


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 crine cells (stellate, semilunar, and thorny amacrine cells).
2 ating direction selectivity in the starburst amacrine cell.
3 ipolar cells as the rod pathway-specific AII amacrine cell.
4 d connectivity pattern of the small-field A8 amacrine cell.
5 es came from a blue On bipolar and inverting amacrine cell.
6 ized circuit: rods-->rod bipolar cells-->AII amacrine cell.
7 d inputs from axon terminals of dopaminergic amacrine cells.
8 tentiated evoked EPSCs in a subpopulation of amacrine cells.
9 bition from the ON pathway through GABAergic amacrine cells.
10  cells, but also in a subset of ganglion and amacrine cells.
11  is propagated to an atypical subtype of AII amacrine cells.
12 g horizontal cells and a subset (25%) of AII amacrine cells.
13 ter 1, and shows the typical morphology of A amacrine cells.
14 on between retinal rod bipolar cells and AII amacrine cells.
15  for each gene in the differentiation of AII amacrine cells.
16 of M1 ipRGCs caused by SRIF inhibition of DA amacrine cells.
17 erminals, ganglion cell dendrites, and other amacrine cells.
18 recursive bistratified ganglion cells and A1 amacrine cells.
19 s the synaptic receptors on A17, but not AII amacrine cells.
20 with inhibitory interneurons: horizontal and amacrine cells.
21 mber and increase in the number of displaced amacrine cells.
22 s and their neurotransmitter with wide-field amacrine cells.
23 d GABA-immunoreactivity indicating they were amacrine cells.
24  between the two bands formed by cholinergic amacrine cells.
25 bust and selective expression in cholinergic amacrine cells.
26 r cells activates postsynaptic AMPARs on AII amacrine cells.
27 idance in many types of retinal ganglion and amacrine cells.
28 n (by 30%) of RGCs, and absence of starburst amacrine cells.
29 n of W3 ganglion cells, but not to starburst amacrine cells.
30 th their identity as RGCs, and not displaced amacrine cells.
31 nuclear layer and for up to 27% of displaced amacrine cells.
32 OFF CBCs via diffusely stratified inhibitory amacrine cells.
33 ming new architectures for generating ON-OFF amacrine cells.
34  were differentially expressed by subsets of amacrine cells.
35 ated by a mechanism independent of starburst amacrine cells.
36 D2 function results in a partial loss of AII amacrine cells.
37 ticipating in the development of retinal AII amacrine cells.
38 orny ganglion cells, 14 cells were displaced amacrine cells.
39 ic/cholinergic signals mediated by starburst amacrine cells.
40 er are ganglion cells, and 20% are displaced amacrine cells.
41 ion mediated by wide-field spiking GABAergic amacrine cells.
42 DACs, impairing functional regulation of AII amacrine cells.
43  originating from a population of wide-field amacrine cells.
44 cal varieties of such ipRGC-driven displaced amacrine cells: (1) monostratified cells with dendrites
45 estigated these mechanisms in the rabbit AII amacrine cell, a multifunctional retinal neuron that for
46 r of the retina derives from the activity of amacrine cells, a large and diverse group of GABAergic a
47 ons exhibit aberrant activity, driven by AII amacrine cells, a primary target of the retinal dopamine
48 ipolar cell (BC) classes inhibit rod BCs via amacrine cell (AC) motifs (C1-6); that all cone BC class
49     Although no change was detected in total amacrine cell (AC) numbers, increased PRKCA(+) and choli
50 typical network formed by different types of amacrine cells across the inner plexiform layer prompts
51 ce that general functions of the ensemble of amacrine cells across types are critical for establishin
52                                      Retinal amacrine cells (ACs) may make inhibitory chemical synaps
53 ng vertebrate retina, particular subtypes of amacrine cells (ACs) tend to arise from progenitors expr
54  glutamate transporter 3 (VGluT3)-expressing amacrine cells (ACs) to a broad set of visual stimuli.
55  106 morphologically identified narrow-field amacrine cells (ACs) were studied in dark-adapted mouse
56           We genetically identify a class of amacrine cells (ACs) with elongated dendritic arbors tha
57 GCs), followed by horizontal cells (HCs) and amacrine cells (ACs), beginning with the early stages of
58                 RBC output onto putative AII amacrine cells (ACs), the crucial interneurons of the ro
59 r the structural and functional integrity of amacrine cells (ACs), the largest cohort of neurons in t
60 from bipolar cells and inhibitory input from amacrine cells (ACs).
61               The third combines bipolar and amacrine cell activity to create the diverse encodings o
62                                      The AII amacrine cell (AII) is a key information hub in the reti
63 onses of individual bipolar cells (BCs), AII amacrine cells (AIIACs), and ON and sustained OFF alpha-
64                                      The AII amacrine cell also makes direct glycinergic synapses wit
65 lls identified by retrograde labeling, while amacrine cells also exhibited some atrophy by 5 days.
66 of glutamate (or AMPA) onto the dendrites of amacrine cells also significantly potentiated evoked cur
67 ly, NeuroD2 is endogenously expressed in AII amacrine cells, among others, and loss of NeuroD2 functi
68 sity of parvalbumin- and calretinin-positive amacrine cells and a loss of ganglion cells was detected
69 diated light responses from ganglion and AII amacrine cells and by recording RB-mediated synaptic cur
70 ied input to the melanopsin-ir RGCs from AII amacrine cells and directly from rod bipolar cells via r
71 ity in the shape and function of the studied amacrine cells and elucidate their connections with spec
72  plexiform layer (IPL) and from dopaminergic amacrine cells and GABAergic processes in the outermost
73 identified in photoreceptors, bipolar cells, amacrine cells and ganglion cells, but have not been con
74 ns, including photoreceptors, bipolar cells, amacrine cells and ganglion cells, but they have not bee
75 a distinct visual message to select types of amacrine cells and ganglion cells.
76 on in the numbers of retinal ganglion cells, amacrine cells and horizontal cells and an increase in t
77  two retinal interneuron subtypes, starburst amacrine cells and horizontal cells.
78 R1 to horizontal cells and a small number of amacrine cells and localized HR2 to puncta closely assoc
79                                           DA amacrine cells and M1 ipRGCs express the SRIF receptor s
80 circuit composed of dopamine (DA)-containing amacrine cells and melanopsin-containing, intrinsically
81       Retinae derived from f-iPSCs had fewer amacrine cells and other inner nuclear layer cells.
82 c "retinal waves" are initiated in starburst amacrine cells and propagate to retinal ganglion cells a
83 and bipolar cells were next most central and amacrine cells and retinal ganglion cells were on the ou
84 ndene-1,4'-piperidine]-1'-carboxamide) in DA amacrine cells and the selective sst4 agonist L-803,087
85 l-field amacrine cells closely resembling A8 amacrine cells and their cone-dominated bipolar cell inp
86 eir stratification pattern with narrow-field amacrine cells and their neurotransmitter with wide-fiel
87                                    Starburst amacrine cells and their synaptic partners, ON-OFF direc
88 Dopamine is released by retinal dopaminergic amacrine cells and transmits signaling either by convent
89 that melanopsin cells were tracer coupled to amacrine cells and would be applicable to electrophysiol
90    While all five types exhibited inhibitory amacrine-cell and excitatory bipolar-cell inputs from th
91  including photoreceptors, horizontal cells, amacrine cells, and ganglion cells.
92 inal precursors into retinal ganglion cells, amacrine cells, and horizontal cells rather than into co
93 y in puncta in the inner plexiform layer, in amacrine cells, and in somata in the ganglion cell layer
94 A receptors that colocalize with Cx36 on AII amacrine cells, and is mediated by CaMKII.
95                      SRIF amacrine cells, DA amacrine cells, and M1 ipRGCs form numerous contacts.
96 ds, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, displaced amacrine cells, and Muller glia were generated between F
97 d by recurrent connectivity within starburst amacrine cells, and retinal ganglion cells act as "reado
98 G II was found in the outer plexiform layer, amacrine cells, and somata in the ganglion cell layer.
99 teraction is reciprocal: M1 ipRGCs excite DA amacrine cells, and these, in turn, feed inhibition back
100                                              Amacrine cells are a heterogeneous group of interneurons
101                                 Segretagogin amacrine cells are also immunopositive to antibodies aga
102                                        VIP-1 amacrine cells are bistratified, wide-field cells that r
103                                          AII-amacrine cells are interneurons in the retina that exhib
104 apse imaging assay, we found that developing amacrine cells are less directed towards the IPL in the
105  ramify in strata 1, 4, and 5, VIP-2A and 2B amacrine cells are medium-field cells that mainly ramify
106 amify in strata 3 and 4, and VIP-3 displaced amacrine cells are medium-field cells that ramify in str
107                                              Amacrine cells are the most diverse and least understood
108                                              Amacrine cells are thought to be a major locus for mecha
109                                      Retinal amacrine cells are thought to lack chromatic or color-se
110 eceiving direct photoreceptor input, whereas amacrine cells are usually monopolar inhibitory interneu
111                                Most of these amacrine cells are wide field, although some are medium
112 cted ON-OFF segregation within a small-field amacrine cell arose from local synaptic processing, medi
113 e led to the identification of glucagonergic amacrine cells as key regulators of ocular elongation.
114 A labels astrocytes on the day of birth, AII amacrine cells at postnatal (P) day 5, and Muller glia b
115 ased the generation of mislocalized ganglion/amacrine cells at the expense of rod and cone photorecep
116                                 However, AII amacrine cells avoid making synapses with numerous RGC t
117  of other ON parasol cells recorded near the amacrine cell axonal projections.
118 ced glial activation and loss of function of amacrine cells (brain nitric oxide synthetase/tyrosine h
119 tina contains at least 30 different types of amacrine cells but not many are well characterized.
120 es dendrite targeting in type 2 dopaminergic amacrine cells, by restricting the stratum in which expl
121 p to further our understanding of how single amacrine cell circuits act together to help decompose th
122             Studies investigating individual amacrine cell circuits like the starburst or A17 circuit
123 ibe a population of bistratified small-field amacrine cells closely resembling A8 amacrine cells and
124                                              Amacrine cells comprise approximately 30 morphological t
125 oned to receive major input from cholinergic amacrine cells, consistent with its modest response to t
126                                         SRIF amacrine cells, DA amacrine cells, and M1 ipRGCs form nu
127 ized type of amacrine cell, the dopaminergic amacrine cell (DAC).
128                                 Dopaminergic amacrine cells (DACs) release dopamine in response to li
129  ganglion cells (MRGCs) and the dopaminergic amacrine cells (DACs), are also present.
130 ar layer amacrine cells (iACs) and displaced amacrine cells (dACs)--reach their specific laminar posi
131 e source of retinal dopamine is dopaminergic amacrine cells (DACs).
132  make connections with upstream dopaminergic amacrine cells (DACs): (1) ipRGC signaling to DACs is bl
133          The spatial density of secretagogin amacrine cells decreases from a peak of about 400 cells/
134 ber of RGCs, whereas the number of displaced amacrine cells decreases.
135  of postsynaptic plasticity in a subgroup of amacrine cell dendrites.
136  neurotransmitter release sites on starburst amacrine cell dendrites: the excitatory input distributi
137                                          The amacrine cell density ranged from 30,000 cells/mm(2) at
138  of the inner plexiform layer, similar to A8 amacrine cells described in cat and human retina.
139 cadherin Fat3 acts during multiple stages of amacrine cell development in mice to orient overall chan
140 beta1 expression in neonatal retina promotes amacrine cell differentiation.
141                         Rods, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, displaced amacrine cells, and Muller gli
142 aging spontaneous calcium waves in starburst amacrine cells during development, and light-evoked resp
143 ht-driven membrane potential fluctuations of amacrine cells during white noise visual stimuli, we fou
144      Light-evoked depolarizations of the AII-amacrine cell elicited exocytosis that was graded to lig
145  RGCs, derived from electrical coupling with amacrine cells, encodes information critical to global o
146 ic for bipolar cells, and therefore resemble amacrine cells, excite inner retinal circuits using glut
147                               Developing AII amacrine cells exhibit accumulating DNER labeling at the
148                                 VIP-ires-Cre amacrine cells form a neuropeptide-expressing cell popul
149       Finally, Sox2, Sox8, and Sox9 promoted amacrine cell formation in Lhx2-deficient cells, but not
150 x of Ca(2+) in dendritic varicosities of A17 amacrine cells from diabetic compared with normal animal
151 cine and glutamate, by the vGluT3-expressing amacrine cell (GAC) in the mouse retina.
152 e found that vGluT3-expressing glutamatergic amacrine cells (GACs) generate ON-OFF somatic responses
153 ent glutamate release from vGluT3-expressing amacrine cells (GACs) in the mouse retina.
154  amacrine cells (gammaACs), glycine-positive amacrine cells (GACs), and ganglion cells.
155  include gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA)-positive amacrine cells (gammaACs), glycine-positive amacrine cel
156 re iGluRs: cone-->ON cone bipolar cell-->AII amacrine cell-->RGC.
157                                  The labeled amacrine cells had a bistratified appearance with a dens
158 ntributed to the reversal response, but that amacrine cells had, at best, a minor role.
159  the connectivity of glycinergic small-field amacrine cells has not been investigated in the mouse re
160 mma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic wide-field amacrine cells have recently been studied; however, with
161 nglion cells, we found that, on average, the amacrine cell hyperpolarizes before the ganglion cell fi
162 -horizontal cells (HCs), inner nuclear layer amacrine cells (iACs) and displaced amacrine cells (dACs
163 rom rare counterexamples (e.g. the starburst amacrine cell in retina), neurons are polarized into two
164                                The starburst amacrine cell in the mouse retina presents an opportunit
165 e from the presynaptic interneuron starburst amacrine cell in the mouse retina.
166 ctrical coupling between RGCs and polyaxonal amacrine cells in mouse retina forms the synaptic mechan
167 ciated virus-mediated technique to label AII amacrine cells in mouse retina, we observed diminished d
168 rding RB-mediated synaptic currents from AII amacrine cells in mouse retina.
169 he full complement of rod photoreceptors and amacrine cells in mouse.
170 rved diminished dopaminergic contacts to AII amacrine cells in RD mice.
171 d with targeted patch-clamp recordings of DA amacrine cells in TH-RFP mice and M1 ipRGCs in OPN4-EGFP
172 ear total RGC loss with a marked increase in amacrine cells in the ganglion cell layer.
173 ina; these densities account for about 1% of amacrine cells in the inner nuclear layer and for up to
174 against calretinin can be used to identify A amacrine cells in the inner nuclear layer as well as wid
175 ns, receive synaptic inputs from bipolar and amacrine cells in the inner plexiform layer (IPL) and se
176 cal connectivity between rod bipolar and A17 amacrine cells in the mammalian retina, specifically tha
177 fia), that are each heavily expressed in AII amacrine cells in the mature mouse retina, and which con
178 zed in a population of regular and displaced amacrine cells in the retina of the common marmoset Call
179 edianus magnocellularis, the spinal cord and amacrine cells in the retina.
180 s for one type of rod pathway interneuron (A amacrine cell) in the retina of some but not all mammali
181 g the light-driven modulations of inhibitory amacrine cells increased the firing rate of nearby Off-t
182 our understanding of how general features of amacrine cell inhibition lead to general features of com
183      We measured how visual responses of the amacrine cell interacted both with other visual input to
184  toward production of rod photoreceptors and amacrine cell interneurons.
185 ine hydroxylase (TH)-expressing dopaminergic amacrine cells, intrinsically photosensitive RGCs (ipRGC
186           This glycinergic inhibitory S-cone amacrine cell is ideally placed for driving blue-Off res
187 vity of a retinal interneuron called the AII amacrine cell is responsible for anti-correlated spiking
188 ateral inhibition onto Off SACs from non-SAC amacrine cells is required for optimal direction selecti
189                                          The amacrine cells labeled in Tg(mglur6b:EGFP)zh1 constitute
190                           All Cre-expressing amacrine cells labeled with an antibody to GABA.
191 t in vivo for the regulation of dopaminergic amacrine cell laminar targeting.
192 e from its presynaptic arrays of bipolar and amacrine cells less efficiently than the OFF cell does.
193 sponses in DACs, which are mediated by other amacrine cells, likely driven by type 1 and type 2/3a OF
194 ogical blockade of GJs eradicated nearly all amacrine cell loss and reduced retinal ganglion cell los
195 tease levels in vivo, but attenuated RGC and amacrine cell loss by restoring NF-kappaB expression.
196               These recordings show that AII amacrine cells make direct synapses with OFF Alpha, OFF
197 e cells immunolabeled for an RGC marker, not amacrine cell markers, suggesting that they are dopamine
198    Because Ca(2+)-permeable receptors in A17 amacrine cells mediate synaptic release of GABA, the red
199                        For instance, retinal amacrine cells migrate towards the inner plexiform layer
200  the inner plexiform layer, where inhibitory amacrine cells modulate the excitatory signal of bipolar
201 terneuron in the mouse retina that resembles amacrine cells morphologically but is glutamatergic and,
202  the periphery, via the electrically coupled amacrine cell network.
203  examined the genetic control of cholinergic amacrine cell number and distribution between these two
204                                We focused on amacrine cell number control, identifying three downstre
205 yses placed Pten downstream of TgfbetaRII in amacrine cell number control.
206 we show that Pten is a critical regulator of amacrine cell number in the retina, acting via multiple
207                        The total cholinergic amacrine cell number was found to vary across the strain
208 soma location, the dendrites of secretagogin amacrine cells occupy strata 2, 3, and 4 of the inner pl
209 esynaptic inhibition is generated by spiking amacrine cells on a larger spatial scale covering severa
210 NER, by contrast, is present in ganglion and amacrine cells on P1, also labeling the horizontal cells
211 tina contains two populations of cholinergic amacrine cells, one positioned in the ganglion cell laye
212 se of gamma-aminobutyric acid from starburst amacrine cells onto direction-selective ganglion cells (
213  points, such as the neurites of cholinergic amacrine cells, or to define a number of bins into which
214 rientation-selective, wide-field, polyaxonal amacrine cell (PAC) in the rabbit retina and demonstrate
215                                   Polyaxonal amacrine cells (PACs) are a unique subset identified by
216 2 from the population of nascent cholinergic amacrine cells perturbed the normal ratio of cells situa
217 s sufficient to recapitulate the Fat3 mutant amacrine cell phenotype.
218             We identify a type of polyaxonal amacrine cell physiologically via its distinctive electr
219 ic, suggesting that they constitute a single amacrine cell population.
220 ual signaling by a distinctive, high-density amacrine cell population.
221 istry and major cell types of a VIP-ires-Cre amacrine cell population.
222                      KEY POINTS: Bipolar and amacrine cells presynaptic to the ON sustained alpha cel
223 etinal explants phenocopies the reduction in amacrine cell production observed in Pten cKOs.
224         Pten is thus a positive regulator of amacrine cell production, acting via multiple downstream
225 ts, which is a negative feedback pathway for amacrine cell production.
226                However, unlike AII cells, A8 amacrine cells provide glycinergic input to ON A-type ga
227                     Our data suggest that A8 amacrine cells receive glutamatergic input from both OFF
228              Our data show that Syt2-labeled amacrine cells receive input from both OFF and ON cone b
229 ic to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic to amacrine cells remained relatively constant.
230 tors, interneurons (horizontal, bipolar, and amacrine cells), retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), and glia
231  individual dendritic sectors of a starburst amacrine cell (SAC) are preferentially activated by diff
232 ially symmetric arborization of On starburst amacrine cell (SAC) dendrites and normal SAC stratificat
233 lues, here we reconstruct Off-type starburst amacrine cells (SACs) and bipolar cells (BCs) in serial
234 -avoidance of dendrites in retinal starburst amacrine cells (SACs) and cerebellar Purkinje cells.
235  during null-direction motion from starburst amacrine cells (SACs) and DS acetylcholine and glutamate
236 etina to show connectivity between starburst amacrine cells (SACs) and their known synaptic partners,
237                                    Starburst amacrine cells (SACs) are an essential component of the
238                                    Starburst amacrine cells (SACs) are thought to mediate this direct
239                   The dendrites of starburst amacrine cells (SACs) in the mammalian retina are prefer
240  inhibition arising from GABAergic starburst amacrine cells (SACs) strongly contributes to direction
241  inhibitory neurotransmission from starburst amacrine cells (SACs) to direction selective ganglion ce
242  acetylcholine (ACh) and GABA from starburst amacrine cells (SACs) to direction-selective ganglion ce
243 nglion cells (DSGCs) and GABAergic starburst amacrine cells (SACs), and the SACs then provide FF inhi
244     In this study, we used retinal starburst amacrine cells (SACs), critical components of a directio
245 d cholinergic interneurons, called starburst amacrine cells (SACs), generates spontaneous retinal wav
246 rs (beta2-nAChRs) selectively from starburst amacrine cells (SACs), we show that mutual excitation am
247 iated by the spontaneous firing of Starburst Amacrine Cells (SACs), whose dense, recurrent connectivi
248 ure inner retina are the so-called starburst amacrine cells (SACs).
249 hibition, which is provided by OFF starburst amacrine cells (SACs).
250      Directional GABA release from starburst amacrine cells (SBACs) is critical for generating direct
251 release from the dendritic tips of starburst amacrine cells (SBACs).
252 pe of mammalian (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) amacrine cell selectively carries a blue-On signal, whic
253 dent defects in developmental cell death and amacrine cell spacing, relevant to the increased cell de
254                                   Wide-field amacrine cells span large segments of the retina, making
255 idirectional interaction of M1 ipRGCs and DA amacrine cells, SRIF amacrine cells would provide inhibi
256 sitive and shows the morphology of widefield amacrine cells (stellate, semilunar, and thorny amacrine
257 levels to promote the differentiation of all amacrine cell subtypes, which are each reduced in number
258 urotransmitter release at bipolar neuron/AII amacrine cell synapses and rendered spontaneous miniatur
259                 Our results suggest that AII-amacrine cell synapses are capable of providing both pha
260  response to contrast, whereas depression in amacrine cell synapses causes sensitization.
261                              Bipolar but not amacrine cell synapses have presynaptic ribbon-like stru
262 aptic transmission at rod bipolar neuron-AII amacrine cell synapses in acute mouse retina slices as a
263 l synapses onto specific targets and receive amacrine cell synapses in the nominal OFF layer, creatin
264 tput was anticorrelated with the activity of amacrine cell synapses providing inhibitory feedback.
265               Retinal dopaminergic (DAergic) amacrine cells synthesize both dopamine (DA) and GABA.
266  isolates a specific pathway through the AII amacrine cell that does not require iGluRs: cone-->ON co
267 ce resulted primarily from interactions with amacrine cells that allowed each bipolar cell to send di
268 sion largely restricted to a small subset of amacrine cells that express disabled-1 (Dab1) but lack e
269 in cells in marmoset retina are medium-field amacrine cells that share their stratification pattern w
270 he exception of the rod pathway-specific AII amacrine cell, the connectivity of glycinergic small-fie
271 esized and released by a specialized type of amacrine cell, the dopaminergic amacrine cell (DAC).
272  cells establish GABAergic synapses onto AII amacrine cells, the neurons that transfer rod signals to
273  another subpopulation of upstream GABAergic amacrine cells, thereby sustaining the GABAC receptor ac
274 that enables a small-field, dual-transmitter amacrine cell to process diverse dendritic functions in
275                          Coupling causes the amacrine cells to fire spikes that propagate radially ov
276        This allows the actions of SRIF on DA amacrine cells to proceed with adjusting retinal DA leve
277 pivotal role in modulating feedback from A17 amacrine cells to rod bipolar cells (RBCs).
278 el cholinergic, non-GABAergic, non-starburst amacrine cell type described for the first time in teleo
279 se and test a model for the function of this amacrine cell type, in which the extra-classical recepti
280 ar layer, indicating they represent a single amacrine cell type.
281           We also labeled several wide-field amacrine cell types that have been previously identified
282                             The VIP-ires-Cre amacrine cell types were identified in VIP-Brainbow2.1 r
283 s some other subsets of retinal ganglion and amacrine cell types, along with horizontal cells, while
284  function of most of the approximately 30-40 amacrine cell types, each of which synapses onto a subse
285 es and intercellular connections of specific amacrine cell types.
286 (Mus musculus) lines, and identified two new amacrine cell types: an asymmetric medium-field type and
287  It is coupled to a population of wide-field amacrine cells upon which the dendrites of the ganglion
288                                      The AII amacrine cell uses sign-conserving electrical synapses t
289 study visual processing in VGluT3-expressing amacrine cells (VG3-ACs) in the mouse retina.
290 s to the recruitment of GABAergic wide-field amacrine cells (WACs) endowing the DS circuit with an ad
291              The total number of cholinergic amacrine cells was quantified in the C57BL/6J and A/J in
292 ecordings between bipolar cell terminals and amacrine cells, we have simultaneously measured presynap
293 bipolar cells and conventional synapses from amacrine cells were identified in electron microscopic i
294 ractions in the inner retina are mediated by amacrine cells, which are thought to be inhibitory neuro
295 ss in the Ndufs4 KO is the loss of starburst amacrine cells, which may be an important target in the
296 their dyad postsynaptic targets, AII and A17 amacrine cells, which play an essential role in processi
297 is provided by a subpopulation of wide-field amacrine cells, which stimulate the GABAC receptors at r
298 equency signals was regulated by glycinergic amacrine cells, while GABAergic inhibition regulated the
299 was localized in a population of small-field amacrine cells, whose cell bodies formed a regular mosai
300 ion of M1 ipRGCs and DA amacrine cells, SRIF amacrine cells would provide inhibitory modulation to bo

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