


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 se of the multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification method.
2 HO2, CH3O2, C2H5O2, etc.) using the chemical amplification method.
3  of 89 HCC samples using a ligation-mediated amplification method.
4 gle glans specimen confirmed by an alternate amplification method.
5 el strain-specific polymerase chain reaction amplification method.
6 ied version of the protein-misfolding cyclic amplification method.
7  overcome with a high fidelity antisense RNA amplification method.
8  to most other reported isothermal norovirus amplification methods.
9 uences identified by cDNA selection and exon amplification methods.
10 hibit poor sensitivity compared to molecular amplification methods.
11 ons, with a focus on isothermal nucleic acid amplification methods.
12  radioactive labelling assays or error-prone amplification methods.
13 thermal and temperature-cycling nucleic acid amplification methods.
14 uch as choice of adapters/primers and sample amplification methods.
15 rget amplifications provided by nucleic acid amplification methods.
16 creening of multiple STDs by using molecular amplification methods.
17                                       Target amplification methods allow postamplification analysis u
18 immunofluorescence using the tyramide signal amplification method and a novel, amino terminally-direc
19 se transcription using a modified SMART cDNA amplification method and cleavage-specific PCR analysis.
20 U pathogens were detected using nucleic acid amplification methods, and DNA sequencing was used to de
21 pocampal neurons using three single-cell DNA amplification methods, and sequenced them at shallow dep
22                                   Isothermal amplification methods are diverse, but all have been dev
23                      Molecular biology-based amplification methods are significantly more sensitive t
24            Here we review current isothermal amplification methods as classified by their enzymatic m
25                A versatile and strong signal amplification method based on activities of a DNA polyme
26      In addition, when coupled with a signal amplification method based on nanoparticle-promoted redu
27 fication (SDA) is an isothermal nucleic acid amplification method based on the primer-directed nickin
28 fication (HDA) is an isothermal in vitro DNA amplification method based upon the coordinated actions
29  Here we present a selective oligonucleotide amplification method, based on three rounds of rolling-c
30 timized here for 454 sequencing, this linker amplification method can be used to prepare metagenomics
31                       Real-time nucleic acid amplification methods can be extremely useful for the id
32           Our results show that nucleic acid amplification methods can serve to detect C. trachomatis
33 on phase invasive cleavage assay is a signal amplification method capable of distinguishing nucleic a
34                             For nucleic acid amplification methods, controlled DNA denaturation and r
35 r these 12 samples by a sequence-independent amplification method coupled with next-generation sequen
36                  The doubly templated double-amplification method demonstrates a new approach to dete
37 A sequences that combines a novel isothermal amplification method (EXPAR) with visual, colorimetric r
38                                     Although amplification methods facilitate single-cell genomics an
39 cle Amplification (RCA) was used as a signal amplification method for both protein and nucleic acid d
40 rovides a consistent and reproducible signal amplification method for cDNA microarray analysis, acros
41 esonance energy transfer (FRET)-based signal amplification method for detecting RNA in both total RNA
42                     A transcription-mediated amplification method for detection and quantitation of d
43  amplification was found to be an attractive amplification method for detection of low spore concentr
44 eviously proven useful as a transduction and amplification method for nucleic acid detection.
45                                   Isothermal amplification methods for detection of DNA and RNA targe
46 nces occasionally serve as an alternative to amplification methods for gene expression studies.
47                            In the absence of amplification methods for proteins, the immune-detection
48  of the three major single cell whole genome amplification methods (GenomePlex WGA4, MDA and MALBAC)
49                          Recently, molecular amplification methods have been developed in the form of
50                                          RNA amplification methods have been used to facilitate makin
51 /R, combines a rapid isothermal nucleic acid amplification method, helicase-dependent amplification (
52 recent advances in integration of isothermal amplification methods in microfluidic devices.
53 R and greatly simplify the implementation of amplification methods in point-of-care diagnostic device
54                               Our isothermal amplification method is based on a template walking mech
55                   The recombinase polymerase amplification method is modified slightly to use tailed
56   This RNA transcription-based, dual element amplification method is used to detect ssDNA down to a c
57 gnosis, rapid antigen tests and nucleic acid amplification methods may also play a useful role in det
58 m an Asian male by using the newly developed amplification method-multiple annealing and looping-base
59                     Here, we report on a new amplification method-multiple annealing and looping-base
60 rganon Teknika's nucleic acid sequence-based amplification method (NASBA) and Roche's Amplicor HIV-1
61                      Isothermal nucleic acid amplification methods offer significant advantages over
62 ach with those of more-conventional bulk PCR amplification methods performed on the same patient samp
63     Finally, we described a novel isothermal amplification method, ramification extension amplificati
64 nds the performance of a direct nucleic acid amplification method, regardless of smear results, on sp
65                         Our optimized linker amplification method requires as little as 1 pg of DNA a
66 ve enterovirus serotypes were used to assess amplification methods, RNA extraction methods, and react
67                               Sequence-based amplification methods showed that SK&F 98625 inhibited T
68 tly reported a novel isothermal nucleic acid amplification method, Strand Invasion-Based Amplificatio
69                                 Nucleic acid amplification methods such as the PCR have had a major i
70 will enable larger reaction volumes, digital amplification methods such as those evaluated in this st
71         Often, a more sensitive nucleic acid amplification method, such as PCR, is required for rapid
72                                 In vitro DNA amplification methods, such as polymerase chain reaction
73 le describes a simple and inexpensive signal amplification method, termed polymeric enzyme detection
74 of DNA is a powerful isothermal nucleic acid amplification method that can generate upward of 10(9) c
75      The invasive cleavage assay is a signal amplification method that enables the analysis of SNPs b
76 bes a novel helicase-mediated isothermal DNA amplification method that exponentially amplifies circul
77 tic hairpin assembly (CHA) is an enzyme-free amplification method that has previously proven useful i
78 crapie-infected hamsters using a biochemical amplification method that is conceptually analogous to t
79 ection (LCM) of cancer cells, a whole genome amplification method that maintains locus and allele bal
80 w using a modified bisulfite deamination/PCR amplification method that the distal myoD enhancer is co
81                    A novel surface enzymatic amplification method that utilizes RNA microarrays in co
82 AT-positive result confirmed by an alternate amplification method (the Aptima C. trachomatis or N. go
83 A through a nonenzymatic nanomaterials-based amplification method, the bio bar code assay, is reporte
84 mples, we used a novel linear rolling-circle amplification method to amplify episomal AAV DNA and iso
85 o29 polymerase-based isothermal whole genome amplification method to amplify LCM DNA using a proteina
86 o this end, we used a selective whole-genome amplification method to amplify parasite genomes from bl
87 orovirus, and is the fastest human norovirus amplification method to date.
88 ork, we applied the nanocrystal-based signal amplification method to tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin
89                         Current nucleic acid amplification methods to detect Mycobacterium tuberculos
90                                  We used DNA-amplification methods to identify the HLA-A, B, and C al
91 also evaluate the use of the tyramide signal amplification method (TSA), which allows the use of smal
92 es that are detected by the IVT-based target amplification method used to discover the genes.
93 l polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based gene amplification method utilizing a circularizable oligodeo
94                           A short primer PCR amplification method was employed to amplify fragments f
95 of the antibody-based recognition and enzyme amplification method was evaluated.
96                   A sequence-independent PCR amplification method was used to identify viral nucleic
97 Nase-sequence-independent viral nucleic acid amplification method, we identified several nucleotide s
98 Using this enzyme-free and isothermal signal amplification method, we were able to detect target DNA
99                They include real-time target amplification methods, which have been standardized and
100 y combining this high temperature isothermal amplification method with a thermostable invertase, we c
101 ification (RPA), which is a rapid isothermal amplification method with high specificity.
102 ng circle amplification (RCA) is a molecular amplification method with the unique property of product
103 pared commercially available single-cell RNA amplification methods with both microliter and nanoliter

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