


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 aricella-zoster virus (VZV) is a neurotropic alphaherpesvirus.
2 been seen with any other previously examined alphaherpesvirus.
3 n Marek's disease virus (MDV), a tumorigenic alphaherpesvirus.
4  is the first reported Bcl-2 homologue in an alphaherpesvirus.
5  the gD gene, MDV is an intermediate type of alphaherpesvirus.
6 a-zoster virus (VZV) are conserved among all alphaherpesvirus.
7 ssociated, and exclusively human neurotropic alphaherpesvirus.
8 the host immune responses to closely related alphaherpesviruses.
9 protein, referred to as VP26 (UL35) in other alphaherpesviruses.
10 ent proteins and is highly conserved in most alphaherpesviruses.
11 nteraction that is, so far, unique among the alphaherpesviruses.
12 tegument proteins and is conserved among the alphaherpesviruses.
13 ional analysis of this unique class of avian alphaherpesviruses.
14 volutionarily in HSV-1 and other neurotropic alphaherpesviruses.
15 n 1) have been shown to mediate the entry of alphaherpesviruses.
16  on the anti-chemokine strategies encoded by alphaherpesviruses.
17 ting that the interaction is conserved among alphaherpesviruses.
18 verall genome organization characteristic of alphaherpesviruses.
19 rences from their structural counterparts in alphaherpesviruses.
20 otein B revealed that LETV clusters with the alphaherpesviruses.
21 stics and also features in common with other alphaherpesviruses.
22 oded by the UL49 gene is conserved among the alphaherpesviruses.
23 gs revealed that Y480 was conserved only for alphaherpesviruses.
24            UL49 homologs are conserved among alphaherpesviruses.
25         The Us9 gene is conserved among most alphaherpesviruses.
26  and may not apply to VP22 homologs of other alphaherpesviruses.
27 lycoprotein K (gK), which is conserved among alphaherpesviruses.
28 residues that are highly conserved among the alphaherpesviruses.
29 ino terminus of gK, which is conserved among alphaherpesviruses.
30  serve similar conserved functions for other alphaherpesviruses.
31 embrane protein UL20 are conserved among all alphaherpesviruses.
32 e for the largest herpesvirus subfamily, the alphaherpesviruses.
33  T cell reactivity to the noncausative human alphaherpesvirus (alphaHHV) is commonly detected in the
34                                        Other alphaherpesviruses also express ICP0-related RING finger
35 elated RING finger proteins encoded by other alphaherpesviruses also induce colocalizing, conjugated
36 ent structural similarities between KSHV and alphaherpesvirus, an ORF19 monomer in KSHV, in contrast
37 ice with another picornavirus, as well as an alphaherpesvirus and a rhabdovirus.
38 ly 4 (IE4) protein, which is conserved among alphaherpesvirus and has transactivation activity in tra
39 la-zoster virus (VZV) is a human neurotropic alphaherpesvirus and the etiological agent of varicella
40  virus (PRV) Us3 gene is conserved among the alphaherpesviruses and encodes a serine/threonine protei
41  by ICP0-related proteins expressed by other alphaherpesviruses and even by a combination of the unre
42 21 is a conserved protein in the tegument of alphaherpesviruses and has multiple important albeit poo
43      Homologs of U(L)3.5 are present in some alphaherpesviruses and have 20 to 30% overall amino acid
44  similar to that which has been proposed for alphaherpesviruses and involve envelopment of tegumented
45 abies virus (PRV) is conserved among diverse alphaherpesviruses and therefore is predicted to be impo
46 are conserved with the ICP4 analogs of other alphaherpesviruses and were also predicted to be exposed
47           Infection with gammaherpesviruses, alphaherpesviruses, and betacoronaviruses can result in
48 ns, gE, gI, and Us9, have been implicated in alphaherpesvirus anterograde spread in several animal mo
49  of viral intracellular transport.IMPORTANCE Alphaherpesviruses are among the very few viruses that a
50  gI, respectively), Us9 and its homologue in alphaherpesviruses are necessary for the viral anterogra
51                                              Alphaherpesviruses are parasites of the peripheral nervo
52 ve produced contradictory conclusions on how alphaherpesviruses are transported from neuron cell bodi
53 S6) and variable (US4 and US5) among primate alphaherpesviruses, as well as from two noncoding interg
54         Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and other alphaherpesviruses assemble enveloped virions in the tra
55 hin members of one of the three subfamilies (alphaherpesviruses, betaherpesviruses, or gammaherpesvir
56                                   Like other alphaherpesviruses, BHV-1 establishes latency in sensory
57 omer in KSHV, in contrast to a UL25 dimer in alphaherpesviruses, binds each penton subunit, an observ
58 gument proteins is highly similar to that in alphaherpesvirus but completely different from that in b
59  vertex, a pattern highly similar to that in alphaherpesvirus but completely different from that in b
60 irus (EBV) differs not only from that of the alphaherpesviruses but also from that of the gamma-2 her
61 o that of HSV-1 and other neurotropic animal alphaherpesviruses but differs from that reported for VZ
62  between scaffolding proteins found in other alphaherpesviruses but not in members of the beta- or ga
63              The Us2 gene is conserved among alphaherpesviruses, but its function is not known.
64  syn loci.IMPORTANCE UL21 is conserved among alphaherpesviruses, but its role is poorly understood.
65 , was shown not to be conserved in the other alphaherpesviruses by bioinformatics analysis.
66           Using pseudorabies virus (PRV), an alphaherpesvirus capable of transneuronal spread in neur
67                                          How alphaherpesvirus capsids acquire tegument proteins remai
68                        Upon entering a cell, alphaherpesvirus capsids are transported toward the minu
69 ll structural similarities of RRV capsids to alphaherpesvirus capsids suggest a common assembly and m
70  "naked" and membrane-associated cytoplasmic alphaherpesvirus capsids.
71 -mediated trafficking of naked and enveloped alphaherpesvirus capsids.
72  Varicella-zoster virus (VZV), a neurotropic alphaherpesvirus, causes childhood chickenpox (varicella
73  Marek's disease virus (MDV), a lymphotropic alphaherpesvirus, causes Marek's disease (MD) in chicken
74 Pseudorabies virus (PRV), a broad host range alphaherpesvirus, causes violent pruritus in many differ
75 nal half of UL37 from pseudorabies virus, an alphaherpesvirus closely related to herpes simplex virus
76  functionally characterize intraocular human alphaherpesvirus cross-reactive T cells.
77                                   Attenuated alphaherpesvirus derivatives have been used extensively
78 tant for identifying novel targets to reduce alphaherpesvirus disease.
79                                As with other alphaherpesviruses, efficient EHV-1 entry was dependent
80 om the study of several LAT mutants of other alphaherpesviruses encoding miRNAs from their LAT region
81                                    A related alphaherpesvirus, encoding gE and gI homologs, is called
82 y analysis to determine if these two diverse alphaherpesviruses engage similar or different cellular
83 en though these cells do not express a known alphaherpesvirus entry receptor.
84 eins function with the previously identified alphaherpesvirus entry receptors nectin-1 and CD155 but
85 he murine cDNA in hamster cells resistant to alphaherpesvirus entry, the cells became susceptible to
86                                          The alphaherpesvirus envelope protein Us9 is a type II viral
87 -type mice, CCL3(-/-) mice infected with the alphaherpesvirus equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) displayed
88                 Our findings showed that the alphaherpesvirus equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) efficientl
89 ntified as a cellular entry receptor for the alphaherpesvirus equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1).
90 een identified in the genomes of three other alphaherpesviruses: equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1), varice
91                                         Many alphaherpesviruses establish a latent infection in the p
92                       These data identify an alphaherpesvirus evasion strategy from NK cells and poin
93                    Two models describing how alphaherpesviruses exit neurons differ with respect to w
94                                              Alphaherpesviruses express a heterodimeric glycoprotein,
95 us type 1 (EHV1), a well-known member of the alphaherpesvirus family, was used to infect equine respi
96  of ICP0 are encoded by other members of the alphaherpesvirus family.
97 s 1 (SaHV-1) genome, a primate member of the alphaherpesvirus family.
98  beta-sheet domain, which is conserved among alphaherpesviruses, functions in HSV-1 entry into neuron
99                                              Alphaherpesvirus gC proteins are type 1 membrane protein
100  cell fusion along with gL, gB, and, in most alphaherpesviruses, gD.
101 ing both murine nectin-1alpha and one of the alphaherpesvirus gDs were resistant to entry of HSV-1, i
102                         In contrast to other alphaherpesviruses, gE is essential for VZV replication.
103 ng frames within the unique short segment of alphaherpesvirus genomes participate in egress and cell-
104 lacked an endocytosis motif, while all other alphaherpesvirus gH homologues contained a potential mot
105    One new finding was that unlike the other alphaherpesvirus gI homologs, a fraction of pulse-labele
106                                           In alphaherpesviruses, glycoprotein B (gB), gD, gH, and gL
107                       Glycoprotein G (gG) of alphaherpesviruses has been described to function as a v
108              Marek's disease virus, an avian alphaherpesvirus, has been used as an excellent model to
109 t functions that may have some redundancy in alphaherpesviruses have been concentrated in fewer prote
110            These results indicate that these alphaherpesviruses have differing preferences for entry
111 ated receptor in the respiratory epithelium, alphaherpesviruses have generated a strategy to efficien
112                                          The alphaherpesviruses have long been considered vectors for
113 e important to the ability of the prototypic alphaherpesvirus herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) to enter
114         MDV1 is colinear with the prototypic alphaherpesvirus herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) wit
115 productive replication of the representative alphaherpesvirus herpes simplex virus type 1, the repres
116 in family used as a cellular receptor by the alphaherpesviruses herpes simplex virus (HSV), pseudorab
117 ression of immediate-early (IE) genes of the alphaherpesviruses herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) a
118 pression of the immediate-early genes of the alphaherpesviruses herpes simplex virus type 1 and varic
119            Studies of UL37 homologs from two alphaherpesviruses, herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and p
120 ously demonstrated that gB homologs from two alphaherpesviruses, herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and s
121 anglia latently infected with two pathogenic alphaherpesviruses, herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and v
122 th the previously described B-capsids of the alphaherpesviruses, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)
123          The distribution of the neurotropic alphaherpesviruses-herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) a
124   By swapping the entry glycoproteins of two alphaherpesviruses (HSV-1 and SaHV-1), we previously dem
125 these two regions were conserved among other alphaherpesvirus ICP0 homologs.
126 lar to those in HSV-1 are conserved in other alphaherpesviruses, (iii) CTCF binds to these motifs on
127 mportant for full virulence potential of the alphaherpesviruses in both natural and laboratory hosts.
128 estimated 99 putative proteins and resembles alphaherpesviruses in genomic organization and gene cont
129 n comparisons of the pathogenicity of simian alphaherpesviruses in mice, two isolates of the baboon v
130                                          The alphaherpesviruses include several important human patho
131 family was shown to mediate entry of several alphaherpesviruses, including herpes simplex viruses (HS
132  and those induced by other, closely related alphaherpesviruses, including HSV-1 and -2.
133                                  The various alphaherpesviruses, including Marek's disease virus (MDV
134                                              Alphaherpesviruses, including pseudorabies virus (PRV),
135      During infection of the nervous system, alphaherpesviruses-including pseudorabies virus (PRV)-us
136  well understood, although analyses of other alphaherpesviruses indicate a role for chromatin in viru
137 During the course of a productive infection, alphaherpesviruses induce certain events which occur dur
138 Transport of capsids in cells is critical to alphaherpesvirus infection and pathogenesis; however, vi
139                     To date, the polarity of alphaherpesvirus infection in the respiratory epithelium
140                     An essential process for alphaherpesvirus infection is spread from axons of perip
141                                              Alphaherpesvirus infection of the mammalian nervous syst
142 motility and morphology are disrupted during alphaherpesvirus infection, which aids viral replication
143 ional response of the mammalian CNS to acute alphaherpesvirus infection.
144                 A clinical hallmark of human alphaherpesvirus infections is peripheral pain or itchin
145 ble for long-distance, directional spread of alphaherpesvirus infections via axons of infected neuron
146 in the host's innate defence against primary alphaherpesvirus infections.
147 f the craniofacial nervous system and latent alphaherpesvirus infections.
148             The structure--the first for any alphaherpesvirus inner tegument protein--reveals an elon
149                              The neurotropic alphaherpesviruses invade and spread in the nervous syst
150 ycle of herpes simplex virus (HSV) and other alphaherpesviruses is the capacity to reactivate from la
151                 A defining characteristic of alphaherpesviruses is the establishment of lifelong late
152 la-zoster virus (VZV), a double-stranded DNA alphaherpesvirus, is associated with seasonal outbreaks
153 seudorabies virus (PRV), a swine neurotropic alphaherpesvirus, is known to invade the central nervous
154              Marek's disease virus (MDV), an alphaherpesvirus, is the causative agent of a lethal dis
155 VZV IE62, which is well conserved within the alphaherpesviruses, is needed for trans-activation media
156 he first time these have been reported in an alphaherpesvirus), (iv) a sizeable region of the genome
157 M complex is more striking than that of most alphaherpesviruses lacking the same complex but resemble
158                                          Yet alphaherpesvirus latency in TSG has not been well charac
159 iated transcript (LAT) gene is a hallmark of alphaherpesvirus latency, and yet its control and functi
160 xon terminus) is a critical component of the alphaherpesvirus life cycle.
161 n binding protein (OBP) proteins and have an alphaherpesvirus-like dyad symmetry Ori-Lyt domain.
162 t proteins from pseudorabies virus (PRV), an alphaherpesvirus, localize to mitochondria and affect mi
163  this protease is still unclear, but for the alphaherpesvirus Marek's disease virus, its USP is invol
164 erative disease of chickens, is caused by an alphaherpesvirus, Marek's disease virus (MDV).
165 's disease (MD) in chickens is caused by the alphaherpesvirus MD virus (MDV) and is characterized by
166                                              Alphaherpesvirus-mediated membrane fusion is a complex a
167 reater understanding of mechanisms governing alphaherpesvirus membrane fusion is expected to inform t
168                                  The role of alphaherpesvirus membrane protein internalization during
169 uenced, demonstrating that this virus was an alphaherpesvirus most closely related to the gallid herp
170         Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and other alphaherpesviruses must move from sites of latency in ga
171 in-2 to test the effects on entry of various alphaherpesviruses, nectin-nectin interactions, and inte
172                                    Mammalian alphaherpesviruses normally establish latent infections
173 if Marek's disease virus (MDV), an oncogenic alphaherpesvirus of chickens, encodes miRNAs, we isolate
174 imian varicella virus (SVV) is a neurotropic alphaherpesvirus of monkeys that is a model for varicell
175 virus (PRV), a neurotropic, broad-host-range alphaherpesvirus of swine.
176 HCMV; it has no activity against other CMVs, alphaherpesviruses, or unrelated viruses.
177 -6A and -6B), HHV-7 encodes a homolog of the alphaherpesvirus origin binding protein (OBP), which bin
178  humans and animals is frequently exposed to alphaherpesviruses, originating from either external exp
179 ng reports regarding the importance of gK to alphaherpesvirus pathogenesis and details important stru
180 hat altered mitochondrial transport enhances alphaherpesvirus pathogenesis and infection.
181 Neurotropism is a defining characteristic of alphaherpesvirus pathogenicity.
182  UL20, which are highly conserved across all alphaherpesviruses, play important roles in the regulati
183 to captive primates, who reciprocally harbor alphaherpesviruses poised for zoonotic transmission to h
184 uitinase-encoding domain was dispensable for alphaherpesvirus propagation, but the rate of propagatio
185 rst report to describe the prenylation of an alphaherpesvirus protein.
186                                          The alphaherpesvirus PrV is known for its neuroinvasion, whe
187 ut not all, membrane proteins encoded by the alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PRV) are internaliz
188                                          The alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PrV) establishes la
189                               When the swine alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PRV) infects the ra
190  extend these studies, we compared gH of the alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PrV) with gH of the
191 , was found to be a receptor for the porcine alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PRV).
192 f HSV type 1 (HSV-1), HSV-2, and the related alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PRV).
193             Using an infectious clone of the alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus, we have made a coll
194 e, we report that the gD glycoprotein of the alphaherpesviruses pseudorabies virus (PRV) and herpes s
195  contrast to a similar mutant of the related alphaherpesvirus, pseudorabies virus, and suggests that
196 and differences between HSV1 and the related alphaherpesvirus, pseudorabies virus, in which the homol
197                                   Like other alphaherpesviruses, pseudorabies virus (PrV) exhibits re
198                                              Alphaherpesvirus reactivation from thoracic sympathetic
199 s most similar to one of three related human alphaherpesvirus receptors, the one designated HveB and
200                 Pseudorabies virus (PRV), an alphaherpesvirus related to herpes simplex virus type 1
201               Pseudorabies virus (PRV) is an alphaherpesvirus related to the human pathogens herpes s
202         Following reactivation from latency, alphaherpesviruses replicate in sensory neurons and asse
203                                        Thus, alphaherpesviruses repurpose the axonal transport and so
204  virus (VZV), a ubiquitous human neurotropic alphaherpesvirus, requires coordinated binding of multip
205 sequence of bovine herpesvirus 5 (BHV-5), an alphaherpesvirus responsible for fatal meningoencephalit
206             Varicella-zoster virus (VZV), an alphaherpesvirus restricted to humans, infects different
207 eral deletions in regions conserved in other alphaherpesviruses resulted in impaired activation and v
208  varicella-zoster virus (VZV), a neurotropic alphaherpesvirus, results in varicella.
209 ons of the gK primary sequences specified by alphaherpesviruses revealed the presence of a cysteine-r
210        Alignment of UL37 homologs encoded by alphaherpesviruses revealed the presence of highly conse
211 t E454 is invariant in a number of different alphaherpesvirus scaffold proteins.
212   The Us9 gene is highly conserved among the alphaherpesviruses sequenced to date, yet its function r
213                               No recombinant alphaherpesvirus serine kinase has been biologically act
214 t UL37 tyrosine residues conserved among all alphaherpesviruses serve critical roles in cytoplasmic v
215                        The Vhs homologues of alphaherpesviruses share sequence similarities with a fa
216                  Moreover, it identifies the alphaherpesvirus-specific Us3 kinase as an mTORC1 activa
217                                              Alphaherpesviruses spread rapidly through dermal tissues
218 ort to determine the function of a conserved alphaherpesvirus structural protein called Us2, we scree
219             Characteristic of members of the alphaherpesvirus subfamily, VZV is neurotropic and estab
220  highly conserved among other members of the alphaherpesvirus subfamily.
221 ), which is conserved in most viruses of the alphaherpesvirus subfamily.
222            Like HSV-1, SaHV-1 belongs to the alphaherpesvirus subfamily.
223 lated simian simplexviruses belonging to the alphaherpesvirus subfamily.
224       After replicating in epithelial cells, alphaherpesviruses such as pseudorabies virus (PRV) inva
225 is especially important in the neuroinvasive alphaherpesviruses, such as human herpes simplex virus 1
226 ORTANCE Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and other alphaherpesviruses, such as varicella-zoster virus, depe
227  by sequence alignment to be conserved among alphaherpesviruses, suggesting a functional role.
228                                          The alphaherpesvirus tegument protein VP22 has been characte
229  protein kinase found in the short region of alphaherpesviruses, termed US3 in herpes simplex virus t
230          Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is the alphaherpesvirus that causes chicken pox (varicella) and
231 aricella zoster virus (VZV) is a neurotropic alphaherpesvirus that causes chickenpox during primary i
232            Marek's disease virus (MDV) is an alphaherpesvirus that causes deadly T-cell lymphomas in
233 virus (MDV) is a highly contagious oncogenic alphaherpesvirus that causes disease that is both a canc
234 ine herpesvirus 5 (BHV-5) is a neurovirulent alphaherpesvirus that causes fatal encephalitis in calve
235 disease virus (MDV) is an acute transforming alphaherpesvirus that causes T-cell lymphomas in chicken
236           Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is an alphaherpesvirus that causes two diseases, chickenpox an
237           Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is an alphaherpesvirus that causes varicella and herpes zoster
238           Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is an alphaherpesvirus that causes varicella upon primary infe
239      Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a human alphaherpesvirus that infects sensory ganglia and reacti
240           Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is an alphaherpesvirus that infects skin, lymphocytes, and sen
241      Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a human alphaherpesvirus that is highly cell associated in cell
242           Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is an alphaherpesvirus that is restricted to humans.
243           Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is an alphaherpesvirus that is the causative agent of chickenp
244 report that varicella-zoster virus (VZV), an alphaherpesvirus that is the causative agent of varicell
245 opithecine herpesvirus 1) is the only deadly alphaherpesvirus that is zoonotically transmissible from
246 represent a phylogenetically unique clade of alphaherpesviruses that are distinct from the Marek's di
247 cella-zoster virus (VZV) are closely related alphaherpesviruses that cause varicella (chickenpox) in
248 K) is a conserved virion glycoprotein of all alphaherpesviruses that is not found in other herpesviru
249 out a possible pathogenic branch of cetacean alphaherpesviruses that might be responsible for some fa
250                                           In alphaherpesviruses, the alpha-subunit (VP19c in HSV) has
251          Although gE is well conserved among alphaherpesviruses, the amino terminus of VZV gE is uniq
252                                     For most alphaherpesviruses, the minimal set of viral proteins re
253 ecificities as entry receptors for mammalian alphaherpesviruses through interaction with viral glycop
254 rate specificity for thymidine alone, unlike alphaherpesvirus thymidine kinases (TKs).
255       This transit in axons is essential for alphaherpesviruses to establish latency in ganglia and t
256 r viral replication and, in the case of many alphaherpesviruses, transmission into the nervous system
257 lex-binding region to be ORF32, a homolog of alphaherpesvirus UL17.
258 rther localize ORF19 and ORF32 proteins (the alphaherpesvirus UL25 and UL17 homologs in KSHV, respect
259 y regarding the location and conformation of alphaherpesvirus UL25 protein inside the virion.
260 ding the virion location and conformation of alphaherpesvirus UL25 protein.
261 es have shown that the bovine herpesvirus 1 (alphaherpesvirus) UL26.5 homolog will functionally subst
262    MDV glycoprotein C (gC) is encoded by the alphaherpesvirus UL44 homolog and is essential for the h
263                                          The alphaherpesvirus UL51 (pUL51) protein has been reported
264                                          The alphaherpesvirus UL51 protein is a tegument component th
265                                              Alphaherpesviruses, unlike beta- and gammaherpesviruses,
266 Us3 function and defines a new role for this alphaherpesvirus Us3 kinase in regulating MAPK activatio
267 ed that while HDAC2 is a conserved target of alphaherpesvirus US3 kinases, the functional significanc
268                                          The alphaherpesvirus Us4 gene encodes glycoprotein G (gG), w
269 method for studying neuron-to-cell spread of alphaherpesviruses using a compartmented culture system.
270 ve epitopes and TCRs may be useful for multi-alphaherpesvirus vaccine design and adoptive cellular th
271                                     Like all alphaherpesviruses, varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infecti
272                                        These alphaherpesvirus vCKBPs represent a novel family of prot
273         Additional evidence is provided that alphaherpesvirus virion host shutoff proteins are member
274  functional and structural similarities with alphaherpesvirus VP22, underscoring the evolutionary imp
275 sis of this minireview is that the ancestral alphaherpesvirus VZV coevolved in simians, apes, and hom
276  critical role in the virulence of the human alphaherpesviruses VZV and HSV-1 for human skin.
277  virus (VZV) is an extremely cell-associated alphaherpesvirus; VZV infection is spread almost exclusi
278 ino acids within the scaffolding proteins of alphaherpesviruses were mutated, and the properties of t
279 ly conserved in the UL25 homologues of other alphaherpesviruses, were found to be critical for stable
280 x virus type 1 (HSV-1) are distantly related alphaherpesviruses whose natural hosts are pigs and huma
281           Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is an alphaherpesvirus with the characteristic neurotropism of
282 s 1, bovine herpesvirus 1 and 5, and related alphaherpesviruses with no sequence similarity to chemok

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