


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ist for human use against CHIKV or any other alphavirus.
2 ains, SD1 and SD2, are derived from the same alphavirus.
3 izing antibodies in mice to their respective alphavirus.
4 loser together than Semliki Forest virus, an alphavirus.
5 Chikungunya virus is a positive-stranded RNA alphavirus.
6 al with inhibitory activity against multiple alphaviruses.
7 tly neutralizing antibodies against multiple alphaviruses.
8 t this new knowledge can be applied to other alphaviruses.
9  producing fusion-competent mature spikes on alphaviruses.
10 y no approved drugs to treat infections with alphaviruses.
11  is a representative member of the New World alphaviruses.
12 nezuelan equine encephalitis virus and other alphaviruses.
13 eins had only been found in flaviviruses and alphaviruses.
14 ated groups: the Old World and the New World alphaviruses.
15  is a representative member of the New World alphaviruses.
16 te SLEV E from trimers of related flavi- and alphaviruses.
17 pplied for vaccine development against other alphaviruses.
18 tecture found previously in flaviviruses and alphaviruses.
19 d in mice infected with 3 flaviviruses and 2 alphaviruses.
20 EEV) is one of the most pathogenic New World alphaviruses.
21 L402 in cdE2 as important for the budding of alphaviruses.
22 ural proteins that is different from that of alphaviruses.
23 ainst CHIKV and other reemerging arthrogenic alphaviruses.
24 s well as during infections with three other alphaviruses.
25 ion which characterizes Ross River and other alphaviruses.
26 plex and belongs to the New World cluster of alphaviruses.
27  role for Ifitm3 in controlling infection of alphaviruses.
28 nown about the antiviral effect of IFITM3 on alphaviruses.
29  Ifitm3 in restricting infection of multiple alphaviruses.
30  applied to other encephalitogenic New World alphaviruses.
31 enuation of other encephalitogenic New World alphaviruses.
32 on by chikungunya, Mayaro, and O'nyong'nyong alphaviruses.
33                                    Here, the alphavirus -1 PRF signals were characterized, revealing
34                  CHIKV is the most important alphavirus affecting humans, resulting in a chronic arth
35 markably, 5-NT also inhibits infection by an alphavirus and a coronavirus.
36  virus (CHIKV) is a re-emerging vector-borne alphavirus and is transmitted to humans by Aedes mosquit
37 de in understanding the overall structure of alphavirus and VEEV virions, and glycoprotein spikes in
38 ses and applied our method to 11 recombinant alphaviruses and 4 recombinant flaviviruses hybridized t
39 a wide range of enveloped viruses, including alphaviruses and a baculovirus.
40  that replication of Old World and New World alphaviruses and a bunyavirus was reduced in mature comp
41 ad-spectrum antiviral activity against other alphaviruses and CHIKV isolates but also exhibited limit
42 a common ancestor and divergent evolution of alphaviruses and flaviviruses from a common ancestor.
43                                         Most alphaviruses and many other arboviruses are mosquito-bor
44 cal development as inhibitors of neurotropic alphaviruses and, potentially, of other RNA viruses.
45 d to early endosomes containing internalized alphavirus, and depletion of TSPAN9 inhibited virus fusi
46 ovides an important advance in understanding alphavirus, and probably other virus, encephalitis.
47  virus (CHIKV) is a re-emerging vector-borne alphavirus, and there is no approved effective antiviral
48 ility to viral infection using flaviviruses, alphaviruses, and bunyaviruses as examples of emerging p
49 y extended to other viruses, including ZIKV, alphaviruses, and herpesviruses.
50                                              Alphaviruses are a group of human and animal pathogens w
51                                              Alphaviruses are a group of single-stranded RNA viruses
52                                              Alphaviruses are a reemerging viral cause of arthritogen
53                                The Old World alphaviruses are emerging human pathogens with an abilit
54                                              Alphaviruses are enveloped positive-sense RNA viruses th
55                                              Alphaviruses are enveloped viruses with highly organized
56                                The Old World alphaviruses are highly cytopathic and known to evade th
57                                Arthritogenic alphaviruses are human pathogens maintained in nature th
58                                              Alphaviruses are important and widely distributed human
59                               Mosquito-borne alphaviruses are important causes of epidemic encephalom
60 While a large number of mosquito-transmitted alphaviruses are known to cause serious human diseases,
61                    Nevertheless, most of the alphaviruses are known to induce a type I interferon (IF
62                                              Alphaviruses are known to interact with members of the C
63                                         Most alphaviruses are mosquito-borne and exhibit a broad host
64                                              Alphaviruses are mosquito-borne viruses that cause signi
65             We show that the genomic RNAs of alphaviruses are not universally 5' capped, with a signi
66                                              Alphaviruses are one of the most geographically widespre
67                                              Alphaviruses are serious, sometimes lethal human pathoge
68                                              Alphaviruses are small enveloped RNA viruses that includ
69                                              Alphaviruses are small enveloped RNA viruses that infect
70                                              Alphaviruses are small enveloped RNA viruses with highly
71                                              Alphaviruses are small enveloped viruses whose surface i
72                                              Alphaviruses are spread by mosquitoes and can cause seri
73   Virus encephalitis is a major disease, and alphaviruses, as highlighted by the recent epidemic of c
74 mbrane (PM), but the process and dynamics of alphavirus assembly and budding are poorly understood.
75 iously been shown to differ from that of the alphavirus assembly pathway, leads to an organization of
76 viously uncharacterized factor important for alphavirus assembly.
77 plex adenovirus, vesicular stomatitis virus, alphavirus-based chimeras, and measles vaccine Schwarz s
78                                              Alphaviruses bud from the plasma membrane (PM), but the
79 to the plasma membrane, which is the site of alphavirus budding.
80  were broadly cross-reactive against diverse alphaviruses but were nonneutralizing.
81 ine encephalitis virus (EEEV), two New World alphaviruses, can cause fatal encephalitis, and EEEV is
82               Thus, protease activity of the alphavirus capsid is a potential antialphaviral target t
83                               IMPORTANCE The alphavirus capsid protease is an attractive antiviral th
84                                          The alphavirus capsid protein (CP) is a serine protease that
85 udies provide the first dynamic views of the alphavirus capsid protein in living cells and a system t
86             The similar domain structures of alphavirus capsid proteins suggest that this new knowled
87 Three related viruses belonging to the genus Alphavirus cause severe encephalitis in humans: Venezuel
88  virus (RRV), chikungunya virus, and related alphaviruses cause debilitating polyarthralgia and myalg
89  Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), a mosquito-borne alphavirus, causes febrile disease, muscle and joint pai
90                                          The alphavirus chikungunya virus (CHIKV) has caused multiple
91 cells with 5-NT decreased the infectivity of alphavirus chikungunya virus and coronavirus mouse hepat
92  dengue virus and yellow fever virus and the alphavirus chikungunya virus, which are also (re)emergin
93 also responsible for recent outbreaks of the alphavirus chikungunya.
94 ice with two distantly related arthritogenic alphaviruses, chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Ross River v
95 ng pathogenesis of two related arthritogenic alphaviruses, chikungunya virus and Ross River virus.
96                                   Like other alphaviruses, CHIKV displays broad tissue tropism, which
97                                    VSVDeltaG-alphavirus chimeras could have general applicability as
98                                    The genus Alphavirus consists of a group of enveloped, single-stra
99            Among infections due to all but 1 alphavirus, death was strongly associated with a suppres
100                              The hallmark of alphavirus disease is crippling pain and inflammation of
101                              The hallmark of alphavirus disease is crippling pain and joint arthritis
102 ector was investigated in a well-established alphavirus disease model.
103  there is no licensed specific treatment for alphavirus disease, and the increasing spread of infecti
104                                              Alphavirus dogma has long dictated the production of a d
105 peutics for infections cause by encephalitic alphaviruses due to an incomplete understanding of their
106 ture of the key contacts of DIII-stem in the alphavirus E1 homotrimer and describe a sensitive and qu
107 c CHIKV/SFV provide insights on the role the alphavirus E2 protein plays on pathogenesis.
108 unya viruses) and two New World encephalitic alphaviruses (eastern and Venezuelan equine encephalitis
109  tradeoffs, we developed the insect-specific alphavirus, Eilat virus (EILV), as a vaccine platform.
110                    Here we describe a unique alphavirus, Eilat virus (EILV), isolated from a pool of
111                              Recently, a new alphavirus, Eilat virus (EILV), was described, and in co
112 wever, in contrast to typical mosquito-borne alphaviruses, EILV could not infect mammalian or avian c
113 ange restriction of the first "mosquito-only alphavirus," EILV.
114                            Susceptibility to alphavirus encephalomyelitis is dependent on a variety o
115             Neuronal cell death during fatal alphavirus encephalomyelitis is immune-mediated; however
116                          Therefore, in fatal alphavirus encephalomyelitis, pathogenic Th17 cells ente
117  and its regulation for host survival during alphavirus encephalomyelitis.
118 gulation in determining host survival during alphavirus encephalomyelitis.
119 rt our hypothesis that peripherally injected alphaviruses enter the CNS by hematogenous seeding of th
120  to simulate mosquito infection and examined alphavirus entry in the CNS.
121  the host cell proteins that are involved in alphavirus entry.
122                                              Alphavirus envelope proteins, organized as trimers of E2
123 lar dynamics based on an atomic model of the alphavirus envelope with icosahedral symmetry.
124                                              Alphaviruses establish a persistent infection in arthrop
125             Together, our data indicate that alphaviruses extensively reorganize the cell surface and
126 road host range of pathogenic mosquito-borne alphaviruses, facilitate vaccine development, and inform
127  virus (WEEV) is an arbovirus from the genus Alphavirus, family Togaviridae, which circulates in Nort
128 lation of TF will aid current efforts in the alphavirus field searching for approaches to mitigate al
129     Sindbis virus (SINV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus found in Eurasia, Africa, and Oceania.
130 sults suggest not only that packaging of the alphavirus genome is determined by the presence of packa
131                                              Alphavirus genome-based, self-replicating RNAs (replicon
132           However, bioinformatic analyses of alphavirus genomes suggested that a ribosomal frameshift
133 is one of the most pathogenic members of the Alphavirus genus in the Togaviridae family.
134 kungunya virus (CHIKV), which belongs to the Alphavirus genus, has a wide distribution in the Old Wor
135    Sindbis virus, a prototypic member of the Alphavirus genus, has been used to study the pathogenesi
136  a robust and comprehensive phylogeny of the Alphavirus genus, presenting a more complete evolutionar
137                                  Chikungunya alphavirus has caused large epidemics worldwide and lead
138 ent by the same subdomain derived from other alphaviruses has strong negative effects on infectious v
139  of the in vitro-synthesized RNA into cells, alphaviruses have become an attractive system for expres
140 hat affect the pathogenesis of arthritogenic alphaviruses have not been defined.
141 itory function of IRF-1 against infection of alphaviruses in cell culture, its role in vivo remains u
142  used to identify early entry sites of these alphaviruses in the CNS.
143 2 position 18, and this holds true for other alphaviruses in the Semliki Forest antigenic complex.
144 ezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), an alphavirus, in complex with two strongly neutralizing an
145 ane to capture Sindbis virus, a prototypical alphavirus, in its membrane-binding form at pH 6.4.
146                                Arthritogenic alphaviruses including Ross River virus (RRV), Sindbis v
147                                Arthritogenic alphaviruses, including Ross River virus (RRV), infect h
148                                  Neurotropic alphaviruses, including western, eastern, and Venezuelan
149 f producing proinflammatory mediators during alphavirus-induced arthralgia.
150           PPS is a promising new therapy for alphavirus-induced arthritis, acting to preserve the car
151 te for drug repurposing for the treatment of alphavirus-induced arthritis.
152 ent a safe and effective approach to prevent alphavirus-induced disease in humans.IMPORTANCE This wor
153                  Here, using mouse models of alphavirus-induced musculoskeletal disease, we demonstra
154 y increase our understanding of the basis of alphavirus-induced pathology.
155                                The enveloped alphaviruses infect cells via a low-pH-triggered membran
156                                              Alphaviruses infect host cells by utilizing the endocyti
157 (i) within the first 2 to 4 h postinfection, alphavirus-infected cells become unable to respond to IF
158 to show that complete degradation of Rpb1 in alphavirus-infected cells occurs within 6 h postinfectio
159 l analysis, we demonstrate greater levels of alphavirus infection and disease pathogenesis when Ifitm
160 understanding of host responses that control alphavirus infection and viral determinants that counter
161                              The hallmark of alphavirus infection in vertebrates is the induction of
162                               We showed that alphavirus infection induced the formation of patches an
163 rovide previously unidentified evidence that alphavirus infection induces bone loss and that OBs are
164  Together, our data support a model in which alphavirus infection induces reorganization of the PM an
165                            Susceptibility to alphavirus infection is age dependent, and host maturati
166                           Here, we show that alphavirus infection is increased in Ifitm3(-/-) and Ifi
167 additional 99 suspected or probable cases of alphavirus infection were detected during active surveil
168 were more susceptible than WT mice to lethal alphavirus infection with Venezuelan equine encephalitis
169 he cartilage matrix, which is damaged during alphavirus infection.
170 afe vaccines have been developed against any alphavirus infection.
171 thology and resolving inflammation following alphavirus infection.
172 OBs may therefore contribute to bone loss in alphavirus infection.
173  system to define detailed mechanisms during alphavirus infection.
174 le siRNA screen in the context of an in vivo alphavirus infection.
175  role of the host membrane protein TSPAN9 in alphavirus infection.
176                               Mosquito-borne alphavirus infections are an important cause of encephal
177 re no licensed vaccines that protect against alphavirus infections.
178 s protection against two distinct species of alphavirus irrespective of the route of infection.
179 yelitis due to infection with mosquito-borne alphaviruses is an important cause of death and of long-
180                    We conclude that entry of alphaviruses is by direct penetration of cell plasma mem
181 on as a public health threat, the biology of alphaviruses is insufficiently understood.
182 ) strain of Semliki Forest virus (SFV; genus Alphavirus) is avirulent in adult mice, while the L10 st
183 ungunya virus (CHIKV), an arthritis-inducing alphavirus, is the cause of a massive ongoing outbreak i
184      Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), an Old World alphavirus, is transmitted to humans by infected mosquit
185          Chikungunya virus--a mosquito-borne alphavirus--is endemic in Africa and south and southeast
186  critical but little understood steps in the alphavirus life cycle.
187                     Like other arthritogenic alphaviruses, mechanisms of CHIKV pathogenesis are not w
188 eterodimers on the surface of the pathogenic alphavirus, mediate the low pH-triggered fusion of viral
189                  The sequential steps in the alphavirus membrane fusion pathway have been postulated
190 n this study, we developed a new strategy of alphavirus modification aimed at making these viruses ca
191    SFV also serves as a model for studies of alphavirus molecular biology and host-pathogen interacti
192 ative regulator of IFN signaling, influences alphavirus neuroinvasion and pathogenesis.
193 ted that hypervariable domains (HVDs) of the alphavirus nsP3 protein interact with virus-specific hos
194     Our phylogeny suggests the origin of the alphaviruses occurred in the southern oceans and spread
195                        CHIKV is a reemerging alphavirus of global significance with high potential to
196 ody therapeutic development against multiple alphaviruses of global concern.
197 the mosquito-borne virus clade of pathogenic alphaviruses, our findings have important evolutionary i
198 re formation is one of the driving forces of alphavirus particle assembly.
199  range of RNA viruses, such as flaviviruses, alphaviruses, picornaviruses, bunyaviruses, and coronavi
200                              Cleavage of the alphavirus precursor glycoprotein p62 into the E2 and E3
201              Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus prevalent in tropical regions.
202                                 In addition, alphaviruses provide well-studied experimental systems w
203                                     However, alphaviruses replicate efficiently in cells expressing I
204                                              Alphaviruses replicate exclusively in the cytoplasm, and
205 he accumulated knowledge of the mechanism of alphavirus replication and promoter structures, in parti
206       Our studies show that IRF-1 controlled alphavirus replication and swelling in joint-associated
207  been made in understanding the mechanism of alphavirus replication and virus-host interactions.
208 d a novel series of indole-2-carboxamides as alphavirus replication inhibitors, one of which conferre
209 rivatives as novel inhibitors of neurotropic alphavirus replication, using a cell-based phenotypic as
210 STAT innate immunity pathways in response to alphavirus replication.
211 ve microarray analysis of flies harboring an alphavirus replicon and control green fluorescent protei
212                                              Alphavirus replicons were evaluated as potential vaccine
213                                              Alphaviruses represent a diverse set of arboviruses, man
214                                              Alphaviruses represent a group of clinically relevant vi
215                                              Alphaviruses represent a highly important group of human
216                                              Alphaviruses represent a significant public health threa
217              Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus responsible for causing epidemic outbreaks of
218 hikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus responsible for recent epidemic outbreaks of
219     Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), a re-emerging alphavirus responsible for several outbreaks worldwide i
220 s-like vesicles (VLVs) are generated when an alphavirus RNA replicon expresses the vesicular stomatit
221 led lentivirus virions and that incorporated alphavirus RNA.
222 n mice infected with a related arthritogenic alphavirus, Ross River virus, but not in mice infected w
223  Pancreas disease (PD), caused by a salmonid alphavirus (SAV), has a large negative economic and anim
224  is widely held that arboviruses such as the alphavirus Sindbis virus gain entry into cells by a proc
225 a host factor that promotes infection by the alphaviruses Sindbis virus (SINV), Semliki Forest virus
226 to 1,000-fold decrease in replication of the alphaviruses Sindbis virus and Venezuelan equine encepha
227 sion vectors for two Old World arthritogenic alphaviruses (Sindbis and Chikungunya viruses) and two N
228 ed flavivirus, West Nile virus (WNV), and an alphavirus, Sindbis virus (SINV).
229                                          The alphavirus small membrane proteins 6K and TF have been r
230 e made chimeric viruses in which E3 from one alphavirus species is replaced with E3 from another spec
231 rent vaccine strategies target only a single alphavirus species.
232 pecific FXR protein family and the Old World alphavirus-specific G3BP protein family.
233 ates formed by SINV nsP3 and other Old World alphavirus-specific nsP3s, VEEV nsP3 forms unique, large
234 s transcribed from a promoter located in the alphavirus-specific RNA replication intermediate and is
235 fting event occurs during translation of the alphavirus structural polyprotein.
236 ates seen after infection with arthritogenic alphaviruses such as chikungunya virus.
237  activity against other clinically important alphaviruses such as O'nyong-nyong virus and Sindbis vir
238                                Arthritogenic alphaviruses such as Ross River virus (RRV) and chikungu
239                                              Alphaviruses such as Semliki Forest virus (SFV) are enve
240          In contrast to CHIKV, other related alphaviruses, such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis vir
241 ery low overall similarity between different alphaviruses, suggesting the possibility of its function
242 ected with the mutant virus suggest that the alphavirus TF protein is important for passage through t
243 litis virus (VEEV) is an emerging pathogenic alphavirus that can cause significant disease in humans.
244 hikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that causes a chronic debilitating polyarthra
245    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a reemerging alphavirus that causes a debilitating arthritic disease
246 kungunya virus (CHIKV) is an arthropod-borne alphavirus that causes acute and chronic arthritis.
247    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a reemerging alphavirus that causes acute febrile illness and severe
248 unya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-transmitted alphavirus that causes acute fever and acute and chronic
249              Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus that causes chronic and incapacitating arthra
250   Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a re-emerging alphavirus that causes debilitating acute and chronic ar
251 virus (CHIKV) is a reemerging mosquito-borne alphavirus that causes debilitating arthralgia in humans
252 unya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-transmitted alphavirus that causes debilitating musculoskeletal pain
253 (CHIKV) is a reemerging mosquito-transmitted alphavirus that causes epidemics of debilitating polyart
254 hikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that causes major epidemics of rash, fever, a
255 unya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-transmitted alphavirus that causes severe acute and chronic disease
256              Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus that has emerged as a global health burden.
257 virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne arthralgic alphavirus that has garnered international attention as
258 hikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that has reemerged to cause profound epidemic
259 uelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is an alphavirus that is prevalent in the Americas and that is
260 hikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that is responsible for considerable epidemic
261 kungunya virus (CHIKV) is the mosquito-borne alphavirus that is the etiologic agent of massive outbre
262   Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a re-emerging Alphavirus that is transmitted to humans by Aedes mosqui
263 V) is one of a group of mosquito-transmitted alphaviruses that cause debilitating, and often chronic,
264  globally distributed group of arthritogenic alphaviruses that cause weeks to months of debilitating
265                                    Like many alphaviruses, the structural targets on CHIKV that elici
266                               The ability of alphaviruses to induce bone pathologies remains poorly d
267                         This ability of most alphaviruses to infect arthropods and vertebrates is ess
268 y was observed with related flaviviruses and alphaviruses, To evaluate diagnostic sensitivity and spe
269  equine encephalitis viruses (VEEV and WEEV; Alphavirus; Togaviridae) are mosquito-borne pathogens ca
270 nform potential strategies to reduce/prevent alphavirus transmission.
271              Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus transmitted by mosquitoes that is known to ca
272                      We show that pathogenic alphaviruses use secondary structural motifs within the
273 ese vectors have been derived from Old World alphaviruses using a second viral subgenomic promoter to
274 fitm3 against arthritogenic and encephalitic alphaviruses using cells and animals with a targeted gen
275                             VEEV and related alphaviruses utilize programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifti
276 r the development of new rationally designed alphavirus vaccine candidates that combine efficient imm
277 to outbreaks, we designed and tested a novel alphavirus vaccine comprised of cationic lipid nucleic a
278 al utility of our LANAC formulation as a pan-alphavirus vaccine.
279  utility in the licensure of next-generation alphavirus vaccines and therapeutics for use in humans b
280 chimeras could have general applicability as alphavirus vaccines.
281                             However, current alphavirus vectors expressing reporters of infection hav
282                                   Engineered alphavirus vectors expressing reporters of infection hav
283 multivalent vaccine against the encephalitic alphaviruses VEEV and EEEV, both of which can cause fata
284                          The genome from the alphavirus Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE) wa
285 ong these viral threats are the encephalitic alphaviruses Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV)
286                                          The alphaviruses Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV)
287 examined the evolution process of one of the alphaviruses, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV
288 edical importance, compared with the related alphaviruses, very little is known about the structure o
289                           One determinant of alphavirus virulence is nonstructural protein 3 (nsP3) t
290  of consensus clones as tools for studies of alphaviruses was demonstrated.
291 fectivity of Sindbis virus (SINV), the model alphavirus, was largely a function of the cell line prod
292     Using full-length sequences of all known alphaviruses, we produced a robust and comprehensive phy
293    Recently, the small 6K and TF proteins of alphaviruses were shown to contribute to virulence in vi
294 nse pathways primarily using the neurotropic alphavirus western equine encephalitis virus (WEEV).
295 ne encephalitis virus (VEEV) is a pathogenic alphavirus, which circulates in the Central, South, and
296  is divided into the Old World and New World alphaviruses, which demonstrate profound differences in
297                                  Neurotropic alphaviruses, which include western equine encephalitis
298 uelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is an alphavirus with a wide distribution across the globe.
299 ts indicated that WEEV is a highly conserved alphavirus with only approximately 5% divergence in its
300                                 We developed alphaviruses with fluorescent protein tags on one of the

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