


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nt rostrocaudal positions within the nucleus ambiguus.
2 ing GPER in cardiac vagal neurons of nucleus ambiguus.
3 cardiac vagal neurons located in the nucleus ambiguus.
4 sion to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus.
5 ucleus of the solitary tract and the nucleus ambiguus.
6 hibitory vagal neurons (CVNs) in the nucleus ambiguus.
7 lized within or ventrolateral to the nucleus ambiguus.
8 orsal motor nucleus of the vagus and nucleus ambiguus.
9 leus and the compact division of the nucleus ambiguus.
10 ot aldosterone activates GPER in rat nucleus ambiguus.
11 en identified in familial and sporadic situs ambiguus.
12 rons of the compact formation of the nucleus ambiguus.
13 ons were located just ventral to the nucleus ambiguus.
14  as red nucleus, inferior olive, and nucleus ambiguus.
15 ithin, or in close proximity to, the nucleus ambiguus.
16 visualized sections (250 microns) of nucleus ambiguus.
17 lly in the external formation of the nucleus ambiguus, 5.6% were in the lateral extreme of the dorsal
18                               In the nucleus ambiguus, a mixed visceral/motor nucleus, HCN1-IR was pr
19         HCN1-IR motor neurons in the nucleus ambiguus also expressed the neurokinin 1 receptor and we
20 urons in the trigeminal (Mo5), facial (Mo7), ambiguus (Amb), and hypoglossal (Mo12) motor nuclei inne
21 aveled to the Vmo, VII, XII, and the nucleus ambiguus (Amb).
22 nd the semicompact (but not compact) nucleus ambiguus (AmbSC and AmbC).
23 he cardiovascular regulatory nuclei (nucleus ambiguus and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus), but no
24 s tractus solitarii projected to the nucleus ambiguus and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus.
25        All possible situs variants, solitus, ambiguus and inversus, can appear among some heterotaxy
26  regions of the retrofacial nucleus, nucleus ambiguus and nucleus retroambigualis during induction of
27 nate from two brain stem nuclei: the nucleus ambiguus and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus.
28 vicinity of nucleus retroambigualis, nucleus ambiguus and the retrofacial nucleus (ventral respirator
29 uropil of the pre-Botzinger complex, nucleus ambiguus, and retrotrapezoid nucleus were high at P2-11
30 orsal motor nucleus of the vagus and nucleus ambiguus are consistent with the presence of TrkB and Tr
31 near the lateral tegmental field and nucleus ambiguus at a more caudal level tested (1.3 mm anterior
32 ortion of embryos lacking SPC4 develop situs ambiguus combined with left pulmonary isomerism or compl
33 kB: 1) in the pre-Botzinger complex, nucleus ambiguus, commissural and ventrolateral subnuclei of sol
34 urons of the brainstem motor nuclei, nucleus ambiguus, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, motor trige
35 0.62, 1.25 and 2.25 mmol/L) into the nucleus ambiguus elicited increases in heart rate (17.5 +/- 4, 3
36  activation of ORL1 receptors in the nucleus ambiguus elicits tachycardia.
37 g from situs inversus totalis (SIT) to situs ambiguus (heterotaxy).
38 r groups (the pre-Botzinger complex, nucleus ambiguus, hypoglossal nucleus, and ventrolateral subnucl
39 al lesions, the key lesion is in the nucleus ambiguus innervating the dilator muscles of the soft pal
40                               In the nucleus ambiguus, labeled cells were located in the areas contai
41 etection of a deletion in an unrelated situs ambiguus male (Family LR2; refs 2,3).
42 he compact and semicompact formation nucleus ambiguus, mGluRla was found in cell bodies and fibers.
43 rain the activity of spinal (L1) and nucleus ambiguus motor pools located at positions where expirato
44 ic neurones (CVPNs and BVPNs) in the nucleus ambiguus (NA) and (b) are involved in pulmonary C-fibre
45 diac vagal neurons (CVNs) located in nucleus ambiguus (NA) and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMN
46 nine methanesulfonate (DiI) into the nucleus ambiguus (NA) and used confocal microscopy to inventory
47 al vagal motor nucleus (DVN) and the nucleus ambiguus (NA) in the medulla oblongata.
48                            Since the nucleus ambiguus (NA) plays a key role in baroreflex control of
49 nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and nucleus ambiguus (NA) with a sham control group (N=5).
50 us (VN), parabrachial nucleus (PBN), nucleus ambiguus (NA), dorsal motor nucleus (DMN), and all subnu
51 parasympathetic vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus (NA), from which originates control of heart ra
52 njected the tracer DiI into the left nucleus ambiguus (NA), then used confocal microscopy and a Neuro
53  nucleus of the vagus (DMNX) and the nucleus ambiguus (NA), were consistently evoked upon stimulation
54 reganglionic neurones (CVPNs) in the nucleus ambiguus (NA), which have respiratory modulated activity
55 rasympathetic cardiac neurons in the nucleus ambiguus (NA).
56 cardiac vagal neurones (CVNs) in the Nucleus Ambiguus (NA).
57  the RVLM, particularly at the right nucleus ambiguus (NA).
58 trol of cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus (NA).
59  negative dromotropic neurons in the nucleus ambiguus (NA).
60 glionic neurons in the ventrolateral nucleus ambiguus (NA-VL) can be selectively labelled from the he
61 omotropic VPNs, of the ventrolateral nucleus ambiguus (NA-VL).
62 und exclusively in the ventrolateral nucleus ambiguus (NA-VL).
63  slender column in the ventrolateral nucleus ambiguus (NA-VL).
64 e fifth (MoV), seventh (VII), tenth (nucleus ambiguus, NA), and twelfth (XII) cranial nerve motor nuc
65                                      Nucleus ambiguus (nAmb) and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (n
66 xpression, we examined activation of nucleus ambiguus (NAmb) neurons by EA, their relation to choline
67 motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) and nucleus ambiguus (nAmb) that express the autism-associated MET r
68 e same regions plus the inferior olivary and ambiguus nuclei.
69 the brainstem reticular formation and in the ambiguus nucleus as well as predominantly ipsilateral la
70 y (dorsal and ventral) reticular formations; ambiguus nucleus; and midbrain superior colliculus and d
71 nput to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus occurred at a significantly lower frequency tha
72 icroinjections of glutamate into the nucleus ambiguus of an arterially perfused preparation in a grid
73 xy, expressed either as randomization (situs ambiguus) or complete reversal (situs inversus) of norma
74 mization of individual organ position (situs ambiguus) or to mirror-image reversal of all lateralized
75 r control (rostral tip of the dorsal nucleus ambiguus, parvicellular reticular nucleus, retrorubral a
76 croinjection of aldosterone into the nucleus ambiguus produced a dose-dependent bradycardia in consci
77 orsal motor nucleus of the vagus and nucleus ambiguus retrogradely transported [125I]BDNF, [125I]NT-3
78 els were measured within the rostral nucleus ambiguus (rNA) region by ELISA.
79  a few reports of PCD with heterotaxy (situs ambiguus), such as cardiovascular anomalies.
80 rization of cardiac vagal neurons of nucleus ambiguus that was sensitive to antagonism of GPER but no
81 ly labelled cardiac vagal neurons of nucleus ambiguus; the response was abolished by pretreatment wit
82  months), or DiI injections into the nucleus ambiguus to label vagal cardiac efferents (at 3, 6, and
83 tic cardiac vagal neurons in the rat nucleus ambiguus was determined.
84 ngomotor loose formations of the rat nucleus ambiguus was studied in single and serial sections by me
85 udal brainstem within and around the nucleus ambiguus was systematically explored for sites producing
86 ke receptors (ORL1 receptors) in the nucleus ambiguus were studied in urethane-anesthetized, adult ma

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