


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1  activated by the depletion of intracellular stores and has an important role in many cell types.
2 ors influence the characteristics of Arbequina oil and play an important role in newly introduced cultivars.
3                        Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) play an important role in transplant rejection and tolerance.
4 linical trials across different therapeutic approaches play an important role in clinical decision making, treatment guid
5 on bone health and suggest that race/ethnicity and BMI play an important role in pregnancy bone health.
6  of EGTA, suggesting that intracellular Ca(2+) buffers play an important role in vesicle recruitment in both low- and hig
7 sensitivity of tumor cells to cytotoxic treatments can play an important role in individualized cancer medicine.
8                     Annotation with ontology terms can play an important role in making data driven classifications searc
9 is study suggest that the radicals present in soil can play an important role in natural remediation mechanisms of carbam
10                                                RTE can play an important role in the differentiation between malignant an
11                                       Circadian clocks play an important role in lipid homeostasis, with impact on variou
12 s capable of distinguishing these two conditions could play an important role in the clinical management of patients with
13 ptional promoters and their distal regulatory elements play an important role in transcriptional regulation; however, the
14      Here, we provide evidence that glycosphingolipids play an important role in muscle innervation, which degenerates in
15  redundancy, and that their compensatory herbivory may play an important role in ecosystem resilience.
16          Functional studies revealed that SLC25A46 may play an important role in mitochondrial dynamics by mediating mito
17                         These biomarkers therefore may play an important role in the monitoring and management of patient
18 considered as an excellent PGP rhizobacterium that may play an important role in the recovery of burned holm-oak forests.
19 action with target proteases or other proteins and may play an important role in the various beneficial functions of vasp
20                                              MicroRNAs play an important role in regulating ER stress.
21          However, factors other than somatic mutations play an important role in disease initiation as well as disease pr
22 aH corroborated the observation that clathrin does not play an important role in endocytosis in A. nidulans.
23 udies indicate that iPLA2-dependent metabolic pathways play an important role in tumor initiation or progression in smoke
24 adaptation or reproductive isolation and may therefore play an important role in the speciation process.
25                             Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play an important role in immune responses to pathogens by transdu
26                   Dysfunction of microglia is known to play an important role in Alzheimer's disease (AD).
27                        The bottom template is found to play an important role in stabilizing the beta roll structure of t
28                      Similar mass drownings may have played an important role in rivers throughout the world when large m
29           Dopaminergic signalling is established as playing an important role in novelty related modulation of hippocampa
30 mannose 6-phosphate-containing molecules and IGF2 and plays an important role in many pathophysiological processes, inclu
31 lication in macrophages affects cellular function and plays an important role in pathogenesis during infection in vivo Ma
32 main (MA) of HIV-1 Gag protein is N-myristoylated and plays an important role in virus budding.
33                                 Staphylococcus aureus plays an important role in sepsis, pneumonia, wound infections, and
34     Aquaporin- (AQP) 3, a water and glycerol channel, plays an important role in epidermal function, with studies showing
35 an genome, translation initiation from non-AUG codons plays an important role in various gene regulation programs.
36 e report that the KDM3 family of histone demethylases plays an important role in tumorigenic potential and survival of hu
37                                         Because HLA-E plays an important role in antiviral immunity by regulating natural
38 lectively, these results suggest that endogenous GDNF plays an important role in regulating the function of dopamine tran
39 rein, we demonstrate by the first time that the Igf1r plays an important role in murine asthma, mediating both AHR and mu
40 N) signaling engenders an antiviral state that likely plays an important role in constraining HIV-1 transmission and cont
41                                 Trafficking of mGluRs plays an important role in controlling the precise localization of
42                      This single site phosphorylation plays an important role in the control of transcriptional activatio
43 iquid phase separation (LLPS) of RNA-binding proteins plays an important role in the formation of multiple membrane-less
44                                             Since ROS plays an important role in a variety of inflammation, our data demo
45            Our data suggest that interorgan signaling plays an important role in controlling OB-ISCs in homeostasis and i
46                                                  SOX1 plays an important role in neural development and neural progenitor
47  interest as a type of genomic/genetic variation that plays an important role in disease susceptibility.
48 ritical for male meiotic cell wall formation and thus plays an important role in consolidating the male gametophytic ploi
49    It is argued that radiative cooling by water vapor plays an important role in governing the depth and amplitude of lar
50                                   The plant cell wall plays an important role in communication, defense, organization and

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