


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 esults in phosphorylation on Tyr-323 (pY323, alternative pathway).
2 t inhibitor of complement deposition via the alternative pathway.
3 e classical and lectin pathways, but not the alternative pathway.
4  human CFH regulates activation of the mouse alternative pathway.
5  next cell-cycle, and gain insight into this alternative pathway.
6 ugh C3 cleavage and its amplification by the alternative pathway.
7 ctivity leading to loss of regulation of the alternative pathway.
8 t on factor B, indicating involvement of the alternative pathway.
9 ic mutations of components of the complement alternative pathway.
10 forcing human IgG3 to act mainly through the alternative pathway.
11  the third complement component (C3) via the alternative pathway.
12 es of properdin, a positive regulator of the alternative pathway.
13 2, indicative of activation of the NF-kappaB alternative pathway.
14       Complement activation occurred via the alternative pathway.
15 nced activation of C3 through the complement alternative pathway.
16 e of overactivity of the complement system's alternative pathway.
17 ic reaction of the amplification loop of the alternative pathway.
18 in aberrant activation of both canonical and alternative pathways.
19 rects internalization into keratinocytes via alternative pathways.
20 se-1 phosphate by ketohexokinase (KHK) or by alternative pathways.
21 cription factors that can also be induced by alternative pathways.
22 oenzyme, can be incorporated into COX by two alternative pathways.
23 acLDL is mediated via both the classical and alternative pathways.
24 ontitis and are activated by the classic and alternative pathways.
25 duction, whereas Wnt5A induces IL-10 through alternative pathways.
26 equently occurs via subsequent activation of alternative pathways.
27 e II (Pol II) transcripts occurs through two alternative pathways.
28 t that is inefficiently membrane-targeted by alternative pathways.
29 chanisms known as the classical, lectin, and alternative pathways.
30 ipid absorption, suggesting the existence of alternative pathways.
31 is study is the first in vivo evidence of an alternative pathway able to generate in a caspase-1-inde
32                However, genetic and acquired alternative pathway abnormalities are also observed in I
33 nd a high prevalence of genetic and acquired alternative pathway abnormalities from patients with sol
34 although Cd46(-/-) mice have normal systemic alternative pathway activating ability, lack of CD46 lea
35                                              Alternative pathway activation (Ba) and endothelial acti
36 factor H and efficiently blocked LPS-induced alternative pathway activation and hemolysis induced by
37 s with the most effective ways to manipulate alternative pathway activation in complex systems.
38 , the prevalence of anti-C3b/anti-FB Abs and alternative pathway activation is similar in Ig-MPGN and
39 at decreased DosR expression may result from alternative pathway activation of macrophages, with cons
40 apoE molecules via domains 5-7 and regulates alternative pathway activation on plasma HDL particles.
41  data suggest novel molecular mechanisms for alternative pathway activation on stimulated platelets t
42 aced FH from the bacterial surface, enhanced alternative pathway activation, and reduced bacterial bl
43 vel treatments, specifically those targeting alternative pathway activation, are highly desirable.
44 a variety of diseases that involve increased alternative pathway activation, but no therapeutic facto
45  Cecal ligation and puncture also led to the alternative pathway activation, C3 fragment deposition i
46 c for human CR1, soluble CR1 therapy stopped alternative pathway activation, resulting in normalizati
47 FXIII-A) was reported to be a good marker of alternative pathway activation.
48  regulatory activity, resulting in excessive alternative pathway activation.
49                                              Alternative pathway activity is inhibited by complement
50 roperdin, a positive regulator of complement alternative pathway activity, increases PGA formation wh
51 at FH levels determine a delicate balance of alternative pathway activity, thus affecting the resista
52 at can both initiate and positively regulate alternative pathway activity.
53 ice contains pro-FD and has markedly reduced alternative pathway activity.
54                               The unexpected alternative pathway adds another enantioselectivity-dete
55 which promotes complement activation via the alternative pathway, affording protection against N. men
56 and lectin pathways is amplified through the alternative pathway amplification loop.
57 mplement pathway activation to C1q-dependent alternative pathway amplification.
58 nction is downregulated and replaced with an alternative pathway, an essential first step in the crea
59      We find that LP activation precedes the alternative pathway and absence of the LP complement pro
60 nt in muscle regeneration is mediated by the alternative pathway and C3a receptor (C3aR) signaling, a
61 its, including properdin and factor H in the alternative pathway and mannan-binding lectin, mannan-bi
62                   However, C1-INH spares the alternative pathway and the membrane attack complex (C5-
63                     The combination of these alternative pathways and canonical autophagy blockade, r
64 e by activating resistance mechanisms and/or alternative pathways and escape mechanisms.
65                                              Alternative pathways and the charge transfer in the tran
66      The definition of genes contributing to alternative pathways and their expression profiles corro
67  specimens, suggesting an abnormality in the alternative pathway, and it was positive in seven (54%)
68 sma protein that regulates activation of the alternative pathway, and mutations in fH are associated
69  of complement-the classic pathway (CP), the alternative pathway, and the lectin pathway (LP)- conver
70 ind factor H (fH), an important inhibitor of alternative pathway (AP) activation.
71 ion product C3b, which autoamplifies via the alternative pathway (AP) amplification loop.
72 ibitor ACH-4471, which blocks the complement alternative pathway (AP) and is in phase 2 development f
73 tor B (cfB) is an essential component of the alternative pathway (AP) and plays an important role in
74  or acquired dysregulation of the complement alternative pathway (AP) are traditionally classified on
75 5 (PIV5) activates and is neutralized by the alternative pathway (AP) in normal human serum (NHS) but
76                                          The alternative pathway (AP) is critical for the efficient a
77 eatment options that specifically target the alternative pathway (AP) of complement activation are co
78                                          The alternative pathway (AP) of complement activation is the
79 ing of CCPs 1-7) are major regulators of the alternative pathway (AP) of complement activation.
80                               Effects of the alternative pathway (AP) of complement and complement C3
81 ial surface protein A (NspA) to regulate the alternative pathway (AP) of complement.
82 regarded as the first-acting protease of the alternative pathway (AP) of complement.
83 ing protein that regulates activation of the alternative pathway (AP) of complement.
84  of acquired or genetic abnormalities in the alternative pathway (AP) of the complement system.
85  role in the amplification of the complement alternative pathway (AP) of the innate immune system.
86 hat in cTTP, complement is activated via the alternative pathway (AP) on the cell surface.
87 malities of the complement system leading to alternative pathway (AP) overactivation and by glomerula
88 sential positive regulator of the complement alternative pathway (AP) providing stabilization of the
89 ) is an endogenous negative regulator of the alternative pathway (AP) that binds polyanions as well a
90  that prevents complement activation via the alternative pathway (AP) was described previously in a S
91 gesting activation of both the classical and alternative pathway (AP).
92 malities in the regulation of the complement alternative pathway (AP).
93  that the convertases from the classical and alternative pathways are likely to share their overall a
94 ed MAC deposition via both the classical and alternative pathway at the pneumococcal surface.
95  of generalized complement activation (C3a), alternative pathway (Bb), classical/lectin pathway (C4d)
96 beyond 100-fold were not observed because an alternative pathway becomes dominant, with nonnative P5a
97 NET induction, whereas ionophores require an alternative pathway but that NETs produced by all stimul
98 lysis minimize the simultaneous operation of alternative pathways, but by introducing flux-weighting
99 ane potential and mitochondrial Ca(2+) is an alternative pathway by which IL-6 regulates effector fun
100 individual simulations and, thus, to explore alternative pathways by averaging thousands of simulatio
101 ngly similar to the crystal structure of the alternative pathway C3 convertase C3bBb, which is in acc
102 Ns inhibit a critical enzymatic complex, the alternative pathway C3 convertase, by targeting a functi
103 at soluble CR1 prevents dysregulation of the alternative pathway C3 convertase, even in the presence
104              Dysregulation of the complement alternative pathway can cause disease in various organs
105 particular, to establish the extent to which alternative pathways can contribute to achieving specifi
106 synthetic control is decreased, compensatory alternative pathways can take the full load of linear el
107 ion to the nucleus, but instead activated an alternative pathway characterized by activation of inter
108  is an important complement regulator of the alternative pathway commonly recruited by pathogens to a
109 reported that a natural IgG antibody directs alternative pathway complement activation and initiates
110 ntial effect of properdin on the dynamics of alternative pathway complement activation in the fluid p
111 re sequence and structural homology with the alternative pathway complement inhibitor FH.
112 igated the role of properdin (P), a positive alternative pathway complement regulator, in allergen-in
113 ative GN (MPGN) was recently reclassified as alternative pathway complement-mediated C3 glomerulopath
114  (C3aR) signaling, as deletion of Cfb, a key alternative pathway component, or C3aR leads to impaired
115 t activation and excessive activation of the alternative pathway contribute to distinct disease patho
116  is due to acquired or genetically defective alternative pathway control and is generally associated
117         Because of the indispensable role of alternative pathway convertase in amplifying complement
118 while expression of SR-p100, that blocks the alternative pathway, did not.
119 esidual visual function that must rely on an alternative pathway directly to extrastriate occipital r
120 suggest that complement is activated via the alternative pathway during the early phase of reperfusio
121                                       Severe alternative pathway dysregulation can be triggered by au
122     Our observations suggest that complement alternative pathway dysregulation may be involved in the
123 glomerulopathy is associated with complement alternative pathway dysregulation, which includes functi
124 d built environment factors, suggesting that alternative pathways (e.g., psychosocial and psychologic
125                These findings bring to light alternative pathways engaged by amphetamine, and urge re
126 pe CD4(+) T cells, but not those lacking the alternative pathway, enhanced tumor growth in T cell-def
127                                     Although alternative pathway evasion has received considerable at
128  We show that, even though a large number of alternative pathways exist, the alternatives carry lower
129 ing pathway, although evidence suggests that alternative pathways exist.
130                                    A second, alternative pathway exists, however: stimulation of the
131 ation of lipid bilayer membranes presents an alternative pathway for cellular delivery of nanoparticl
132 otube connections have been identified as an alternative pathway for cellular spreading of certain vi
133              Below pD 8 there is a very slow alternative pathway for degradation that is first order
134                       The work highlights an alternative pathway for forming a new transition metal d
135                 Our results identify both an alternative pathway for inducible PGE(2) synthesis and a
136                In this study, we describe an alternative pathway for intercellular transmission of PR
137 e and that the caspase-11 system provides an alternative pathway for rapid detection of an intracellu
138 dressing by donor DCs serves as an efficient alternative pathway for the acquisition of recipient all
139 human and murine IL-23R was identified as an alternative pathway for the generation of sIL-23R.
140   This form of virus transport represents an alternative pathway for virus spread, which is resistant
141 ntified a number of proteins associated with alternative pathways for acetate production that are enc
142 sistent with the effects of retinoic acid on alternative pathways for ceramide generation.
143  link between autophagy block, activation of alternative pathways for degradation, and excretion of c
144            Our results demonstrated that two alternative pathways for DHA biosynthesis exist in teleo
145                                  It includes alternative pathways for excited-state decay and provide
146 -labeling patterns occur as a consequence of alternative pathways for glucose production.
147 brane glycerolipids and also how to engineer alternative pathways for lipid production in non-seeds.
148 bers are nuclear, raising the possibility of alternative pathways for piRNA-mediated regulation of ge
149 of nitric oxide synthase (NOS1 and NOS2), or alternative pathways for polyamine biosynthesis via argi
150  genetic deletion, suggesting that there are alternative pathways for promoting eosinophilia.
151         Each did fit well to a model for two alternative pathways for proton transfer, each involving
152 scent human T cells lacked the canonical and alternative pathways for the activation of p38 but spont
153  complement system via classical, lectin, or alternative pathways generates anaphylatoxins (C3a and C
154         Activation of complement through the alternative pathway has a key role in the pathogenesis o
155 IL)-6 of the classic pathway and IL-4 of the alternative pathway have been studied widely.
156  but the identity, mechanism and function of alternative pathways have been controversial.
157 he classical ipso, and the mechanism of this alternative pathway, have been investigated.
158           The molecular identity of putative alternative pathways, however, is poorly characterized.
159 100/p52) are the downstream mediators of the alternative pathway; however, the B cell-intrinsic funct
160                                          The alternative pathway (i.e., introduction via leaf fall) a
161 mediated by lipocalin-2 and calprotectin via alternative pathways, IL-22 boosted its colonization of
162 als in mediating abiotic U(VI) reduction, an alternative pathway in addition to direct enzymatic U(VI
163 ssociated with its M1 Fab that activates the alternative pathway in an Fc-independent manner.
164 t not of acLDL suggesting involvement of the alternative pathway in the binding of acLDL to CR1.
165               Surprisingly, we find that the alternative pathway in this patient functions normally,
166              Finally, the absence of the two alternative pathways in a double mutant pgrl1 hydrogenas
167 ophages may be activated by both classic and alternative pathways in health and in periodontal diseas
168 at the Notch1 signaling axis synergizes with alternative pathways in promoting metastatic CRPC and ma
169 tivity of the reactants involved may provide alternative pathways in their aggregation.
170 oxidation product of thymine, occurs via two alternative pathways, in one of which, polymerases kappa
171 usters 1 and 2 had massive activation of the alternative pathway, including activation of the termina
172 n treatment of MS patients may occur through alternative pathways, independent of Nrf2.
173 te whether differences in the binding of the alternative pathway inhibitor factor H (FH) could be one
174 way initiated by the Ku complex, and (2) the alternative pathway initiated by poly ADP-ribose polymer
175 ed and inherited mtDNA normally, pointing to alternative pathways involved in these processes.
176                Here we demonstrate that this alternative pathway involves the protein channel formed
177 als for Lewis acid-mediated cyclizations, an alternative pathway involving a domino sequence of Prins
178 ing LKB1, NUAK1 activity is maintained by an alternative pathway involving calcium-dependent activati
179 g dual C-Cl bond formation and contradict an alternative pathway involving electrochemical evolution
180                            More recently, an alternative pathway involving the change of the magnetic
181                               The complement alternative pathway is a powerful arm of the innate immu
182                                A competitive alternative pathway is also found where the decarboxylat
183                    Key to the effects of the alternative pathway is properdin, a serum glycoprotein t
184 g KHK and redirecting fructose metabolism to alternative pathways is an effective way to prevent visc
185 mpete with factor H in the regulation of the alternative pathway, it has been hypothesized that the a
186 esult from a dysregulation of the complement alternative pathway, leading to glomerular endothelial c
187                                         This alternative pathway may help flies silence newly acquire
188 been less well described in association with alternative pathway-mediated glomerulopathies (GP).
189 ribe the interplay between properdin and the alternative pathway negative regulator, Factor H, and ho
190 characterized by excessive activation of the alternative pathway of complement (APC).
191                                          The alternative pathway of complement activation is strongly
192 nd factor H (FH), the major regulator of the alternative pathway of complement activation.
193  outer membrane protein P5 in evasion of the alternative pathway of complement activation.
194 ement factor H (CFH), thereby inhibiting the alternative pathway of complement activation.
195 mplement factor H, the main regulator of the alternative pathway of complement activation.
196 s suggest that Stx-induced activation of the alternative pathway of complement and generation of C3a
197 thy caused by uncontrolled activation of the alternative pathway of complement at the cell surface le
198 al factors that impact the activation of the alternative pathway of complement critically determine t
199                This led to activation of the alternative pathway of complement exclusively via associ
200 e describe albicin, a novel inhibitor of the alternative pathway of complement from the salivary glan
201 s of these factors highlight the role of the alternative pathway of complement in MPGN.
202 In functional experiments, activation of the alternative pathway of complement in the carriers of rs8
203     Furthermore, CipA directly inhibited the alternative pathway of complement in vitro, irrespective
204                                          The alternative pathway of complement is an important part o
205                     Defective control of the alternative pathway of complement is an important risk f
206              In C3 glomerulopathy (C3G), the alternative pathway of complement is frequently overacti
207  and indicate a novel mechanism by which the alternative pathway of complement may be triggered direc
208 tis (C3GN) results from abnormalities in the alternative pathway of complement, and it is characteriz
209 actor H (CFH) is a negative regulator of the alternative pathway of complement, and properdin is the
210  commonly caused by inherited defects of the alternative pathway of complement, or the proteins that
211 e (aHUS) patients cause dysregulation in the alternative pathway of complement.
212 Ig; the C3 is derived from activation of the alternative pathway of complement.
213  to mutations that lead to activation of the alternative pathway of complement.
214 isease associated with overactivation of the alternative pathway of complement.
215 deficient in factor B that lack a functional alternative pathway of complement.
216 on, and properdin promotes activation of the alternative pathway of complement.
217 ivo release microparticles that activate the alternative pathway of complement.
218 self has recently been shown to activate the alternative pathway of complement.
219 reased immune response requires a functional alternative pathway of complement.
220  function that allows it to downregulate the alternative pathway of complement.
221                     This study identified an alternative pathway of CS-induced EC permeability.
222 istent with this activity, LigIII acts in an alternative pathway of DNA double strand break repair th
223 on, and is a consequence of activation of an alternative pathway of hepatocyte replication.
224                  Here, we have identified an alternative pathway of irreversible P-TEFb activation in
225 r function of CD1c(+) DCs and demonstrate an alternative pathway of LC differentiation that may have
226                        Herein we identify an alternative pathway of NK-cell development driven by the
227    Neutrophils have been shown to mediate an alternative pathway of systemic anaphylaxis and to parti
228 ording to our results, the activation of the alternative pathway of the complement system strongly co
229 H) is an important regulatory protein in the alternative pathway of the complement system, and CFH po
230 actor protein (CD46), a key regulator of the alternative pathway of the complement system, is only ex
231 ) is strongly linked to dysregulation of the alternative pathway of the complement system.
232                                 We show that alternative pathways of aggregation can be distinguished
233                                   To explore alternative pathways of cellular migration, we have inve
234 found that Trx80 activates the classical and alternative pathways of complement activation, leading t
235 tight regulation of the classical/lectin and alternative pathways of complement activation, respectiv
236                                              Alternative pathways of epitope production have been ide
237 he defects in which could be resuscitated by alternative pathways of NF-kappaB activation.
238             This study provides evidence for alternative pathways of proteasomal recognition of p53 a
239 he complexes formed at other genes, offering alternative pathways of regulation.
240       Transcript levels of genes involved in alternative pathways of respiration and amino acid catab
241                            Activation of the alternative pathway on activated platelets occurs when p
242 assembly of the complement components of the alternative pathway on the nanoworm surface.
243  complement activation via the classical and alternative pathways on surfaces such as the extracellul
244 ith agents that target downstream signaling, alternative pathways, or components of the host immune s
245              Here we provide evidence for an alternative pathway previously undescribed for orthomyxo
246 se as compared with that established for the alternative pathway proconvertase C3bB.
247 sduction by shifting vector processing to an alternative pathway, protect Ad from inactivation by neu
248 utations in genes that encode the complement alternative pathway proteins or the molecules that regul
249                  In addition, we observe two alternative pathways-pseudoknot and inchworm internal di
250  Older studies indicated that the complement alternative pathway regulator factor H (FH) competes wit
251 EA from lipid A also affected binding of the alternative pathway regulator factor H (fH) to PorB of s
252                       Factor H (FH) is a key alternative pathway regulator that controls complement a
253 ced microparticles did not bind factor H, an alternative pathway regulatory protein present in plasma
254 function of the transcription factors of the alternative pathway, RELB and NF-kappaB2, in late B-cell
255 alignment of the peptide with the fibril, as alternative pathways result in misfolding.
256 H, demonstrating that this inhibition of the alternative pathway significantly contributes to the vir
257                                        In an alternative pathway structures can also be removed from
258             Considering the overall picture, alternative pathways such as vinylacetylene-mediated rea
259 e biodiversity; the remainder arises through alternative pathways, such as ecological speciation and
260 e derivatives apparently are synthesized via alternative pathways, such as the degradation of indole
261 C-SIGN-mediated endocytosis provided a minor alternative pathway that depended on SH and/or G and thu
262 he lipid kinase PIKfyve as a regulator of an alternative pathway that distributes engulfed contents i
263 ovide experimental evidence that suggests an alternative pathway that does not involve electron trans
264                           We then propose an alternative pathway that includes the reform of public h
265                           We investigated an alternative pathway that involves activating the airway
266  target DNA, whereas PAM mutations elicit an alternative pathway that recruits a nuclease-inactive Ca
267  factors RAD51 and BRCA2; or by an efficient alternative pathway that uses either ssDNA or nicked dsD
268 ols also may help to identify organisms with alternative pathways that are involved in maintaining th
269 bon away from mitochondrial respiration into alternative pathways that avoid producing reactive oxyge
270 ly used topoisomerase II poisons and defines alternative pathways that could be therapeutically explo
271 rt because nascent RNAs become directed into alternative pathways that lead to circular RNA productio
272 lar neurons that can differentiate along two alternative pathways, thereby leading to major neural ci
273 id-epoxide complex can react through several alternative pathways, though three phases (ring opening,
274 phylococcal complement inhibitors act on the alternative pathway to block the amplification loop, onl
275 that MIA-dependent precursor proteins use an alternative pathway to cross the outer mitochondrial mem
276 on after circulatory death (DCD) provides an alternative pathway to deceased organ transplantation.
277          We conclude that Leishmania uses an alternative pathway to induce host autophagy while simul
278 se findings indicate that Leishmania uses an alternative pathway to mTOR to induce autophagy in host
279 ed into the reactant solution can provide an alternative pathway to overcome such limitations.
280 ated and specific miRNAs are generated by an alternative pathway to regulate genes involved in cellul
281                                 We report an alternative pathway to the Wacker oxidation of internal
282 serendipitously uncovers the existence of an alternative pathway to the well-described POMT (protein
283 Activation studies are useful to demonstrate alternative pathways to compensate for lesions and to te
284 for gene up- or down-regulation can occur by alternative pathways to CovS kinase.
285                               Thus, Mtb uses alternative pathways to produce PG, each with its own bi
286 sults indicate that POP exposure may enhance alternative pathways to the glutathione detoxification r
287 ent to increase seed retention, providing an alternative pathway toward cereal grass domestication.
288 solated from septic mice activated the serum alternative pathway via a factor D-dependent manner.
289 pyruvate intermediate in model microbes, the alternative pathway via arogenate is predominant in plan
290 ds through arogenate, the contribution of an alternative pathway via phenylpyruvate, as occurs in mos
291 ficolin-3, and C4, whereas inhibition of the alternative pathway was caused by degradation of C5.
292  of natural and CPM conditions show that the alternative pathway was significant, but its presence wa
293          Genetic mutations of the complement alternative pathway were confirmed in half of our patien
294 ncy, with complement activated mainly by the alternative pathway, whereas the lectin pathway is also
295 evented activation of both the classical and alternative pathways, whereas pneumolysin inhibited only
296      We report an analysis of the complement alternative pathway, which has recently been linked to t
297 e bacteria and archaea synthesize haem by an alternative pathway, which involves the sequestration of
298 d synthesis pathway but induced those in the alternative pathway, which is consistent with decreased
299 ed by force; instead, higher forces favor an alternative pathway, which seeks to release the vinculin
300 ysis of rabbit erythrocytes in assays of the alternative pathway while having no inhibitory effect on

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