


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 everal common donors (Arg, Lys, and backbone amide groups).
2 iride containing a dodecyl (12 carbon units) amide group.
3 icity linked to the aromatic ring through an amide group.
4  pyrazole NH, as well as the free amino or N-amide group.
5 ssociated with introducing the P2'-P3' retro amide group.
6 nding capability associated with the P1'-P2' amide group.
7 f the amino group, and installation of the N-amide group.
8 r molecule in a hydrogen bond with the sugar amide group.
9  posttranslationally converted to a terminal amide group.
10 l changes in this general orientation of the amide group.
11 as achieved by N-methylation of the C2-ethyl amide group.
12 wherein the alkyne bond was replaced with an amide group.
13 the CRF C terminus, including the C-terminal amide group.
14 hs (14.4 and 18.8 T) for 135 of 162 backbone amide groups.
15 the gel matrix by interaction with the amino/amide groups.
16 couplings between (15)N and (1)H in backbone amide groups.
17  interactions with several adjacent backbone amide groups.
18 er rim of the cavity, hydrogen-bonded to the amide groups.
19 by two intramolecular hydrogen bonds between amide groups.
20  are weakened and lead to the rehydration of amide groups.
21  ring C=O-H-N hydrogen bond between backbone amide groups.
22 1)H] NOE were measured for 80 of 91 backbone amide groups.
23 nd (1)H-(15)N NOE) measured for 153 backbone amide groups.
24  of the carboxylate and N-propyl-substituted amide groups.
25 e difference in hydration of carboxylate and amide groups.
26 ium exchange rates of nearly all the peptide amide groups.
27 m channels that are decorated with cyano and amide groups.
28 rboxylate of 4-ACPCA (2) with hydroxamate or amide groups.
29 ar pi-pi stacking and hydrogen bonding among amide groups.
30 less than one per year are observed for some amide groups.
31 cepting and donating a H-bond to neighboring amide groups.
32 ment are much broader than those of backbone amide groups.
33 es in peak intensity for individual backbone amide groups.
34 helical elements and the pattern of backbone amide group 15N nuclear relaxation rates within the cont
35 e its carboxyl group interacts with backbone amide groups 299 to 303 and the side-chain of Arg303.
36          Catalysts bearing tertiary benzylic amide groups afforded highest enantioselectivities, with
37        Analogues containing a diethanolamine amide group and an aryl di(methylphosphonate) were both
38 gen-bonding interactions with both the Asn68 amide group and the imidazole side chain of His64.
39 olumns of four to six ceramides H-bonded via amide groups and arranged as staves in either a parallel
40 entary structural information to that of the amide groups and hence promises to provide a greatly enh
41 centres and responds to that of neighbouring amide groups and in turn influences stereoselective reac
42 ions: one from pi-polarization of beta-sheet amide groups and the other from rotation of an isoleucin
43 , bearing a terminal rotationally restricted amide group, and 30 bearing a terminal achiral bromophen
44 pH jump leads to deprotonation of the Ser-20 amide group, and a subsequent rapid O to N acyl shift re
45 tion bands for the sugar moiety, the protein amide group, and water.
46 nar imidazole rings, an anti relationship of amide groups, and intramolecular (NH(amide).N(imid)) and
47 raction followed by hydrogen-bonding between amide groups, and then van der Waals interactions-paves
48 uring two positive charges, four nonpeptidic amide groups, and variable hydrophobic/hydrophilic (amph
49 ng interactions are induced as the substrate amide group approaches the nucleophile, moving more than
50 tions and solvent exposure of the beta-sheet amide groups are also characterized by increases in homo
51                   Furthermore, because these amide groups are important in the assembly process for t
52 nates along the backbone because neighboring amide groups are oriented in opposite directions.
53 tes that a number of side chain and backbone amide groups are perturbed upon Ala substitution at cons
54                     When all four beta-sheet amide groups are polarized, the ab initio calculations i
55 persion, and a large portion of the backbone amide groups are solvent-exposed leading to fast hydroge
56 he enthalpy of interaction with water of the amide group as approximately -11.5 kcal/mol.
57 ring, a short ethylene oxide segment, and an amide group as well as a short alkyl chain (propyl or is
58  the selenium atom may serve as acceptor and amide groups as donors.
59 esidues (Met(38) and Ile(41)) as well as two amide groups (Asn(34) and the C-terminal amide) on one f
60 with participation of the oxygen of ester or amide group at C(1) of corresponding 2-azabuta-1,3-diene
61                           In this design, an amide group at the 3'-position of the ligand framework d
62 adical stabilizing group such as an alkyl or amide group at the C3-position of indole furnishes the 3
63 teady-state {(1)H}-(15)N NOE of the backbone amide group at three different magnetic field strengths
64 es were determined for 52 of the 65 backbone amide groups at 10 degrees C and ph 6.5 at 11.74 T.
65 nding interactions with neighboring backbone amide groups at positions i + 2/3/4 from Cys-384 and wit
66 R1 but has a clear preference for bulky aryl amide groups at R2, while methylation at R3 increased in
67           Six 2,2'-biimidazoles with various amide groups at the 4- and 4'-positions were prepared fr
68 py has higher sensitivity than does backbone amide group-based NMR spectroscopy.
69 strates where the aromatic ring trans to the amide group bears o-methyl, -chloro, or -bromo substitue
70  spatiotemporal concepts where embedding the amide group between two carboxylic moieties in proper ge
71 ted by a reciprocal exchange of aromatic and amide groups between positions 4 and 111 of Ang II and t
72 minal heterocycles of the dimer stack on the amide groups between the two heterocycles at the C-termi
73 e-reduced arginine onto sterically proximate amide group blocks one of the current mechanisms for ele
74 l histidine 95 and the adjacent glutamine 91 amide group but is not coordinated to the heme iron.
75 rates of more than one third of all backbone amide groups, but had little effect on the longitudinal
76 ently, a one pot reduction of both nitro and amide groups by BH(3)-tetrahydrofuran yielded the nonrad
77 te with H-bonding in circumstances where the amide groups can be brought into a stacking configuratio
78       The motion of water molecules close to amide groups causes their vibrational frequencies to var
79 used three complementary NMR methods, namely amide group chemical shift titrations, NOE and cross-sat
80 e of hydrogen/deuterium exchange of backbone amide groups combined with NMR.
81                       Thus, the burial of an amide group contributes more to protein stability than t
82 is extra information, 86 % of all side-chain amide groups could be oriented quite unambiguously.
83                                  Remarkably, amide groups derived from protein compounds can still be
84              With isolated protein, tertiary amide groups dictate high affinity and high stimulation
85 is stabilized by interaction with a backbone amide group dictates the R stereochemistry of the tetrah
86                                          The amide group directed ortho-metalation in the julolidine
87 t parallel to the plane of the heme with its amide group directed toward the back of the distal heme
88 Ka of the hydroxyl group indicating that the amide group does not strongly transmit the electronic in
89                         Incorporation of the amide group does, however, increase the yields of workin
90            Removing the ligands' derivatized amide group eliminated the effect of the mutations.
91 with three carbons in the side chain and one amide group exhibited a selectivity index of 35 (Ki/IC50
92 H instability, rather it is a consequence of amide groups experiencing two processes; rapid fluctuati
93 tions: (1) identification of the pyrrolidine amide group for a significant LipE improvement, and (2)
94 ire the presence of a carboxy-terminal alpha-amide group for biological activity.
95 e incorporated into the products by means of amide-group formation.
96 ond network that connects, via the inhibitor amide group fragment, two remote functionally essential
97 ding to the selective formation of a primary amide group from a chemically inert alkyl group.
98          In addition, the faster exchange of amide groups from residues at the subunit interfaces sug
99  is coordinated by three Cys residues, two N-amide groups from the protein backbone, and one OH(-).
100 tial imidization between carboxylic acid and amide groups, gave the multilayer good stability at high
101 acement of the carboxyl group of Glu46 by an amide group (Glu46Gln) has shown that changing the natur
102 en-bonding interactions between two backbone amide groups (Gly 721 and Gly 722) and the beta- and gam
103                        The readily cleavable amide group has been utilized as a directing group for t
104 ergies of unfolding of some highly protected amide groups have been determined.
105 ontaining residues (N/Q), and the C-terminal amide group in a peptide.
106 one with respect to hydration changes in the amide group in combination with cooperative interactions
107 rder to study base pairing properties of the amide group in DNA duplexes, a nucleoside analog, 1-(2'-
108                     The stabilization of the amide group in its high energy, perpendicular conformati
109 C[bond]N vibrational stretching modes of the amide group in the alpha-helix and the parallel and anti
110 hape in the 13-membered chelate in which one amide group in the chiral scaffold projects its NH unit
111          An asymmetrically positioned remote amide group in the designed chiral binaphthyl-based liga
112 electron transfer (ET) quenching by a nearby amide group in the peptide bond.
113 e adsorbed CO2/CH4 molecules and the pendant amide group in the pore.
114                  Undesired solvolysis of the amide group in the side chain of Asn or Gln leads to une
115                            Replacement of an amide group in this class of compounds with an acetyl gr
116 aragine (Asn) and glutamine (Gln) side-chain amide groups in a dataset of 100 unrelated, high-quality
117 The N-OTases catalyze the glycan transfer to amide groups in asparagines in a reaction named N-linked
118                                          The amide groups in both the minimized antitau and syntau co
119 ation of the ways side-chain carboxylate and amide groups in high-resolution protein crystal structur
120 n exposure to 2H2O (D2O), 30% of the peptide amide groups in hPLB undergo a slow deuterium/hydrogen e
121 ement of the peptide backbone's carbonyl and amide groups in hydrogen-bond stabilization of helical s
122 ctural and functional importance of backbone amide groups in ion channels for subunit folding, hydrog
123 enable the direct observation of the role of amide groups in substrate binding, representing an examp
124  The protection factors for many of backbone amide groups in the beta-domain of the T70N variant are
125 endence of the number and position of chiral amide groups in the formation of a fibrillar nanomateria
126    Conversion of the carboxylate anions into amide groups in the lower acidic cluster (residues 42 an
127 on at the phenyl, oxime, and right-hand side amide groups in the oximino-piperidino-piperidine series
128 w that two hydrogen bonds formed between the amide groups in the peptide backbone are important in ma
129  urea preferentially interacts with not only amide groups in the peptide backbone but also aliphatic
130 oward CO2 due to higher density of selective amide groups in the polymer network.
131                The hydrogen bonding with the amide groups in the side chains has to be contrasted wit
132 s measure the coupling between the different amide groups in the structure.
133  Ndelta1 atom of the His and the peptide Gln amide group indicates the His of the bound peptide in th
134 avourable conformational switch of the trans-amide group into the cis-form required for protein bindi
135                             Once an ester or amide group is introduced into the system (derivatives o
136 These values indicate that the carbon of the amide group is more stiffly bonded in DHO while the slig
137 transfer from the guanidinium group onto the amide group is not observed.
138 ay be one source of destabilization when the amide group is placed in the helix.
139 es have shown that the N-formylamino-salicyl-amide group is responsible for most of the binding speci
140 orter was the 15N-H 2D spectrum of aspartate amide groups labeled with 15N.
141 ation reaction directed by a pyrazole and an amide group leads to the well-controlled construction of
142                     The incorporation of the amide group led to an unexpected reversal in selectivity
143 d with N-alkyl substituents or replaced with amide groups led to a significant loss of activity.
144 lytic activity have shown that the glutamine amide group makes only ambiguous hydrogen-bonding intera
145  an N-heterocyclic carbene that features two amide groups N-bound to the carbene nucleus with various
146 acement of the metabolically labile N-methyl amide group of a series of benzoxazinones with small het
147 no group and the second between the backbone amide group of Arg 94 and the sugar C-5' carboxylate.
148 ctrostatically with Arg 242 and the backbone amide group of Asn 245, components of the J loop of the
149                                          The amide group of Asn(95), the first Asn of the NXN motif,
150 , this residue makes hydrogen bonds with the amide group of Asn-160, and thus, the usual metal-bindin
151                The hydrogen bond between the amide group of Asn-204 and O(4) of uracil is disrupted b
152 te was unoccupied, apparently blocked by the amide group of Asn51.
153   We postulate that the dipole formed by the amide group of asparagine 614 of the epsilon 1 subunit c
154     In the wild-type protein, the side-chain amide group of Gln 143 is about 5 A from the metal and i
155                 Unexpectedly, the main-chain amide group of Gln 230 in the universally conserved GGQ
156 [5-(15)N]-glutamine and use the (15)N of the amide group of glutamine to produce labeled uric acid.
157                    In addition, the backbone amide group of Gly 159 provides an oxyanion hole for sta
158  the iridal forming a hydrogen bond with the amide group of Gly23.
159 catalysed by a hydrogen bond to the backbone amide group of leucine 126 and the side-chain carboxyl g
160  group of the pT residue with the side-chain amide group of N86 and the guanidino group of R70, and t
161 rk between Asp338, the 2'-OH of IMP, and the amide group of NAD(+).
162  change in the protein structure, moving the amide group of residue 114 out of H-bonding distance, al
163 ol, formed a hydrogen bond with the backbone amide group of Ser(212), which is the key interaction fo
164  for specific H-bonding between Chol and the amide group of SM.
165  The formation of several acyl groups and an amide group of Taxol is catalyzed by regioselective CoA
166 vate beta-lactams by rapidly hydrolyzing the amide group of the beta-lactam ring.
167                            We found that the amide group of the glutamine side chain could provide tw
168 toms of Thr-80 and Phe-79 and the side chain amide group of the invariant Gln-78.
169 H ... O==C interchain hydrogen bonds for the amide group of the residue following Gly.
170                                          The amide group of this asparagine is buried and forms two s
171 position forming two hydrogen bonds with the amide group of Thr12 and with the carbonyl group of Leu
172                                      But the amide groups of bicyclic bridgehead lactams are highly t
173 uces relatively minor dehydration around the amide groups of dihydrosphingomyelin and a slight enhanc
174  the oxyanion hole, provided by the backbone amide groups of G141 and A98, are important for the form
175 stent with hydrogen bonds between side chain amide groups of Gln18 residues.
176                                 The backbone amide groups of Gly-165 and Gly-166 participate in hydro
177                            Both the backbone amide groups of Gly241 and Leu270, and O(gamma) of Ser47
178 ate group of GAA interacts with the backbone amide groups of L170 and T171.
179 re prepared by deprotection of the ester and amide groups of ortho-benzoxylated cyclic benzamides.
180 urface area of the Phe side chain and of the amide groups of Phe1, Gly2, and Gly3 involved in Ar-HN i
181 ium tetra(tert-butoxide) reacts with surface amide groups of polyamide nylon 6/6 to give (eta(2)-amid
182                                          The amide groups of residues in helices and sheets are those
183  The results indicate motion in the backbone amide groups of rhodopsin at time scales depending on th
184                                          The amide groups of the compound likely adsorb onto the pola
185 ricyclic structure of the parent ligand; the amide groups of the methyl-protected cage compound gener
186 cated hydrogen-bonding interactions from the amide groups of the netropsin to the A x T base pairs of
187 GGGL(172)) and forms hydrogen bonds with the amide groups of those amino acid residues, suggesting th
188 ma) of Ser 346 and the backbone carbonyl and amide groups of Val 272, Leu 232, and Gly 347.
189 237 and also hydrogen bonded to the backbone amide groups of Val-201 and Leu-202.
190 3-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-L-2,3-diaminopropionic amide group on the C-terminal end.
191                          Phenol solvates the amide groups on the ligands strongly, increasing the ste
192 oluril dimers (1-8) bearing hydrogen-bonding amide groups on their aromatic rings.
193 ss formation temperature for surface Trp and amide groups over a wide temperature excursion.
194 ridinyl group pointing toward Tyr155 and the amide group placed near a hydrophobic pocket next to Tyr
195 an amine group (K side chain) with a primary amide group (Q side chain) weakens the hydrophobic inter
196 O of the amide linkage, with rotation of the amide group relative to the aromatic ring.
197 he similarity between the orientation of the amide group relative to the bilayer interface in melted
198  to yield a new Blatter-type radical with an amide group replacing a phenyl at the C(3)-position.
199 s and the nitrogens of deprotonated backbone amide groups, resulting in either distorted T-shaped or
200    One family, Series-A, is nonionic and has amide groups separating the long chains from the trehalo
201   Changes in generalized-order parameters of amide groups show a distinct trend towards increased str
202 xation to determine the dynamics of backbone amide groups, side chain methyl groups, and tryptophan s
203                       This network formed by amide groups significantly contributes to constructing t
204 broadly similar fashion, but with the larger amide group substituent able to reach and contact the si
205                   The dramatic effect of the amide group substitution pattern on the binding affinity
206  mutants, the gain in stability from burying amide groups that are hydrogen bonded to peptide groups
207 e concerted exchange behaviour of subsets of amide groups that become accessible at a given free ener
208 forced by the intermolecular H bonding among amide groups that is evidenced by IR spectroscopy.
209  as a consequence of the additional covalent amide groups that provide a new hydrogen bonding molecul
210  be achieved with rigid compounds containing amide groups: the conformation of the amides can be cont
211 i+3 CO...H-N hydrogen bonds between backbone amide groups; these hydrogen bonds occur in 11-atom ring
212 -energy fluctuation that does not expose its amide group to exchange.
213 Its catalytic site does not utilize backbone amide groups to bind phosphate, as in the common P-loop,
214 obal transition that exposes these protected amide groups to solvent.
215 h contains a benzoxazole ring instead of the amide group was found to be a good alternative, with goo
216                             The nicotinamide amide group was found to be in a cis conformation.
217 between the solvent and Phe1, Gly2, and Gly3 amide groups was also lower in conformations with Ar-HN
218      Using this technique, several ester and amide groups were efficiently introduced on the dyes.
219 ene carbon present between the adamantyl and amide groups were essential to produce potent inhibition
220 erent polarization states for the beta-sheet amide groups were identified and linked to the overall c
221                    Protection factors for 58 amide groups were measured across the pH range and the h
222 pendent changes in the chemical shifts of 22 amide groups were observed in (1)H-(15)N HSQC NMR spectr
223                       Macrocycles containing amide groups were self-assembled in a columnar fashion t
224 nds 10 and 11, which contain a P2'-P3' retro amide group, were modest competitive inhibitors of a ser
225              A significant part (23%) of the amide groups which are buried in pG become exposed to th
226 portant catalytic role for a P-loop backbone amide group, which is eliminated in the A30P mutant, and
227 ned to explore the importance of the P1'-P2' amide group, which is known to form highly conserved hyd
228      Our approach employs a simple N-methoxy amide group, which serves as both a directing group and
229                           Replacement of the amide group with a carbamate one led to different stereo
230 ation is the irreversible substitution of an amide group with a carboxylate group.
231                           Replacement of the amide group with a methylene-oxime moiety produced compo
232    Previous studies have shown that backbone amide groups within the trypsin-binding region of the wi

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