


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  added by amplifiers following the Josephson amplifier).
2 ve field generated by a Josephson parametric amplifier.
3 ent which is amplified by a transconductance amplifier.
4 for the outer hair cells' role as a cochlear amplifier.
5 have identified deubiquitination as a signal amplifier.
6 ction synergistically to create the cochlear amplifier.
7  hearing is an epiphenomenon of the cochlear amplifier.
8  efficiency for in vivo gain of the cochlear amplifier.
9  end which is based on an optical parametric amplifier.
10 further mechanistic analysis of the cochlear amplifier.
11 central components of the mammalian cochlear amplifier.
12 ected by a monolithic photodiode-operational amplifier.
13 mple is analyzed using channels of a lock-in amplifier.
14 using a low-noise potentiostat and a lock-in amplifier.
15 mouse intimated that somatic motility is the amplifier.
16 ustment for the ubiquitous stereocilia-based amplifier.
17 s the operating point of a stereocilia-based amplifier.
18 n active process referred to as the cochlear amplifier.
19 aque, IFN-alpha functions as an inflammatory amplifier.
20 s as a transcriptional and behavioral rhythm amplifier.
21  with the predicted location of the cochlear amplifier.
22 he functional sophistication of the cochlear amplifier.
23 its potential role as the mammalian cochlear amplifier.
24 of polystyrene microspheres (MS) as a signal amplifier.
25 ed as a transient current by a voltage-clamp amplifier.
26 ucture is measured at 2omega using a lock-in amplifier.
27  molecules with the LC serving as an optical amplifier.
28 ontrast obviates a following quantum-limited amplifier.
29 ited on gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as signal amplifier.
30 sulating liposomes as a signal output and an amplifier.
31 Marie-Tooth type 1 neuropathies as a disease amplifier.
32 ng and recombination elements are parametric amplifiers.
33 ical synchronization of two picosecond power amplifiers.
34 cles (AuNPs) used as detection verifiers and amplifiers.
35  basis for tiered central pain generators or amplifiers.
36 creased when the IMBs were used as detection amplifiers.
37 l processing potential of optical fibres and amplifiers.
38 ic gates, ring oscillators, and differential amplifiers.
39 s, fixed RF amplifiers, RF mixers, and audio amplifiers.
40 highlighting filopodia as lateral inhibition amplifiers.
41 anded with SC-ISEs in galvanically separated amplifiers.
42                       Using high resistivity amplifiers, (238)U(17)O2 and (238)U(18)O2 ion beams down
43 n ear is commonly attributed to the cochlear amplifier, a cellular process thought to locally boost r
44 in motor where the lever arm acts as a force amplifier, a force-sensitive bipolar thick-filament asse
45                           The set of genetic amplifiers achieves different gains and input dynamic ra
46                       On the other hand, the amplifier-activating phase shift between pressure and vo
47 addition, MTA1 possesses an inherent histone amplifier activity with an instructive role in impacting
48                                      Such an amplifier acts during Drosophila melanogaster midoogenes
49 r severe dystonia using a specially designed amplifier allowing simultaneous high frequency stimulati
50  high-pass filter, built in to the mammalian amplifier, allows for sharp frequency selectivity at ver
51                               Both a lock-in amplifier and an analog circuit were used to measure the
52 ated with a rhodamine-stained glucose-signal amplifier and calcein-AM-stained pancreatic beta-cell ca
53 noise-limited sensitivity by using a lock-in amplifier and intensity modulation of the pump beam at a
54 r based on a mid-infrared optical parametric amplifier and its application to high-harmonic generatio
55 r (MOC) system, which regulates the cochlear amplifier and mediates protection on exposure to loud so
56 entifying MyD88 as a significant Ad immunity amplifier and regulator in vivo.
57 tein detection, which integrates a liposomal amplifier and sandwich immunoassay format with TIRF-FOB.
58 ty, suggesting that GIV is a critical signal amplifier and that activation of Akt is ultrasensitive t
59 f control electronics, including a single rf amplifier and transformer coil.
60 ate masers, although they excel as low-noise amplifiers and are occasionally incorporated in ultrasta
61 l-independent bounds on the quantum noise in amplifiers and assessing quantum schemes for achieving h
62 way to design imaging sensors by integrating amplifiers and color filters directly into pixels.
63                   Four compounds act as acid amplifiers and decompose by autocatalytic kinetics to ge
64 ion processing has stimulated the search for amplifiers and frequency converters with quantum-limited
65 rons hyperexcitable so that they act as pain amplifiers and generators.
66 .g. VCSEL) and eliminates the need for fiber amplifiers and highly precise couplers, which are an ess
67  producing practical continuous-wave optical amplifiers and lasers that could be integrated with othe
68 c devices can be used as coolers and thermal amplifiers and may be called as thermal transistors.
69  resonance spectrometers incorporating maser amplifiers and oscillators.
70 rmance analogue components such as low-noise amplifiers and power amplifiers in wireless systems.
71 ng nanocrystal integrated circuit inverters, amplifiers and ring oscillators, constructed from high-p
72                                   The terms "amplifier" and "index" require more thought to reduce th
73 ted here can also be extended to directional amplifiers, and it forms the basis towards realizing top
74 lecules can be coupled to molecular sensors, amplifiers, and logic circuits, this strategy introduces
75 n addition, the peaks recorded using the air amplifier are shown to be narrower, corresponding to mor
76 ck efficiency to adjust the gain of cochlear amplifier at resonant frequencies.
77  with ghrelin's overall function as a signal amplifier at the molecular interface between environment
78 rious devices, including circuits, catalytic amplifiers, autonomous molecular motors and reconfigurab
79          Here we introduce a superconducting amplifier based on a Josephson junction transmission lin
80 ic motility evolved to enhance a preexisting amplifier based on active hair-bundle motility, thus all
81                We used a spatially multimode amplifier based on four-wave mixing in a hot vapor to pr
82 mple, we designed and characterized a signal amplifier based on the fuel-catalyst system.
83               Gain boosting in common source amplifiers based on textured TFTs as compared to convent
84                         Programmable in situ amplifiers based on the mechanism of hybridization chain
85 system subcomponents, including transistors, amplifiers, bio-sensors, actuators, light emitting diode
86  the most promising point-of-care (POC) gene amplifiers, but has been hard to detect precisely due to
87 ing protein, appears to act as an ecological amplifier by transducing developmental noise (e.g., micr
88  combination of an initiator (NF-kappaB), an amplifier (C/EBPdelta) and an attenuator (ATF3) forms a
89 t is known that the activity of the cochlear amplifier can be modulated by efferent neurons of the me
90 by injection-locking, the effective Q of the amplifier can be specified by the bandwidth of the injec
91 unterparts, these engineered transcriptional amplifiers can act as fundamental building blocks in the
92 al mode of the electromagnetic field, linear amplifiers can be classified into two categories (phase
93 show that logic inverters or radio frequency amplifiers can be formed by integrating multiple MoS2 tr
94                                          The amplifiers can linearly scale up to 21-fold the transcri
95 lic nanocages, which act as efficient signal amplifiers, can be attached to the surface of Fe3O4 bead
96                                A patch clamp amplifier capable of measuring pA-range currents on the
97 ugh their upstream activator, CASP1, and its amplifier, CASP11, are considered potential therapeutic
98 hoid intestinal microenvironments and act as amplifier cells for innate and adaptive immune responses
99               We developed a trans-impedance amplifier circuit for the FETs with a higher bandwidth c
100 Here, using a Josephson parametric microwave amplifier combined with high-quality-factor superconduct
101 e describe the identification of a transient Amplifier complex that mediates biogenesis of secondary
102                                   Mechanical amplifiers, consisting of biodegradable polymeric partic
103 h can be used to seed either a chirped pulse amplifier (CPA) or an optical parametric chirped pulse a
104 dband-pumped dual-chirped optical parametric amplifier (DC-OPA), respectively.
105                                   Three acid amplifiers decomposed 490, 1360, and 1430 times faster w
106 gy kHz-repetition-rate Ytterbium-based laser amplifiers (delivering 180-fs, 1030-nm pulses).
107 mely bosonic lossy channels, quantum-limited amplifiers, dephasing and erasure channels in arbitrary
108  ideal building blocks for quantum memories, amplifiers, detectors and high-speed processing units, o
109 electromotility, which is an active cochlear amplifier determining cochlear sensitivity to sound stim
110 an brain slices using a standard patch clamp amplifier, dissecting microscope and recording chamber.
111 kinases Itk and Btk serve as critical signal amplifiers downstream of antigen receptors.
112 gh single TRPV4 channels is leveraged by the amplifier effect of cooperative channel gating and the h
113 es in various applications such as microwave amplifiers, electron microscopy, parallel beam electron
114               Oxidative stress may act as an amplifier, exacerbating disruption of the dystroglycan c
115 insic pathway into three modules (initiator, amplifier, executioner), we use computer simulation and
116                                          HCR amplifiers exhibit deep sample penetration, high signal-
117 ent studies have identified CIB1 as a signal amplifier facilitating EphA2 phosphorylation and subsequ
118  be readily developed to include appropriate amplifiers, filters and wireless subsystems, thus reduci
119 els in statistical mechanics and operational amplifiers/flip-flops in cybernetics.
120 iciency of 75% (70% including noise added by amplifiers following the Josephson amplifier).
121 tion tap by using a fiber optical parametric amplifier (FOPA) with correlated inputs, whose noise is
122 rix and hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzyme as signal amplifier for determination of hepatitis B virus surface
123 h methane release is a hypothesized cause or amplifier for one of the most drastic global warming eve
124 a low-power, high-gain, nonlinear parametric amplifier for optical fluctuations, demonstrating a gain
125 ase (Na/K-ATPase), acts as a receptor and an amplifier for reactive oxygen species, in addition to it
126 ty of the PPPSP motifs represents a built-in amplifier for Wnt signaling by the LRP6 family of recept
127 ng bacteria, zoospores can act as ecological amplifiers for fungal and oomycete mycelial networks in
128 describe a class of invisible reservoirs and amplifiers for waves, which we refer to as Schrodinger h
129 contrasts with previous WGM-based lasers and amplifiers for which the Q is determined solely by the W
130  to demonstrate a proof-of-concept low-cost, amplifier-free, light-emitting-diode-based low-power ion
131  the closed-loop sensitivity of the cochlear amplifier from available measurements of basilar membran
132  This direct pathway, which has an important amplifier function, implies a simple origin for the comp
133 ted the operating point to reduce the active amplifier gain.
134                The existence of the cochlear amplifier has been inferred from comparing responses of
135 d on compact lumped elements, this Josephson amplifier has broad applicability to microwave metrology
136                                 The cochlear amplifier has inspired scientists since its discovery in
137 ver, the expected power gain of the cochlear amplifier has not been demonstrated experimentally, and
138 e past five decades, optical oscillators and amplifiers have typically been based on the buildup of t
139      The cell acts as a nonlinear absorbance amplifier, improving both the limit of detection (LOD) a
140 tivelike protein conformations using the air amplifier in all cases examined.
141 at to sustainability, its role as a conflict amplifier in history may be one of its largest impacts o
142          The measured characteristics of the amplifier in terms of gain and bandwidth are in good agr
143 for caspase 12 processing and its role as an amplifier in the death pathway.
144               A low bias current operational amplifier in the transimpedance configuration permitted
145 x1, as an early signal event and as a signal amplifier in these processes, is an obvious target for t
146 tive surface-enhanced resonance Raman (SERR) amplifiers in a two-component protein solution.
147 of a set of modular and gain-tunable genetic amplifiers in Escherichia coli capable of amplifying a t
148 w compounds were synthesized for use as acid amplifiers in EUV (13.5 nm) photoresists.
149 incorporating multiple semiconductor optical amplifiers in the microring resonators, the PT-symmetry
150 nents such as low-noise amplifiers and power amplifiers in wireless systems.
151 , which suppresses the gain of the 'cochlear amplifier' in each ear.
152                       A hybrid optoplasmonic amplifier, injection-seeded by an internally-generated R
153                                 The cochlear amplifier is a hypothesized positive feedback process re
154                                              Amplifier is nucleated by the DEAD box RNA helicase Vasa
155                                When a linear amplifier is used to continuously monitor the position o
156                       A Josephson parametric amplifier is used to generate quadrature-squeezed electr
157 r any given stimulus frequency the "cochlear amplifier" is confined to a highly localized region of t
158 e regime of undirected graphs, the strongest amplifier known has been the Star graph, and the existen
159                              Whereas optical amplifiers, laser and parametric, boost the energy, thei
160 ew-mode fiber optics and its applications in amplifiers, lasers, and sensors in which inter-modal cro
161       It consists of a capacitor, resistors, amplifiers, logic circuitry and electronically controlle
162 an, featuring an active "push-pull" cochlear amplifier mechanism based on the cytoarchitecture of the
163 be useful for the design of actuators, force amplifiers, micromechanical controls, and protective dev
164         Data were fit with a standard linear amplifier model, which provided estimates of Neq and sam
165 m-microbiota interface acts as a selectivity amplifier: Modest amounts of moderately selective epithe
166  custom-built, 2-kHz master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA)-pumped, barium nitrite [Ba(NO3)2] Raman
167 a silicon nanowire (SiNW) integrated with an amplifier MOSFET to improve the current response of fiel
168 uct "dark" single-molecule sensors, resonant amplifiers, nanoconcentrators, frequency multiplexers, d
169 hing a target between a magnetic bead and an amplifier nanoparticle, a multiplicity of bar code oligo
170 ns; for electrodes with low capacitance, the amplifier noise dominated, for electrodes with large cap
171  applications, such as laser diodes, optical amplifiers, non-linear and photonic crystal based device
172 he basis for flexible on-chip light sources, amplifiers, nonreciprocal devices and signal-processing
173 ese data identify the IL-21R as an important amplifier of alternative macrophage activation.
174 monstrate that gap junctions may serve as an amplifier of chemical transmission between neurons with
175 t a shift update rule is an extremely strong amplifier of cooperation in a one dimensional spatial mo
176  the IFN-gamma/IL-12 feedback circuit, a key amplifier of DC lymph node homing.
177 ecifier of gene activity, but is a nonlinear amplifier of expression, acting universally at active ge
178 eased, highlighting its role as an important amplifier of first-phase ISR in T2DM.
179 regarded as a barometer of global change and amplifier of global warming and therefore records of pas
180 ROS) and the phosphorylation of p66(shc) (an amplifier of H(2)O(2) generation in mitochondria) in bon
181 indings confirm a novel role for IL-33 as an amplifier of IgG immune complex-mediated inflammation an
182 ights a unique role for IL-9 as an autocrine amplifier of ILC2 function, promoting tissue repair in t
183 tes transcriptional responses and acts as an amplifier of inflammation via AP-1 and that the resultin
184 -related protein Mrp14, a recently described amplifier of inflammation, in Alzheimer's disease and in
185     S100 proteins are known to act as innate amplifier of inflammation.
186 ription of the gene encoding C/EBP-delta, an amplifier of inflammation.
187                                 TREM-1 is an amplifier of inflammatory response, and is involved in t
188  loops and we show here that 25HC acts as an amplifier of inflammatory signaling in macrophages.
189 es monocyte activation, thereby acting as an amplifier of innate immunity during early inflammation a
190 y process, but TNFalpha acts as an autocrine amplifier of Kupffer cell function, rather than as a dir
191 phase-preserving, superconducting parametric amplifier of non-degenerate type.
192                            Lipin1 is also an amplifier of PGC-1alpha, a nuclear coactivator of PPAR-a
193 ne signature, identifying beta-catenin as an amplifier of progression-specific gene regulation in the
194 ration and proliferation and by acting as an amplifier of RTK downstream signals.
195 on enhancer tone, is the major initiator and amplifier of RVP-induced MIE gene expression, and cooper
196                        The spaser, a quantum amplifier of surface plasmons by stimulated emission of
197  indicate that the HIV epidemic serves as an amplifier of TB outbreaks by providing a reservoir of su
198              Thus, Notch acts as an unbiased amplifier of Th cell differentiation.
199 These results suggest that MDC1, as a signal amplifier of the ATM pathway, is vital in controlling pr
200                          TREM-1 is a pivotal amplifier of the innate immune response in macrophages,
201 d by neutrophils and mature monocytes, is an amplifier of the innate immune response.
202 RE-kB combination functions as initiator and amplifier of unstimulated HCMV MIE gene expression and c
203 merization domain of Torso acted as a potent amplifier of Wg signaling but could not initiate Wg sign
204 anoceria particles as redox active catalytic amplifiers of ALP signals.
205 , whereas outer hair cells are electromotile amplifiers of auditory stimuli that can be functionally
206 ic response even without the presence of the amplifiers of chemotaxis.
207 t to chemistry-climate feedbacks as possible amplifiers of climate sensitivity in the Anthropocene.
208 l properties and large surface area, SNPs as amplifiers of fluorescence intensity, higher affinity of
209 ry drugs (NSAID) are frequently mentioned as amplifiers of food allergic reactions but only individua
210  of neuroadrenergic factors as promoters and amplifiers of human hypertension.
211 ich danger signals such as IL-33 are crucial amplifiers of immune dysregulation in FHL.
212 y released during cellular stress, are early amplifiers of inflammation.
213 d its homologs (Pep2 to Pep7) are endogenous amplifiers of innate immunity of Arabidopsis thaliana th
214                    Macrophages are viewed as amplifiers of ischemic brain injury, but the origin of i
215                                              Amplifiers of natural selection are population structure
216 17 cell inflammation by serving as principal amplifiers of negative regulatory circuits operating in
217  data indicate that T-type Ca2+ channels are amplifiers of peripheral pain signals, but their involve
218 and for the pericentrion as key determinants/amplifiers of PKC action.
219 some graphs act as suppressors and others as amplifiers of selection.
220 ebral ganglia function as activity-dependent amplifiers of spinal output from preganglionic circuitry
221  dendritic spikes, can act as cell-intrinsic amplifiers of synaptic input.
222 the contribution of basophils as inducers or amplifiers of Th2 responses is still debated, prolonged
223 re functionalized with glutathione acting as amplifiers of the antigen-antibody interaction.
224 h emphasis on their role as promoters and as amplifiers of the high blood pressure state.
225 ignature and identify endogenous alarmins as amplifiers of the inflammatory response that promotes ti
226     We have discovered local tissue-specific amplifiers of type 2-mediated macrophage activation.
227    These results point to EC Kir channels as amplifiers of vasodilatation in response to increases in
228                        Developing an optical amplifier on silicon is essential for the success of sil
229         Similar to all dual-channel chemical amplifiers, one reaction chamber operates in amplificati
230 n, which functions as an RNA clamp to anchor Amplifier onto transposon transcripts.
231 t started with the first uses of operational amplifiers (op amps) in the analog domain 20 years befor
232 band-pumped optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier (OPCPA) and a broadband-pumped dual-chirped op
233 (CPA) or an optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier (OPCPA) for achieving high-energy few-cycle mi
234 trating high-performance analog differential amplifiers operating at a battery-compatible power suppl
235 alog electronic devices, such as narrow band amplifiers operating in the VHF frequency band with powe
236 re-based distributed optical phase-sensitive amplifier (OPSA) using telecom-wavelength photonic qubit
237 ic in a memristor crossbar with FET inverter/amplifier outputs.
238 gradient, we find that GCs act as i), signal amplifiers over a narrow range of concentrations, and ii
239                                  Operational amplifier performance in gain, input current and resista
240         In addition, we show how our passive amplifier performs a real-time average of the wave-train
241                         This active cochlear amplifier produces the impressive sensitivity and freque
242         Advanced FEL concepts such as seeded amplifiers rely on the capability of analyzing and contr
243 th as opposed to conventional optical cavity amplifiers requiring longer cavities for higher optical
244 tions, including resonant antennas, fixed RF amplifiers, RF mixers, and audio amplifiers.
245 future drug target, because of its potential amplifier role in TNFalpha- and IL-17 pathways in psoria
246       Thus, the shift activates the cochlear amplifier, serving to localize and thus sharpen the freq
247 cause of indiscernible electrograms at usual amplifier settings or presence of slow conduction mimick
248 creased by utilizing a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) to initiate cavity ring-down events.
249 e (MMI) coupler into a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA).
250 red emission may find application in optical amplifiers, solar concentrators, and bioimaging.
251 e capacitance between the detector and first amplifier stage.
252 nverters, ring oscillators, and differential amplifiers, suggest a valuable route to high-performance
253          We demonstrate that digital lock-in amplifier techniques can increase the chemical contrast
254 t the equatorial Pacific acts as a nonlinear amplifier that allows global climate to transition from
255 rades an independent RNA substrate, a signal amplifier that conditionally synthesizes long fluorescen
256                         We developed a noise amplifier that detects fluctuations in the level of low-
257 induced across the VO2 to create an internal amplifier that facilitates enhanced performance over a c
258 neurons, PKC-2 is a Ca(2+) sensor and signal amplifier that operates downstream from cyclic GMP-gated
259        Here, we develop polymeric mechanical amplifiers that exploit in vitro and in vivo physical fo
260 n lasers are a new class of coherent optical amplifiers that generate and sustain light well below it
261      Plasmonic nanolasers are a new class of amplifiers that generate coherent light well below the d
262 of a density echelon in plasma could lead to amplifiers that significantly exceed current power limit
263 ter the deactivation of the principal signal amplifier, the GPCR rhodopsin (R *), do not much alter t
264      Unlike current standing-wave parametric amplifiers, this traveling wave architecture robustly ac
265 femtosecond laser pulses from a regenerative amplifier through a hollow core photonic crystal fiber f
266 pectrally-specific cancer markers and signal amplifiers, thus providing higher photoacoustic contrast
267  In the present study, we used a patch clamp amplifier to acquire ionic current traces caused by phi2
268 d can function as a biological filter and an amplifier to enhance the sensing selectivity and sensiti
269 othesize that the SCN behaves like a lock-in amplifier to entrain to the light edges of the circadian
270 ypoxic regulation of JMJD1A acts as a signal amplifier to facilitate hypoxic gene expression, ultimat
271 lized quantum dots (NanoEnhancers) as signal amplifiers to achieve a sensitivity level of 5 pg/mL for
272 ally applies feedback loop-based filters and amplifiers to ensure undistorted delivery of messages.
273 e amplification cascades enable multiple HCR amplifiers to operate orthogonally at the same time in t
274   The programmability of HCR allows multiple amplifiers to operate simultaneously and independently w
275 rnate scans, and the active control of power amplifiers, to achieve stability and accuracy over long
276  high-peak-powers, such as femtosecond laser amplifiers, to facilitate investigations of strong light
277 ncies enter the bandwidth of the hair-bundle amplifier, two-tone interferences display level function
278                              Phase-sensitive amplifiers use squeezing to reduce the quantum noise, bu
279 rter and a non-degenerate optical parametric amplifier--used as a wavelength-converting phase conjuga
280                                          The amplifier uses a single strand of DNA as input and relea
281 ance weak signals, and (2) an optical signal amplifier utilizing a capillary tube array.
282                                   A chemical amplifier was constructed based on enzyme-encapsulated m
283 In this study, the operation of the cochlear amplifier was further explored, via changes in pressure
284                                           An amplifier was invented for recognizing thrombin captured
285 the electrophysiological electrode array and amplifiers was added to provide additional electrical is
286 ar recordings and a custom-built loose-patch amplifier, we have recorded unitary granule cell EPSPs e
287      Using a near-quantum-limited parametric amplifier, we selectively measure either the phase or th
288 fferent-mediated suppression of the cochlear amplifier were absent in Prph((-/-)) mice, demonstrating
289                            The IRMS detector amplifiers were modified by configuration of resistors a
290 -2K activation appears to be analogous to an amplifier, where output volume may be controlled by eith
291 for this remarkable ability is the "cochlear amplifier", which operates by modifying cochlear microme
292 ve been attributed to the putative 'cochlear amplifier', which consumes metabolic energy to amplify t
293 d to a high-bandwidth, quantum-noise-limited amplifier, which allows real-time monitoring of the stat
294 system was characterized with a fast lock-in amplifier, which enabled measuring of impedance spectra
295 s physiological significance to the cochlear amplifier, which provides the exquisite sensitivity and
296 evolved to maximize the gain of the cochlear amplifier while preventing large oscillations.
297 o-noise ratio using a home-built fiber laser amplifier with pulses that are synchronized to the imagi
298    To link the phenomenology of the cochlear amplifier with these cellular mechanisms, we developed a
299                             We benchmark the amplifier with weak measurements, obtaining a high quant
300                           A phase-preserving amplifier would be preferable in many applications, but

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