


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  immune system to interact with the invading ameba.
2 amebic infection were spiked with Balamuthia amebas.
3 a food source) contained, in addition to the ameba, a variety of soil organisms, including other ameb
4 use of monkey kidney cells for growth of the amebas and can be helpful in isolation of these amebas f
5    In subsequent transfers, axenic Naegleria amebas and, later, tissue cultures (monkey kidney cells)
6 ification and is not equivalent to 0.2 of an ameba as a target.
7  report describes the first isolation of the ameba Balamuthia mandrillaris from an environmental soil
8 owth medium for the opportunistic pathogenic ameba Balamuthia mandrillaris is presented.
9 than five times greater than that of control amebas, but surface staining of several antigens, includ
10 idine isethionate was most effective against amebas (ca. 90% inhibition after 6 days of exposure), bu
11 , we demonstrate that the LRRK2 homolog from ameba can be mutated to approximate some aspects of the
12 a variety of soil organisms, including other amebas, ciliates, fungi, and nematodes, as contaminants.
13                          A single Balamuthia ameba contains multiple mitochondrial targets; thus, 0.2
14 re also used for communication in the social ameba Dictyostelium discoideum when the solitary cells a
15 modifies Skp1 in the cytoplasm of the social ameba Dictyostelium, we have identified an enzyme, polyp
16                                    Recently, ameba (Dictyostelium), fruit flies (Drosophila) and zebr
17                                       In the ameba, dominant-negative mutations in the Gal/GalNAc lec
18 1 (EhMSP-1) and EhMSP-2, while the commensal ameba Entamoeba dispar has lost EhMSP-1.
19 eristic of tissue invasion by the intestinal ameba Entamoeba histolytica, which causes amebic dysente
20 complex is concentrated in the cortex of the ameba, especially in linear structures, possibly actin f
21 fowleri is a climate-sensitive, thermophilic ameba found in the environment, including warm, freshwat
22 fowleri is a climate-sensitive, thermophilic ameba found in warm, freshwater lakes and rivers.
23 bas and can be helpful in isolation of these amebas from brain tissue from cases in which amebic meni
24    We searched for substrates encoded in the ameba genome and found EhROM1 was able to cleave a cell
25            We developed an in vitro model of ameba-host cell interaction to test the hypothesis that
26  of mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene DNA from the ameba in clinical specimens such as brain tissue and cer
27 c symptoms and the difficulty in recognizing amebas in biopsied tissues, most cases are not diagnosed
28 ed brain tissue sections and/or detection of amebas in hematoxylin-eosin-stained slides.
29  to test the hypothesis that leptin prevents ameba-induced apoptosis in host epithelial cells.
30                   The evidence suggests that ameba-induced dephosphorylation is mediated by host cell
31 ibitor, blocked PTP1B cleavage and inhibited ameba-induced dephosphorylation.
32 larsine oxide, a PTPase inhibitor, inhibited ameba-induced dephosphorylation.
33  erythrocytes, which we utilized to separate ameba-induced exposure of erythrocyte PS from the proces
34                                              Ameba-induced protein dephosphorylation was contact depe
35 nted filamentous bacteria (SFB) protect from ameba infection, and protection is transferable with bon
36 nocyte precursors (GMPs), and protected from ameba infection.
37 gut neutrophils, and blocked protection from ameba infection.
38                             Isolation of the ameba into culture from autopsied brain tissue confirmed
39 assay used by the Free-Living and Intestinal Amebas Laboratory of the CDC was considered the referenc
40             In this study, we found that the ameba LRRK2 ortholog ROCO4 phosphorylates the GTPase dom
41 ncephalitis (PAM), caused by the free-living ameba Naegleria fowleri, has historically been associate
42 ction caused by the thermophilic free-living ameba Naegleria fowleri.
43 mitochondrial DNA from 1 to as little as 0.2 ameba per reaction mixture.
44 duces populations of approximately 2 x 10(5) amebas per ml.
45 ns multiple mitochondrial targets; thus, 0.2 ameba represents multiple targets for amplification and
46       Entamoeba histolytica is an intestinal ameba that causes dysentery and liver abscesses.
47     Balamuthia mandrillaris is a free-living ameba that causes granulomatous amebic encephalitis in b
48                Acanthamoeba is a free-living ameba that is found throughout the world and that causes
49 eba histolytica, an extracellular, parasitic ameba that is second only to malaria in medical burden g
50          We used the cytotoxic properties of ameba to select a genome-wide RNAi library to reveal nov
51                       Presumptive Balamuthia amebas were recognized only after cultures had been kept
52                                 Finally, the amebas were transferred to cell-free axenic medium.
53 itted Balamuthia mandrillaris, a free-living ameba, were detected by recognition of severe unexpected

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