


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 how the toll of defense can be generated and ameliorated.
2 rage was reduced, and skeletal phenotype was ameliorated.
3 ncing our fundamental knowledge critical for ameliorating Abeta-linked synaptic pathology.
4               The expression of NCOR1DeltaID ameliorated abnormalities in the peripheral blood indice
5 dation of protein tyrosine phosphatases, and ameliorated activation of peroxisome proliferator-activa
6         Our results suggest that dietary soy ameliorates adiposity, insulin sensitivity, adipose tiss
7  of IL-33 receptor-positive kidney ILC2s and ameliorated adriamycin-induced glomerulosclerosis.
8 ucts with isogeneic cells to be effective in ameliorating adverse effects of hormone deficiency, incl
9 reased energy levels that were significantly ameliorated after SB treatment.
10 nction can lead to therapeutic advances that ameliorate age-related neurodegenerative pathologies.
11 ogical enhancement of mitochondrial function ameliorates age-associated neurogenesis defects.
12 be tested if increasing CREB expression also ameliorates age-related behavioral and biophysical defic
13 dothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR-3) ameliorated aGVHD and improved survival in murine models
14 ncorporated with iron supplement regimens to ameliorate AI.
15 indings demonstrated that Lyn overexpression ameliorated airway mucus hypersecretion by down-regulati
16 idergic signaling and E/I balance as well as ameliorated all behavioral impairments.
17 hat post-AIT sera with IgE-blocking activity ameliorate allergic airway inflammation in a human/mouse
18 y T cells, decreased lung TH2 responses, and ameliorated allergic airway inflammation and hyperrespon
19  on multiple sites regulates its biology and ameliorates amyloid beta toxicity in vivo.
20 dings by demonstrating that TREM2 deficiency ameliorates amyloid pathology early, but exacerbates it
21  hypoxia provides novel druggable targets to ameliorate and, perhaps, reverse the EC plexiform phenot
22 creased heme-iron recycling in the liver and ameliorated anemia in the Th3/(+) mice.
23 otinib (MMB) demonstrated that MMB treatment ameliorated anemia, which was unexpected for a JAK1/2 in
24                             Furthermore, JQ1 ameliorates AngII-induced hypertension, medial hypertrop
25                            Inhibition of Kal ameliorated arthritis severity and incidence at early st
26  studies have shown that ginger constituents ameliorate ASA-induced gastric ulceration.
27  transfer of WT bone marrow progenitor cells ameliorates asthma pathology in Sema3e(-/-) recipients.
28 utions to global biogeochemical cycling, and ameliorate atmospheric accumulation of carbon dioxide by
29 ing Treg numbers/functions has been shown to ameliorate autoimmune diseases.
30 -expressing and IL-35-expressing B cells and ameliorates autoimmune uveitis in mice by antagonizing p
31          These results suggest that TRAILPEG ameliorates autoimmunity by targeting the Th 17-Tregs ax
32 c stress, thus establishing a foundation for ameliorating axonal pathology in AD.
33  immunizations targeting alpha-syn partially ameliorate behavioral deficits and alpha-syn accumulatio
34  DAergic neurons, rescues DA dysfunction and ameliorates behavioral deficits.
35 a-cell expansion through c-MET regulation to ameliorate beta-cell loss in diabetes.
36  activated Stat3, specifically in beta-cells ameliorated beta-cell EMT and beta-cell loss and prevent
37  by heat shock transcription factor 1 (HSF1) ameliorates biochemical and neurobiological defects caus
38                     However, HA instillation ameliorated bladder hyperactivity, lessened bladder muco
39        Gene therapy for hemophilia B aims to ameliorate bleeding risk and provide endogenous factor I
40     These results indicate that glycyrrhizin ameliorates bleomycin-induced dermal fibrosis through th
41 tion to suppress excessive immune responses, ameliorated blood-brain barrier damage after cerebral is
42 eliorate the cellular stress and indeed 4PBA ameliorated bone mineralization in larvae and skeletal d
43 icate that specifically targeting pSMAD3 can ameliorate both the direct and indirect fibroproliferati
44 moted Sema4a-dependent T reg cell expansion, ameliorating both diseases.
45         The EFA and longevity phenotypes are ameliorated by a reduction of the lipid-droplet-resident
46 types reminiscent of aspects of human mania, ameliorated by antimania drugs lithium and valproate.
47  CD4(+) T cells, with the induction of cGVHD ameliorated by BCL6 deficiency and completely suppressed
48 els of only the long isoform, which could be ameliorated by emetine, suggesting that the mutation ind
49                           These changes were ameliorated by GYY4137.
50 ls, and that the production of these GCRs is ameliorated by H2ax expression.
51  IBS patients, induced VH in rats, which was ameliorated by LPS-RS.
52 OCR) and ATP production by mitochondria were ameliorated by NTZ in real time by virtue of its mild un
53 lop spontaneous pulmonary fibrosis, which is ameliorated by restoration of lung chitinase activity by
54 me, the clinical manifestations of which are ameliorated by strategies that block IL-1beta or its rec
55 ith high morbidity and mortality that can be ameliorated by surgical valve repair or replacement.
56  that results from TGF-beta1 stimulation was ameliorated by the allosteric modifier of Sirt1 deacetyl
57 nsequences of c-Fos expression are partially ameliorated by the anti-inflammatory drug sulindac and l
58 oxicity and localised Nrf2-luc response were ameliorated by the cytochrome P450 inhibitor aminobenzot
59 vere dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis, ameliorated by TNF inhibition.
60 I imbalance, and histological damage are all ameliorated by treatment with NitroSynapsin, a new dual-
61 r, in some patients, hypothyroidism has been ameliorated by unusually large amounts of dietary I(-).
62                          This tension can be ameliorated by unveiling the constructed nature of auton
63                  Several symptoms of DN were ameliorated by VtE treatment in the DGKalpha(+/+) mice b
64 tailed in Ip3r2-deficient mice, resulting in ameliorated calcium overload in neurons and astrocytes.
65 H4 deficiency was restored, concomitant with ameliorated cardiac and renal hypertrophy.
66 a VDR reporter gene assay, and significantly ameliorated cardiac hypertrophy in cell culture studies
67 inistration of Act-A-iTreg cell-modified DCs ameliorated cardinal asthma manifestations in preventive
68  proteins Atg16L1 and Beclin 1 significantly ameliorated cell death in these conditions.
69 OSL interaction prevents their expansion and ameliorates cGVHD.
70  Thus, targeting inflammasome components may ameliorate chronic inflammation and various other age-as
71 eceptor (S1PR) modulator fingolimod (FTY720) ameliorated chronic progressive experimental autoimmune
72 ockout of Nos2, encoding iNOS, significantly ameliorates CHS.
73 ts that facilitation of NMDAR function might ameliorate CIAS.
74 s hematopoietic revertant mosaicism commonly ameliorated clinical manifestations.
75                   Inhibition of this pathway ameliorates CNS inflammation in rodent models of the lat
76 lular cAMP and/or cGMP activities, which may ameliorate cognitive deficits associated with AD.
77 ne-associated alpha-synuclein in the CNS and ameliorated cognitive deficits.
78 stores MeCP2 levels and spine plasticity and ameliorates cognitive defects in IL-1R8 KO mice.
79 ble insight into clinical management and may ameliorate colorectal cancer patient outcomes.
80 ctions, and might also bear the potential to ameliorate conditions like depression and aging, where d
81 s have often targeted downstream pathways to ameliorate consequences of protein dysfunction; however,
82 sult in a beneficial therapeutic strategy to ameliorate contractile dysfunction associated with sepsi
83 gy using a specific inducer Beclin-1 peptide ameliorates cysts in the pkd1a model.
84 ht a trophic pathway that can be targeted to ameliorate dendrite loss in pathological conditions.
85 rocesses, with cocaine consumption partially ameliorating dependence-related insensitivity to reinfor
86                   Glycyrrhizin significantly ameliorated dermal fibrosis in bleomycin-treated mice, w
87  genetically inactivating CB1Rs in the RPTCs ameliorated diabetes-induced renal structural and functi
88 hepatic glucose production (HGP) effectively ameliorates diabetes and can be exploited for its treatm
89 sis, partially restoring beta cell mass, and ameliorating diabetes.
90 nt of F-75 with unfortified rice porridge to ameliorate diarrhea was associated with a higher risk of
91 ctivities represents a promising approach to ameliorate diet-induced obesity and leptin resistance.
92 Overall, targeted activation of Hh signaling ameliorates diet-induced obesity and may be explored for
93  current study suggests that blocking of CB1 ameliorates Diet-Induced Obesity and metabolic disorder
94 d forms of agrin (mAgrin) have been shown to ameliorate disease pathology in a laminin-alpha2 knockou
95 ansion of GM-CSF-producing Th17 cells led to ameliorated disease in mice deficient for IL-1R1 specifi
96 cking antibody to CLEC12A that significantly ameliorated disease scores in MOG35-55-induced progressi
97 f TGF-beta2 during the effector phase of EAE ameliorated disease severity.
98 nalysis, we discover that nicotinamide (NAM) ameliorated disease-related phenotypes by inhibiting dru
99 nclude optimizing metrics to assess quality, ameliorating disparities, enhancing education and resear
100 development could provide insights on how to ameliorate disrupted development.
101                       We showed that VtE can ameliorate DN in mice and that DGKalpha is involved in t
102 mics in RPTCs has the potential to treat and ameliorate DN.
103 is expected that the activation of DGK would ameliorate DN.
104 d, it has been reported that vitamin E (VtE) ameliorates DN in rat by activating DGK, and we recently
105        Here we show that reducing SLN levels ameliorates dystrophic pathology in the severe dystrophi
106 th the response of WT Th17 cells and thereby ameliorated EAE.
107 dings suggest that ADHD medications may help ameliorate educationally relevant outcomes in individual
108 ding light on the mechanisms involved in the ameliorating effects of AD symptoms observed in AD/TTR(+
109                             Blockade of RAGE ameliorates elastase-induced emphysema development and p
110   Finally, we show that ablation of TRIP-Br2 ameliorates ER stress-induced inhibition on lipolysis, f
111 nd ribosome biosynthesis during stress, thus ameliorating ER stress and cell death.
112 rrection methods are cost-effective means to ameliorate errors in gene synthesis.
113           Importantly, infection with LM-PLP ameliorated established disease.
114 on of the miR291b --> Tollip pathway by HA35 ameliorated ethanol-induced sensitization of TLR4 signal
115 nhibition of GOT1 with (aminooxy)acetic acid ameliorated experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in
116 crophage differentiation within the lung may ameliorate fibrosis without the adverse consequences ass
117 fibrosis in diabetes kidney, and whether H2S ameliorates fibrosis.
118 ets them for elimination in mice and humans, ameliorating fibrosis.
119 tion in human and yeast cell models, and can ameliorate FUS-associated cytotoxicity.
120 patial management actions can be deployed to ameliorate future impacts.
121                    Collectively, FK866 could ameliorate GaIN/LPS and ConA-induced ALF through inducti
122 on may be a therapeutic option to prevent or ameliorate HALI/BPD in neonates.
123 B, and highlights therapeutic strategies for ameliorating healing.
124 ivo delivery of Cas9-guide RNA complexes can ameliorate hearing loss in a mouse model of human geneti
125  T. arjuna compound, arjunolic acid (AA), in ameliorating hemodynamic load-induced cardiac fibrosis a
126 o neutralization of IL-17A in humanized mice ameliorated hepatic and intestinal damage and reduced mo
127                             BTKB66 treatment ameliorated hepatocellular injury in a well-established
128 Blockade of CD8 and L-selectin, but not CD4, ameliorated hepatocellular injury, confirming that CD8(+
129 n of Fas improves mitochondrial function and ameliorates high-fat-diet-induced hepatic steatosis, glu
130 ovel niche informed therapeutic approach for ameliorating HSC phenotypes associated with aging.
131  Lastly, we observed that S1P administration ameliorated hypotension and microvascular leakage follow
132                        Pain and disease were ameliorated in Ag-induced arthritis, zymosan-induced art
133                            These defects are ameliorated in older animals.
134            These adverse effects of tPA were ameliorated in PPK (Klkb1)-deficient and FXII-deficient
135 erosis, while the defects were significantly ameliorated in Runx2 (Agc1CreER) KO mice.
136                                     NASH was ameliorated in the M+G49 group, manifested by reduced in
137 ein is effective in reducing viral titre and ameliorating infection in rodents and neonatal lambs.
138 tion of inflammation-associated angiogenesis ameliorates inflammatory diseases by reducing the recrui
139                         CSA13 administration ameliorated intestinal fibrosis without influencing inte
140 -3'-oxime improved cardiac contractility and ameliorated intraventricular conduction defects in LmnaH
141 ally observed in IRI, we speculated that aPC ameliorates IRI by inhibiting inflammasome activation.
142                          Trpc6 deletion also ameliorated left ventricular dilation, improved cardiac
143 rrow cells rescued the angiogenic defect and ameliorated left ventricular remodeling.
144  spontaneous type I IFN response and did not ameliorate lethal inflammation.
145    Our data show that anti-VEGFR-3 treatment ameliorates lethal aGVHD and identifies the lymphatic va
146 langiocytes and ASFs from fibrotic tissue to ameliorate liver fibrosis.
147 get; improved fatty acid beta-oxidation; and ameliorated liver steatosis and glucose intolerance.
148 nhibition of NIK activity by chemical probes ameliorates liver inflammation and injury is largely unk
149             In these mice, deletion of TSP-1 ameliorated loss in volume and mass of the moderately af
150                          KLF2 overexpression ameliorates LPS-induced lung injury in mice.
151             AMs treated with MSC-derived EVs ameliorate lung injury in vivo.
152 rophages after their recruitment to the lung ameliorated lung fibrosis, whereas tissue-resident alveo
153 tralizing IL-17A is a potential mechanism in ameliorating lung fibrosis.
154 ly treatment with the hypotonic 2-PMPA enema ameliorated macroscopic and microscopic symptoms of IBD
155 hat targeting the aging process itself could ameliorate many age-related pathologies.
156 that genetic enhancement of the ISR does not ameliorate MCH or SAH-induced DWMI.
157 nistration of D-4F or E06 to rats profoundly ameliorated mechanical hyperalgesia and inflammation in
158  eminence (MGE) into adult mouse spinal cord ameliorates mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity in p
159 16 showed memory-enhancing properties and it ameliorated memory deficits induced by scopolamine.
160           Phytoestrogen-rich soy is known to ameliorate menopause-associated obesity and metabolic dy
161 eptor family is a target for therapeutics to ameliorate metabolic dysfunction.
162 L-34 receptor reduced microglial numbers and ameliorated mHTTx1-mediated neurodegeneration.
163           Forced expression of Vsig4 in mice ameliorates MHV-3-induced viral fulminant hepatitis.
164       There is no current treatment that can ameliorate most of the ASD symptomatology; thus, identif
165 buterol, which was started at disease onset, ameliorated motor function and extended survival.
166  Genetic elevation of MeCP2 T158M expression ameliorated multiple RTT-like features, including motor
167 ches targeting AMPK/mTORC1 signaling greatly ameliorated muscle function in HSALR mice.
168 n, stabilize BM structure, and substantially ameliorate muscular dystrophy.
169                                   Efforts to ameliorate NASH in lipodystrophies with pharmacologic ag
170 y effects on glial cells, and the ability to ameliorate nesting behavior in APP/PS1 mice.
171 e cerebral Abeta levels, whether it also can ameliorate neural circuit and memory impairments remains
172 ochondrial function as a potential target to ameliorate neurogenesis-defects in the aging hippocampus
173 ify alpha-SYN and DA as potential targets to ameliorate neurogenic defects in the aging and diseased
174 ington's disease, genetic knockdown of PIP4K ameliorated neuronal dysfunction and degeneration as ass
175 ied proanthocyanidins as putative targets to ameliorate obesity.
176                                   Disease is ameliorated on an Asc (-/-) background, and can be suppr
177            The hyperacute edematous wave was ameliorated only in pigs showing cardioprotection (ie, t
178 kely explain why B cell depletion can either ameliorate or exacerbate inflammatory diseases; however,
179  and testing of therapeutic interventions to ameliorate or potentially reverse prostatic enlargement.
180 e studies should assess whether therapies to ameliorate pain and inflammation in RA restores autonomi
181  therapeutic and/or preventive strategies to ameliorate pain in SCD.
182 underlying the ability of these platforms to ameliorate passive and active porphyrin delivery to tumo
183 derstanding of how DMF may act clinically to ameliorate pathological processes in neurodegenerative d
184 geting the cGAS-STING-LCD-NLRP3 pathway will ameliorate pathology in inflammatory conditions that are
185 lood glucose levels, delayed diabetes onset, ameliorated pathology scores in pancreas, and down-regul
186 t abundant PDH kinase isoforms (e.g., PDK3), ameliorating PDH activity and mitochondrial metabolism a
187 kdown improves endocytosis in SMA models and ameliorates pharmacologically induced endocytosis defect
188 ia and kidney histological changes, but also ameliorated podocyte and glomeruli injury in diabetic mi
189                             Thus, sildenafil ameliorates podocyte injury and prevents proteinuria thr
190 thelial cells (podocytes) indicated that VtE ameliorates podocyte pathology and prevents podocyte los
191 presence of a novel extendable loop may help ameliorate poor packing geometry of the rigid main parti
192  elevate circulating S1P levels, nor does it ameliorate post-MI dysfunction, as in wild-type mice.
193 asteride (10-100 mg/kg, IP) dose-dependently ameliorated PPI deficits, hyperactivity, and risk-taking
194 n (GFP) to the C-terminus of the channel may ameliorate proteasome degradation.
195                     Thus, therapeutic agents ameliorating protein folding or the UPR can be considere
196 ver, the mechanisms by which glucocorticoids ameliorate proteinuria and glomerular disease are not we
197                                          VPA ameliorated RD associated with P23H rhodopsin and promot
198 athway activation as a potential approach to ameliorate regenerative defects in WNT10A patients.
199         We hypothesized that serelaxin could ameliorate renal vasoconstriction and renal dysfunction
200 thways in the retina which may contribute to ameliorating retinal damage induced by HFD.
201 ate the inflammatory reflex to significantly ameliorate rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel d
202     Intravitreal injection of IL-4 and IL-10 ameliorated RPE toxicity that was induced by NaIO3Ex viv
203  mouse model of salivary gland exocrinopathy ameliorated salivary gland inflammation and enhanced car
204 lipidemia, and insulin sensitivity, but also ameliorated significant aortic atherosclerosis.
205                          Additionally, CyP40 ameliorated silver-positive and oligomeric tau species i
206 of STAT3, or its pharmacological inhibition, ameliorate skin fibrosis in experimental mouse models.
207 tion of beta-catenin/E-cadherin in vitro and ameliorated skin damage in rodent models.
208                        Anti-IL-17A treatment ameliorated skin inflammation in vivo.
209 ntibiotics or a single antibiotic vancomycin ameliorate SLE-like disease in MRL/lpr mice by changing
210  combined with SMN2 splicing modification to ameliorate SMA and demonstrates the promise of combinato
211     Importantly, NCALD knockdown effectively ameliorates SMA-associated pathological defects across s
212                                   GAR-2 loss ameliorated smn-1(lf) and mel-46(lf) synaptic defects.
213 ould provide more targeted therapies to help ameliorate social deficits in autism spectrum disorder.
214  either early or advanced stages of diabetes ameliorated STAT activity and resulted in reduced serum
215 ether, our findings demonstrated that CS may ameliorate stress-induced intestinal inflammation.
216 ive T cells and helps to understand how MSCs ameliorate symptoms in lupus-prone MRL.Fas(lpr) mice.
217  aim to prevent onset, delay progression and ameliorate symptoms.
218 this inhibitor reduces tau and APP cleavage, ameliorates synapse loss and augments long-term potentia
219 e brains decreases synaptic Abeta levels and ameliorates synapse loss, thus rescuing cognitive impair
220 d that antibiotics given after disease onset ameliorated systemic autoimmunity and kidney histopathol
221 an be envisioned as a therapeutic target for ameliorating Tat-mediated neuroinflammation.SIGNIFICANCE
222 ould simultaneously restore MT stability and ameliorate tau pathology in AD and related tauopathies.
223 how loss of D2-family dopamine receptors can ameliorate tau toxicity, we screened a collection of C.
224 ly that loss of D2-family dopamine receptors ameliorated tauopathy in multiple models including a Cae
225 ivo, as genetic reduction in RanBP9 not only ameliorates tauopathy in Tau-P301S mice but also rescues
226 used on enhancing supportive parenting could ameliorate the association between exposure to poverty a
227 cal chaperones, 4PBA and TUDCA, were used to ameliorate the cellular stress and indeed 4PBA ameliorat
228 odulate the UPR during enamel development to ameliorate the clinical phenotype.
229  treated despite long transport times and to ameliorate the consequences of reperfusion injury.
230 ia, population-based solutions are needed to ameliorate the deleterious effects of neighborhood disad
231 7 in Treg-specific Il27ra(-/-) mice fails to ameliorate the disease even in the presence of IL-27-res
232 erbate the disorder, and antipsychotics that ameliorate the disorder.
233 ha2delta-1 receptor, and thus may reverse or ameliorate the effects of AIE on hippocampal function.
234    Altogether cilostazol showed potential to ameliorate the gliovascular damage and working memory im
235 in the active site of GSTO1-1 can be used to ameliorate the inflammatory response to LPS.
236                                  In order to ameliorate the lack of available labels for these data s
237  lipid, sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), could ameliorate the microvascular leakage following alcohol i
238 dence that positive maternal parenting might ameliorate the negative effects of socioeconomic disadva
239 ent treatment options have not been shown to ameliorate the neurological pathology observed in the mo
240 BET inhibitors (GSK151 and JQ1) were able to ameliorate the progression of inflammation in EAU and in
241 egy that involves nonviral siRNA delivery to ameliorate the response to vascular injury.
242 he early posttransplant period could help to ameliorate the severity of delayed graft function and co
243 l biomarkers or therapeutics that could help ameliorate the toll that infections take during the trea
244          Similar strategies might be used to ameliorate the unfavorable treatment response described
245 Is into germ-free or antibiotic-treated mice ameliorated the antitumor effects of PD-1 blockade, wher
246      Loss of the C. elegans DDC gene, bas-1, ameliorated the behavioral deficits of tau transgenic wo
247 , restored collagen levels in cartilage, and ameliorated the bone phenotype.
248  directed towards cyclin-dependent kinase 5) ameliorated the cilia phenotype.
249        We found that both cibinetide and EPO ameliorated the clinical course of experimental colitis
250 ozygous Gatm mutants with exogenous creatine ameliorated the colitis phenotype.
251 PEX5 transgene exacerbated pex26 defects and ameliorated the defects of only a subset of pex6 alleles
252  the overexpression of TrkB in the mouse PFC ameliorated the depressive-like phenotype of TG2-overexp
253 ve stress (H2O2 or menadione), significantly ameliorated the H2O2-dependent increase in matrix kerati
254 nt-induced arthritis rat model, CHMFL-BTK-11 ameliorated the inflammatory response through blockage o
255          CREB overexpression in aged animals ameliorated the long-term memory deficits observed in co
256 ivity of PRMT5 with this substrate, but also ameliorated the low activity of PRMT5 at low substrate c
257 ed AKT and ERK activation, respectively, and ameliorated the observed alterations in neuronal differe
258 alpha, MCP-1/CCL2 and IFN-gamma in sera, and ameliorated the organ damage of liver and kidney.
259 free fatty acid (FFA) levels (P < 0.001) and ameliorated the oxidative damage by reducing malondialde
260 h the cholesterol-lowering drug atorvastatin ameliorated the pathology, implicating statins as potent
261 Y 3-36 increased 5-HT turnover in the LH and ameliorated the ppDIO-induced sleep disturbances, sugges
262 olished the spinal synaptic facilitation and ameliorated the sequelae of morphine withdrawal.
263      Conversely, overexpression of miR-31-3p ameliorated the severity of DSS-induced colitis.
264                        Intriguingly, NR also ameliorated the steatosis that normally accompanies live
265 stration of GDP and ferrous sulphate (FeSO4) ameliorated the turpentine-induced AI in mice (indicated
266                 Rapamycin or raptor deletion ameliorates the aberrant TFH cell expansion in mice lack
267 omain TF Ventral veins lacking (Vvl) largely ameliorates the airway morphogenesis defects of grh muta
268            Direct supplementation with BCAAs ameliorates the defects caused by BCAT1 knockdown, indic
269 histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) AR-42, ameliorates the deficiency of adult neurogenesis in the
270 , we demonstrated that the knockout strategy ameliorates the dilated cardiomyopathy phenotype in vitr
271 t DNMT1-specific inhibition in arterial wall ameliorates the disturbed flow-induced atherosclerosis t
272                      Downregulation of PLIN2 ameliorates the effects of fatty acid- and chemical-indu
273 diated GT for patients with OS significantly ameliorates the immunodeficiency, even in an inflammator
274                           GSTO1-1 deficiency ameliorates the inflammatory response stimulated by LPS
275   The lower barrier to access of makerspaces ameliorates the otherwise poor accessibility and scalabi
276  reduces muscle performance at baseline, but ameliorates the progression of dystrophic pathology.
277 ling from endosomes or reducing BMP activity ameliorates the severity of HD pathology and improves vi
278 uppress heme catabolism may be beneficial in ameliorating the anemia and ineffective erythropoiesis i
279  benefits of noise-mediated plasticity while ameliorating the potentially detrimental effects of stoc
280 acroglobulin bound to PGPFs to significantly ameliorate their toxicity.
281 ulture represents a strategic alternative to ameliorate these drivers of pollinator decline while sup
282 current treatment strategies largely fail to ameliorate these impairments.
283                 Succinate addition partially ameliorated these metabolic deficits.
284 s of the C. elegans Gemin3 ortholog, MEL-46, ameliorates these defects.
285                           Ambient ionization ameliorates these slow steps by reducing or even elimina
286 gulation in antibody-positive patients could ameliorate this catastrophic complication.
287 AFLD prevalence and stricter ALT cutoffs may ameliorate this problem.
288 e propose an approach, called XP-BLUP, which ameliorates this ethnic disparity by combining trans-eth
289 IE, and a clinically-utilized agent that may ameliorate those effects.
290 erventions of this immunoregulatory axis may ameliorate tissue pathology in hepatitis.
291 te enhancement is a novel therapy, which may ameliorate TK2 deficiency in patients.
292                  In conclusion, progesterone ameliorated TMJ inflammation through inhibition of NF-ka
293                 Mechanistically, sphingosine ameliorates transforming growth factor-beta-induced coll
294 an improve microvascular barrier function to ameliorate trauma-induced hypotension, offering a novel
295 sociated maladaptive responses, which can be ameliorated upon receptor antagonism even during injury
296 This reduced tissue colonization, along with ameliorated weight loss and prolonged survival, depends
297 d-type mice undergoing iAKI is significantly ameliorated when exposed to luteolin, a recently discove
298 gliosis, increased after hypoperfusion, were ameliorated with cilostazol treatment.
299 ly increased rate of apoptosis that could be ameliorated with cysteamine, the human cystine depleting
300 GN expression and overexpression of NRGN can ameliorate ZFP804A-mediated migration defect.

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