


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 re affected by emotional incongruence (i.e., ambiguity).
2 developmental decision poised at the edge of ambiguity.
3 tment, identification, value reflection, and ambiguity.
4 d of the parvocellular (P) pathway to threat ambiguity.
5  orientation in the presence of the indexing ambiguity.
6 ssion levels that account for this source of ambiguity.
7 l features that support both specificity and ambiguity.
8  wavelengths that definitively resolves this ambiguity.
9 activity lies near the edge of developmental ambiguity.
10  of linguistic structure is characterized by ambiguity.
11 arameteric SMSA is subject to the rotational ambiguity.
12 l challenges mired in regulatory and ethical ambiguity.
13              The brain is not fooled by this ambiguity.
14  cavity, but DFT calculations leave room for ambiguity.
15 psychiatric problem--as well as considerable ambiguity.
16 ranging in age from 12 to 50 toward risk and ambiguity.
17 ation of the two species is done without any ambiguity.
18 mpts motion integration to overcome stimulus ambiguity.
19 ental properties can be measured with little ambiguity.
20 ppreciation of jokes that depend on semantic ambiguity.
21  that includes a complete description of any ambiguity.
22 lication of this characteristic was prone to ambiguity.
23 ty affects valence decisions about emotional ambiguity.
24 li provides a means to resolving situational ambiguity.
25 ly decreased as a linear function of emotion ambiguity.
26  the probability of a major outbreak without ambiguity.
27 hese signaling factors present some inherent ambiguity.
28 ecific associations in the face of potential ambiguity.
29 ualization process aiming to reduce stimulus ambiguity.
30 ision theory to study design of trials under ambiguity.
31 llenging wherever aligning short reads poses ambiguities.
32 de, and ester H-bond acceptors resolve these ambiguities.
33 g lipid classes by their propensity to cause ambiguities.
34 estations and both diagnostic and management ambiguities.
35 cues could be used to disambiguate geometric ambiguities.
36  no obvious cutoff to eliminate all of these ambiguities, a 10% score differential between the top ma
37                     In order to avoid future ambiguity, a web-based synopsis of all scattered current
38 cal processes, but there are still plenty of ambiguities about the factors important in regulating ac
39 plied to the photoreceptor layer can resolve ambiguity about cone survival in age-related macular deg
40 sidered spectroscopic curiosities - creating ambiguity about formal oxidation states in metal complex
41 one redox-active cysteine pair, resulting in ambiguity about how Mia40 accepts numerous electrons dur
42 le-chamber environments in which there is no ambiguity about place identity.
43  factors such as sensory and motor noise and ambiguity about the environment.
44 ge-scale Haber-Bosch process, there is still ambiguity about the number of Fe atoms involved during t
45                  To resolve this fundamental ambiguity about the organization of auditory cortex, we
46 ork unless remarkably ill (193 [61.1%]), and ambiguity about what constitutes "too sick to work" (180
47                                         This ambiguity also impedes the development of optimal system
48              Finally, blunted sensitivity to ambiguity also predicted a greater frequency of arrests.
49 ffect in the cold regime necessary to remove ambiguity among possible potential energy surfaces.
50                                      However ambiguity among the sequences of many strains makes it d
51 eting the sensory world overcomes perceptual ambiguities and biases experimental outcomes.
52 ed sequences within the genome, which create ambiguities and cause the final assembly to be broken up
53 , some approximations that have often led to ambiguities and contradictory results.
54 etecting relevant auditory features, despite ambiguities and noise.
55 e system and highlights examples of existing ambiguities and remedies for them.
56 internal models in the resolution of sensory ambiguities and sensorimotor processing.
57  labeling was used to clarify m/z assignment ambiguities and showed that the majority of the fragment
58 roaches to understand the roles of substrate ambiguity and catalytic promiscuity as drivers of evolut
59 ng, and overlapping terminology has fostered ambiguity and lack of clarity in the field in general.
60 protein novelty at the edge of developmental ambiguity and may underlie emergence of non-Sry-dependen
61  is the role played by catalysers' substrate ambiguity and multifunctionality.
62 on for these reactions has caused persistent ambiguity and occasional mishandling.
63  example, it is designed to handle gene name ambiguity and perform query expansion.
64                        Here, we address this ambiguity and provide evidence for rudimentary compositi
65                                    Substrate ambiguity and relaxed reaction specificity underlie the
66 mischarging of tRNA(Leu), resulting in codon ambiguity and statistical proteins.
67 p subtype-specific models is hindered by the ambiguity and stereotypical definitions of subtypes.
68 these cellular roles by leveraging substrate ambiguity and then present the structural features that
69 blies are highly fragmented, with many gaps, ambiguities, and errors, impeding downstream application
70 from our BAC analysis to help resolve allele ambiguity, and by performing PCR analysis, we infer that
71 nce restraints all have two-fold directional ambiguity, and resolving such ambiguity often requires t
72 test for associations between sensitivity to ambiguity, antisocial behavior, and arrest history.
73  either fragment the assembly or resolve the ambiguity arbitrarily.
74                                         Mass ambiguities are common in direct-injection shotgun exper
75 predictively to ensure that local linguistic ambiguities are dealt with "Right-First-Time"; once the
76                               While risk and ambiguity are formally distinct and experimentally disso
77          Catalytic promiscuity and substrate ambiguity are keys to evolvability, which in turn is piv
78  for highly curated signed networks in which ambiguities arise but also enables the use of networks w
79 st common ancestor of jawed vertebrates, but ambiguities arise from uncertainties in the anatomy of R
80                        We speculate that the ambiguity arises in the case of this particular image be
81 S and FRET methods allows one to resolve the ambiguities arising due to the rotation of the sensor mo
82 clude with a set of recommendations to avoid ambiguities arising from the spatiotemporal duality of p
83 partly attributed to a build-up of error and ambiguity as more sequences are aligned.
84                    However, it also leads to ambiguity as the representation of the external world de
85                                              Ambiguities associated with sparse experimental informat
86                     The effect of rotational ambiguity associated with a particular MCR-ALS solution
87                          There is still some ambiguity associated with any chemical assignment owing
88 ned in different laboratories, thus reducing ambiguity associated with qPCR enumeration and reproduci
89                      Our results resolve the ambiguity associated with the catalytic function of H3K2
90 n-DNA interface was conducted to address the ambiguity at the central nucleotide in the pseudo-palind
91 mophore and protein is subject to positional ambiguity at the synchrotron, but is fully resolved with
92 s across the life span by measuring risk and ambiguity attitudes in the gain and loss domains, as wel
93 und that the widely documented phenomenon of ambiguity aversion is specific to the gain domain and do
94                                However, this ambiguity belies the wealth of insights that have recent
95 our tool by attempting to resolve annotation ambiguities between two highly homologous yet functional
96 ugh adjustment for confounding and prevented ambiguity between diagnosis of asthma and chronic obstru
97  variant associated with ovotestes and hence ambiguity between divergent cell fates.
98           We have also assessed the inherent ambiguity between range and color that is a consequence
99 R/cape, which addresses these interpretation ambiguities by implementing a novel method to generate p
100                              We address this ambiguity by developing an integrative allometric approa
101 espect to depth sign (near vs far), and this ambiguity can be resolved by combining retinal image mot
102                        This coordinate frame ambiguity can be resolved by studying freely moving subj
103                                Ignoring this ambiguity can lead to inconsistent reasoning or wayward
104     Action on multiple substrates (substrate ambiguity) can be harnessed for performance of functions
105 ntrolled building pressure can help minimize ambiguity caused by both indoor sources of VOCs and temp
106 obabilistic approach to properly account for ambiguity caused by shared exons and finite read samplin
107 t and times of crisis occur when there is an ambiguity concerning a given social issue.
108 elevant (incidental features), there remains ambiguity concerning how this is achieved.
109                                     There is ambiguity concerning the distribution of neurons that ex
110 on varies from one to four, underscoring the ambiguity concerning the functional organization in this
111 are generally predicted to increase, but the ambiguity (confidence) of such predictions are sensitive
112 nstraint can reduce the extent of rotational ambiguity considerably, and in some cases, unique soluti
113 ican haplogroups and resolve a long-standing ambiguity deep within the tree.
114 e found that the hippocampus expresses clear ambiguity-dependent responses that are associated with a
115 data-driven docking algorithm, HADDOCK (high ambiguity driven biomolecular docking), was used to gene
116 e data-driven docking program, HADDOCK (High Ambiguity Driven Biomolecular Docking).
117                              A HADDOCK (high-ambiguity-driven protein-protein docking) model of a Shq
118                     In order to mitigate the ambiguity due to nonspecific sources of contrast such as
119 ative view of amygdala circuits in resolving ambiguity during aversive learning.
120                                     However, ambiguities exist because these phenomena could also com
121                                     However, ambiguities exist in defining the symmetry of a helical
122                                              Ambiguities exist regarding the diagnosis of tree-nut al
123                       Nevertheless, areas of ambiguity exist, including streamlining organ allocation
124                         However, a degree of ambiguity exists in the recognition of certain tRNA(Ile)
125                            In spite of these ambiguities, fold classifications are useful for predict
126  group pKa increases and creates mechanistic ambiguity for reactions involving relatively poor alkoxy
127 ipts, it is important to resolve the mapping ambiguity for those RNA-Seq reads that can be mapped to
128 riations in chromatin distribution and (iii) ambiguities formed by perceptual boundaries from adjacen
129 a liquid microjet with the aim of clarifying ambiguities from previous experiments.
130 ods, with certain degree of subjectivity and ambiguity from individual doctors.
131 ensity maps exhibit pervasive conformational ambiguities, geometric errors and steric clashes.
132 bjective biases in decisions about emotional ambiguity (i.e., valence bias) provides insight into the
133                                        Where ambiguities in assignments exist due to transcripts shar
134 halide perovskites single crystals; however, ambiguities in basic properties, such as the band gap, a
135  usage scenario that our approach can reveal ambiguities in cluster assignments and produce improved
136 al/mol), which primarily caused the observed ambiguities in conventional 1-D spectra.
137 ll number of such restraints that can create ambiguities in defining critical side chain-side chain i
138                   This Perspective addresses ambiguities in designations of "new drugs" intended as n
139 ced with stable isotope labeling to overcome ambiguities in determining molecular span of the cross-l
140 rties and recombination processes elucidates ambiguities in earlier reports, and highlights the discr
141 ite discovery by measuring molecular masses, ambiguities in elemental formulas often fail to reveal t
142 e identified known and hitherto unknown mass ambiguities in high- and ultrahigh resolution data, whil
143 01, have unusual E...E distances, leading to ambiguities in how to best describe their electronic str
144 he advantage of 2D NMR in terms of minimized ambiguities in peak assignment, aided in metabolite iden
145 ertainty in the scope of its application and ambiguities in practice.
146  larger scaffolds or help assemblers resolve ambiguities in repetitive regions of the genome.
147 of explosives, but all suffer from potential ambiguities in the assignment of threat agents.
148 rder to resolve axon crossings that produced ambiguities in the correct assignment of axon terminals
149     We also consider how the findings reveal ambiguities in the cross-resistance concept, as subtle d
150  problem, this algorithm deals properly with ambiguities in the data.
151 ifferentiation, which has caused a number of ambiguities in the field.
152 gnificantly facilitates analysis and reduces ambiguities in the identification of metabolites.
153                                     However, ambiguities in the measurement of the real part of the s
154                               There are some ambiguities in the questions asked that require addition
155 pies of the genome in the sample, errors and ambiguities in the sequenced data and assumptions and he
156                                              Ambiguities in the source and properties of signals elic
157  obtain a clean final product and thus avoid ambiguities in the source of effects on biological syste
158 d attempt to eliminate, as much as possible, ambiguities in vignettes and questions administered to s
159 ance of visual input in resolving perceptual ambiguity in a noisy environment.
160 andard diagnostic test leads to considerable ambiguity in determining the main transmission routes of
161 Ls from diverse mycobacteria, there is still ambiguity in identifying the exact position of the hydro
162 thesis under nonpermissive conditions led to ambiguity in interpretation.
163                       These data clarify the ambiguity in interpreting (18)F-FMISO uptake and improve
164 heoretical limitation in neuroscience is the ambiguity in interpreting the source of decodable inform
165 iate pattern analysis in neuroscience is the ambiguity in interpreting the source of decodable inform
166 iate pattern analysis in neuroscience is the ambiguity in interpreting the source of decodable inform
167 ng sparsity as prior information removes the ambiguity in many cases and enhances the resolution beyo
168 nk constraint for restricting the rotational ambiguity in MCR methods can lead to incorrect solutions
169  a target's topology and reducing assignment ambiguity in NOESY spectra of fully protonated samples.
170 have been well described, there is much more ambiguity in pediatric populations.
171                           We also considered ambiguity in polyploid heterozygote genotyping and devel
172 receive high-quality CPR because of provider ambiguity in prioritization of resuscitative efforts dur
173 he present synthetic study has indicated the ambiguity in proposed absolute stereochemistry for the n
174 employed are highly flexible, which leads to ambiguity in relating ESR measurements to protein-backbo
175 ing a higher F-measure is mostly due to high ambiguity in resource naming, which is compounded by the
176 g superior ability to resolve the front-rear ambiguity in source location.
177 mperfect functional annotation of genes, and ambiguity in the assignment of predicted enzymes to bioc
178 diabetes sometimes overlaps, contributing to ambiguity in the diagnosis.
179 guidelines for data release that both reduce ambiguity in the interpretation of open-access data and
180                         In a second example, ambiguity in the interpretation of Poisson kinetics in t
181 he instrumental variable analysis leave some ambiguity in the interpretation, and longer-term evaluat
182                               Resolving this ambiguity in the nature of the strong-field ground state
183                      This adaptation creates ambiguity in the neural code as multiple stimuli may eli
184                This limitation results in an ambiguity in the orientations, known as the indexing amb
185 is study, we show how to resolve the mapping ambiguity in the presence of novel transcriptomic events
186 he phase-space quantization picture fixes an ambiguity in the previously utilized energy-time quantiz
187          A shifting timescale, combined with ambiguity in the relationships of late Palaeozoic actino
188 tering algorithms don't properly account for ambiguity in the source data, as records are often assig
189 of hIAPP; however, there remains significant ambiguity in the underlying mechanisms.
190 s from a few sensitivity analyses leave some ambiguity in these results.
191  results demonstrate and confirm fundamental ambiguities inherent in tract reconstruction based on or
192 assical probability, although there are some ambiguities inherent in transferring the quantum formali
193 f phosphorylation, and we raise awareness on ambiguities inherent to these analyses.
194 ifference between poor quality bases and the ambiguity inherent in bisulfite conversion.
195 ure and so naturally capture the topological ambiguity inherent in open curves.
196 etter understand this process, we introduced ambiguity into an associative learning task by presentin
197                                         This ambiguity introduces folding challenges that are met by
198                                         This ambiguity is a consequence of the energy of the main pro
199                     Resolution of perceptual ambiguity is one function of cross-modal interactions.
200                Theory has proposed that this ambiguity is solved by tracking head tilt through multis
201      Some authorities state that in areas of ambiguity it is best to defer to parents' views, whereas
202                             In light of this ambiguity, it is epidemiology's turn to determine the di
203 re poorly understood because of phylogenetic ambiguity, lack of genomic information, and their close
204 -benefit decision-making under conditions of ambiguity may promote antisocial behavior.
205                                              Ambiguity may result from variance in the marginal benef
206  results are often complicated by rotational ambiguity, meaning that there is a range of feasible sol
207        The stereoscopy of handedness reduces ambiguity near a mobile target, resulting in accelerated
208 t modulation imaging method removes inherent ambiguities of coherent diffraction imaging and uses a r
209 that might successfully address the clinical ambiguities of myeloma spectrum diseases.
210 that high-resolution genomics can remove the ambiguities of process inference inherent in classic eco
211                                   We discuss ambiguities of the two main dimensions of the map propos
212 imulation, potentially reducing the inherent ambiguity of adaptive coding.
213 our model are able to resolve the structural ambiguity of approximately 300 000 nucleotides with over
214 g interpretations also depend on the special ambiguity of blue, for simply reversing the image colors
215                   These data demonstrate the ambiguity of CD4/CD8 expression in dictating the functio
216                                          The ambiguity of conceiving TSPO simply as a biomarker of 'n
217 ving a thymine carbonyl group, resolving the ambiguity of conventional (drug binds protein) vs unconv
218                     The study reconciles the ambiguity of dual antagonistic function of viral protein
219 nterpret and how to handle the onslaught and ambiguity of genome-wide data, established and well-vali
220                                    Given the ambiguity of individual patient PET responses, selection
221 pecific brain regions are recruited when the ambiguity of learning tasks increases, a fact that revea
222 tility is useful in quantifying the inherent ambiguity of modular decomposition.
223 s in idealised networks designed to maximise ambiguity of modular decomposition.
224 ppy faces may reflect increased salience and ambiguity of positive emotional expressions in pediatric
225  by both a need for homogeneous crystals and ambiguity of registration between the surface and bulk.
226 understanding the underlying mechanism is an ambiguity of S1R subcellular localizations.
227                     At the population level, ambiguity of the adapted responses about the present sti
228 recasting models for ontological errors: the ambiguity of the aleatory/epistemic dichotomy, the quant
229 on in facial expressions and the categorical ambiguity of the emotion shown and that these two aspect
230                   However, the inter-species ambiguity of the genomic nomenclature makes mapping of g
231                       A previously discussed ambiguity of the Glu76 carboxylate and 'special' Fe4 iro
232 g problems in which adaptation increases the ambiguity of the neural responses to simple stimuli.
233 l states, nH values can be misleading due to ambiguity of the reference state.
234 n on the regulation of hTERT, there has been ambiguity of the role of methylation within the core pro
235 pport the notion of a genome-dependent codon ambiguity of the SLs.
236                   Given the inherent valence ambiguity of this category, we show that surprised expre
237  makes RooTrak less sensitive to the natural ambiguity of x-ray attenuation data.
238 ld directional ambiguity, and resolving such ambiguity often requires time-consuming trial-and-error
239 irectly regulated and tracked the effects of ambiguity on learning.
240 lar-level understanding and the accompanying ambiguity on the role of the chiral species in stereoind
241 ctions and publishing results that can avoid ambiguity or confusion.
242 sponses reflect context-sensitive changes in ambiguity or uncertainty about experience-dependent beli
243 uracy of translation, leading to a ribosomal-ambiguity phenotype.
244 the domain closure model, all have ribosomal-ambiguity phenotypes.
245 ata analysis was instrumental in identifying ambiguities present in the commonly used emm type databa
246 y functional remains open, however, and this ambiguity presents a serious challenge to genome scienti
247 e ribosome, the mechanism by which ribosomal ambiguity (ram) mutations promote miscoding remains uncl
248 tcomes of decisions made under conditions of ambiguity rather than risk.
249 ose to native chromatin context, and resolve ambiguities regarding the destabilizing effect of H2A.X
250                   These results help clarify ambiguities regarding value and saliency encoding in the
251                                Understanding ambiguities regarding where a word begins and ends, and
252 f 99 million-year-old Burmese amber resolves ambiguity regarding sociality and diversity in the earli
253 ong the stakeholders, there was considerable ambiguity regarding whether persons currently wearing sp
254 ancer therapy and diagnosis, there are still ambiguities related to the nature and physiological role
255              Additionally, we find that this ambiguity related to negative events determines their ef
256                                     However, ambiguity remains regarding risk factors and prognosis f
257 and cognitive processes that are involved in ambiguity resolution contribute to the appreciation of j
258 noliter volume samples, thereby limiting the ambiguity resulting from heterogeneous tissues; thus, th
259 The work environment stressors included role ambiguity, role overload, role conflict, organizational
260              On the basis of this new set of ambiguity rules, guidelines and recommendations for expe
261 imentally dissociable, little is known about ambiguity sensitivity in individuals who engage in chron
262                                        Lower ambiguity sensitivity was also associated with higher ex
263 es of success has been achieved, mechanistic ambiguity still exists (for instance, the involvement of
264 specially cases presenting with a biological ambiguity suggesting CJD, determination of CSF t-PrP lev
265 dations are focused on resolving some of the ambiguity surrounding deceased donor authorization for r
266                        We have addressed the ambiguity surrounding one of the defining characteristic
267                          Indeed, such is the ambiguity surrounding the pathogen that each of the spor
268 odium distachyon yet identified considerable ambiguity surrounding the role of VRN2 To investigate th
269 method while also exposing complications and ambiguities that must be considered in data interpretati
270 he available evidence and the interpretative ambiguities that remain to be addressed by further studi
271               However, a key obstacle is the ambiguity that arises from the co-expression of multiple
272 sional (1D) signals are known to suffer from ambiguity that hampers their recovery from measurements
273 nses were modulated by both fear and emotion ambiguity (the uncertainty that a facial expression is c
274                              To resolve this ambiguity, the 2.6 A crystal structure of RGS8, an R4 su
275 neural pathways is sufficient to remove this ambiguity, the existence of such pathways and the neural
276 tanding how the nervous system resolves such ambiguities to infer the actual state of the world is a
277 t that implements a novel measure of mapping ambiguity to discover interchromosomal SVs from mate-pai
278 ceptual states, ranging from no awareness to ambiguity to robust perception.
279 ncertainties in the data inversion introduce ambiguity to this thermal interpretation.
280 t fashion in an environment characterized by ambiguity, uncertainty, and time constraints.
281 violation of rules, and considered that some ambiguity until 1 May 2002 about states' powers might ha
282 del selection that accounts for read mapping ambiguities using random effects.
283                            We addressed this ambiguity using measurement and perturbation of motor co
284  was much dissatisfaction with the term, the ambiguity was also seen as useful when engaging with pat
285  1 May 2002 did not decrease overall, and no ambiguity was found about states' licensing powers.
286                               Sensitivity to ambiguity was lower in individuals who met diagnostic cr
287         An extremely high level of substrate ambiguity was revealed, with the majority of HADSF enzym
288                             To explore these ambiguities, we formulated a mathematical model of the s
289                    Exploiting TsrM substrate ambiguity, we demonstrate that TsrM does not catalyse su
290                              To resolve this ambiguity, we designed a primer-template system that all
291  and their interacting partners which leaves ambiguity when assessing quality of complex conformation
292 y in the orientations, known as the indexing ambiguity, when the diffraction pattern displays less sy
293 e field, our results are a compact source of ambiguities which should be accounted for.
294 signatures of concepts like value, risk, and ambiguity, which are known to influence decision making.
295                                         This ambiguity, which has also been associated with different
296 d sentences containing a temporary syntactic ambiguity while their eye movements were monitored.
297 ted a comprehensive rule set describing mass ambiguities, while taking into consideration the resolvi
298 ue alignments from random alignments and the ambiguity will incur errors in structural and functional
299                                     However, ambiguity within and across disciplines remains as to ho
300                     Lessening the structural ambiguity would lead to further developments in function

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