


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 alidated to ensure gene-specificity and high amplification efficiency.
2  as an miRNA analysis method because of high amplification efficiency.
3 er enzyme concentrations to achieve the same amplification efficiency.
4 ir product were performed in 23 min with 78% amplification efficiency.
5 NA or RNA amplification without decreases in amplification efficiency.
6  MS2) were included to ensure extraction and amplification efficiency.
7 of targeted DNA after 50 cycles with average amplification efficiency 1.34 per cycle, and demonstrate
8 uding cycle numbers and relative measures of amplification efficiency and curve shape.
9 action to conditions of arbitrarily variable amplification efficiency and initial population size.
10 that of the excess primer (TmX) affects both amplification efficiency and specificity during the expo
11 ntrol in the reaction mixture to monitor the amplification efficiency and the presence of inhibitors.
12 g which indicate that differences in initial amplification efficiency and the rate of decay of amplif
13 The analytical sensitivity, reproducibility, amplification efficiency, and dynamic range of the assay
14 e biases due to GC content, exon capture and amplification efficiency, and latent systemic artifacts.
15 high internal sequence similarity, identical amplification efficiencies are preserved throughout the
16 at has the same primer binding sites and PCR amplification efficiency as c-myc.
17 tandard the use of DPCR in tandem with a PCR amplification efficiency assay provides a powerful appro
18    As this technique improves the balance of amplification efficiencies between GC-rich target sequen
19  number problematic because of variations in amplification efficiencies between the sequence targets
20                    We have also improved the amplification efficiency by including the single-strand
21                                          The amplification efficiency determined by analyzing seriall
22 fication efficiency and the rate of decay of amplification efficiency during the reaction can rapidly
23            Cycle-to-cycle variability in the amplification efficiency E produces scale dispersion sim
24 estimating the quantification cycle (Cq) and amplification efficiency (E) for a large test data set (
25 estimating the quantification cycle (Cq) and amplification efficiency (E) from least-squares fits of
26 et volume uncertainty and variability in the amplification efficiency (E) likely account for most of
27 essential for quantitative prediction of DNA amplification efficiency for arbitrary sequences and ope
28                                  The reduced amplification efficiency for targets similar to HIV subt
29                           By calculating the amplification efficiency from the samples under analysis
30  their real-time PCR limits of detection and amplification efficiencies, (ii) by determining their ab
31                             It is shown that amplification efficiency is affected by dynamic processe
32 ibitors, and more accurate quantitation when amplification efficiency is low, make dPCR the assay of
33                                          The amplification efficiency is moderate with high fidelity,
34 mismatch discrimination (8- to 20-fold), and amplification efficiency is reduced when T and especiall
35 ute quantification of transcripts is similar amplification efficiencies of all external standards and
36                             We evaluated the amplification efficiencies of both PCR assays and also c
37                                          The amplification efficiencies of several polymerase chain r
38 eliminates the errors arising from different amplification efficiencies of the co-amplified sequences
39 MB-231 and MCF-7 cell lines, achieving a DNA amplification efficiency of 70% with methylation pattern
40  minimal inhibitory dilution of 1/640 and an amplification efficiency of 72.7%.
41          The PCR system exhibited remarkable amplification efficiency of 94.7%.
42 served a concentration-dependent decrease in amplification efficiency of a 4.3 kb mitochondrial (mt)D
43                     We detected no change in amplification efficiency of a plasmid control containing
44                   This protocol improves the amplification efficiency of antibody variable genes and
45 we apply a simple algorithm to calculate the amplification efficiency of every sample from its amplif
46 y of Taq pol and are useful in enhancing the amplification efficiency of low copy number targets by t
47                                   The signal amplification efficiency of LPHN-CHDC is demonstrated in
48 000:1, which could be attributed to the high amplification efficiency of Phi29, the high binding capa
49                            The unprecedented amplification efficiency of PMCA leads to a several bill
50                                          The amplification efficiency of the PLP was 98.7% within a 0
51  of the real-time PCR limit of detection and amplification efficiency of the Riviere and Qvarnstrom a
52 "quasar"), does not significantly reduce the amplification efficiency or sensitivity of RT-LAMP.
53 onventional signaling strategies in its high amplification efficiency, robustness, and biocompatibili
54 ibition also explains wrongfully derived PCR amplification efficiencies, sometimes more than 100%, wh
55 extrinsic controls to monitor extraction and amplification efficiency (the bacteriophage MS2 and phoc
56 s of the target DNAs did affect the relative amplification efficiencies, the effect was limited and d
57  problems that encompass diverse topics from amplification efficiency to bioinformatics.
58 s and samples meet the assumption of similar amplification efficiencies underlying absolute quantific
59                                          The amplification efficiency was 80%, and the gel separation
60 E of DNA from a dilute cell lysate, the qPCR amplification efficiency was determined to be 100.3%, de
61 ths, easier designing of probes with uniform amplification efficiency was possible.
62 ed; and while regional differences in global amplification efficiency were seen by using comparative
63 products from the reactions with the highest amplification efficiency were sequenced.Analogs allowing
64       The three convertides with the highest amplification efficiency were used to convert sequences
65                  Because it does not rely on amplification efficiency, which can be affected by seque

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