


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 turation ameloblasts compared with secretory ameloblasts.
2 loblasts and then downregulated again in the ameloblasts.
3 d expression of ameloblastin and amelotin in ameloblasts.
4 AP6 is not expressed from these promoters in ameloblasts.
5 ncisor and differentiate into enamel-forming ameloblasts.
6 uoride, must be neutralized by the overlying ameloblasts.
7 rmed localization of ACPT in secretory-stage ameloblasts.
8 amplifying cells that are progenitors of the ameloblasts.
9 on of beta-galactosidase in maturation stage ameloblasts.
10  mouse incisors confirmed DPPI expression by ameloblasts.
11 tracellular localization in maturation-stage ameloblasts.
12 nations demonstrated the complete absence of ameloblasts.
13  to understand the roles of AE2 and NBCe1 in ameloblasts.
14 ly expressed in the early stage of secretory ameloblasts.
15 s also transiently expressed by presecretory ameloblasts.
16 es of tooth-specific cells, odontoblasts and ameloblasts.
17 al cells differentiate into enamel-secreting ameloblasts.
18 rix protein, is expressed by differentiating ameloblasts.
19 l cells; GlcNAc-acylated K5 is identified in ameloblasts.
20 region of CK14, a differentiation marker for ameloblasts.
21 alized tissues like long bone, calvaria, and ameloblasts.
22  has never been specifically demonstrated in ameloblasts.
23  model for studying electrolyte transport by ameloblasts.
24 ulated twice during the normal life cycle of ameloblasts.
25 in components biosynthesized and secreted by ameloblasts.
26  synthesized and secreted by secretory-phase ameloblasts.
27 ization in the Tomes' processes of secretory ameloblasts.
28 sed, almost exclusively, in maturation stage ameloblasts.
29 n the enamel knots and cervical loops and in ameloblasts.
30 ot-forming cervical loops and enamel-forming ameloblasts.
31 apical NaPi-2b and Nckx4 in maturation-stage ameloblasts.
32 peared to be internalized by secretory stage ameloblasts.
33 tems used by secretory- and maturation-stage ameloblasts.
34 24A4 signal specifically in maturation-stage ameloblasts.
35 d potential mechanisms of Ca(2+) handling by ameloblasts.
36 gulates proliferation and differentiation of ameloblasts.
37                           The end-product of ameloblast activity is a marvel of structural engineerin
38 forms (55 and 66 kDa) distinctly appeared in ameloblasts after day 1, reached a peak on day 5, and re
39 ctor-beta (TGF-beta) impacting indirectly on ameloblast-ameloblast interactions and proteolytic proce
40 ted and the polarity and organization of the ameloblast and odontoblast layers is disrupted.
41 ters that were associated with pre-secretory ameloblast and odontoblast.
42  dental epithelial cell differentiation into ameloblasts and activated promoter activity of the ename
43 al cells differentiate into enamel-secreting ameloblasts and dentin-secreting odontoblasts, respectiv
44 s, the most abundant isoform found in murine ameloblasts and developing enamel is the M180 protein.
45 molecular sizes (37, 55, and 66 kDa) in both ameloblasts and enamel matrix during PN development.
46 alyses indicated that Fam20a is expressed in ameloblasts and gingivae, providing biological plausibil
47 ion except for increased retention in mature ameloblasts and immature odontoblasts in the continually
48 examined the profiles of ameloblastin in the ameloblasts and in the enamel matrix during different po
49 mbinant ameloblastin adhered specifically to ameloblasts and inhibited cell proliferation.
50 of secretory stage ameloblasts by binding to ameloblasts and inhibiting proliferation.
51 lloproteinase that is initially expressed by ameloblasts and odontoblasts immediately prior to the on
52 n of mouse enamelysin was detectable only in ameloblasts and odontoblasts of developing teeth.
53 gans as well as defects in the maturation of ameloblasts and odontoblasts point to an important and n
54 : (1) AMELX contains 2 additional exons; (2) ameloblasts and odontoblasts synthesize amelogenin 8/9;
55 presence of stem cells capable of generating ameloblasts and odontoblasts.
56 day-old mice detected TIP39 RNA in secretory ameloblasts and odontoblasts.
57               It is expressed exclusively in ameloblasts and odontoblasts.
58 on4 may contribute to the differentiation of ameloblasts and osteoblasts through regulation of Runx2
59 B6 to the distal membrane of differentiating ameloblasts and pre-ameloblasts, and then ITGB6 appeared
60 nd its related STPs are expressed in the pre-ameloblasts and pre-secretory ameloblasts in positions w
61 llular Ca(2+) buffering systems expressed in ameloblasts and provides an up-dated view of current mod
62 nse APC staining resumes in maturation-stage ameloblasts and proximal papillary cells.
63 eloblasts, then strong staining in secreting ameloblasts and stratum intermedium cells, followed by c
64 t the interface between the maturation-stage ameloblasts and the underlying cells of the stratum inte
65 it-amplifying cells, re-expressed in the pre-ameloblasts and then downregulated again in the amelobla
66  enamel matrix proteins/peptides secreted by ameloblasts and/or epithelial rest cells contribute to t
67 xpressed in dental epithelia, differentiated ameloblasts, and certain ectodermal organs.
68 ransporter NBCe1 has been localized in mouse ameloblasts, and has been proposed to have a role in mat
69 inct and specific signal in maturation-stage ameloblasts, and in the junctional epithelium following
70 bnormal cranial dimensions, defective dental ameloblasts, and nasal septal deviation, consistent with
71 brane of differentiating ameloblasts and pre-ameloblasts, and then ITGB6 appeared to be internalized
72 rix, loss of ameloblast phenotype, increased ameloblast apoptosis and formation of multi-cellular mas
73  the p.Tyr64His amelogenin mutation involves ameloblast apoptosis induced by ER stress.
74                                              Ameloblasts are an attractive study case because mineral
75 nes function to ensure that enamel-producing ameloblasts are generated on only one side of the tooth
76 l the pH of the microenvironment adjacent to ameloblasts are not currently well-understood.
77                                      Because ameloblasts are responsible for dental enamel formation,
78       We also demonstrate that mouse incisor ameloblasts are sensitive to the toxic effects of high d
79                                              Ameloblasts are supported by a host of cell types which
80 wo major transporters recently identified in ameloblasts are the Na(+)K(+)-dependent calcium transpor
81 ct of PDGF on CSF-1 expression using MEOE-3M ameloblasts as a model.
82  osteoblasts, hypertrophic chondrocytes, and ameloblasts as well as odontoblasts.
83 blast organelles changes (percent volume per ameloblast) as ameloblasts progress through six defined
84 P-20), kallikrein-4 (KLK-4), and odontogenic ameloblast-associated protein (ODAM) using quantitative
85     APC staining disappears again in reduced ameloblasts at the conclusion of amelogenesis.
86                                    The tight ameloblast attachments would also preclude the ameloblas
87 normal; presumably due to the UPR modulating ameloblast behaviour and function in an attempt to relie
88 e N-terminal region of the cytokeratin 14 of ameloblasts binds to trityrosyl motif peptide (ATMP) of
89 S17 mRNA was not detected in secretory stage ameloblasts but could be detected in odontoblasts, while
90 usly, we showed that pendrin is expressed in ameloblasts but is not critical for enamel formation.
91 pon the transcellular transport of Ca(2+) by ameloblasts, but little is known about the molecular mec
92 sor that shows that enamelin is expressed by ameloblasts, but not by odontoblasts or other cells in t
93 thelium differentiated into enamel-secreting ameloblasts, but the cells were detached from the matrix
94 the differentiation state of secretory stage ameloblasts by binding to ameloblasts and inhibiting pro
95                                          The ameloblast cell layer of the enamel organ is in contact
96  in a protein matrix located proximal to the ameloblast cell layer.
97 late reticulum, stratum intermedium, and the ameloblast cell lineage.
98 4 promoter show robust Cre expression in the ameloblast cell lineage.
99        Co-immunoprecipitation assay of mouse ameloblast cell lysates with either ameloblastin or Psma
100 ad of predominantly locating adjacent to the ameloblast cell membrane, beta-catenin was predominantly
101  inactivation of MMP20 would result in tight ameloblast cell-cell attachments that may cause maturati
102  facilitates ameloblast movement by cleaving ameloblast cell-cell contacts.
103 lel within boundaries fabricated by a single ameloblast cell.
104  that represses amelogenin expression in non-ameloblast cells in vivo.
105  decreased expression in the differentiating ameloblast cells of the mouse lower incisor.
106 R-200a-3p expression is activated in the pre-ameloblast cells to enhance epithelial cell differentiat
107 is an intricate process tightly regulated by ameloblast cells.
108  oral epithelial cells to dental epithelial (ameloblast) cells, which can be used in tissue repair an
109                            The pre-secretory ameloblast cluster exhibited higher activation of inflam
110 is significantly downregulated in maturation ameloblasts compared with secretory ameloblasts.
111 he dentin proteins expressed by presecretory ameloblasts contribute to the unique properties of the d
112 Cre;Fam20C(fl/fl) mice had severe enamel and ameloblast defects, while their dentin and alveolar bone
113 ible for dental enamel formation, we used an ameloblast-derived cell line (LS8) to characterize speci
114                             The secretion of ameloblast-derived Dspp is short-lived, correlates to th
115 th RhoGDI antibody in the irregularly shaped ameloblasts detached from the matrix.
116 e-rich amelogenin peptide (TgLRAP), in which ameloblasts differentiate earlier, AMG+4 transcripts wer
117   miR-224 was significantly downregulated as ameloblasts differentiated, in parallel with upregulatio
118 s showed that NBCe1 mRNA was up-regulated as ameloblasts differentiated.
119          Third, we detected abnormalities in ameloblast differentiation in developing mutant incisors
120 ession at the bud stage and exhibit abnormal ameloblast differentiation on both labial and lingual su
121 d to adhere properly to each other, although ameloblast differentiation was unaffected at early stage
122 dental epithelial markers reveal a defect in ameloblast differentiation.
123 cued teeth exhibit a delayed odontoblast and ameloblast differentiation.
124 tors implicated in the tooth development and ameloblast differentiation.
125 ect, although there is no apparent change in ameloblast differentiation.
126 ulting from defects in dentin deposition and ameloblast differentiation.
127 h occurs at a mineralization front along the ameloblast distal membrane in which amorphous calcium ph
128 its compelling biological role in organizing ameloblasts during amelogenesis, this study strengthens
129 ontoblast cells and the epithelially derived ameloblasts during development is responsible for the fo
130 fects of strain stimulus on the migration of ameloblasts during enamel formation.
131 focal laser scan microscopic observations on ameloblasts during postnatal (PN) growth of the teeth sh
132 ude that EMSP1 is expressed by pig and mouse ameloblasts during the early maturation stage of ameloge
133 encodes a calcium transporter upregulated in ameloblasts during the maturation stage of amelogenesis.
134 ontoblasts and low levels in osteoblasts and ameloblasts during tooth development.
135  protein-1 (XBP1) plays a role in regulating ameloblast ER volume, as has been previously demonstrate
136 correlates positively with percent volume of ameloblast ER.
137  continuously deposited by stem cell-derived ameloblasts exclusively on the labial, or outer, surface
138                     Histologically, Irf6-cKO ameloblasts exhibited disturbances in adhesion and polar
139                                              Ameloblasts express a number of transporters and channel
140                              To regulate pH, ameloblasts express anion exchanger 2 (Ae2a,b), chloride
141 resent evidence to demonstrate that affected ameloblasts express but fail to secrete full-length amel
142 dy, we tested the hypothesis that maturation ameloblasts express Dra and Slc26a6 to secrete bicarbona
143                           Our data show that ameloblasts express Dra, pendrin, or Slc26a6 but each of
144                                              Ameloblasts express transmembrane proteins for transport
145 ed the first evidence that enamel cells, the ameloblasts, express NBCe1 in a polarized fashion, there
146  present in human ameloblasts, whereas mouse ameloblasts expressed NBCe1-B.
147 f appositional growth (at the cusp tip), (3) ameloblast extension rate, (4) duration of ameloblast ex
148 ) ameloblast extension rate, (4) duration of ameloblast extension, and (5) spreading rate of appositi
149 ) mice, the apical sides of enamel-secreting ameloblasts failed to adhere properly to each other, alt
150 nactivation of Spry4 alone initiates ectopic ameloblast formation in the embryo, the dosage of anothe
151  CK14/amelogenin to the apical region of the ameloblasts from day 1, reaching a peak on days 3-5, and
152 tooth by inhibiting the formation of ectopic ameloblasts from self-renewing stem cells, and that they
153 re we asked if Mmp20 overexpression disrupts ameloblast function.
154                                Pre-secretory ameloblasts give rise to tall columnar secretory amelobl
155   While epithelial stem cells giving rise to ameloblasts have been well-characterized, cells giving r
156 tribution of ameloblastin was limited to the ameloblast in rat incisors.
157 metalloproteinase-20 (MMP20) is expressed by ameloblasts in developing teeth and MMP20 mutations caus
158  and the localization of EMSP1 expression in ameloblasts in mouse day 14 first and second molars by i
159 sed in the pre-ameloblasts and pre-secretory ameloblasts in positions where they may be able to detec
160 l formation requires the sliding movement of ameloblasts in rows during the secretory stage of develo
161                        LM indicated that the ameloblasts in the CF mice underwent premature degenerat
162 ression of Cnnm4 in the neural retina and in ameloblasts in the developing tooth, suggesting a hither
163 evidence that AE2 and NBCe1 are expressed in ameloblasts in vivo in a polarized fashion, thereby prov
164 tion of NBCe1 mRNA in maturation-stage mouse ameloblasts in vivo, as compared with controls.
165 -regulation of NBCe1 in fluorosed maturation ameloblasts in vivo, with no effect of fluoride in vitro
166 t molars localized FAM20A in secretory-stage ameloblasts, in odontoblasts, and in the eruption pathwa
167 y, our results show that integrity of the SI-ameloblast interface is essential for normal enamel mine
168  presumably by HCO3 (-)ions transported from ameloblasts into the developing enamel matrix.
169                                         Each ameloblast is responsible for the formation of one ename
170                MMP20, a protease secreted by ameloblasts, is responsible for processing enamel protei
171 Amel X(-/-)/Ambn(-/-) mice, not only was the ameloblast layer irregular and detached from the enamel
172 FoxJ1(-/-) mice show a reduced and defective ameloblast layer, revealing a biological effect of these
173 e rods are the mineralized trail that moving ameloblasts leave behind.
174         The promoter was analyzed in a mouse ameloblast-like cell line (LS8) and was compared with pr
175                                           An ameloblast-like cell population developed ectopically on
176                                         When ameloblast-like cells (LS8) were transfected with an ame
177 ineered teeth contain dentin and enamel with ameloblast-like cells and rests of Malassez of human ori
178 calization of TIP39 and tuftelin in cultured ameloblast-like cells showed that these two proteins col
179                                       Within ameloblast-like cells, upregulation of miR-153 results i
180 tin promoter activity by greater than 50% in ameloblast-like cells.
181 l, ranging from 20 to 30% of the activity in ameloblast-like cells.
182  and ranged from 8 to 30% of the activity in ameloblast-like cells.
183                                        Using ameloblast-like LS8 cells, we demonstrate that these cel
184  were detected in RNA isolated from cultured ameloblast-like LS8 cells.
185 ed 2.2-kilobase mouse amelogenin promoter in ameloblast-like LS8 cells.
186 romoter was systematically analyzed in mouse ameloblast-like LS8 cells.
187 a stably transfected Tet-Off Mmp20-inducible ameloblast-lineage cell line and found that MMP20 expres
188 ted by low pH, but not by fluoride, in human ameloblast-lineage cells in vitro.
189 is study was to determine whether epithelial ameloblast-lineage cells, derived from the human enamel
190 e multiple effects of micromolar fluoride on ameloblast-lineage cells.
191 gnificantly increased the apoptotic index of ameloblast-lineage cells.
192 maturation, indicating that maturation-stage ameloblasts maintain a high level of metabolic activity.
193         Histologic observations coupled with ameloblast marker analyses suggested that Evc2 mutant pr
194 ndible of Ctip2(-/-) mice: expression of the ameloblast markers amelogenin, ameloblastin, and enameli
195 n ion levels in enamel fluid near the apical ameloblast membrane may reduce the transport activity of
196  the curvature of the surface from which the ameloblasts migrate (the dentin-enamel junction or DEJ).
197 e conclude that MMP20 plays a role in normal ameloblast migration through tightly controlled Wnt sign
198 el, Ca(2+) is the most abundant ion, yet how ameloblasts modulate Ca(2+) dynamics remains poorly know
199 age and its localization was associated with ameloblast modulation.
200                                              Ameloblasts move in groups that slide by one another as
201 Therefore, we propose that MMP20 facilitates ameloblast movement by cleaving ameloblast cell-cell con
202 eloblast attachments would also preclude the ameloblast movement necessary to form decussating enamel
203 pecific MMP, enamelysin (MMP20), facilitates ameloblast movements during enamel development.
204                  These data demonstrate that ameloblasts must continuously interact with the developi
205 , and that in Mmp20 ablated mice, high-level ameloblast N-cadherin expression persists during the mat
206     To sustain mineral accretion, maturation ameloblasts need to buffer these protons.
207 s excess beta-catenin, which translocates to ameloblast nuclei to promote cell migration/invasion.
208                                    Secretory ameloblasts of AmelX(-/-) mice, but not wild-type mice,
209 CK14/amelogenin in the perinuclear region of ameloblasts on day 0, migration of the co-assembled CK14
210  Ct-positive granules appeared beaded in the ameloblasts on day 3.
211 gy, polarization, and adhesion properties of ameloblasts on the labial side of these teeth were sever
212 vival but is essential for the generation of ameloblasts, one of the major differentiated cell types
213 potentially NaPi-2b) located in ruffle-ended ameloblasts operate in a coordinated way with the pH-reg
214 gal staining was observed in secretory stage ameloblasts or in odontoblasts.
215 ling is not essential for differentiation of ameloblasts or odontoblasts.
216 on of dental epithelia into enamel-producing ameloblasts or the root epithelial lineage compartmental
217       Here we ask how the volume of selected ameloblast organelles changes (percent volume per amelob
218                        Loss of Fgfr1 affects ameloblast organization at the enamel-secretory stage an
219 e system for HAT-7 cells, a rat cell line of ameloblast origin.
220 ein in the developing enamel matrix, loss of ameloblast phenotype, increased ameloblast apoptosis and
221 sp formation, cervical loop down-growth, and ameloblast polarization, did not occur normally.
222 eceded by a decrease in proliferation of the ameloblast precursor cells and a reduction in amelogenin
223        Both isoforms were immunolocalized in ameloblasts, principally at maturation stage.
224 hat Tbx1 is essential for the maintenance of ameloblast progenitor cells in rodent incisors and that
225       The epithelial stem cells that are the ameloblast progenitors reside in structures called cervi
226                                              Ameloblasts progress through defined stages of developme
227 s changes (percent volume per ameloblast) as ameloblasts progress through six defined developmental s
228 ar machinery involved in Ca2+ homeostasis in ameloblasts remains poorly understood.
229  the secretory pathway in the enamel-forming ameloblasts, resulting in eruption of malformed tooth en
230                                              Ameloblasts secrete amelogenins on the pre-existing enam
231 ma3 co-distribution with ameloblastin at the ameloblast secretory end piece.
232 data indicate that the mutation inhibits the ameloblast secretory pathway leading to ER stress and an
233             During the maturation stage, the ameloblasts shorten and direct the enamel to achieve its
234                     The data suggest that in ameloblasts, Slc26a isoforms can functionally compensate
235 cadherin expression was increased as well as ameloblast specific factors.
236                                              Ameloblast-specific amelogenin gene expression is spatio
237                     Amelogenin expression is ameloblast-specific and developmentally regulated at the
238 n blot analysis reveals that tuftelin is not ameloblast-specific but is expressed in multiple tissues
239                    These results demonstrate ameloblast-specific expression of enamelin and reveal th
240 actopyranoside (X-gal) staining demonstrated ameloblast-specific expression of enamelin.
241       Thus, ameloblastin represents a unique ameloblast-specific gene product that may be important i
242 -regulated in the K14-cre;Bmp2(f/f);Bmp4(f/f)ameloblasts, suggesting that the reduced MMP20 and KLK4
243 lateral anion exchanger Ae2a,b in maturation ameloblasts suggests that these cells secrete bicarbonat
244                                              Ameloblasts synthesize and secrete the enamel matrix pro
245 ey regulatory cytokine for amelogenesis, and ameloblasts synthesize CSF-1.
246                               Differentiated ameloblasts synthesizing enamel matrix proteins and odon
247 oblasts give rise to tall columnar secretory ameloblasts that direct the enamel to achieve its full t
248 ix proteins was down-regulated in the mutant ameloblasts, the cleavage of ameloblastin was drasticall
249 sx2, p27, and p75 were deregulated in mutant ameloblasts, the phenotypes of which were reversed to un
250                                       In the ameloblasts, the sequence of expression of these fractio
251  we found no APC staining in differentiating ameloblasts, then strong staining in secreting ameloblas
252 were capable of differentiating to secretory ameloblasts; this process, however, was apparently delay
253                            It is secreted by ameloblasts throughout the secretory stage and can readi
254 tacking while diminishing the ability of the ameloblast to interact with the matrix.
255 also cleaves junctional complexes present on ameloblasts to foster the cell movement necessary for fo
256  may be an important event necessary for the ameloblasts to start moving in rows that slide by one an
257 nued in the distal ends of the pre-secretory ameloblasts to the beginning of enamel matrix secretion.
258 d the dissociation of the co-assembly at the ameloblast Tomes' process.
259 concentrates along the secretory face of the ameloblast Tomes' process.
260 unolocalized to the apical pole of secretory ameloblasts (Tomes' processes) and to the newly secreted
261 d fashion, thereby providing a mechanism for ameloblast transcellular bicarbonate secretion in the pr
262 nohistochemically (IHC) localized in the pre-ameloblasts up to initial dentin matrix deposition and c
263 iguing possibility that WDR72 is critical to ameloblast vesicle turnover during enamel maturation.
264 ess questions related to HCO3 (-)export from ameloblasts, we have developed a polarized 2-dimensional
265  proteins previously described in maturation ameloblasts were also present in HAT-7 cells.
266  amelogenins the enamel would acidify unless ameloblasts were buffered by alternative ways.
267                                              Ameloblasts were immunostained for anion exchanger-2 (Ae
268 rolled Bmp4 expression in epithelium-derived ameloblasts were located in the region between 0.26 kb a
269 tes an ER stress response pathway, and mouse ameloblasts were shown to express activated Ire1.
270  while transition-stage and maturation-stage ameloblasts were strongly positive.
271 sed at the basolateral membrane of secretory ameloblasts, whereas AE2 is expressed at the apical memb
272 lysis by PCR showed NBCe1-A present in human ameloblasts, whereas mouse ameloblasts expressed NBCe1-B
273 ted by specialized epithelial cells known as ameloblasts which themselves undergo striking morphologi
274 ynthesized by a highly specialized cell, the ameloblast, which secretes matrix proteins with little h
275 dult epithelial stem cells that give rise to ameloblasts, which generate enamel, and little is known
276 trafficking is important in maturation-stage ameloblasts with respect to secretion into immature enam
277 ferentiation of inner enamel epithelium into ameloblasts, with intense localization in the Tomes' pro
278 hese genes are active only in enamel-forming ameloblasts within the dental organ of the developing to
279          Amelogenin proteins are secreted by ameloblasts within the enamel organ during tooth develop
280 stry localized exons 8/9-encoded proteins in ameloblasts, young odontoblasts, and stratum intermedium

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