


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sh and the first hepadnavirus genome from an amphibian.
2 tal model Xenopus laevis, a pseudotetraploid amphibian.
3 er threatened species, especially threatened amphibians.
4 onflying mammals, bats, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.
5 tion vary across defensive traits throughout amphibians.
6 ossils ranging from feathers, to mammals, to amphibians.
7 mportant in globally threatened taxa such as amphibians.
8 for mammals; and decreasing for reptiles and amphibians.
9 threats to Madagascar's unique "megadiverse" amphibians.
10 origins of fin mesenchyme and tail muscle in amphibians.
11 nd birds with only a few studies focusing on amphibians.
12 s implicated in the recent global decline of amphibians.
13 xa, including bats, corals, bees, snakes and amphibians.
14 at evolved after anurans diverged from other amphibians.
15 cted the evolutionary history (framework) of amphibians.
16 l crest streams to the osteocranium in these amphibians.
17 insic part of the developmental programme in amphibians.
18 une function and energy allocation in larval amphibians.
19 ly different impact on memory in mammals and amphibians.
20  matching the sensitivity of night vision in amphibians.
21 smallest distribution ranges of any European amphibian (8 km(2)) and is considered critically endange
22 port on sublethal end points for azo dyes in amphibians, a growing environmental pollutant of concern
23         Widespread observations of malformed amphibians across North America have generated both conc
24 nism of weak TCDD binding is shared by other amphibian AHRs.
25 aluates the association between stressor and amphibian, all else equal.
26          Here we report 36 lineages of basal amphibian and fish foamy-like endogenous retroviruses (F
27                                     Although amphibian and fish models of heart regeneration have exi
28  factors produced by B. dendrobatidis impair amphibian and mammalian lymphocytes in vitro, but previo
29 e assess the climatological affinities of 33 amphibian and reptile species, showing that across both
30 sian method to estimate the number of recent amphibian and squamate extinctions in nine important tro
31 ns 24% of interspecific variation in ASRs in amphibians and 36% in reptiles.
32 ctinopterygian fishes that resemble those of amphibians and amniotes.
33 al glia in species phylogenetically bridging amphibians and birds.
34 er a practical way to protect pathogen-naive amphibians and facilitate the reintroduction of amphibia
35    Regeneration of a lost appendage in adult amphibians and fish is a remarkable feat of developmenta
36         Embryonic polarity of invertebrates, amphibians and fish is specified largely by maternal det
37 cription of the process applies with ease to amphibians and fish, it is more difficult to confirm in
38 ulate Ca(2+) homeostasis in birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes, but whether mammalian C cell deve
39 e an unprecedented source of pigmentation in amphibians and highlight the potential relevance of fluo
40  increase in the abundance of small mammals, amphibians and insectivorous birds in logged relative to
41 t in species classifications (12% and 5% for amphibians and mammals, respectively, translating to doz
42 ange of susceptible species including birds, amphibians and mammals.
43 dividually for two example taxa, terrestrial amphibians and mammals.
44 respond to light much like rods and cones in amphibians and mammals.
45 urfold, leading to decreased overlap between amphibians and parasites.
46 e is broad concern that a mass extinction of amphibians and reptiles is now underway.
47 abited by a unique community of temnospondyl amphibians and reptiles that considerably expand the kno
48 urrence records from 745 species of Malagasy amphibians and reptiles.
49 ildlife conservation, including sea turtles, amphibians and Tasmanian devils.
50 racterizes coevolutionary arms races between amphibians and their snake predators around the world, a
51 parasite system involving freshwater snails, amphibians and trematode parasites, we conducted a year-
52                                 Using larval amphibians and two amphibian parasites (ranaviruses and
53 n proven to be essential for NC migration in amphibians and zebrafish by controlling cell polarity in
54 lls generate coloration in numerous reptile, amphibian, and fish taxa today [18].
55  SC has five domains (D1-D5), whereas avian, amphibian, and reptilian SC lack the D2 domain, and fish
56 on reptile eyes to the CMZ and glia of fish, amphibians, and birds.
57 ve been well described for the eyes of fish, amphibians, and birds.
58  appear to be most similar to those of fish, amphibians, and birds.
59 ase genes are present in numerous fishes and amphibians, and chitin is localized in situ to the lumen
60 rse extant groups within mammals, squamates, amphibians, and dinosaurs.
61  However, nonmammalian animals (e.g., birds, amphibians, and fish) regenerate damaged hair cells.
62 for >4500 species of terrestrial mammals and amphibians, and found that genetic diversity is 27% high
63                                   In humans, amphibians, and fungi, CENP-A is deposited at centromere
64  that the species richness of invertebrates, amphibians, and mammals decreases as logging intensity i
65 e for the regenerative capacity of teleosts, amphibians, and reptiles have fallen into disuse in mamm
66   Globin X (GbX) is a protein found in fish, amphibians, and reptiles that diverged from a common anc
67  (birds and mammals) and ectotherms (fishes, amphibians, and reptiles).
68 pecies area relationship for mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles.
69 of CARTp has been characterized in teleosts, amphibians, and several mammalian species, but comparati
70  widely distributed in the brain of mammals, amphibians, and teleosts, but the relevant information i
71 the respective roles of the IFN mediators in amphibian antiviral defenses.
72               However, little is known about amphibian antiviral immunity and, specifically, type I i
73 leading model for studies of immunity to RV, amphibian antiviral interferon (IFN) responses remain la
74 gest that increased observations of abnormal amphibians are associated with both parasite infection a
75 gent need to build mitigation capacity where amphibians are at risk from chytridiomycosis.
76  be generalized to other organisms, fish and amphibians are attractive models for the evaluation of t
77                                              Amphibians are hypothesized to be particularly sensitive
78                                              Amphibians are one of the most threatened animal groups,
79                           Both stressors and amphibians are rare, occurring in ~10% of potential habi
80                                              Amphibians are suffering unprecedented global declines.
81                                    Moreover, amphibians are the most basal phylogenetic class of vert
82                 We used ranavirus and larval amphibians as a model system to investigate how physiolo
83                          Here we show, using amphibians as the first, to our knowledge, large-scale e
84 f co-occurrence of these two pathogens in an amphibian assemblage in Serra da Estrela (Portugal).
85 ing the divergent impacts of Bd infection in amphibian assemblages and contribute to our understandin
86 y developmental stages are ideal targets for amphibian bacterial therapy that can govern a microbiome
87  tested the dilution effect hypothesis in an amphibian-Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) system and
88 cts of early sublethal pesticide exposure on amphibian Bd sensitivity and infection load at later lif
89               Aquatic chytrid fungi threaten amphibian biodiversity worldwide owing to their ability
90  chimeric animals formed from invertebrates, amphibians, birds, and mammals have provided many fundam
91 ing 12 primer pairs targeting mammals, fish, amphibians, birds, bryophytes, arthropods, copepods, pla
92 tiveness as surrogates for 23,110 species of amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles and 867 terrestr
93 areas with high cumulative impact scores for amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles will be concent
94 rs was unrelated to metacercarial burdens in amphibians, but the diversity of non-IG predators was ne
95  ondatrae were more likely to have malformed amphibians, but these effects were strongest when pestic
96  considered a gastrulation process unique to amphibians, but we show that at the cell level, endoderm
97 n plants and occurs in some animals, such as amphibians, but will not be discussed further here.
98 (157 mammals, 165 birds, 17 reptiles and 502 amphibians) by calculating a conservation opportunity in
99 cruitment of giant fiber neurons in fish and amphibians called Mauthner cells.
100    Here we demonstrate that three species of amphibians can acquire behavioural or immunological resi
101                   These results suggest that amphibians can acquire immunity to B. dendrobatidis that
102             As in mammals, teleost fish, and amphibians, CARTp-ir terminals and cells were abundant i
103 ife, but it remains an open question whether amphibian chemical defense phenotypes are inducible.
104      Collectively, our results indicate that amphibian chemical defenses are not fixed.
105 nited States to screen their animals for two amphibian chytrid fungal pathogens Batrachochytrium dend
106 ences (e.g. resistance and tolerance) of the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
107 fication of SWEET hexose transporters in the amphibian chytrid pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidi
108 he mechanisms behind the global emergence of amphibian chytridiomycosis [3], the origin of another re
109                                              Amphibian chytridiomycosis has caused precipitous declin
110 Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd, cause of amphibian chytridiomycosis) between wild-caught Litoria
111                                              Amphibian chytridiomycosis, an emerging infectious disea
112 me, highlighting that, as is widely found in amphibians, commensal bacteria confer protection against
113                                     Although amphibian communication sounds are often complex consist
114 NeuroD1 in chick partially recapitulates the amphibian condition by suppressing transit amplification
115 less exposed to Bd in nature; instead future amphibian conservation plans should include efforts to s
116 ecies of plants, fishes, molluscs, odonates, amphibians, crayfish and turtles alongside key features
117 rging infectious disease linked to worldwide amphibian declines and extinctions.
118 ht and generality about the reversibility of amphibian declines at a global scale.
119  These findings may help explain patterns of amphibian declines driven by a global wildlife pandemic.
120                                              Amphibian declines have been linked to numerous factors,
121  potential role of this emerging pathogen in amphibian declines on a broad geographic scale warrants
122  The pervasive and unabated nature of global amphibian declines suggests common demographic responses
123                                        Since amphibian declines were first proposed as a global pheno
124 tidis (Bd), has been a significant driver of amphibian declines.
125 limbs throughout its lifespan, whereas other amphibians deteriorate or lose their ability to regenera
126 tructures during defined time windows during amphibian development.
127                     A recent study of larval amphibians discovered that increased tolerance can be in
128                 The contribution of emerging amphibian diseases to the sixth mass extinction is drivi
129 mate the threat that this infection poses to amphibian diversity.
130 ntain the second dCK, while birds, fish, and amphibians do retain it.
131  cleavage patterns in the embryos of fishes, amphibians, echinoderms, and ascidians, as well as the g
132 ggest that asters observed in large fish and amphibian eggs are a meshwork of short, unstable microtu
133                    Blastopore closure in the amphibian embryo involves large scale tissue reorganizat
134 n, provides a model with all the benefits of amphibian embryology but crucially only a single Mix and
135                Recent studies using bird and amphibian embryos suggest an earlier origin of NC, indep
136 ellular fluids occurs in mammalian, fish and amphibian embryos.
137 ann organizer that sets up embryonic axes in amphibian embryos.
138 ajectories for range-restricted reptiles and amphibians endemic to the United States.
139                                        Using amphibian epiboly, the thinning and spreading of the ani
140                                 Teleosts and amphibians exhibit retinomotor movements, morphological
141         In our global mammal and continental amphibian extinction risk case studies, omitting threats
142  prevalence is generalisable across multiple amphibian families and spatial scales, and the magnitude
143 n the isolated sphincter muscle [3-5], as in amphibians, fish, and bird [6-10].
144 decoupled, as often occurs in invertebrates, amphibians, fish, reptiles and plants.
145 o-speciation pattern with their hosts, while amphibian FLERVs might not.
146                    Female insects and anuran amphibians, for instance, use acoustic cues to localize,
147 tion debt of more than 140 bird, mammal, and amphibian forest-specific species, which if paid, would
148                   Here, we report on a small amphibian from the Upper Triassic of Colorado, United St
149             Here, we screened more than 5000 amphibians from across four continents and combined expe
150                                       During amphibian gastrulation, presumptive endoderm is internal
151         Surprisingly, both extant and fossil amphibians generally exhibit melanosomes with a mixed eu
152 of the host genome, and sections of fish and amphibian genomes are derived from epsilon-like retrovir
153 ute exposure to corticosterone, the dominant amphibian glucocorticoid hormone, mediates development a
154                       However, unlike in the amphibian, granule cells fail to enter the EGL.
155  the skin to use as antipredator mechanisms, amphibians have been considered poisonous rather than ve
156                                  Xenopodinae amphibians have highly expanded repertoires of antiviral
157                                     Although amphibians have well-developed immune defenses, clearanc
158           We obtained and analyzed the first amphibian HBV genome, as well as several prototype fish
159 teria might have lasting positive effects on amphibian health.
160 vidence points to a key role of monocytes in amphibian host defenses, monocytes are also thought to b
161 te the degree of parasite aggregation within amphibian host populations followed by a novel experimen
162 esocosm experiment consisting of four larval amphibian hosts [gray treefrogs, American toads (Anaxyru
163  causing mass mortality in multiple, diverse amphibian hosts in northern Spain, as well as a third, r
164              Using symbiont communities from amphibian hosts sampled from wetlands of California, USA
165 asite diversity, we combined surveys of 8100 amphibian hosts with an outdoor experiment that tested t
166 iving chytrid fungi to adapt to and colonize amphibian hosts.
167 ectors/hosts for zoonotic pathogens, and the amphibian IFN system provides a model to study IFN evolu
168               We identified these intronless amphibian IFNs and their intron-containing progenitors,
169                                              Amphibian IFNs represent a molecular complex more compli
170 fective than previous methods to investigate amphibian immune competence, particularly in nonmodel sp
171 , making them of interest to test effects on amphibian immune function.
172 pproach with two case studies involving rare amphibians in Yosemite National Park, USA.
173                    We report fluorescence in amphibians, in the tree frog Hypsiboas punctatus, showin
174 ve ability for adult regeneration as urodele amphibians, including 1 of the more popular models: the
175 ders and a diversity of extinct temnospondyl amphibians, including stereospondyls.
176 ppearance of a large fraction of the Earth's amphibians inevitable, or are some declining species mor
177 e risk of infection and infectious burden of amphibians infected by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytri
178                  As a result, warming halved amphibian infection loads and reduced pathology by 67%,
179 e change, yet evidence in globally imperiled amphibians is lacking.
180                          The newt, a urodele amphibian, is able to repeatedly regenerate its limbs th
181 e cell lineage to another occurs in fish and amphibians, it has not been observed in mammals.
182                               Smaller-bodied amphibians, larger reptiles and medium-sized non-volant
183              Changes in social preference of amphibian larvae result from sustained exposure to kinsh
184 hibians, suggesting that O-MALT evolved from amphibian LAs approximately 250 million years ago.
185 m species such as teleost fish and urodelian amphibians leading to the hypothesis that cardiac myocyt
186 the MRL mouse strain as a mammalian model of amphibian-like regeneration.
187 yn inhibit the survival and proliferation of amphibian lymphocytes and the Jurkat human T cell leukem
188                                     Notably, amphibian macrophages (Mphis) are important to both the
189 plicated in neuronal cell proliferation, and amphibians maintain relatively high neuronal proliferati
190  based on the largest systematic sampling of amphibian malformations, suggest that increased observat
191 f these cells resemble glomus cells found in amphibians, mammals, tortoises, and lizards.
192 pecies' adaptive responses, declines of some amphibians may be partially reversible, at least at a re
193 re is a key variable affecting the timing of amphibian metamorphosis from tadpoles to tetrapods, thro
194 been studying thyroid hormone (T3)-dependent amphibian metamorphosis in two highly related species, t
195                                              Amphibian metamorphosis is strikingly similar to postemb
196                           This study uses an amphibian model to investigate at the cellular level the
197                                     Using an amphibian model, this study investigates whether differe
198           However, the mechanisms underlying amphibian Mphi Fv3 susceptibility and resistance remain
199 ys leading to Fv3-susceptible and -resistant amphibian Mphi populations and defines the molecular mec
200  data reveal an essential role for n1-src in amphibian neural development and suggest that alternativ
201                                              Amphibian neural development occurs as a two-step proces
202                             We first predict amphibian occupancy with a statistical model that includ
203 as present in various groups of temnospondyl amphibians of the Carboniferous and Permian periods, inc
204                                          The amphibian olfactory system undergoes massive remodeling
205                          Nuclear transfer to amphibian oocytes provides a special opportunity to test
206 We show here that, after nuclear transfer to amphibian oocytes, mitotic chromatin is reprogrammed up
207                                           In amphibian oocytes, TPC3 forms a channel similar to chann
208 arkness is nearly the same in lamprey and in amphibian or mammalian rods and cones; moreover backgrou
209 res) isolated from early stage invertebrate, amphibian, or fish embryos are ideal model systems for t
210  inner-ear organs in anuran amphibians - the amphibian papilla and sacculus, both detectors of weak e
211                                       In the amphibian papillia, sound frequencies up to 1 kHz are en
212                                          The amphibian parasite Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) i
213              Using larval amphibians and two amphibian parasites (ranaviruses and the trematode Echin
214                                    Using the amphibian pathogen frog virus 3 (FV3) in combination wit
215 ian skin bacteria inhibit growth of a fungal amphibian pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd),
216 oir increased the ability of Bd to invade an amphibian population and the extinction risk of that pop
217 um dendrobatidis (Bd) has been implicated in amphibian population declines globally.
218 utants and disease are factors implicated in amphibian population declines, and it is hypothesized th
219  are significantly contributing to worldwide amphibian population declines.
220 tment) using 31 datasets from temperate zone amphibian populations (North America and Europe) with mo
221                     While we find that local amphibian populations are being lost from metapopulation
222                                    Worldwide amphibian populations are declining due to habitat loss,
223 nce suggests that suburban landscapes harbor amphibian populations exhibiting similar levels of endoc
224                               The decline of amphibian populations, particularly frogs, is often cite
225 recently been introduced into naive European amphibian populations, where it is currently causing bio
226 oviridae) are posing an increasing threat to amphibian populations, with anuran tadpoles being partic
227  and structure, posing a grave threat to all amphibian populations.
228 ant contributors to the worldwide decline of amphibian populations.
229 through coevolutionary arms races with toxic amphibian prey, which select for TTX-resistant voltage-g
230 tes to the physiological degeneration of the amphibian pronephros and to the development of the cemen
231              Europe's obligate cave-dwelling amphibian Proteus anguinus inhabits subterranean waters
232                       The axolotl, a urodele amphibian, provides a model with all the benefits of amp
233 ughout Yosemite, providing a rare example of amphibian recovery at an ecologically relevant spatial s
234 can enter the environment and alter fish and amphibian reproductive health.
235    This camouflage is particularly common in amphibians, reptiles and lepidopterans.
236                                   Yet, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds readily replace HCs and
237 t the analogous pathways are also present in amphibians, reptiles, and birds.
238       Bimodal relationships were evident for amphibians, reptiles, and bony fishes.
239 tassium-pump (Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase) in insects, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.
240                                     Found in amphibians, reptiles, birds, and all three mammalian cla
241 as identified 920 species of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, conifers and reef-building corals
242 ls in the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) of the amphibian retina, a well-characterised neurogenic niche.
243 n is limited to the skin in post-metamorphic amphibians, routine skin sloughing may regulate infectio
244                                              Amphibians seem to be particularly sensitive to emerging
245 eover, research has suggested a link between amphibian sensitivity to Bd and pesticide exposure.
246 osporic fungus that causes global decline in amphibians, showed glucose and fructose transport activi
247 ansion of intronless IFN genes is evident in amphibians, shown by 24-37 intronless IFN genes in each
248                                         Some amphibian skin bacteria inhibit growth of a fungal amphi
249 nstrates that Bd infection causes changes to amphibian skin bacterial communities, whereas the labora
250 lts suggest that the dominant members of the amphibian skin bacterial community may be functionally i
251                                          The amphibian skin microbiome is recognized for its role in
252      This study documented the effects of an amphibian skin pathogen of global conservation concern [
253 educe the number of cultivatable microbes on amphibian skin, and Bd infection increases skin sloughin
254  hosts, as revealed by the global decline of amphibian species from the chytrid fungus.
255 s to safeguard hundreds of direct-developing amphibian species globally.
256 es (100% of reptile, 99% of fish, and 92% of amphibian species had barcodes).
257 formance of the method by applying it to all amphibian species in the world (c. 6,100 species), all v
258  mug Se/g egg d.m., which suggests that this amphibian species is less sensitive to in ovo Se exposur
259                                Although most amphibian species produce or sequester noxious or toxic
260 laboratory experiments and field patterns of amphibian species richness, host identity and Bd prevale
261  combination of models and experiments on an amphibian species suffering extirpations from the fungal
262 lyzed our data and those available for other amphibian species to build a matrix on NADPH-d brain dis
263 ent susceptibility of cold- and warm-adapted amphibian species to the fungal pathogen Batrachochytriu
264 hese patterns were generalizable to multiple amphibian species under more natural conditions.
265 is (Bd) is linked to declines of hundreds of amphibian species with aquatic larvae.
266 boratory experiments, we exposed wild-caught amphibian species with terrestrial and aquatic life hist
267 roparasite replication rates across multiple amphibian species, possibly through cross-reactive immun
268  known wildlife pandemic, infecting over 500 amphibian species.
269 ssessments of environmental contaminants for amphibian species.
270 in survival and reproductive success in most amphibian species.
271 ial isolates collected from the skin of four amphibian species: bullfrogs, Eastern newts, spring peep
272 tes (LAs) were found in the mucosa of anuran amphibians, suggesting that O-MALT evolved from amphibia
273  in "cold-blooded" animals, such as fish and amphibians, suggesting that the naked mole-rat is a powe
274 mparisons between the representative mammal, amphibian, teleost fish, and basal vertebrate indicate t
275 w-frequency-tuned inner-ear organs in anuran amphibians - the amphibian papilla and sacculus, both de
276  aim of this study was to examine whether an amphibian, the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra),
277 mammalian respiratory sinus arrhythmia in an amphibian, the toad Rhinella schneideri.
278 species that is emblematic of many declining amphibians, the endangered Sierra Nevada yellow-legged f
279                                              Amphibians, therefore, may serve as overlooked vectors/h
280 d to previous protocols for PHA injection in amphibians, this method induced up to 20-fold greater in
281 e biochemical constituents of the respective amphibian tissues due to varying water quality in urban
282 d threatened terrestrial birds, mammals, and amphibians to assess current and possible future coverag
283  have significance for the susceptibility of amphibians to environmental change, and relevance for wh
284 hibians and facilitate the reintroduction of amphibians to locations in the wild where B. dendrobatid
285 ained remarkably constant in physiology from amphibians to man.
286   It further emphasizes the alarming rate of amphibian translocations, both at global and local scale
287  indicate a critical protective role for the amphibian type I IFN response during ranaviral infection
288                                       Anuran amphibians undergo major morphological transitions durin
289 obatidis by demonstrating infection of a non-amphibian vertebrate host, the zebrafish.
290 ndle can resemble those of a bundle from the amphibian vestibular system, the reptilian auditory syst
291 ance as a consequence of drastic declines in amphibians, where the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobati
292 particular issue for long-term monitoring of amphibians which often display low detectability and wid
293 ntal modulation of sexual differentiation in amphibians, which are assumed to only have genetic sex d
294                   In particular, mammals and amphibians would suffer a halving of species richness at
295                                          The amphibian Xenopus laevis and Frog Virus 3 (FV3) were est
296                                          The amphibian Xenopus laevis is extensively utilized as an i
297 nscriptionally and functionally compared the amphibian Xenopus laevis type I (IFN) and III (IFN-lambd
298 classical MHC class Ib molecule XNC10 in the amphibian Xenopus laevis.
299 le of n1-src in the early development of the amphibian Xenopus tropicalis, and found that n1-src expr
300                                 Pertinently, amphibian (Xenopus laevis) Mphis differentiated by CSF-1

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