


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ence in the sulfide ion concentration can be amplified.
2 patient tumors, where the FoxM1 signature is amplified.
3                       The assay successfully amplified 16 different HEV sequences with significant nu
4 ue to the mechanism, as many of these images amplify 30-80 Hz rhythmic activity in the visual brain.
5 f ribosomal RNA genes and a novel assay that amplifies a conserved sequence specific for the sicavar
6 cues, such that excitatory cue responses are amplified across learning.
7  signals generated by NCA , is developed for amplifying active tumor targeting signal and enhancing a
8 oop between antigen-specific CTLs and APC to amplify adaptive immunity.
9 ctive serum IgG responses that significantly amplified after Dengue-2 virus infection.
10 co-administration of NMU with IL-25 strongly amplified allergic inflammation.
11 ences in words are gradually accumulated and amplified along the cortical hierarchy as the brain cons
12 d, which was physiologically associated with amplified AMPhi-induced PMN migration into lung alveoli.
13 H1) and 9 microsatellite regions (SSRs) were amplified and analysed.
14               Prokaryotic 16 S rRNA gene was amplified and DGGE was performed.
15 escribe a 'catch-and-release' mechanism that amplified and dispersed stimuli by releasing activated k
16 of how socioeconomic inequalities can become amplified and embedded.
17                               Moreover, MYCN-amplified and high-risk primary tumors from patients wit
18 oblastoma (GBM), heterogeneous expression of amplified and mutated epidermal growth factor receptor (
19 NAPRT), a second NAD(+)-producing enzyme, is amplified and overexpressed in a subset of common types
20 l-dependent spatial learning, it leads to an amplified and prolonged fear response.
21 ures that only double-digested fragments are amplified and sequenced.
22 isolated, and the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was amplified and sequenced.
23  are shown to occur when magnetic tension is amplified and transported upward through interactions be
24 ) is a novel isothermal method which rapidly amplifies and detects nucleic acids using a simple devic
25  displaying ubiquitin, suggesting that LUBAC amplifies and refashions the ubiquitin coat.
26  a diverse set of mechanisms that could both amplify and counteract epileptic activity.
27 ability of the negative slope conductance to amplify and prolong Rin and taum relies on the fast acti
28 nds preparatory signals to vS1 that serve to amplify and sharpen the response of neurons in the barre
29 otential environmental reservoirs as well as amplifying and disseminating vectors for B. bronchisepti
30 atory response in keratinocytes that is self-amplifying and drives the development of mature psoriati
31 s factor (TNF) are key cytokines involved in amplifying and perpetuating the liver damage and fibrosi
32 ollection were screened for endosymbionts by amplifying and sequencing bacterial 16S as well as Chlam
33     We argue that the MD may be required for amplifying and sustaining cortical representations under
34 genes, beyond those engineered, are mutated, amplified, and deleted.
35                         However, traction is amplified approximately fivefold in groups.
36 sociated extreme weather, possibly linked to amplified Arctic warming and thus a climate change influ
37                                              Amplifying ascending sensory prediction error signals ma
38 oscopy (TERS), wherein light is confined and amplified at the apex of a nanoscale plasmonic probe, me
39                     Rare STAG2 mutations can amplify at the level of GMPs, from which it may drive th
40      We demonstrate our reactors' ability to amplify both DNA and RNA targets using polymerase with b
41                          In mice, cGAS/cGAMP amplify both inflammasome and IFN-I to control murine cy
42      Targeted therapies for ER+/PR+ and HER2-amplified breast cancers have improved patient survival,
43          For PPIP5K2, Pi sensing by InsP8 is amplified by a 2-fold activation of 5-InsP7 kinase activ
44 based resequencing of regions that cannot be amplified by a single primer pair, a directed graph anal
45                 This wind anomaly is further amplified by air-sea interactions in the Pacific, favour
46 ic paracrine signalling via IL-6/8, which is amplified by cell proliferation and cell density, to dir
47 nd metastases, and that these effects can be amplified by coadministration of sunitinib.Significance:
48  and antimetastatic effects of mpJX-594 were amplified by concurrent or sequential administration of
49 ctive pathway, initiated by progesterone and amplified by DNA damage-induced NF-kappaB signaling, tha
50 ve inflammatory capability of macrophages is amplified by exposure to exogenous interferon-gamma, whi
51 e experienced CRE outbreaks that were likely amplified by frequent transmission in long-term acute ca
52 irection-selective retinal input is linearly amplified by intracollicular circuits without changing i
53  support a model wherein Abeta production is amplified by plaque-induced axonal lysosome transport de
54  to quantify specific nucleic acid molecules amplified by polymerase chain reactions.
55 icroRNAs (miRNA) in cerebrospinal fluid were amplified by quantitative PCR.
56                               Ebola cDNA was amplified by rolling circle amplification (RCA) on magne
57  constructs which are assembled in yeast and amplified by rolling circle amplification.
58 tor signaling relays on intracellular events amplified by secondary and tertiary messenger molecules.
59 ikely Antarctic-wide, sustained by feedbacks amplified by the delivery of Circumpolar Deep Water onto
60 olytic vaccinia viruses, all of which can be amplified by the multitargeted kinase inhibitor sunitini
61 uggest that, as in S1, the thalamic input is amplified by the recurrent excitatory connections of the
62 kes' photons of the superlattice are greatly amplified by the surface plasmon at the interface of the
63 ty of the protein-surface systems is greatly amplified by those of the polymer-fluid interface; and o
64                       This structure is then amplified by translation, in a self-reinforcing loop, to
65 ial surface warming in the eMed was strongly amplified by water-column stratification during the depo
66 t successive locations are aligned with, and amplified by, propagating chemical waves triggered by pr
67  protein of the same kind, initiating a self-amplifying cascade.
68 mor driver likely may vary even within ERBB2 amplified cases.
69                     JNK further promotes and amplifies caspase activity, thereby constituting a feedb
70  catch differences in the contemporary ocean amplify catch trends, producing changes that may exceed
71 antage of iCLIP and related methods that can amplify cDNAs that truncate at crosslink sites and we sh
72 at exit the stem cell domain acquire transit amplifying cell identity before they are incorporated in
73 ental epithelial stem cell activity, transit-amplifying cell proliferation, and enamel formation in t
74 dividing, yet genotoxicity-sensitive transit-amplifying cells (TAC) that maintain hair growth.
75 s typically give rise to short-lived transit-amplifying cells (TACs), which then progress to differen
76                  Neural progenitors (transit amplifying cells and neuroblasts) but not NSCs (quiescen
77 this population behaving strictly as transit amplifying cells under homeostatic conditions.
78 that represent differentiated cells, transit-amplifying cells, and residents of stem cell niches.
79 stem are generated by stem cells and transit-amplifying cells, which together determine RM cell numbe
80 14 KIFC1 is unique in that cancer cells with amplified centrosomes are dependent on the motor for via
81        Cancer cells frequently possess extra amplified centrosomes clustered into two poles whose pse
82 A, targeted Hsp72 to the poles of cells with amplified centrosomes.
83 for selective targeting of cancer cells with amplified centrosomes.
84 utic approach to selectively kill cells with amplified centrosomes.
85 se of antidromic-rectifying gap junctions to amplify chemical transmission is potentially a conserved
86 uli-responsive self-immolative polymers with amplified chemiluminescence output.
87 uman intact NETs do not directly initiate or amplify coagulation in vitro.
88 tic tumor tissues as a direct consequence of amplified collagen gene expression in ZEB1-activated mes
89  confirmed by monitoring their catalytically amplified collisions with a Hg-coated microelectrode use
90                These processes generated and amplified contour signals within specific layers in V1 a
91                                              Amplified copy number in the plasmepsin II/III genes wit
92 he utility of the method was demonstrated by amplifying CTX-M and NDM, two genes that confer bacteria
93 ts in altered expression of genes located in amplified/deleted chromosomal regions.
94 ls in heterostructure photodetectors enables amplified detection of femtowatt light signals using mic
95 hanisms, but common downstream targets, thus amplifying detection at low signal propagation, but stre
96 teractions of EPCR binding PfEMP1with ICAM-1 amplifies development of severe malaria symptoms.
97 tion step, and we show that bound DNA can be amplified directly from the microparticle surface when t
98 ific primers that target the ITS1 region and amplify DNA from at least 10 Leishmania spp., followed b
99  we report a simplified method to purify and amplify DNA from complex samples in a minimal number of
100 gulatory motif characteristic of a "feedback-amplified domineering substrate" (FADS).
101 g to recruitment of a signaling complex that amplified downstream signals and cytokines.
102 indicating that MAP3K13 (encoding LZK) is an amplified driver gene in HNSCC.
103                      Rising temperatures are amplifying drought-induced stress and mortality in fores
104            Negative conspecific effects were amplified during rainy years and at dry sites, whereas t
105 fferences among trivalent lanthanides can be amplified during the crystallization of borates, providi
106 odulin binding protein 60g (CBP60g) together amplify each calcium signature into three active signals
107 pproach, Fe3O4@SiO2/dendrimers/QDs exhibited amplified ECL emissions (switch "on" state) and with the
108 es engagement of integrin receptors, locally amplifying ECM input to internal signaling cascades.
109            Despite the lack of cumulative or amplified effects, ranavirus drove declines of host asse
110 d events can include toxins counteracting or amplifying effects of another toxin or though regulating
111 ls of LISH probes ('LISH-seq'), which can be amplified efficiently and with negligible bias.
112                           IL-15 SA treatment amplified endotoxin shock, which was prevented by NK cel
113 rugs, is required in two different models to amplify eosinophilic airway inflammation via induced exp
114 s report illustrates the physical mapping of amplified EPSPS copies in A tuberculatus.
115 activate upon cholinergic synaptic input and amplify EPSPs, thus indicating a conserved function of d
116 ificant enrichment of palindromic DNA within amplified ERBB2 genomic segments.
117 back, which generates consensus but can also amplify errors.
118 ns among modules with fragile couplings that amplify even small shocks, thus preventing functionality
119              Our results suggest that a self-amplifying feed-forward loop among Trib3, Akt, and FoxO1
120    Thus, we have identified an enzymatically amplified feedback loop whereby glucocorticoids boost cA
121 zoelectrically driven actuators, with strain amplified fivefold by stress-induced structural deflecti
122  B antibodies was performed by plasmonically amplified fluorescence sandwich immunoassay.
123 ng molecular traffic jams at filopodial tips amplify fluorescence intensities and allow PPIs to be in
124 t isolation, brighten encapsulated RNAs, and amplify fluorescence signals in situ in a single step.
125 collected from eight endemic states were PCR amplified for Pfhrp2 and Pfhrp3 genes and were sequenced
126                 Furthermore, analysis of 176 amplified fragment length polymorphisms revealed signifi
127 y polymorphic alleles and different specific amplified fragments in both agriproducts.
128 method to assemble polymerase chain reaction-amplified fragments into a plasmid without the use of en
129 igated whether envelope (env) genes could be amplified from proviral DNA or RNA derived from brain ti
130 tor 19 (FGF19) is one of the most frequently amplified genes in HCC patients.
131 the chicken W chromosome did not acquire and amplify genes specifically expressed in reproductive tis
132 increasingly obesogenic environment might be amplifying genetic risk for obesity, yet those at highes
133 s are the Minimum Information about a Single Amplified Genome (MISAG) and the Minimum Information abo
134        The assay was specific, as it did not amplify genomes from 9 non-related enteric viruses and b
135 oor may reach the atmosphere and potentially amplify global warming.
136 philis causes cognitive impairment in HIV by amplifying HIV-related central nervous system (CNS) infl
137 psis-typically caused by an uncontrolled and amplified host systemic inflammatory response to microbi
138                                         IL-4 amplifies IgE- and histamine-induced VE dysfunction, flu
139 IL-33 expression and that exogenous PGE2 can amplify IL-33 production via EP2 and EP4 receptors.
140               The intimate link between 1q21-amplified ILF2 and the regulation of RNA splicing of DNA
141  investigated with standard and nanomaterial amplified immunoassays in the concentration ranges of 0.
142                      We found that MYST3 was amplified in 11% and/or overexpressed in 15% of breast t
143 e of Caceres, where viral RNA from ticks was amplified in 2010.
144 potential oncogene target that is frequently amplified in breast cancer.
145       IL-17-related cytokines expression was amplified in bronchial/nasal mucosa of neutrophilic asth
146 Here, we show that the YEATS2 gene is highly amplified in human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) an
147               In contrast, MAGE-F1 is highly amplified in multiple human cancer types and amplified t
148                   SFK family member YES1 was amplified in osimertinib-resistant EGFR-mutant tumor cel
149 ported that p21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4) is amplified in pancreatic cancer tissue.
150                      Many of the differences amplified in protein data were reflective of cytoarchite
151 damage, and apoptosis in wild-type mice were amplified in Sirt3(-/-) animals.
152 eage history and that the barcode RNA can be amplified in situ, a prerequisite for in situ sequencing
153 ds to a decoupling between RE and RG that is amplified in the absence of denaturants.
154 isk factors that either arose or have become amplified in the postindustrial era.
155  epithelia to matrix components, and it also amplifies inflammatory signaling during acute lung injur
156 artially insert into cell membranes, thereby amplifying interactions with stimulatory surface recepto
157                 In this work, we applied the amplified isoform sequencing technique from Pacific Bios
158 bitor network, in which the small GTPase Rho amplifies its activity by recruiting its activator, the
159 le to recognize a chiral analyte and greatly amplify its chiroptical readout.
160 change might overwhelm natural buffering and amplify latent climate signals, rendering them detectabl
161   However, where gene editing is targeted to amplified loci, the resulting multiple DNA cleavage even
162  are linked by a positive feedback loop that amplifies macrophage activation.
163 ireless pumping power with its end-rings and amplify Magnetic Resonance signals induced on its vertic
164                                          The amplified material gain in strained germanium can suffic
165 evealed Abl phosphorylates Mical to directly amplify Mical Redox-mediated F-actin disassembly.
166  kinases function distinctly from Ran, which amplifies microtubule growth.
167                     The ability to generate, amplify, mix and modulate sound in one simple electronic
168 vective activity and rainfall, indicative of amplified moisture recycling.
169                        Driver oncogenes were amplified most commonly in ecDNA, thereby increasing tra
170    SAM vaccines are based on engineered self-amplifying mRNA (SAM) replicons encoding an Ag, and form
171 ccurate tumors that closely model human MYCN-amplified NBL.
172                                   Signal was amplified nearly 25-fold for DON, 90-fold for ZEA and 12
173 d genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 screening of MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma and found a preferential depende
174 9 methylation and proliferation of MYCN gene-amplified neuroblastoma cells.
175 YCN homozygous transgenic mice and MYCN gene-amplified neuroblastoma xenograft growth in nude mice.
176 tors as novel anticancer agents against MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma.
177 roblastomas without MYCN amplification, MYCN-amplified neuroblastomas expressed higher levels of EZH2
178                                   A Wireless Amplified NMR Detector (WAND) with cylindrical symmetry
179 ility of the dorsal horn synaptic network to amplify nociceptive input arising from muscle is predict
180        Engineered changes in eIF4G abundance amplify noise, demonstrating that minimum stochasticity
181 y showed that FGFR2 mutations in BBDS, which amplify nucleolar targeting of FGFR2, activate ribosomal
182 hain-binding domain acting as a lever arm to amplify nucleotide-dependent motions in the motor domain
183 ll-molecule inhibitors have efficacy in EGFR-amplified oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), bu
184 al phosphorylation site, S318, progressively amplifies OPS activity.
185 cers (SE), the LIN9 gene lacks an SE but was amplified or overexpressed in the majority of TNBCs.
186  sea-level variations, with the potential to amplify or mitigate against the increased flood risk cau
187 lls can, through population effects, greatly amplify oscillatory synchrony amongst unconnected cells.
188  antigens through a Toll-like receptor (TLR)-amplified pathway involving transmembrane activator and
189 ction in T2D can be explained by an impaired amplifying pathway with no need to postulate defects in
190       The model describes the triggering and amplifying pathways and reproduces a variety of in vitro
191 succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) subunit A, and amplifies pattern recognition receptor (PRR)-induced SDH
192                                 We failed to amplify pfhrp2 from 25 of 131 (19.1%) PCR-confirmed samp
193  multifunctionality, allowing for nanobubble-amplified photothermal and photoacoustic imaging and the
194 stered intravenously to mimic, leverage, and amplify physiological hemostatic mechanisms.
195                           The long lever arm amplifies pin movement compared to interfragmentary moti
196 nfirmed which ancient DNA samples repeatedly amplified pine DNA and were free of exogenous plant taxa
197 oxia and rapamycin treatment showed markedly amplified PLA signals for IGFBP-1 and CSNK-2beta (approx
198  failure after adjusting for the presence of amplified plasmepsin II/III, which was also associated w
199 a novel multiplex PCR assay, based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was developed
200 tem cell activity by incorporating a transit-amplifying population to the effective stem cell pool, t
201                With the use of NanoString to amplify potential biomarkers, immunohistochemistry, and
202 gel image was used for quantification of the amplified product using ImageJ software.
203 the yield of the wild-type system while also amplifying product yield in single chain-extension exper
204 enew over the long term, 2) Ascl1(+) transit-amplifying progenitors with a limited capacity for expan
205 ult stem cells commonly give rise to transit-amplifying progenitors, whose progeny differentiate into
206              Nonetheless, BST2 may induce or amplify proinflammatory signaling during Ebola virus inf
207             Therefore, LACC1 is critical for amplifying PRR-induced outcomes, an effect that is atten
208                                   Peroxidyme Amplified Radical Chain Reaction (PARCR), a novel enzyme
209 om lasers, where the feedback is provided by amplified Rayleigh scattering on sub-micron refractive i
210                  INTERPRETATION: Our results amplify recent evidence from functional neuroimaging, wh
211 GF receptor (EGFR), one of the most commonly amplified receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) in glioblasto
212 ing to false-positive results in copy number-amplified regions.
213 ity and lake ecosystems, so quantifying this amplified response at a global scale is important.
214 e factors underpinning the observation of an amplified response of summer LSWT to SAT variability usi
215 ajor limitations with large and complex self-amplifying RNA vaccines (RepRNA) are RNase-sensitivity a
216 cient Th17 cells, we demonstrate the disease-amplifying role of Th17-derived IFN-gamma in DED pathoge
217 ncer Cell, Canli et al. now demonstrate that amplified ROS production specifically by myeloid cells i
218                              Out of 1392 PCR amplified samples, a single sample was Pfhrp2 negative a
219 enrichment of palindromic DNA throughout the amplified segments leads us to propose that the ERBB2 lo
220 ch a single stereoisomer out of seven can be amplified selectively.
221 eds of genes in a given mouse brain section (amplified seqFISH), Shah et al. (2016) describe a spatia
222 so in negative controls, indicating that the amplified sequences represent contaminants.
223                        We also show that the amplified signal permits using a compact and cost-effect
224       We propose that this complex interplay amplifies signaling above a threshold that allows high H
225              The glycopeptide nanostructures amplified signalling of bone morphogenetic protein 2 sig
226 uli through collective phase transitions and amplify signals could open up new avenues for sensing.
227 phorylated residues, which may be a means to amplify signals or stabilize a particular protein confor
228 ory synaptic connections that are thought to amplify signals, form selective subnetworks, and aid fea
229                           By comparing SCMDA-amplified single cells with unamplified clones from the
230 ent a distinct type of balanced network that amplifies small changes in the impinging signals and eme
231 achieve a more than twofold reduction in the amplified spontaneous emission threshold, bringing it to
232                                    Real-time amplified SPR response is observed upon the introduction
233 J398 doses >/= 100 mg in patients with FGFR1-amplified sqNSCLC and FGFR3-mutant bladder/urothelial ca
234       In migrating cells, feedback loops can amplify stochastic fluctuations in actin dynamics, often
235 face winds, global warming contributes to an amplified surface climate response.
236                                           We amplified switch regions from genomic DNA to investigate
237         In contrast, afferent cVN activation amplifies systemic inflammatory processes, leading to ac
238 ediate CD31intVEGFR2lo/intracellular transit amplifying (TA) and a definitive differentiated (D) CD31
239      The method utilizes specific primers to amplify target transgenes, and endogenous reference gene
240 ntact-dependent thrombin generation (TG) and amplified TG initiated by low concentrations of tissue f
241  weak winds created low-flow conditions that amplified the 2 degrees C basin-scale anomaly.
242                       TGF-beta pre-treatment amplified the effects of BK on RhoA translocation and MY
243 in the strength of westerly winds, which has amplified the effects on temperature of solar radiation
244                                           We amplified the target regions using the RainDance target
245    Here we show that adiposity significantly amplifies the effect of three sequence variants (encodin
246                The BCN component of the film amplifies the ethanol sensitivity of the film, whereby t
247 ecognized growth-promoting signaling pathway amplifies the F-actin disassembly and repulsive effects
248 ling indicates that tumour spatial structure amplifies the fitness penalty of resistant cells, and id
249 stimulation, whereas overexpression of IFI16 amplifies the function of cGAS.
250 at slow oscillatory transcranial stimulation amplifies the functional cross-frequency coupling betwee
251 type of carbon-based biphasic heterojunction amplifies the interaction between carbon fiber and CO2 m
252 ng Kong, the increase in tides significantly amplifies the risk caused by sea-level rise.
253 cell body and, in turn, it has been assumed, amplifies the signal.
254                           Increased tonic DA amplifies the tendency to execute learned tics and also
255 athway as a positive feedback mechanism that amplifies the TRPM2 channel activation.
256 tive flux to the ice surface, which may then amplify the Arctic wintertime ice-surface warming.
257 hat spinal therapy during chronic stroke can amplify the benefits of delayed rehabilitative training
258 , which are present in asthma, could further amplify the effects of IL-33 on ILC2 activation and lung
259 her circulating glucose or triglycerides can amplify the FTO impact on BMI.
260 al role of prodopaminergic medications: they amplify the impact of reward without affecting the integ
261           The obtained polymers were able to amplify the intensity and the duration of the light emis
262 sferase 3A (DNMT3A) (dCas9-SunTag-DNMT3A) to amplify the local DNMT3A concentration to methylate geno
263  synthesis during migration, which serves to amplify the magnitude of neutrophil recruitment in respo
264 transmission within health facilities helped amplify the outbreak.
265 akening of vertical mixing may have acted to amplify the recent decline.
266 factory Ca(2+)-activated chloride channel to amplify the response.
267 lly grown nanoparticles in whole tissues can amplify the scattering to produce a 1.4 million-fold gre
268  the placode, and apical symmetric divisions amplify the specified pool.
269 les and nanostructures (metallic or not) may amplify the SPR signal and improve the limit of detectio
270  are processed using a nonlinear function to amplify the weak signals relevant to the PVSs and to sup
271 from dozens of related strains, thus further amplifying the challenge of metagenomic assembly.
272 ulates secondary structure-formation thereby amplifying the potential for genome instability.
273 utational and methodological innovations, is amplifying the power of models to inform the public heal
274 alpha power increases baseline excitability, amplifying the response to both signal and noise, predic
275  When Pol III genes are hypo-methylated, MYC amplifies their transcription, regardless of its recogni
276 ergo ultrasound-mediated cavitation markedly amplify these effects.
277 most interestingly, that SFM4-3 can also PCR amplify these modified oligonucleotides.
278 al embedding based on this small subset, and amplify this embedding with information from the remaini
279                   These extreme changes have amplified threats to the freshwater ecosystems that domi
280  leads us to propose that the ERBB2 locus is amplified through the mechanism that repeatedly generate
281 possible detrimental health effects could be amplified through their widespread use in foods, cosmeti
282 , enriched for PD-1(+) effector T cells, and amplified tissue production of multiple T-cell effector
283                    The pol gene sequence was amplified to ascertain the HIV-1 subtype.
284  which initial inhomogeneities in inputs are amplified to produce robust place field activity, then p
285 h externally injected seed pulses, which are amplified to similar levels at the highest pump energies
286 uces EGFR-dependent signaling that, in turn, amplifies TRPV3 via activation of the mitogen-activated
287 amplified in multiple human cancer types and amplified tumors have increased mutational burden.
288 eir cognate antigen than Vss subfamilies not amplified upon anti-PD-1 therapy and could be identified
289                      Porcine DNA was firstly amplified using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (
290 tions in copy number were minimal in samples amplified using the GenomePlex kit, but they were statis
291 tatistically significantly higher in samples amplified using the REPLI-g kit.
292 dy and a chromogenic substrate to provide an amplified visible signal, in a two-dimensional paper net
293 ributed to "Arctic amplification" - that is, amplified warming in Arctic regions due to sea-ice loss
294                     Both source and sink and amplifying wave regulate ATP levels using hydrolysis or
295 opagate the Ca(2+) wave are source and sink, amplifying wave, and release and diffusion.
296  transient vibrational signature tracking to amplifying weak normal Raman scattering signals.
297 chemistry 3+; 3 immunohistochemistry 2+/FISH amplified), whereas 7 were HER2- (3 immunohistochemistry
298 pared with wild-type mice, which was further amplified with cholera toxin (CT) immunization without c
299  contextual role in appetite control that is amplified with hypocaloric conditioning.
300 these issues can be quickly and dramatically amplified with increasing number of samples.

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