


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1 etween means, 84 g [95% CI, 18-150]; P = .013) at term were also reduced.
2 sferase Set1 is restored to near normal levels when SIN3 is also reduced.
3                                             TLR7 deficiency also reduced aortic arch SMC loss and lesion intima and media
4                                          Deletion of FgSRP1 also reduced ascospore ejection and deoxynivalenol (DON) prod
5 air of spines, important for both buoyancy and feeding, was also reduced at pH < 7.7.
6                                   Furthermore, E2-treatment also reduced BCCAO induction of dementia-related proteins exp
7                               As doxorubicin and dinaciclib also reduced BCL-XL, the combinations of BCL-2 inhibitor ABT-
8                                                Dormancy was also reduced by engineering seed-specific accumulation of jas
9 ase after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation, and CTSD KO also reduced caspase-3 activation and apoptosis in acinar cel
10 depletion of MCs granules or prevention of MC degranulation also reduced DVT.
11 ingent music reward therapy, but not the control condition, also reduced dwell time on threat, which partially mediated c
12 ld MS conversion (CDMS or new MRI activity) at month 60 was also reduced for tiw versus DT (nominal p<0.001).
13 ngs showed that TM not only improved growth performance but also reduced FPD development by promoting FPD wound healing.
14                                              Anti-FBG serum also reduced &gt;81% of P. falciparum infection to A. gambiae Fi
15                                                  Rilonacept also reduced hsCRP levels (median [interquartile range]) (bas
16 etic marker H3K27ac to regulate expression of xCT, which is also reduced in a genetic mouse model of inherent susceptibil
17 ) and/or anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS), and DNAN was also reduced in all cell suspensions.
18 caused by the introduction of the beta2(L285R) mutation was also reduced in alpha1(T47R)beta2(L285R)gamma2 compared to al
19  Spontaneous gating caused by the beta2(L285R) mutation was also reduced in alpha1(T47R)beta2(L285R)gamma2 compared to al
20                       Because the endothelial glycocalyx is also reduced in diabetic nephropathy, we hypothesized that MC
21                                   AIMS dyskinesia score was also reduced in the 40 mg/day group (-1.9 compared with -0.1)
22 y of having had allergic rhinitis medication prescribed was also reduced in the fish oil group compared with the olive oi
23                                      Necrotic core size was also reduced in the model of shear stress-modulated vulnerabl
24                DNMT1-mediated methyltransferase activity is also reduced in these cells.
25                                            However, Shh was also reduced in this region, suggestive of a Shh-Vax1 feedbac
26                                            PAR-1 deficiency also reduced leukemogenicity of AML1-ETO-induced leukemia.
27                                                    Imatinib also reduced levels of serum tryptase, a marker of mast-cell
28  store-operated calcium entry channel inhibitor (SK&F96365) also reduced MSU crystal-induced NET release.
29                          Increasing muscle NotchR signaling also reduced muscle size.
30                                  However, IPC, but not CsA, also reduced myocardial edema leading to an underestimation o
31 ule previously shown to bind the Nef dimerization interface also reduced Nef interactions with AP-2 and CD4 and restored
32 erm facilitation and, at the highest frequencies (> 50 Hz), also reduced paired-pulse facilitation, suggesting a requirem
33                                      In line with this, BCD also reduced reactive oxygen species formation caused by CC i
34 gen deposition resulted in scars with reduced stiffness but also reduced scar tensile strength.
35                                               SAHM1 therapy also reduced serum IgE levels.
36 etric features where we observed that fractal measures were also reduced significantly by 33%, 16% and 13% for kurtosis,
37 nt (40E8 and p396) and C-terminal half (4E4) tau antibodies also reduced tau uptake despite removing less total tau by im
38                                          STEAP1/4 knockdown also reduced the ability of keratinocytes to induce neutrophi
39                                                DHT exposure also reduced the mRNA expression of genes involved in metabol
40                                           FG-3019 treatment also reduced the number of CD31(+) vessels and VEGF-A-positiv
41                                            VNS-tone pairing also reduced the phase coherence between the auditory cortex
42                                       Delayed cord clamping also reduced the prevalence of anemia (hemoglobin level <11.0
43                                               This strategy also reduced the quantity of host cell proteins that remained
44                                                Pioglitazone also reduced the risk of type 1 MI (hazard ratio, 0.62; 95% c
45                                                          It also reduced the severity of IR injury as determined by AST a
46                                               FPR2 deletion also reduced the tumorigenic and metastatic capabilities of G
47 ts and the open channel probability of Cav1.3 channels were also reduced upon TRPC1 activation, whereas increased Cav1.3
48                                              Angiotensin II also reduced vasoconstriction stimulated by Psora-4 or 4-amin
49                                               EPO treatment also reduced weight gain in ovariectomized female mice, while
50                              HG-induced MIOX expression was also reduced with the treatment of apelin-13, which deacetyla

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