-expressing cells cultured as multil
140                                  Clinically, alpha5beta1 integrin expression was associated with a mo
141 amined by conventional immunohistochemistry, alpha5beta1 integrin expression was strong on most blood
142        Targeted CEU imaging of alpha(v)- and alpha5beta1-integrin expression was performed with micro
143 sed expression of alphaSMA, fibronectin, and alpha5beta1 integrin (fibronectin receptor components) i
144 he catalytic monomer, in causing loss of the alpha5beta1 integrin (fibronectin receptor) from HGF.
145 en bonds in a particular allosteric state of alpha5beta1 integrin-fibronectin complex, a conformation
146 mechanism requires localized myosin-IIA- and alpha5beta1 integrin/fibronectin-mediated migration and
147 noprecipitation suggests that uPAR, EGFR and alpha5beta1 integrin formed a ternary complex.
148 mbining FN secretion and recycling of active alpha5beta1 integrin from the trans-Golgi network (TGN)
149 ased adhesions and that the translocation of alpha5beta1 integrins from cell-cell contacts into fibri
150 ed with immunoprecipitates of alpha4beta1 or alpha5beta1 integrins from lysates of FN-adherent NK cel
151 s Alix on the substratum and have defects in alpha5beta1-integrin functions.
152                             Increased FN and alpha5beta1 integrin gene expression was observed in pho
153 et and inhibit alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5, and alpha5beta1 integrins have generated great interest beca
154                                          The alpha5beta1 integrin heterodimer regulates many processe
155 ts with the alpha7beta1 integrin but not the alpha5beta1 integrin in C2C12 myoblasts, suggesting an i
156 ntiated migration toward fibronectin through alpha5beta1 integrin in human embryonic kidney 293 cells
157  such as FN and the corresponding integrins, alpha5beta1 integrin in particular.
158 at these defects probably arise from loss of alpha5beta1 integrin in subsets of specialised Prox1(+)P
159  are able to spread on fibronectin using the alpha5beta1 integrin in the absence of activin-A inducti
160          Here, we mapped the distribution of alpha5beta1 integrin in three murine tumor models and id
161 ct is not seen with expression of a chimeric alpha5beta1 integrin in which the cytoplasmic portion of
162 and oligomerization state of alphavbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrins in bilayers, which contain coexist
163       This contrasts with the role played by alpha5beta1 integrins in promoting close apposition betw
164  circuitry underlying polarized recycling of alpha5beta1-integrin in mouse embryonic fibroblasts, whi
165                              Fibronectin and alpha5beta1 integrin increase Smad1/5/8 signalling by pr
166 HL-525 cells (which have a high level of the alpha5beta1 integrin) incubated on FN differentiated int
167 okinase receptor (uPAR) which, by activating alpha5beta1 integrin, initiates an intracellular signal
168 termined the signaling mechanisms induced by alpha5beta1 integrin interaction with its high-affinity
169 f this binding site, and of the lateral uPAR-alpha5beta1 integrin interaction, to ERK pathway activat
170 -cadherin ligation recruited both tensin and alpha5beta1 integrins into nascent cell-cell adhesions.
171                                              Alpha5beta1 integrin is a cell surface receptor that med
172                                          The alpha5beta1 integrin is a key fibronectin (FN) receptor
173        During the initial phase of adhesion, alpha5beta1 integrin is activated in an energy-dependent
174      In later stages of adhesion maturation, alpha5beta1 integrin is activated to a higher binding st
175    Fibronectin's RGD-mediated binding to the alpha5beta1 integrin is dramatically enhanced by a syner
176 ely, invasive migration that is dependent on alpha5beta1 integrin is promoted by disrupting Rabaptin
177 uggesting that the ligand specificity of the alpha5beta1 integrin is regulated by the cytoskeleton.
178 a suggest that EGF-dependent inactivation of alpha5beta1 integrin is regulated through FLNa phosphory
179 ctivation of both the IGF-I receptor and the alpha5beta1 integrin is required for IGF-I to stimulate
180       Cell attachment to fibronectin or anti-alpha5beta1 integrin is sufficient to sustain the ERK si
181                  Kif1C-mediated transport of alpha5beta1-integrins is required for the proper maturat
182  thus lacking the principal binding site for alpha5beta1 integrin, is deposited into the extracellula
183              Phagocytosis of FN utilizes the alpha5beta1 integrin, is mediated in part through tyrosi
184  activator receptor (uPAR) can interact with alpha5beta1 integrin leading to persistent ERK activatio
185  initiated by binding of soluble antibody to alpha5beta1 integrin, led to increased expression of the
186                    Similarly, the endogenous alpha5beta1 integrin ligand fibronectin (FN) potentiated
187 ly, we found that fibronectin, an endogenous alpha5beta1 integrin ligand, enhances BK channel current
188                                    Thus, the alpha5beta1 integrin may protect against Abeta depositio
189                                        Thus, alpha5beta1 integrins mediate the inhibitory effect of t
190 we show that syntaxin 6 is also required for alpha5beta1 integrin-mediated adhesion of endothelial ce
191 conferred ephrin-B1-responsive activation of alpha5beta1 integrin-mediated cell attachment in human e
192             However, mechanisms coordinating alpha5beta1 integrin-mediated extracellular FN endocytos
193 ion, the Hep II domain had minimal effect on alpha5beta1 integrin-mediated spreading.
194 integrins and MMP-2 downregulation inhibited alpha5beta1 integrin-mediated Stat3 phosphorylation and
195 reviously reported that alpha4beta1 (but not alpha5beta1) integrin-mediated melanoma cell adhesion is
196 tastatic breast cancer cells greatly reduced alpha5beta1-integrin-mediated cell adhesion to fibronect
197 ulture substratum for NIH/3T3 cells promotes alpha5beta1-integrin-mediated cell adhesions and fibrone
198                           Using these cells, alpha5beta1-integrin-mediated cell aggregation, compacti
199 tor 1alpha (SDF-1alpha) as well as decreased alpha5beta1-integrin-mediated chemoattractant-stimulated
200                We have demonstrated that the alpha5beta1-integrin mediates strong intercellular cohes
201  3-kinase (PI-3-kinase), suggesting that the alpha5beta1 integrin might interact with the PI-3-kinase
202 ctin and fibronectin polymerization, neither alpha5beta1 integrin nor tensin localize to fibrillar ce
203 tion or loss of fibronectin or its receptor, alpha5beta1 integrin, occurs frequently in tumors and tr
204  adhesive RGD peptide sequence to ligate the alpha5beta1 integrin of cocultured hepatocytes.
205  demonstrate that affinity modulation of the alpha5Beta1 integrin on CML progenitors and K562 cells b
206 r example, excess fibronectin stimulation of alpha5beta1 integrin on stromal cells in PDA results in
207         Mechanistically, TNC interacted with alpha5beta1 integrin on the cell surface of T cells, inh
208 rm overexpression and rapid accessibility of alpha5beta1 integrin on tumor vessels and may prove usef
209                       Conversely, activating alpha5beta1 integrins on CHO-T cells by adherence onto f
210  fibronectin (FN) receptors, alpha4beta1 and alpha5beta1 integrins, on NK cells transduce transmembra
211 d fibronectin fragment (FN-f) that binds the alpha5beta1 integrin or with antibodies to specific inte
212 atrices was reversed by Abs directed against alpha5beta1 integrins or by a peptide (GRGDSP) that bind
213                Loss-of-function of Ena/VASP, alpha5beta1-integrins or talin in the somitic cells abol
214 o fibronectin induction was dependent on the alpha5beta1 integrin pair.
215                Neutralizing antibody against alpha5beta1 integrin partially (approximately 60%) block
216                             We conclude that alpha5beta1-integrin plays a significant role in vessel
217            Antibodies or peptides that block alpha5beta1 integrins prevented fMLP-stimulated neutroph
218      The results support a mechanism whereby alpha5beta1 integrin priming by high-affinity ligands in
219 ion in MSCs, indicating that peptide-induced alpha5beta1 integrin priming can promote osteogenic diff
220 hemical analyses showed that peptide-induced alpha5beta1 integrin priming transiently increased PI3K/
221 ed Wnt regulatory gene expression induced by alpha5beta1 integrin priming.
222                  We previously reported that alpha5beta1 integrin promotes osteogenic differentiation
223 imensional substrates, we show that FN-bound alpha5beta1 integrin promotes tension-dependent malignan
224 mbly by altering the activation state of the alpha5beta1 integrin receptor and suggest that changes i
225 he regulation of the activation state of the alpha5beta1 integrin receptor for fibronectin.
226 ted in the circumferential clustering of the alpha5beta1 integrin receptor, which was accompanied by
227  rapid loss of both fibronectin and its main alpha5beta1 integrin receptor.
228  of filamin A (FLNa) and inactivation of the alpha5beta1 integrin receptor.
229 in this matrix via concomitant engagement of alpha5beta1 integrin receptors and syndecan-4, a transme
230 and fibronectin (FN) through alpha3beta1 and alpha5beta1 integrin receptors, respectively.
231 gonists of the alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5, and alpha5beta1 integrin receptors, which play important rol
232 gh affinity to alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5, and alpha5beta1 integrin receptors.
233 cling of alphavbeta3, which in turn inhibits alpha5beta1 integrin recycling.
234           We conclude that inhibition of the alpha5beta1 integrin reduces lymphangiogenesis in inflam
235                               We report that alpha5beta1 integrins regulate the different migratory b
236  providing preclinical proof-of-concept that alpha5beta1 integrin represents a therapeutic target for
237 rategies reveal that regulation of Cav1.2 by alpha5beta1 integrin requires phosphorylation of alpha1C
238                                    Thus, the alpha5beta1 integrin seems to protect intestinal epithel
239 ise the hypothesis that insulin receptor and alpha5beta1 integrin signaling act synergistically to en
240 wo domains of fibronectin cannot bind to the alpha5beta1 integrin simultaneously.
241 wth on fibronectin appears to be mediated by alpha5beta1 integrin since a recombinant fibronectin fra
242 t was abolished by anti-alphaMbeta2 and anti-alpha5beta1 integrin-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb
243 ent, fibronectin, and its cellular receptor, alpha5beta1 integrin, specifically increase TGF-beta1- a
244  that the involvement of GMFG in maintaining alpha5beta1-integrin stability may occur in part by prev
245 ncluding the 110-kDa fragment that binds the alpha5beta1 integrin, stimulate collagenase-3 (MMP-13) p
246 ere able to cross-compete for binding to the alpha5beta1 integrin, suggesting that these two domains
247 sma membrane following normal endocytosis of alpha5beta1-integrin, suggesting that the involvement of
248            We have previously shown that the alpha5beta1 integrin supports cell survival on fibronect
249 ved that imaA mutants bound higher levels of alpha5beta1 integrin than wild-type H. pylori, an outcom
250  the strength of adhesion, the proportion of alpha5beta1 integrin that could be chemically cross-link
251 ty ratio, but in spite of a similar level of alpha5beta1-integrin, they do not assemble FN fibrils.
252       By analyzing the functional binding of alpha5beta1 integrin to adsorbed fibronectin in intact c
253 ting of ligand-occupied, active-conformation alpha5beta1 integrin to late endosomes/lysosomes.
254                               Trafficking of alpha5beta1 integrin to lysosomes and its subsequent deg
255        This regulates the surface density of alpha5beta1 integrin to modulate fibronectin matrix asse
256 the hypothesis that RGD ligands work through alpha5beta1 integrin to modulate the activity of large c
257 D-IGFBP-1) which does not associate with the alpha5beta1 integrin to selectively abrogate each of the
258 ed rate, as assessed by the translocation of alpha5beta1 integrin to the apical surface of trophoblas
259 s and metastasis, regulates the recycling of alpha5beta1 integrin to the leading edge of cell pseudop
260 n Helicobacter pylori uses the host receptor alpha5beta1 integrin to trigger inflammation in host cel
261 ctodermal cells from the blastocoel roof use alpha5beta1 integrins to assemble a fibronectin-rich ext
262 in redistribution of pFAK-independent active alpha5beta1-integrin to assorted endosomes.
263                          Moreover, increased alpha5beta1 integrin transcripts in GnT-V null MEF were
264 igration by enhancing endosomal recycling of alpha5beta1 integrin under control of the Rab11 effector
265 strated association of BK B(2) receptor with alpha5beta1 integrin upon BK treatment.
266 enhanced protein degradation of paxillin and alpha5beta1 integrin via proteasome and lysosome pathway
267 10-kDa FN-f or an activating antibody to the alpha5beta1 integrin was found to increase tyrosine auto
268 luence vascular tone by interacting with the alpha5beta1 integrin was studied using rat skeletal musc
269 hese conditions, we found that expression of alpha5beta1-integrin was upregulated in malignant cells
270  VLO4, peptide inhibitors to alphavbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrins, we showed that CCN2 binding to bo
271 ts of fibronectin, the primary ECM ligand of alpha5beta1-integrin, were also strikingly upregulated i
272 gnaling, ROCK supports a strong adhesion via alpha5beta1 integrin, whereas activation of the IGF-IR k
273 be abrogated with a blocking antibody to the alpha5beta1 integrin, which diminishes the ability of th
274                                          The alpha5beta1 integrin, which does not associate with TM4S
275 rectly associated with TRPC5 but rather with alpha5beta1 integrin, which opened the channel through a
276 o frequent, activating interactions with the alpha5beta1-integrin, which facilitates the formation of
277 s occurs via RGD integrins, possibly via the alpha5beta1 integrin, while cells from degenerated discs
278 embly can also be restored by stimulation of alpha5beta1 integrin with activating antibody or with Mn
279       Furthermore, BK induced association of alpha5beta1 integrin with EGFR.
280 e-glycine-arginine (NGR) motif known to bind alpha5beta1 integrin with moderate affinity.
281 d process that involves both ligation of the alpha5beta1 integrin with the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence
282 N mAb, or by cross-linking of alpha4beta1 or alpha5beta1 integrins with alpha-chain-specific Abs.
283 n-blocking antibodies to the alpha2beta1 and alpha5beta1 integrins with increased phosphorylation of
284  a peptide that disrupts the interactions of alpha5beta1-integrin with fibronectin promoted apoptosis

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