


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  inhibitors actinomycin D, DRB, H7 and alpha-amanitin.
2 inhibition of ongoing transcription by alpha-amanitin.
3 ranscription was globally inhibited by alpha-amanitin.
4 stant to the transcriptional inhibitor alpha-amanitin.
5  the effect with low concentrations of alpha-amanitin.
6 uming transcription in the presence of alpha-amanitin.
7 of transcription as it is resistant to alpha-amanitin.
8 tivity of stalled transcription complexes to amanitin.
9  polymerase II, the subunit that binds alpha-amanitin.
10 age in arrested complexes is not affected by amanitin.
11 on of endogenous Pol II using a toxin, alpha-amanitin.
12 as does inhibition of transcription by alpha-amanitin.
13 l chromatin insulators are affected by alpha-amanitin.
14 inished by treatment of the cells with alpha-amanitin.
15 ex, which is specifically inhibited by alpha-amanitin.
16 n active transcription and arrested by alpha-amanitin.
17 lectively resistant to inhibition with alpha-amanitin.
18 racts with the transcription inhibitor alpha-amanitin.
19 scription in Giardia is resistant to 1 mg/ml amanitin.
20 iptional inhibitors, actinomycin D and alpha-amanitin.
21 high concentrations (100 microg/ml) of alpha-amanitin.
22 D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole (DRB) and alpha-amanitin.
23 merase inhibitors on HDV genome replication: amanitin, 5,6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazo
24 oding genes is relatively resistant to alpha-amanitin (50% inhibition = 250 microg alpha-amanitin/ml)
25 hat is resistant to the mushroom toxin alpha-amanitin, a characteristic of transcription by RNA pol I
26 riole overduplication are abrogated by alpha-amanitin, a potent and specific RNA pol II inhibitor.
27  pol II dephosphorylation confirmed by alpha-amanitin, a specific RNA pol II inihibitor, showing pote
28  presence of the translocation blocker alpha-amanitin, a steady state condition is established in whi
29                                        alpha-Amanitin, a transcription inhibitor, did not suppress cy
30                                              Amanitin also greatly slows pyrophosphorolysis by elonga
31 hibition of zygotic transcription with alpha-amanitin also induced apoptosis.
32  of Pol II is significantly induced by alpha-amanitin, an amatoxin that blocks Pol II elongation and
33 rigera, AMA1 and PHA1, directly encode alpha-amanitin, an amatoxin, and the related bicyclic heptapep
34 ery of a polar cell-impermeable toxin, alpha-amanitin, an inhibitor of RNA polymerase II.
35 e II (RNAPII) translocation inhibitors alpha amanitin and 5,6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribobenzimidazole (DR
36  hepatocytes were also observed in the alpha-amanitin and acetaminophen-induced liver injury mouse mo
37 e show that transcriptional inhibitors alpha-amanitin and actinomycin D specifically disrupt the symm
38 ion factor eIF-4C that is inhibited by alpha-amanitin and correlated with a transient increase in the
39 of G. lamblia RNAP II transcription to alpha-amanitin and found that unlike most other eukaryotes, RN
40 pared with 8-cell embryos treated with alpha-amanitin and MII.
41                In Amanita bisporigera, alpha-amanitin and phallacidin are synthesized as 35- and 34-a
42                                        alpha-Amanitin and phallacidin are synthesized as proproteins
43 riptional inhibitors actinomycin D and alpha-amanitin and requires the kinase activity of ATM but not
44 manitin but sensitive to 100 microg/ml alpha-amanitin and tagetitoxin, suggesting involvement of RNA
45 e II that is relatively insensitive to alpha-amanitin and that differs from typical eukaryotic RNA po
46 uire an RNA primer, are insensitive to alpha-amanitin, and differ in their ability to displace the no
47 endent RNA polymerases (actinomycin D, alpha-amanitin, and rifampin).
48 localized with RNA polymerase II in an alpha-amanitin- and actinomycin D-sensitive manner.
49 side triphosphate (NTP) substrates and alpha-amanitin are added to a human RNA polymerase II elongati
50 e of NTPs resume RNA synthesis when NTPs and amanitin are added.
51                                  Using alpha-amanitin as a dynamic probe of the RNA polymerase II mec
52 d to correlate with the sensitivity to alpha-amanitin, as S. pombe was intermediate between human and
53 nomic HDV RNA was totally inhibited by alpha-amanitin at concentrations as low as 2.5 microg/ml.
54                            Of most interest, amanitin at low doses blocked accumulation of HDV RNA-di
55                 However, we found that alpha-amanitin-based antibody-drug conjugates are highly effec
56                          The amanitin motif (amanitin binding site) of Rpb1 from G. lamblia has amino
57 ed by co-incubation with picrotoxin or alpha-amanitin but is insensitive to nifedipine, indicating th
58 tant to the RNA polymease II inhibitor alpha-amanitin but is sensitive to short interfering RNA speci
59 of TARE-6 was resistant to 1 microg/ml alpha-amanitin but sensitive to 100 microg/ml alpha-amanitin a
60                        Chain elongation with amanitin can continue for hours at approximately 1% of t
61         Here we show that low doses of alpha-amanitin-conjugated anti-epithelial cell adhesion molecu
62 ized by an RNA polymerase resistant to alpha-amanitin, consistent with previously published reports r
63       pHLIP-mediated cytoplasmic delivery of amanitin could create great opportunities to use the tox
64                       The major mechanism of amanitin delivery is direct translocation (flip) across
65  gamma interferon or its inhibition by alpha-amanitin did not alter nucleosome occupancy, positioning
66 of pol I by cycloheximide or pol II by alpha-amanitin did not significantly affect the PNC.
67 ase II in a complex with the inhibitor alpha-amanitin has been determined by x-ray crystallography.
68      Previous clinical applications of alpha-amanitin have been limited owing to its liver toxicity.
69            Transcription inhibition by alpha-amanitin in vitro enhanced pol II ubiquitylation at ubiq
70 icrograms/ml but not 1 microgram/ml of alpha-amanitin indicates transcription of the mouse YRNA genes
71 lly renders Pol II highly resistant to alpha-amanitin, indicating a functional interaction between Hi
72 tion of the GP63 genes is sensitive to alpha-amanitin, indicating that they are transcribed by a diff
73 ription of the ESAG-Is is sensitive to alpha-amanitin, indicating that they are transcribed by a diff
74 ffected by either kinase inhibitors or alpha-amanitin-induced depletion of pol II.
75 ir sensitivity to DRB, indicating that alpha-amanitin induces apoptosis solely by inhibiting RNAP II
76   Additionally, both actinomycin D and alpha-amanitin inhibited the increase in uPA mRNA by PAF.
77                        We propose that alpha-amanitin-inhibited Pol II elongation, which is slow and
78 s indicated that this apparent resistance to amanitin inhibition of genomic and antigenomic RNA relat
79                             We show by alpha-amanitin inhibition that RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) tran
80                    In contrast, 50 microg/ml amanitin inhibits 85% of RNAP III transcription activity
81  in the following bond addition cycle, alpha-amanitin inhibits elongation at each translocation step.
82                                        alpha-Amanitin insensitivity confirmed that overexpression of
83 trate selectivity, results from direct alpha-amanitin interference with the TL.
84                               Although alpha-amanitin interferes with the transcript cleavage stimula
85         We show that pHLIP can deliver alpha-amanitin into cells in a pH-dependent fashion and induce
86                       The cyclic octapeptide amanitin is a relatively selective inhibitor of eukaryot
87                              The toxin alpha-amanitin is frequently employed to completely block RNA
88 itivity to different concentrations of alpha-amanitin is that expected for human RNA polymerase III;
89 -beta-D-ribofuranosyl-benzimadazole or alpha-amanitin leads to accumulation of cellular p53 protein.
90 as inhibited by a low concentration of alpha-amanitin (<3 microgram/ml) and could be partially restor
91 -amanitin (50% inhibition = 250 microg alpha-amanitin/ml).
92                                          The amanitin motif (amanitin binding site) of Rpb1 from G. l
93  presence of the translocation blocker alpha-amanitin, NTPs (but not deoxynucleotide triphosphate [dN
94 the effect of the fungus-derived toxin alpha-amanitin on the transcription of protein-coding genes of
95                Treatment of cells with alpha-amanitin or actinomycin D revealed that extension of B2
96 s blocked by cycloheximide, but not by alpha-amanitin or actinomycin D.
97 ating Pol II-DNA complexes arrested by alpha-amanitin or cisplatin lesions, triggering ubiquitination
98             Suppression of POLR2A with alpha-amanitin or small interfering RNAs selectively inhibits
99      Inhibition of transcription using alpha-amanitin, or the dissolution of R loops by transient exp
100 mplexes were slowed by the presence of alpha-amanitin, origin activity depended on the orientation of
101  model and models of acetaminophen and alpha-amanitin poisoning were used.
102 hat is supported by rerefinement of an alpha-amanitin-Pol II crystal structure.
103    Inhibition of Pol II activity using alpha-amanitin reduced expression of a number of Pol III genes
104 udy we carry out a genetic analysis of alpha-amanitin resistance in a population sample of Drosophila
105 pport previous proposals of the mechanism of amanitin resistance in other organisms and provide a mol
106 nserved sites that have been associated with amanitin resistance in other organisms.
107                        These observations of amanitin resistance of Giardia RNA polymerase II support
108            Engineered expression of an alpha-amanitin resistance RNAP II gene rendered cells resistan
109  multidrug resistance gene (Mdr65A) in alpha-amanitin resistance.
110       The antigenomic RNA labeling was alpha-amanitin resistant and localized to the nucleolus.
111 s contribute to the difference between alpha-amanitin-resistant and alpha-amanitin-sensitive third ch
112  and could be partially restored by an alpha-amanitin-resistant mutant pol II; however, surprisingly,
113                               Using an alpha-amanitin-resistant polymerase, we provide evidence that
114                              Utilizing alpha-amanitin-resistant RNA polymerase II mutants with or wit
115 ing plasmid constructs that express an alpha-amanitin-resistant RNAP II subunit with a truncated or f
116 n immunodeficiency virus 1, we used an alpha-amanitin-resistant system developed previously.
117 script cleavage activity which is completely amanitin-resistant; furthermore, pyrophosphorolytic tran
118 ts, and inhibition of transcription by alpha-amanitin resulted in the initiation of replication withi
119 ed with the transcriptional inhibitor, alpha-amanitin, revealed that the symmetry of cell division is
120           The genomic RNA labeling was alpha-amanitin sensitive and more diffusely localized in the n
121 3 and 4.4 loci) whose transcription is alpha-amanitin sensitive.
122 firmed that HDV RNA synthesis had both alpha-amanitin-sensitive and -resistant components.
123                               Based on alpha-amanitin-sensitive BrUTP incorporation, transcription in
124 eChip set, we characterized the set of alpha-amanitin-sensitive genes expressed during the 1- and 2-c
125 e between alpha-amanitin-resistant and alpha-amanitin-sensitive third chromosome lines, the underlyin
126 0 intergenic region promoter can drive alpha-amanitin-sensitive transcription at an internal position
127 was functionally sufficient to support alpha-amanitin-sensitive transcription.
128 esent on the MOE430 GeneChip set to be alpha-amanitin-sensitive.
129 nes expressed in the 2-cell embryo are alpha-amanitin-sensitive.
130                    A comparison of the alpha-amanitin sensitivity of transcription in naturally occur
131  carried out by an RNA polymerase with alpha-amanitin sensitivity reminiscent of SL RNA synthesis and
132 nscription began, but experiments with alpha-amanitin show that cyclin E degradation is not dependent
133 e 50-amino-acid region thought to bind alpha-amanitin shows that this region of the trichomonad RNA p
134  could be inhibited by low concentrations of amanitin specific for Pol II transcription.
135 t of cells with actinomycin D, DRB, or alpha-amanitin, specific inhibitors of Pol II, disperses ELL a
136  that inhibition of RNAPII activity by alpha-amanitin specifically blocks processing of rRNA.
137 cription in CS-B cells is sensitive to alpha-amanitin, suggesting that it is RNA polymerase II-depend
138 llowing activation but is sensitive to alpha-amanitin, suggesting that polymerase movement is needed
139 ucleotides into RNA in the presence of alpha-amanitin, suggesting that the polymerase I enzyme is par
140 V RNAs have different sensitivities to alpha-amanitin, suggesting that these two strands are synthesi
141  polymerase inhibitors tagetitoxin and alpha-amanitin that are consistent with RNA polymerase II tran
142 tional interaction between His1085 and alpha-amanitin that is supported by rerefinement of an alpha-a
143  the two-cell stage in the presence of alpha-amanitin, this change in transcript abundance is not obs
144 b) antigenomic RNA was not affected by alpha-amanitin to a concentration higher than 25 microgram/ml.
145 nsulin receptors in cells treated with alpha-amanitin to block host cell mRNA synthesis.
146 ion capability could be tuned by conjugating amanitin to the C-terminus of pHLIP via linkers of diffe
147 ution described nonspecific binding of alpha-amanitin to yeast RNA polymerase II.
148 bit RNA polymerases I, II, and III) or alpha-amanitin (to inhibit RNA polymerases II and III) as well
149 lved in the biosynthesis of the highly toxic amanitin toxin family of macrocycles.
150 s outside the plant kingdom (e.g., the alpha-amanitin toxin gene family in the mushroom, Amanita bisp
151 chemical mutation' tools coupling with alpha-amanitin transcription inhibition assay to systematicall
152 e duplication proceeded undisturbed in alpha-amanitin-treated cells.
153                                        alpha-Amanitin treatment had no effect on the ratio of phospho
154 gle- and triple-knockdown experiments, alpha-amanitin treatment, transcriptome profiling and chromati
155 e SII-mediated transcript cleavage following amanitin treatment.
156  Apoptosis induced by cycloheximide or alpha-amanitin was blocked by injection of RNA encoding Xenopu
157               Following treatment with alpha amanitin we observed a profound reduction in the occupan
158 by the POP of C. albipes, but a precursor of amanitin (which is not made by C. albipes) was cleaved i
159                        The addition of alpha-amanitin, which can inhibit transcription, reduced unres
160                                   pHLIP-SPDP-amanitin, which exhibits 4-5 times higher antiproliferat
161 D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole (DRB) and alpha-amanitin, which inhibit RNAP II function by two distinct
162        We find that the mushroom toxin alpha-amanitin, which inhibits TL mobility, suppresses the eff
163                   PADT is inhibited by alpha-amanitin, which presumably blocks the required conformat
164 resistant to induction of apoptosis by alpha-amanitin without affecting their sensitivity to DRB, ind

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