


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 -bound (mIg) B cell receptors (BCRs) through alternative RNA splicing.
2  vary at their C termini as a consequence of alternative RNA splicing.
3 w viral E6 and E7 expression is regulated by alternative RNA splicing.
4  expression events through the regulation of alternative RNA splicing.
5 re B cells express together with IgM through alternative RNA splicing.
6  steroid receptor-mediated transcription and alternative RNA splicing.
7 h are generated by alternative promoters and alternative RNA splicing.
8 e-specific isoforms and is also regulated by alternative RNA splicing.
9 nsmembrane glycoprotein CD44 are produced by alternative RNA splicing.
10 f an RNA recognition motif (RRM) and affects alternative RNA splicing.
11 licing, no helicases have been implicated in alternative RNA splicing.
12 M-RAR molecules are expressed as a result of alternative RNA splicing.
13 r from a single promoter in association with alternative RNA splicing.
14 s numbers of EGF-like domains as a result of alternative RNA splicing.
15  biologically active isotypes resulting from alternative RNA splicing.
16                   This isoform resulted from alternative RNA splicing.
17 P1L) and short (CD2BP1S) variants arising by alternative RNA splicing.
18 ence suggests that the deletion is caused by alternative RNA splicing.
19 espectively, and these appear to result from alternative RNA splicing.
20 oplasm and plays a role in the regulation of alternative RNA splicing.
21 specific mRNA isoforms would be generated by alternative RNA splicing.
22  and 206 amino acids/monomer) resulting from alternative RNA splicing.
23  is known to regulate homeotic genes through alternative RNA splicing.
24  gene yields various isoforms as a result of alternative RNA splicing.
25 DNA binding domain and the leucine zipper by alternative RNA splicing and differential polyadenylatio
26 tio-temporal patterns of GluR expression, by alternative RNA splicing and editing and by targeting an
27  pp52 and S37 mRNA isoforms are generated by alternative RNA splicing and establish that they are ind
28 eome has millions of protein variants due to alternative RNA splicing and post-translational modifica
29 is elegans gene mec-8 encodes a regulator of alternative RNA splicing and that mec-8 null mutants hav
30 rent genes (NFI-A, NFI-B, NFI-C, and NFI-X), alternative RNA splicing, and protein heterodimerization
31                                              Alternative RNA splicing (AS) regulates proteome diversi
32  Oct2 alpha and beta isoforms are derived by alternative RNA splicing; as determined by Southern anal
33 mmunoprecipitation-chip studies, analysis of alternative RNA splicing, characterization of the methyl
34 tional activity also directly participate in alternative RNA splicing decisions.
35 known as A2BP1), as a prominent regulator of alternative RNA splicing during heart failure.
36             The latter mutation has the same alternative RNA splicing effect as a reported synonymous
37                    Here we describe a unique alternative RNA splicing event that occurs during the de
38  of higher organisms, for example, detecting alternative RNA splicing events and oncogenic chromosoma
39 e transmembrane domain and are the result of alternative RNA splicing events between exons IV and VII
40 roteomic diversity is frequently achieved by alternative RNA-splicing events that can be fine-tuned i
41                    L4-33K is a virus-encoded alternative RNA splicing factor which activates splicing
42 includes a variety of molecules generated by alternative RNA splicing from 10 variant exons (v1-v10).
43 forms (alpha and beta) that are generated by alternative RNA splicing from a single SpOtx gene.
44   The structure-function relationship of the alternative RNA splicing-generated NH2-terminal variable
45                  We have now determined that alternative RNA splicing gives rise to at least five dif
46                                              Alternative RNA splicing greatly expands the repertoire
47                                              Alternative RNA splicing greatly increases proteome dive
48                                              Alternative RNA splicing has been reported at three site
49    Since its discovery in 1977, the study of alternative RNA splicing has revealed a plethora of mech
50 d trans-acting factors contributing to HPV18 alternative RNA splicing have been discovered in this st
51 generation sequencing and analysis of global alternative RNA splicing identified that the mRNA splici
52                 Dysregulation in patterns of alternative RNA splicing in cancer cells is emerging as
53              We report on the involvement of alternative RNA splicing in generating multiple function
54                                              Alternative RNA splicing is an essential process to yiel
55  Taking these data together, we propose that alternative RNA splicing is involved in hypothalamic dev
56  The molecular cloning of Rgh3 suggests that alternative RNA splicing is needed for cell differentiat
57                                              Alternative RNA splicing is now known to be pervasive th
58 n was performed to identify tumor-associated alternative RNA splicing isoforms.
59 ggest that posttranscriptional regulation by alternative RNA splicing may play an important role in M
60                                              Alternative RNA splicing may provide unique opportunitie
61 ssing results primarily from a novel form of alternative RNA splicing mediated by multiple exonic spl
62 hanges in the two isozymes, originating from alternative RNA splicing, occur at a stretch of 55 amino
63 group of polypeptide factors that arise from alternative RNA splicing of a single gene.
64 e of CAPER coactivators in the regulation of alternative RNA splicing of an endogenous cellular gene
65       Therefore, we investigated whether the alternative RNA splicing of Bcl-x pre-mRNA was modulated
66 D-containing NMDA receptors are modulated by alternative RNA splicing of GluN1.
67 stinguish these cells is IgD, which, through alternative RNA splicing of H chain transcripts, begins
68 study provides important observations on how alternative RNA splicing of HPV18 pre-mRNAs is subject t
69 ese data provide the first evidence that the alternative RNA splicing of HPV18 pre-mRNAs is subject t
70                     Jmjd6 is shown to change alternative RNA splicing of some, but not all, of the en
71               Exclusion of the alpha-exon by alternative RNA splicing of the fibroblast growth factor
72                     There is no evidence for alternative RNA splicing of this gene product.
73    Expression of HPV18 genes is regulated by alternative RNA splicing of viral polycistronic pre-mRNA
74 s troponin T (TnT) isoforms are generated by alternative RNA splicing primarily in its N-terminal hyp
75                    Developmentally regulated alternative RNA splicing produces TnT isoforms differing
76 tudy was to investigate chicken TERT (cTERT) alternative RNA splicing profiles of samples varying for
77 d trans-acting factors contributing to HPV18 alternative RNA splicing remain unknown.
78 F) A is generated as two isoform families by alternative RNA splicing, represented by VEGF-A165a and
79 olycistronic pre-mRNAs that are regulated by alternative RNA splicing to produce a repertoire of vira
80         RGMc is a 4-exon gene that undergoes alternative RNA splicing to yield 3 mRNAs with 5' differ
81 POT1 gene encodes four other variants due to alternative RNA splicing (variants v2, v3, v4, and v5),
82 identify cis-acting elements regulating this alternative RNA splicing, we sequenced the 3' end of Mhc
83  SC35, SRp40, SRp55, and SF2/ASF involved in alternative RNA splicing were predicted in exon 12.
84                      These results correlate alternative RNA splicing with the expression of two GPHe
85  and deletion of one or more coding exons by alternative RNA splicing would not shift the downstream

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