


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1 election sweeps in human evolution is increasingly debated, although our ability to detect them is hampered by inherent u
2                                                             Although our analyses did not uncover a definitive link betwe
3 g adults not consenting to the intervention or HIV testing, although our conclusions were robust in sensitivity analyses.
4                                                             Although our data are continuous, they are from low-depositio
5                                                             Although our data demonstrate that DDX41 suppresses p21 trans
6                                                             Although our data demonstrated that bexarotene was ineffectiv
7                                                       Thus, although our data imply that MuLV-based retrovectors should b
8 ibly occurs as a result of competition with serum proteins, although our data seem to rule out a direct role of serum fib
9                                                             Although our data show a complex inheritance of TH, we predic
10                                                             Although our early experience with TAR has been promising, lo
11                                                             Although our experience is limited and appropriate indication
12                                                             Although our experiments did not substantiate Ser(36) phospho
13                                                             Although our external environment (proteases, allergens, and
14                                                             Although our facility supplies probes for preclinical imaging
15                                                             Although our failure to develop an efficient barcode joining
16                                                             Although our FeSexTe1-x thin films were fabricated via PLD us
17                                                             Although our findings provide preliminary evidence in support
18                                                             Although our genome-wide analysis of nearly 10 000 genes stro
19                                                             Although our knowledge of aging has greatly expanded in the p
20                                                             Although our knowledge of how stress responses are regulated
21 and associations present a wide range of potential futures, although our mean estimate of $64.1 billion (95% UI $30.4 bil
22                                                             Although our previous biochemical analyses demonstrated the a
23             Ice nucleation proceeds in a comparable manner, although our resolution is insufficient to directly observe a
24 he Southern Ocean had a key role in the deglacial CO2 rise, although our results allow for the possibility that processes
25                                                             Although our results are limited by the usual biases related
26                                                             Although our results confirm the recommendation for ATG to be
27                                                             Although our results do not provide support for a physiologic
28                                                             Although our results do not rule out a potential effect of an
29                                                             Although our results imply independent evolution of tongue an
30                                                             Although our results indicated a histotype-specific associati
31                                                             Although our results reconfirm the presence of math-selective
32 r-bevacizumab uptake is enhanced by vascular proliferation, although our results suggest it is not the only determinant o
33                                                             Although our results suggest that eliminating bifocals could
34                                                             Although our results were generally null, in repeated measure
35                                                             Although our screen did identify the disruption of exon-proxi
36                                                             Although our self-compensated doped polymers superficially re
37                                                             Although our self-motion substantially alters the motion of o
38                                                             Although our simulations represent the early events in the se
39                                                             Although our study demonstrates that macroecological climatic
40                                                             Although our study did not examine population-level responses
41                                                             Although our survey has very high sensitivity (detection effi
42                                                             Although our trial did not reach an MTD, a dose-dependent eff
43                                                             Although our understanding of IgAN has advanced significantly
44                                                             Although our understanding of mechanoregulation in cancer is
45                                                             Although our understanding of Psa epidemiology and control me
46                                                             Although our understanding of RB turnover is currently limite
47                                                             Although our understanding of the molecular basis of pediatri
48 ations endow tumor cells with increased metastatic ability, although our understanding of the underlying mechanism remain
49 reasingly implicated in plant responses to pathogen attack, although our understanding of the underlying mechanisms is st
50                          We perceive a stable visual scene, although our visual input is constantly changing.

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