


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              Amid a background of previously increasing and recently
2             Expression of Noxs remained high amid a broad-based recovery of antioxidant defense mecha
3 mpression that tumour permeability is static amid a chaotic tumour environment.
4 gins of M. alligatoris' remarkable virulence amid a clade of harmless or much less virulent species.
5 s were involved in interventional procedures amid a continued increase in volume; 24% (100 of 409) of
6 alopithecus from Ardipithecus, but it occurs amid a continuum of adaptations to diets of tougher, har
7                                      We live amid a global wave of anthropogenically driven biodivers
8 e galaxy's centre, sustaining star formation amid a kiloparsec-scale molecular nebula that is found a
9 icking a spout when they heard a target tone amid a sequence of reference noise sounds.
10 coring functions to identify the native fold amid a set of decoys.
11                                              Amid a worldwide increase in tree mortality, mountain pi
12 iral particles emerged onto the cell surface amid actin-based filopodia, which were present in abunda
13 eased mainly peptides into the medium due to AmiD activity, whereas an ampG amiD double mutant releas
14          Apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) and AMID (AIF-homologous mitochondrion-associated inducer of
15 laces, they became effectively ethnic groups amid already heterogeneous societies.
16 s specific for the anhMurNAc-l-alanine bond, AmiD also cleaved the bond between MurNAc and l-alanine
17 es in which barriers to dye diffusion formed amid an accumulation of vesicles and other membranous st
18  ageing somatic tissues to navigate survival amid an environment containing damaged and poorly functi
19 rt due to a lack of ligands that can bind it amid an excess of innocuous ions in aqueous solution.
20 ein synthesis and nucleasomal reorganization amid an otherwise placid cellular proteome at the first
21          6-Hydroxy-FAD could be removed from AMID and the apoprotein reconstituted with FAD.
22                       Type I IFN involvement amid antiviral efficacy of Ad:IFN-gamma was further inve
23                                              AMID (apoptosis-inducing factor-homologous mitochondrion
24                      We propose that AIF and AMID are previously unidentified mammalian NDH-2 enzymes
25 l-Ala amidase and demonstrated that AmpD and AmiD are the only enzymes present in E. coli that are ab
26 y with AmpD, we recognized YbjR, now renamed AmiD, as a possible second 1,6-anhydro-N-acetylmuramic a
27   Paradoxically, arsenic has also been used, amid at low doses, in the treatment of leukemia for over
28                                              AMID binds 6-hydroxy-FAD (a cofactor that accumulates on
29 of the method is the synthetically efficient amid bond formation between the corresponding o-aminoben
30 igated the redox properties of human AIF and AMID by comparing them with yeast Ndi1, a type 2 NADH:ub
31 ide macrophages, but a few are extracellular amid cellular debris.
32 re-evaluating their undergraduate curriculum amid changing student attitudes towards education.
33 uch as these offer enticing clues that, even amid cigarette smoking and other commonalities in the et
34 f feeding the growing population sustainably amid climate change.
35 that this organ execute its complex function amid colonization by a large and diverse microbial commu
36 to selectively attend to one auditory signal amid competing input streams, epitomized by the "Cocktai
37  American states might craft shale policies, amid competing scholarly views on the commitment of stat
38 effectiveness of interventions must continue amid concern about availability of family and developmen
39 ensis (Bt) were first commercialized in 1996 amid concern from some scientists, regulators and enviro
40                             Isolated AIF and AMID containing naturally incorporated FAD displayed no
41 ses relying on LTDNA evidence have collapsed amid controversy, including the case of Hoey in the Unit
42                                              Amid controversy, the cellular form of the prion protein
43 sorder was introduced into DSM-IV's appendix amid controversy.
44 integrating strips of native prairie species amid corn and soybean crops, with prairie strips arrange
45 o generate AD-relevant cognitive impairments amid corresponding histopathologies, confirming human BA
46 radication despite considerable expenditure, amid debate over the relative roles of badgers and cattl
47                                              AMID-deficient mice are viable and fertile, develop norm
48 hysiological functions of AMID, we generated AMID-deficient mice by gene targeting.
49                                      Sectors amid degeneration contained RGCs that were likely discon
50 tor cells as the heart-valve-inducing region amid developing atria and ventricles.
51      Unlike the periplasmic murein amidases, AmiD did not participate in cell separation.
52 drial membranes, N-terminally tagged AIF and AMID displayed substantial NADH:O(2) activities and supp
53 auses fork collapse and double-strand breaks amid DNA replication.
54 medium due to AmiD activity, whereas an ampG amiD double mutant released a large amount of intact Glc
55  converted to 6-hydroxy-FAD in reconstituted AMID during aerobic turnover with NADPH.
56 on of world trade over the past half century amid economic globalisation, and the increased importanc
57                                              AMID(-/-) embryonic fibroblasts exhibit normal prolifera
58   Overexpressing N-terminally tagged AIF and AMID enhanced the growth of a double knock-out Escherich
59 of engaging with communities, building trust amid extraordinary social contexts, and responding to th
60  site mutants of N-terminally tagged AIF and AMID failed to show both NADH:O(2) activity and the grow
61                       Transcription of human AMID gene is upregulated by p53 and downregulated in tum
62 s regional CpG dinucleotide hypermethylation amid global CpG dinucleotide hypomethylation.
63 priority of sustainability and food security amid global environmental and socioeconomic change.
64 at augment maintenance of the aging organism amid gradually accumulating DNA damage.
65                                              Amid growing evidence that numerous viral infections can
66                                              AMID has a distinctive electronic spectrum due to the mo
67 e may underlie the reduced cognitive control amid heightened reward sensitivity associated with resum
68 to a lack of validated diagnostic approaches amid heterogeneity of the patient phenotype.
69           Low levels of NL trimer expression amid heterogeneous Env conformers, even with the additio
70 ry to mediate adhesion and resist detachment amid high hemodynamic forces.
71 s ability to hear and identify sound signals amid high levels of background noise in acoustically clu
72                           Despite growing up amid humble surroundings, I ended up receiving an excell
73 ocannabinoid degradation enzymes, fatty acid amid hydrolase, and monoacylglycerol lipase than males,
74 n independent randomly moving target objects amid identical nontargets and recorded steady-state visu
75                                              Amid improving child survival in Africa, there was subst
76  likely impacts on the physiological role of AMID in cellular apoptosis.
77 ctive physiological and behavioral responses amid infection.
78                          In the early 1950s, amid initial findings that low doses of antibiotics serv
79 t of molecules of progressively smaller size amid injury-induced vesicles that accumulate, interact,
80                       Fourteen months later, amid intense media activity, the vaccine was withdrawn a
81 ndividuals in achieving democratic consensus amid internal group conflict and informational constrain
82 owever, after reconstituting isolated AIF or AMID into bacterial or mitochondrial membranes, N-termin
83                                              AMID is a DNA-binding protein that lacks apparent DNA se
84                                              AMID is a flavoprotein; possesses NAD(P)H oxidase activi
85                   We have now confirmed that AmiD is an anhMurNAc-l-Ala amidase and demonstrated that
86                                              AMID is an apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF)-homologous an
87 mal tissues, suggesting the possibility that AMID is involved in the downstream effects of p53.
88                  These findings suggest that AMID is not required for normal development and p53-medi
89 ncubated with activated autologous platelets amid lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 50-100 pg/mL) for 8 h, the
90                                     However, amid Mexico's progress against communicable diseases, ch
91                                              AMID(-/-) mice up to 1 year old have no spontaneous tumo
92                                              Amid mounting concerns about nephrogenic sclerosis and g
93 European Research Council (ERC) was launched amid much fanfare with the goal of spearheading Europe's
94 en required to follow a target speech signal amid multiple competing speech signals (the so-called "c
95 ty at the nanoscale as well as the interplay amid nanocrystal growth, morphology, and surface defects
96 tly visualized small solitary release events amid noise: spontaneous Ca(2+) quark-like or "quarky" Ca
97 y threshold testing of optokinetic tracking, amid otherwise normal visual experience, stimulates endu
98 ervous system mediates food-seeking behavior amid oxidative stress and suggest that the internal stat
99                                              Amid polio eradication efforts, detection of oral polio
100 urate identification of low-abundant targets amid pools of similar sequences.
101 the association between chemotherapy and QOL amid progressive metastatic disease has not been well-st
102 port the direction of coherently moving dots amid randomly moving noise dots.
103 alists in a field that has grown up de facto amid rapid expansion both of the population of patients
104                                              Amid rapid urbanisation, the HIV epidemic, and increasin
105 buted Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells amid reactive host background, complicating the acquisit
106                                              Amid recent efforts to reduce cardiovascular risk, wheth
107                                          Apo-AMID retains DNA binding activity.
108                              Cells seemingly amid RPE-to-photoreceptor transformation were observed i
109 ace, likely aiding selection and segregation amid similar distractors.
110 r STEMI compared with those with normal BMI, amid similar infarct characteristics.
111 heir ability to selectively attend to speech amid similar streams of speech.
112 s initiated at Nyos (2001) and Monoun (2003) amid speculation it could inadvertently destabilize the
113 tomes is currently a matter of intense study amid speculation that these ncRNAs have key regulatory r
114 18) silently counted infrequent target tones amid standard tones.
115 arget moving laterally (x-motion) popped out amid stationary distractors with binocular disparity, bu
116 that this strategy is used to minimize error amid temporal uncertainty, while simultaneously overcomi
117                                              Amid the changing demographics of the US population and
118 ammalian-microbial symbioses may be revealed amid the complexity of the intestinal tract.
119                                              Amid the current opioid epidemic in the United States, t
120  respiratory function at steady-state levels amid the existence of a continuous damaging process that
121                                              Amid the flurry of grant writing and experimentation, st
122 dentification is a concern for public safety amid the growing threat of bioterrorism.
123 ontinuing relevance of clinical observations amid the increasing molecular complexity of ALS.
124 ve not escaped this trendy pastime and, from amid the noise and excitement, the astrocyte emerges as
125 with respect to variations of the parameters amid the noise from inherent internal stochastic effects
126         HCRT-containing fibers were observed amid the noradrenergic cells of the locus coeruleus, and
127  spatial pattern that places animal butchery amid the refuge of an isolated forest patch and near fre
128                                     However, amid this evolutionary turmoil many commonalities have b
129                                              Amid this high level of conservation we show here one si
130                                              Amid this progress, imaging has assumed a central role i
131  coronary artery disease continues to evolve amid uncertain changes in technology.
132                                              Amid uncertainty concerning the role of SMN's C-terminus
133                                              AMID was purified from a recombinant bacterial host, ena
134 o investigate the physiological functions of AMID, we generated AMID-deficient mice by gene targeting
135 ox activities of N-terminally tagged AIF and AMID were sensitive to rotenone, a well known complex I

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