


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cation of primary tumor (57% pancreatic, 22% ampullary, 17% distal bile duct, 3% duodenal), mean tumo
2 actuarial survival rates were pancreatic 5%, ampullary 25%, distal bile duct 21%, and duodenal 59%.
3 r actual survival rates were pancreatic 15%, ampullary 39%, distal bile duct 27%, and duodenal 59%.
4 ectomy for adenocarcinomas: 13 duodenal, 110 ampullary, 43 distal CBD, and 344 PDAC.
5          Most duodenal (61.5% [8 of 13]) and ampullary (51.8% [57 of 110]) cancers were intestinal ty
6 ts included in the primary analysis, 297 had ampullary, 96 had bile duct, and 35 had other cancers.
7 tandard regimen for advanced small bowel and ampullary adenocarcinomas.
8 astic epithelial cells of the pancreatic and ampullary adenocarcinomas.
9 f the risk of progression to adenocarcinoma, ampullary adenomas should be treated.
10 evaluating the role of endoscopy in managing ampullary adenomas.
11 lished, whereas in the more regularly firing ampullary afferents it is not.
12                        In controls, when cut ampullary afferents reinnervate transplanted ampullary o
13 ations of beta-catenin were more frequent in ampullary and gallbladder carcinomas than in bile duct c
14                                          The ampullary and type I parampullary neurons possess dendri
15 r edge of the semicircular canals and to the ampullary and utricular walls.
16 ic alterations in 18 extrahepatic biliary, 9 ampullary, and 12 duodenal carcinomas.
17                  Primary afferents from long ampullary canals (>3 cm) were more sensitive and had a l
18 lts showed pancreatic cancer (n = 282; 43%), ampullary cancer (n = 70; 11%), distal common bile duct
19 a (33.4%), distal cholangiocarcinoma (8.7%), ampullary carcinoma (7.1%), duodenal carcinoma (4.0%), o
20   Factors predictive of improved survival in ampullary carcinoma include resection, negative margins,
21  clinicopathologic variables and survival of ampullary carcinoma was tested by the Kaplan-Meier metho
22              In 123 patients presenting with ampullary carcinoma, 101 tumors (82.1%) were resected.
23 t pancreaticobiliary diseased tissues (PDAC, ampullary carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, mucinous cystic
24 omas, 2 of 2 duodenal carcinomas, and 5 of 8 ampullary carcinomas (63%).
25 tromal compartments, a distinction absent in ampullary carcinomas and cholangiocarcinomas.
26                                              Ampullary carcinomas are highly malignant neoplasms that
27 eta (P = 0.03), and ER (P = 0.001), and than ampullary carcinomas at RAR beta (P = 0.02) and ER (P =
28 equencing and DNA copy-number analysis on 60 ampullary carcinomas resected from clinically well-chara
29 ast, the methylation profiles of biliary and ampullary carcinomas were not statistically different.
30 nal carcinomas are distinct from biliary and ampullary carcinomas, and that tumor-specific methylatio
31       To characterize somatic alterations in ampullary carcinomas, we performed whole-exome sequencin
32 survival (median, 43.6 months) were found in ampullary carcinomas.
33    In addition, Ksp-cadherin was found at UB ampullary cells next to developing outpouches, suggestin
34 e projection area of afferents from a single ampullary cluster.
35 2) was 60%, 19%, 15%, and 6% for pancreatic, ampullary, distal bile duct, and duodenal tumors, respec
36 ar survival is less likely for patients with ampullary, distal bile duct, and pancreatic primaries, i
37  frequently by laparoscopy (31%), whereas in ampullary/duodenal cancer it was never found.
38 neuronal response properties in tuberous and ampullary electroreceptor afferents of the weakly electr
39 we show that lateral line placodes form both ampullary electroreceptors and mechanosensory neuromasts
40                     Male stingrays use their ampullary electroreceptors to locate mates, but the effe
41  in the zone of ELL that receives input from ampullary electroreceptors, indicating markedly differen
42                                  The bigenic ampullary glands and vas deferens were extremely cystic,
43 ndergone ampullectomy for a suspected benign ampullary lesion.
44            The proposed management of benign ampullary lesions includes local resection (EA or SA) an
45 atients selected for ampullectomy for benign ampullary lesions, EA was found to have equivalent effic
46 mpared EA and SA for the treatment of benign ampullary lesions.
47     The nerve terminals, however, make large ampullary-like boutons on the receptor cells.
48 atic head and gallbladder cancers but not in ampullary malignancies.
49      Innervated by a branch of the posterior ampullary nerve, the organ is covered by a cupula extend
50 s angular head velocity and stimulates canal ampullary nerves can improve vision by augmenting the ve
51                                          Two ampullary neurons are associated with each of the latera
52 type I and type II parampullary neurons, and ampullary neurons.
53         Those with intestinal-type duodenal, ampullary, or distal CBD adenocarcinomas had longer medi
54                 Those with PB-type duodenal, ampullary, or distal CBD adenocarcinomas have survival s
55 receptive and our molecular understanding of ampullary organ development is rudimentary.
56              Overall, our results illuminate ampullary organ development, physiology and evolution.
57 el predicted from skate (cartilaginous fish) ampullary organ electrophysiology.
58                                              Ampullary organ electroreceptors excited by weak cathoda
59 r mechanistic understanding of neuromast and ampullary organ formation by elongating lateral line pla
60                               We identify an ampullary organ-specific proneural transcription factor,
61 ine placode-derived system of electrosensory ampullary organs and mechanosensory neuromasts.
62 emonstrate a lateral line placode origin for ampullary organs and neuromasts.
63 er with the axolotl data, this confirms that ampullary organs are ancestrally lateral line placode-de
64 onic origins remain controversial: bony fish ampullary organs are derived from lateral line placodes,
65  innervation of the incorrect end organ; (3) ampullary organs generate ampullary receptor cells altho
66 confirm the homology of electroreceptors and ampullary organs in cartilaginous and non-teleost bony f
67                                     Although ampullary organs in the axolotl (a representative of the
68 uestion the homology of electroreceptors and ampullary organs in the two lineages of jawed vertebrate
69 e sensory receptors nor the afferents of the ampullary organs label with these antibodies, and the af
70 of a subset reveals expression in developing ampullary organs of transcription factor genes critical
71 ferentiating in the center of the ridge, and ampullary organs on the flanks), or migration as collect
72 ossess a total of over 4000 electroreceptive ampullary organs scattered over the entire body.
73 and afferent neurons for both neuromasts and ampullary organs, develop from lateral line placodes.
74 ctroreception is mediated by 'hair cells' in ampullary organs, distributed in fields flanking lines o
75 ed on the head by fields of electroreceptive ampullary organs, innervated by afferent neurons project
76 mechanosensory neuromasts and electrosensory ampullary organs, is a useful model for investigating th
77   When type I tuberous afferents reinnervate ampullary organs, receptor cells remain S-100- and parva
78 ampullary afferents reinnervate transplanted ampullary organs, they have characteristic calbindin-neg
79 th advanced adenocarcinoma of small bowel or ampullary origin.
80 ect end organ; (3) ampullary organs generate ampullary receptor cells although innervated by tuberous
81 gh innervated by tuberous afferents; and (4) ampullary receptor cells can be trophically supported by
82 07, all (100%) originated in the fimbrial or ampullary region of the tube; six had an early (intraepi
83                 Improved overall survival in ampullary relative to periampullary adenocarcinoma is du
84 ing from the crista and extending toward the ampullary roof.
85 e evaluated for the presence of bile duct or ampullary stones, as well as for biliary dilatation.
86 luated for the presence of bile duct stones, ampullary stones, the gallbladder and gallbladder stones
87 mical analysis of calreticulin in pancreatic/ampullary tumor tissue arrays using an isoform nonspecif
88  best therapeutic approach for patients with ampullary tumors and to determine methods to decrease co
89 ication of independent prognostic factors in ampullary tumors has been limited by small numbers of tu
90                                              Ampullary tumors, usually adenomas, are often encountere
91 as focused on the preoperative management of ampullary tumors, with a paper evaluating the role of en
92 pears to be an effective method for treating ampullary tumors.
93                            Four patients had ampullary tumors.
94 cal dendrites and commissural cells, but the ampullary zone did not.
95                              Mormyromast and ampullary zones of the ELL showed calretinin-like immuno

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