


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 leanane (12,13beta-epoxy-16beta-hydroxy-beta-amyrin).
2  the isomers (lupeol, alpha-amyrin, and beta-amyrin).
3  to the accumulation of 16alpha-hydroxy beta-amyrin.
4 oducts, including the simple triterpene beta-amyrin.
5 myrin but had a product preference for alpha-amyrin.
6 synthesized from the simple triterpene, beta-amyrin.
7 -Amyrin acetate (1), n-octacosanol (2), beta-Amyrin (3), stigmasterol (4), xanthyletin (6), alloxanth
8  aglycones are most likely derived from beta-amyrin, a product of the cyclization of 2,3-oxidosqualen
9                                         beta-Amyrin accumulated solely in the intracuticular wax, con
10                                         beta-Amyrin acetate (1), n-octacosanol (2), beta-Amyrin (3),
11 ces cerevisiae led to the production of beta-amyrin and alpha-amyrin, the direct precursors of oleana
12 xed amyrin synthase that produced both alpha-amyrin and beta-amyrin but had a product preference for
13 d for the contrasting environments, and beta-amyrin and cholesterol were more predominant in the Sant
14  (OM), and three triterpenols (lupeol, alpha-amyrin, and beta-amyrin) were chosen as the analytes.
15  cholestanol) and the isomers (lupeol, alpha-amyrin, and beta-amyrin).
16 -achilleol B, camelliol A, and (+)-seco-beta-amyrin as minor compounds.
17 ase that produced both alpha-amyrin and beta-amyrin but had a product preference for alpha-amyrin.
18           Oat roots also synthesize the beta-amyrin-derived triterpene glycoside avenacin A-1, which
19  The accumulation of elevated levels of beta-amyrin in these mutants triggers a "superhairy" root phe
20 hase that converts 2,3-oxidosqualene to beta-amyrin in yeast, and its role in maesasaponin biosynthes
21 16 catalyses the C-16alpha oxidation of beta-amyrin in yeast, leading to the accumulation of 16alpha-
22                       The metabolism of beta-amyrin is blocked in sad2 mutants, which therefore accum
23                                         beta-Amyrin is present at low levels in the roots of diploid
24 P716A75 catalyses the C-28 oxidation of beta-amyrin, leading to the accumulation of mainly erythrodio
25                         The function of beta-amyrin per se is unknown, but this molecule can serve as
26                       When expressed in beta-amyrin-producing yeast, CYP716A75 catalyses the C-28 oxi
27                 sad2 mutants accumulate beta-amyrin, suggesting that they are blocked early in the pa
28 hase (SS), squalene epoxidase (SE), and beta-amyrin synthase (beta-AS).
29            Three full-length OSC cDNAs, beta-amyrin synthase (WsOSC/BS), lupeol synthase (WsOSC/LS),
30                              MlbAS is a beta-amyrin synthase that converts 2,3-oxidosqualene to beta-
31 a-amyrin synthase, whereas ObAS2 was a mixed amyrin synthase that produced both alpha-amyrin and beta
32 se gene AtLUP4 (for lupeol synthase4 or beta-amyrin synthase) to compare water loss with and without
33               ObAS1 was identified as a beta-amyrin synthase, whereas ObAS2 was a mixed amyrin syntha
34 d to the production of beta-amyrin and alpha-amyrin, the direct precursors of oleanane-type and ursan
35                                         Beta-amyrin was the sole product of the cyclization of squale
36 triterpenols (lupeol, alpha-amyrin, and beta-amyrin) were chosen as the analytes.
37 id, mangiferonic acid and a mixture of alpha-amyrin with mangiferonic acid (1:3) were isolated and ch

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