


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e week, months of the year or letters of the alphabet).
2 ords, alternating between two letters of the alphabet).
3 s into distinct nucleosome types (nucleosome alphabet).
4  useful for the effort to expand the genetic alphabet.
5 otoxic side effects of expanding the genetic alphabet.
6 fold degenerate with respect to the 64 codon alphabet.
7  a third base pair and expanding the genetic alphabet.
8 y 98% in trial PCRs with this six-letter DNA alphabet.
9 ing approach to the expansion of the genetic alphabet.
10 of molecules that expand on Nature's genetic alphabet.
11 x RNA molecule can be represented by a small alphabet.
12 d extended, resulting in an expanded genetic alphabet.
13 upersymmetric ring of brackets over a signed alphabet.
14  5'-GNN-3' subset of a 64-member zinc finger alphabet.
15  would be quantum communication with a large alphabet.
16 he early evolution of the natural amino acid alphabet.
17 nism to propagate stably an expanded genetic alphabet.
18 ups, thereby forming a simplified amino acid alphabet.
19 motions in proteins by means of a structural alphabet.
20 , C and G instead of the standard T, A, C, G alphabet.
21 ovides a fully functional six-letter genetic alphabet.
22  use as part of an in vitro expanded genetic alphabet.
23 aring protein sequences written in a reduced alphabet.
24 cornerstone of efforts to expand the genetic alphabet.
25 algorithms by developing a so-called reduced alphabet.
26 g to proteins comprising selected amino acid alphabets.
27 th effective and simple to compute for large alphabets.
28 ations in running time, especially for large alphabets.
29 pts: handwritten characters from the world's alphabets.
30 pace of potential energy functions of binary alphabets.
31 hm to find motif stems for inputs from large alphabets.
32 uced alphabets in many cases outperform full alphabets.
33 ctions for several different local-structure alphabets.
34  contact energies for an expanded 60-residue alphabet (20 aa x three secondary structural states) are
35  polymerase, can copy a three-letter genetic alphabet (A,T,C) from DNA into TNA.
36 s been encoded using a two-base-pair genetic alphabet (A-T and G-C).
37           In an effort to expand the genetic alphabet, a number of unnatural, predominantly hydrophob
38     Additional features include user-defined alphabets, ability to handle ambiguous characters in an
39                               Members of the alphabet aim to confront this overparameterization in va
40 er/Thr phosphatase of the PP2C family, named Alphabet (Alph), which acts as a negative regulator of t
41 earchable on foods, components, food groups, alphabet and a multi-field advanced search.
42           In an effort to expand the genetic alphabet and create semi-synthetic organisms (SSOs) that
43 e in vivo expansion of an organism's genetic alphabet and for a variety of in vitro biotechnology app
44 airs may function within an expanded genetic alphabet and make possible many in vitro applications.
45 rent conditions: rest, visual imagery of the alphabet and planning an artwork to be executed immediat
46 es and functionality of defining a chromatin alphabet and provide a unique and novel framework for ex
47 eds by selecting various reduced amino acids alphabets and other characteristic parameters.
48 hat identification of sequences with limited alphabets and/or regular structures such as nucleic acid
49 he origin and evolution of life's amino acid alphabet, and advocate the progress that would add valua
50  20 to 25 dimensions, a three or four letter alphabet, and balls of stimulation of radius five or six
51 d to compare or combine different simplified alphabets, and apply it to 34 simplified alphabets from
52 ry space better than the genetically encoded alphabet are extremely rare and energetically costly.
53 mulus category, upright letters of the roman alphabet as well as for unfamiliar false fonts.
54 this scalability generalized for non-genomic alphabets as well as an interest in its use for graphic
55 s of a sequence of length n on a fixed-sized alphabet based on suffix arrays.
56 ng all minimal absent words on a fixed-sized alphabet based on the construction of suffix automata.
57 alysis of residue coevolution and structural-alphabet-based local dynamics correlations.
58 the 26 letters of both a conventional and VO alphabet, both in the fovea and at 10 degrees in the hor
59  gene expression not by altering the genetic alphabet but rather by the addition of chemical modifica
60                          Expanding this DNA 'alphabet' by synthetic incorporation of new bases can in
61                Efforts to expand the genetic alphabet, by addition of an unnatural base pair, promise
62 he ability to exploit an expanded amino acid alphabet can thus heighten the ambitions of protein engi
63                         We find that reduced alphabets can perform at a level comparable to full alph
64              The natural four-letter genetic alphabet, comprised of just two base pairs (dA-dT and dG
65        An evolved fluorescent ribonucleoside alphabet comprising isomorphic purine ((tz)A, (tz)G) and
66               We use a simplified amino acid alphabet consisting of four residue types, and find that
67 life on Earth, has been encoded by a genetic alphabet consisting of only four nucleotides that form t
68 es were then built from a six-letter genetic alphabet containing the standard nucleobases and two add
69 f an organism containing an expanded genetic alphabet could recognize and properly repair a site cont
70                           The term "Bayesian alphabet" denotes a growing number of letters of the alp
71 ow improved features when compared to an RNA alphabet derived from thieno[3,4-d]-pyrimidine.
72  week, months of the year and letters of the alphabet (e.g. Monday, January, A.).
73 : it supports the use of selected amino acid alphabets, eliminates redundant sequences and locally co
74 NA aptamers generated by SELEX using genetic alphabet expansion, without reducing their high affinity
75 t of an ongoing effort to expand the genetic alphabet for in vitro and eventually in vivo application
76 ting probability distributions over discrete alphabets from observations using a mixture model of com
77 ied alphabets, and apply it to 34 simplified alphabets from the scientific literature.
78  is the number of distinct "letters" in the "alphabet" from which sequences are constructed, it is sh
79                     Expansion of the genetic alphabet has been a long-time goal of chemical biology.
80                                In vitro, the alphabet has been expanded to include several unnatural
81          It is concluded that members of the alphabet have a room in whole-genome prediction of pheno
82 are able to manipulate this expanded genetic alphabet in vitro, provides some structural insights int
83 ts can perform at a level comparable to full alphabets in correct pairwise alignment of sequences and
84  that, in contrast to previous work, reduced alphabets in many cases outperform full alphabets.
85                               The Phoenician alphabet (inclusive of the Greek vowels) of 26 letters l
86 itory cortex, regular sequences with smaller alphabets induced greater gamma activity.
87       Thus, the A, 2-thioT, G, C, isoC, isoG alphabet is an artificial genetic system capable of Darw
88                                  The genetic alphabet is composed of two base pairs, and the developm
89                 Deciphering the carbohydrate alphabet is problematic due to its unique complexity amo
90 -validation tests, as long as the amino acid alphabet is reduced to nine classes.
91  with the alphabet or of methyl marks to the alphabet itself.
92                                  The reduced alphabet Markov model (RAMM) model we introduce captures
93                  This newly expanded genetic alphabet may allow organisms to store considerably more
94  nucleobase analogues with which the genetic alphabet may be expanded to include five-membered-ring h
95 n these results, we hypothesize that reduced alphabets may also show performance gains with more soph
96 respiratory viruses uses an expanded genetic alphabet, multiplex PCR chemistry, and microsphere flow
97 ion, and has been used to expand the genetic alphabet of a living organism, recent efforts have ident
98  candidates for the expansion of the genetic alphabet of a living organism.
99                    We describe prelife as an alphabet of active monomers that form random polymers.
100   Here, we demonstrate that expansion of the alphabet of amino acids can also enable the properties o
101 anations for the origin and emergence of the alphabet of amino acids encoded by the standard genetic
102  full contact energy matrix to a four-flavor alphabet of amino acids, automatically determined by our
103  more general idea that there is a molecular alphabet of basic components that can be combined in var
104 or the identity and relative position-in-the-alphabet of items in five-letter memory sets (to identif
105 ums of Western civilization, whereas the DNA alphabet of only four letters will launch and dominate t
106  the 4-letter code of RNA into the 22-letter alphabet of proteins is a central feature of cellular li
107  conformation state prediction when using an alphabet of three or four states.
108 odifications to proteins associated with the alphabet or of methyl marks to the alphabet itself.
109  However, expansion of an organism's genetic alphabet presents new and unprecedented challenges: the
110  one amino acid of a seven-letter amino acid alphabet produces a triosephosphate isomerase with wild-
111                           The modern genetic alphabet relies on two sets of complementary base pairs
112 and two different biased four-letter genetic alphabets replicate in vitro with high efficiency and hi
113 ey generated in their head by continuing the alphabet sequence (SI phases).
114 odels of molecular conformations and reduced alphabet sequences to determine the relative resolving p
115 Our in silico simulations using a two-letter alphabet show that template-directed ligation and high c
116 es maximum flexibility by allowing arbitrary alphabet size and let size.
117 etric deconstruction, resulting in a reduced alphabet size of 12 or 13 amino acids and a percentage o
118 p sequences (namely, sequence regularity and alphabet size) along the auditory processing stream.
119 NA and lattice proteins of a reduced monomer alphabet size, to make exhaustive analysis and direct co
120 dependent of the distance threshold k or the alphabet size.
121 earch algorithms depend exponentially on the alphabet size.
122 re are different gap penalties for different alphabet sizes and that the gap penalties can depend on
123 ing thermostable polymerases of a six-letter alphabet that includes the isoC-isoG pair.
124 thetic biology based on a six-letter genetic alphabet that includes the two non-standard nucleobases
125 information has been stored in a four-letter alphabet that is propagated and retrieved by the formati
126           By implementing reduced amino acid alphabets, the protein complexity can be significantly s
127 acilitate the use of a simplified amino acid alphabet to design beta-structure forming L2 peptides wi
128 s metric, we compared the encoded amino acid alphabet to random sets of amino acids.
129  a de Bruijn graph, defined on an amino acid alphabet, to identify probable paths that correspond to
130  have applied it to numerous local structure alphabets, tuning network parameters such as the number
131 " denotes a growing number of letters of the alphabet used to denote various Bayesian linear regressi
132 e complex systems, gradually uncovering the "alphabet" used to describe those systems.
133 (1-letter) peptide strings with more complex alphabets was more problematic.
134   As part of an effort to expand the genetic alphabet, we examined the synthesis of DNA with six diff
135   As part of an effort to expand the genetic alphabet, we have been examining the ability of predomin
136 As part of our efforts to expand the genetic alphabet, we have developed a class of unnatural base pa
137   As part of an effort to expand the genetic alphabet, we have evaluated a large number of predominan
138 pread idea that many members of the standard alphabet were recruited in this way), then the genetical
139 ntative libraries comprising four amino acid alphabets were fused in-frame to the lambda repressor DN
140 tions is the concept of a reduced amino acid alphabet, wherein similar amino acids are clustered toge
141 aromyces cerevisiae, generating a nucleosome alphabet, which forms chromatin motifs when mapped back
142 owever, the in vivo expansion of the genetic alphabet will require that the unnatural nucleoside trip
143                     Expansion of the genetic alphabet with a third base pair would have immediate bio
144                     Expansion of the genetic alphabet with a third base pair would lay the foundation
145       This paper also found that the reduced alphabets with size 13 simplify PSSM structures efficien
146 al-net predictions for three local structure alphabets within a comparative genomic approach using a

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