


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed, that these two elements blend into a new amalgam.
2 lidated silver in comparison with that of an amalgam.
3 nce to wear-induced damage and cracking than amalgam.
4 er resistance to indentation creep than does amalgam.
5 2+) in zinc oxide NPs is reduced to a Zn(Hg) amalgam.
6 silver filling material as an alternative to amalgam.
7 nue to increase as dentists phase out dental amalgam.
8 years in children treated with composites or amalgam.
9 iated with fewer future caries compared with amalgam.
10 to fluoride-releasing compomer compared with amalgam.
11 t increasing mercury ion release from dental amalgam.
12 o received resin composite materials without amalgam.
13  even be dated to removal of a single dental amalgam.
14 r restorations or resin composite instead of amalgam.
15 t teeth contributed to the survival of large amalgams.
16 ts of mercury vapor are released from dental amalgams.
17 ate of dissolution was lowest for the dental amalgams.
18 ning gamma 1 phase and two commercial dental amalgams.
19  such as through fish consumption and dental amalgams.
20 verestimate Hg exposure from personal dental amalgams.
21 e-year period following initial placement of amalgams.
22 duction of CpMoCl(4) with 3.1 equiv of Na/Hg amalgam (1.0% w/w) in the presence of 1 equiv of dmpe an
23 wear scar depth in microm was 134 +/- 54 for amalgam, 143 +/- 8 for polished silver, and 131 +/- 9 fo
24 ngth (mean+/-SD; n = 10) was 86+/-20 MPa for amalgam, 180+/-21 MPa for polished silver, and 209+/-19
25  MPa (mean +/- SD; n = 10) was 86 +/- 20 for amalgam, 181 +/- 45 for silver with a polished surface,
26  mining to extract gold from ore by forming "amalgam"-a mixture composed of approximately equal parts
27 f ions eventually leads to saturation of the amalgam accompanied by irreversible loss of Hg.
28 hardness number of silver approaches that of amalgam after prolonged indentation loading.
29 ent was an increase in the Cu content of the amalgam alloy which previously had been considered to be
30         However, at the turn of the century, amalgam alloys having acceptable characteristics for suc
31 t has come to be known as high-copper dental amalgam alloys.
32                                              Amalgam (Ama) is a secreted protein that interacts with
33 ion of [Re(5)OsSe(8)(CN)(6)](3-) with sodium amalgam and [Re(4)Os(2)Se(8)(CN)(6)](2-) with cobaltocen
34 fferences were found between children in the amalgam and composite groups in 5-year change in full-sc
35 scores were very similar, near zero) for the amalgam and composite groups over all 7 years of follow-
36 ccupational and personal exposures to dental amalgam and dietary fish consumption, from which daily m
37 aries is the major reason for the failure of amalgam and resin composite restorations.
38 It is concluded that the fluoride-containing amalgam and the glass-ionomer cement, even after a two-w
39 hree-body wear resistance similar to that of amalgam, and a higher resistance to wear-induced damage
40 sure: treatment assignment, surface-years of amalgam, and urinary mercury excretion.
41 a bactericide, inorganic mercury from dental amalgams, and exogenously derived atmospheric mercury bi
42 ecule, leading to surface expression of this amalgam (antigen processing).
43 known multiobjective test problems show that AMALGAM approaches a factor of 10 improvement over curre
44            We also identified silver mercury amalgam as an inert working electrode (WE) for spectroec
45 hysical development in boys [(composites vs. amalgam) BF%, 4.9 vs. 5.7, p = 0.49; (BMI-z-score) 0.13
46 cles studied are more stable than the Zn(Hg) amalgam, but smaller NPs are less stable compared to lar
47 tigated a mercury-free silver alternative to amalgam, but the silver powders required a relatively hi
48            Crowns survived longer than large amalgams, but factors such as arch type and the presence
49                            We tested whether amalgam caused toxicity in neuronal cultures and whether
50 ell cultures to show for the first time that amalgam causes nerve cell toxicity in culture.
51 inical practice on durable materials such as amalgam, composites, and metallic alloys, biological the
52 d the injection hole was sealed using dental amalgam, confining the tumor cells to the bone.
53                          Subsurface creep in amalgam consisted of the shape change of the alloy parti
54                                              Amalgam creep has been identified as a key parameter ass
55 that inhalation of mercury vapor released by amalgam dental restorations causes adverse health effect
56 ixture of demethylated fish-derived MeHg and amalgam-derived inorganic Hg.
57 o received dental restorative treatment with amalgam did not, on average, have statistically signific
58                           We prepared dental amalgam discs (n = 65) by packing amalgam into cylindric
59 strated by the application of a silver solid amalgam electrode (AgSAE) for monitoring the glycation p
60 ction of 3-nitrotyrosine at an upstream gold amalgam electrode and oxidation of the resulting product
61 is designed to obtain precise information on amalgam exposure and health outcomes for a non-occupatio
62 population a significant association between amalgam exposure and Hg levels in urine and/or whole blo
63 gnificant correlations were detected between amalgam exposure and the total (r = 0.34, p < 0.001) and
64 at, on average, each ten-surface increase in amalgam exposure is associated with an increase of 1 mic
65 , and 19.9 surfaces exposed to amalgam, with amalgam exposure varying from 0 to 66 surfaces.
66 containing amalgam (NA), fluoride-containing amalgam (FA), non-fluoride-containing composite (NC), fl
67 rate (20% in yr 1 and 3% thereafter), annual amalgam failure rate (4.6%), and sensitivity (0.635) and
68  of composite restorations is double that of amalgam (Ferracane, 2013).
69 249) who had at least one mercury-containing amalgam filling during pregnancy were not at an increase
70 arding exposure to mercury vapor from dental amalgam fillings and its possible consequences for healt
71 y orthodontic therapy and mercury-containing amalgam fillings continue to be areas of contention.
72 should not receive mercury-containing dental amalgam fillings during pregnancy.
73 xposure to mercury vapor (Hg(o)) from dental amalgam fillings is the subject of current public health
74         This study provided no evidence that amalgam fillings on posterior teeth influenced the level
75 5, 1.26) and neither were women who had 4-11 amalgam fillings placed (odds ratio = 1.00, 95% confiden
76    Is there justification for the banning of amalgam fillings, as has occurred in some countries?
77 e analysis is controlled for age, gender and amalgam fillings.
78 torative treatment were randomized to either amalgam for posterior restorations or resin composite in
79 vaccines containing thimerosal and of dental amalgam for repair of dental caries in children.
80 )2) or [Co(CO)3(PCy3)]2 (15) with Mg-mercury amalgam gave [Mg{TM(L)}2(THF)]2 (TM(L) = Fp or Co(CO)3(P
81  with Ca-, Sr-, Ba-, Yb-, Eu- and Sm-mercury amalgam gave a series of compounds "M{Co(CO)3(PCy3)}2(TH
82 nary mercury levels were 1.8 microg/g in the amalgam group and 1.9 microg/g in the composite group, b
83  tooth surfaces (median, 16) restored in the amalgam group and 21.3 (median, 18) restored in the comp
84 ow-up were 1.0 to 1.5 microg/g higher in the amalgam group than in the composite group (P<.001).
85                            Assignment to the amalgam group was associated with a significantly higher
86     All significant associations favored the amalgam group.
87           Dissolution of mercury from dental amalgam has been shown to be diminished by the formation
88          Reduction of 2(2+) 2Br- with sodium amalgam in DMF yields 2, the first neutral extended viol
89 rce for emissions to soil in 2005 and dental amalgam in later years.
90 ificantly correlated to the number of dental amalgams in each individual's mouth.
91 cks and fracture pits in the worn surface of amalgam, in contrast to a smooth surface in silver.
92 red dental amalgam discs (n = 65) by packing amalgam into cylindrical plastic molds and divided them
93 redissolution (stripping) of Zn(2+) from the amalgam into MeCN is used to determine the amount of red
94                              Dental (silver) amalgam is a widely used restorative material containing
95                            The use of dental amalgam is controversial largely because it contains mer
96                     The mechanism of wear in amalgam is microfracture and material dislodgement, whil
97                  These results indicate that amalgam is toxic to nerve cells in culture by releasing
98 Hg in urine from individuals with <10 dental amalgams is derived from ingestion of MeHg in fish.
99 icity associated with handling Hg-containing amalgam materials among dental personnel with very low l
100                  Mercury emitted from dental amalgam may select for increased numbers of antibiotic-
101              Of the components that comprise amalgam (mercury, zinc, tin, copper, and silver), only z
102                                          The AMALGAM method provides new opportunities for solving pr
103 thm, genetically adaptive multiobjective, or AMALGAM, method, to evoke the image of a procedure that
104 ving resin composite restorations instead of amalgam (n = 254).
105 uring a 5-year follow-up period using either amalgam (n=267) or resin composite (n =267) materials.
106 ive material groups: non-fluoride-containing amalgam (NA), fluoride-containing amalgam (FA), non-fluo
107  of Zr(IV) metallocenium cations with sodium amalgam (NaHg) produces EPR signals assignable to Zr(III
108                 Wear and material removal in amalgam occurred by microfracture and dislodgement of cr
109 ancreatic cancers consist of a heterogeneous amalgam of assorted cell types, making it challenging to
110  as it is permanently colonized by a diverse amalgam of bacterial phylotypes producing multitudes of
111 c architecture, with the phenotype being the amalgam of both discrete dosage dysfunction of single tr
112 review the evolution of cheminformatics, the amalgam of chemistry, computer science, and information
113 lizes a knowledge-based method comprising an amalgam of differential geometry and pattern recognition
114 ntestine is apparently the consequence of an amalgam of distinct and individual domain-specific contr
115         Gene expression following CPC was an amalgam of gene expression in HPC and APC, with simultan
116 enomes being composed of an incomprehensible amalgam of genes with complicated histories and suggests
117 medical community that the methodology is an amalgam of incompatible elements, whose utility for scie
118               This complex multi-dimensional amalgam of inputs enables continuous adjustment of root
119           In the past, by use of a judicious amalgam of knowledge and empiricism, successful vaccines
120 nimal itself the platypus genome contains an amalgam of mammal, reptile, and bird-like features.
121 ntext, DBS therapy appears to function as an amalgam of network modulating and network lesioning ther
122        Modern cataract surgery represents an amalgam of new technologists which may include phacoemul
123                                   A weighted amalgam of postural sway elements may identify individua
124 e encephalopathy of prematurity is a complex amalgam of primary destructive disease and secondary mat
125 egal protections in the United States are an amalgam of regulations from multiple federal and state a
126  an account of LIP activity as a multiplexed amalgam of sensory, cognitive, and motor-related activit
127 n machinery, inhibition of eIF4F complex, an amalgam of three initiation factors, eIF4A, eIF4G, and e
128 ual image formed on the retina represents an amalgam of visual scene properties, including the reflec
129 dren whose caries were restored using dental amalgam or composite materials.
130 2 decayed posterior teeth were randomized to amalgam or composites (bisphenol-A-diglycidyl-dimethacry
131 gens include chemical reduction using sodium amalgam or sodium borohydride and enzymatic generation f
132 nths of healing following laser surgery, the amalgam pigmentation was completely removed, with good c
133 ir-driven pneumatic condenser fitted with an amalgam plugger at a clinically realistic load, and to s
134 corrresponding epoxy ketone 15 with aluminum amalgam proceeded in good yield to give the hydroxy keto
135                             Crowns and large amalgams protect structurally compromised teeth to vario
136 ]Ar)3 (R = t-Bu, 3b; R = Np, 3c) with sodium amalgam provides 1 equiv each of the salt Na[1a-N] and n
137                                       Sodium amalgam reduction of CoCl(2) in the presence of CNAr(Mes
138 (n)()Bu(4)N} (4) has been prepared by sodium amalgam reduction of its low-spin iron(III) precursor, [
139                                       Sodium amalgam reduction of the aryl-substituted bis(imino)pyri
140                                       Sodium amalgam reduction of the bis(indenyl)zirconium dihalide
141                                       Sodium amalgam reduction of the ferromagnetically coupled dimer
142                                           An amalgam restoration had been placed approximately 10 yea
143      Following degranulation of the area, an amalgam restoration was found on the distal root surface
144 aged 6 to 10 years at baseline with no prior amalgam restorations and 2 or more posterior teeth with
145 s of exposure that result from having dental amalgam restorations do so.
146 e dental treatment, with one group receiving amalgam restorations for posterior lesions (n = 253) and
147  findings suggest that the health effects of amalgam restorations in children need not be the basis o
148 ldren were randomized to receive compomer or amalgam restorations in primary posterior teeth, placed
149 early 70% of the 173.2 million composite and amalgam restorations placed in 2006 (Kingman et al., 201
150                             In one case, two amalgam restorations were present.
151 esis that restoration of caries using dental amalgam resulted in worse psychosocial outcomes than res
152              The improved protection against amalgam saturation allows Hg disc-wells to operate safel
153 c processes, but the risk of irreversible Hg amalgam saturation limits their operation to rapid times
154 ping information but are less susceptible to amalgam saturation than traditional Hg sphere-caps or th
155  Considering the timescales of diffusion and amalgam saturation, we also present limiting conditions
156 mong those receiving composite, suggest that amalgam should remain a viable dental restorative option
157                                     The NIDR Amalgam Study is designed to obtain precise information
158 he chemical reactions that take place at the amalgam surface when exposed to bleaching agents are not
159                           A relatively large amalgam tattoo in the esthetic zone can be adequately re
160 ented for periodontal treatment with a large amalgam tattoo located in alveolar mucosa on the facial
161                Although less common than the amalgam tattoo, the graphite tattoo may be encountered i
162 o increase tissue thickness subjacent to the amalgam tattoo.
163 on-physiologic localized pigmentation is the amalgam tattoo; another, less common, non-physiologic pi
164 Graphite tattoos may easily be confused with amalgam tattoos but have only infrequently been reported
165 e were hydrolyzed and reduced with 3% sodium-amalgam to give the unstable porphyrinogens needed for t
166         The five-year New England Children's Amalgam Trial recruited 534 children aged 6-10 yrs with
167                   The New England Children's Amalgam Trial was a 2-group randomized safety trial invo
168        As part of the New England Children's Amalgam Trial, a randomized trial involving 6- to 10-yea
169 2)2C6H3N=CMe)2C5H3N; X = Cl, Br) with sodium amalgam under 1 atm of dinitrogen afforded the square py
170 sis of a randomized clinical safety trial of amalgam vs. composites, we tested the hypothesis that de
171 5 sec to 6x10(4) sec, the hardness number of amalgam was reduced by approximately 80%; that of the po
172                                          The amalgam was removed and the defect was restored with min
173                   From that point on, silver amalgam was widely accepted as the material of choice fo
174 s found that exposure to mercury from dental amalgams was associated with adverse psychosocial outcom
175 w-up of restorations (N = 1085 compomer, 954 amalgams) was 2.8 + 1.4 yrs in 441 children.
176 ple reductions of Ru3 and Ru3Rh using sodium amalgam were carried out to compare UV-vis absorption sp
177 vived with no treatment, and maxillary large amalgams were least likely to have survived with no cata
178 trophic treatment; however, mandibular large amalgams were least likely to have survived with no trea
179 , that mercury ions are released from dental amalgam when bleached.
180 nhanced proliferation on MTA and survival on amalgam when compared with gingival fibroblasts.
181             Reaction of calcium or ytterbium amalgam with [CpFe(CO)(2)](2) (Fp(2)) gave the isostruct
182 pregnancy, thimerosal in vaccines and dental amalgam with child neurodevelopment.
183 l silver is retained to rapidly form a solid amalgam with reduced mercury.
184 surfaces (DFS), and 19.9 surfaces exposed to amalgam, with amalgam exposure varying from 0 to 66 surf
185  We hypothesized that the presence of dental amalgams would increase the level of mercury-, tetracycl

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