


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and composition in early life appear to have an influence on adult health, even after adjustment for
2  expression in the 5q31 locus and might have an influence on asthma status or IgE regulation.
3 non-selective nicotinic agonist nicotine has an influence on auditory gating in part by acting on the
4 ition goes to an individual who has had such an influence on basic and medical immunology that it is
5 regulated the isoprenoid pathway, suggesting an influence on both sterol metabolite synthesis and pro
6 ork connecting other metabolic pathways with an influence on cancer cell metabolism.
7  cells from p65 KO tumor, which demonstrated an influence on CD8+T cell proliferation.
8     We ascertained whether 9p21 genotype had an influence on CDKN2A/CDKN2B/ANRIL expression levels in
9 that NEFA affects receptor operation through an influence on channel gating.
10 ard identifying a gene on chromosome 22 with an influence on common myopia.
11  Age of the patient and glaucoma surgery had an influence on corneal thickness.
12 nces of making the wrong decision also exert an influence on demand.
13 sulin, despite its very low levels, can have an influence on diabetogenesis.
14 that affect microglial activation could have an influence on disease progression.
15  image categories (scenes and objects) exert an influence on each other such that scene context can f
16 experience into physiological activation and an influence on feelings of energy and physical well-bei
17 ference for sweetness has been shown to have an influence on food consumption, although this may be a
18        First, we investigated whether it has an influence on gene expression by means of a luciferase
19 hromatin modification activities, suggesting an influence on genome mutability and functional variati
20 ersus 0.5 s(-1), respectively) as opposed to an influence on ground-state binding of either non-natur
21  that both of these angular motion cues have an influence on head-direction cells and may thus be use
22  in aggregate across genes and gene sets for an influence on HIV-1 viral load.
23     These results demonstrate that cPLA2 has an influence on IL-8 and COX 2 gene and protein expressi
24  LPA3 receptor-mediated signalling as having an influence on implantation, and further indicate linka
25 ention impairment was induced selectively by an influence on information retrieval.
26 easingly, the World Trade Organisation) have an influence on international health.
27  We show that cell-cell adhesion has less of an influence on invasion compared with cell-medium adhes
28 possesses three moieties that appear to have an influence on its anticancer activities: diphenylmetha
29  a polymer to reptate through a nanopore has an influence on its circulatory half-life and biodistrib
30 structure of a nanotube, which, in turn, has an influence on its electron transport properties.
31          The nature of the Fab' fragment had an influence on its residence time as well and the anti-
32 onary artery disease may result, in part, by an influence on lesion activity rather than a reduction
33 sence of the PG network, but that the PG has an influence on LMWG assembly kinetics and morphology.
34 ion is essentially fixed by sequence and has an influence on local ion distribution or alternatively
35 ut whether intermediate filaments (IFs) have an influence on MT dynamics.
36 , suggesting that the injured cells may have an influence on neighboring cells.
37  tacitly assumed that the hippocampus exerts an influence on neocortical networks, the mechanisms of
38 tion in northeastern Australia, also exerted an influence on North Atlantic climate through atmospher
39 ften only reflects the first time a gene has an influence on - or is necessary for - a particular bio
40                                              An influence on overall survival has not yet been shown.
41 ar tumor (p = 0.1024) were not found to have an influence on patient survival.
42                              Gender may have an influence on penetrance of PKP2 mutations, with male
43 modeling during plant development could have an influence on plant resistance to phytopathogens.
44 V rose similarly with aging, PWV had more of an influence on PP in women than did mean BP.
45 latory SH3 domains was shown with respect to an influence on progestin-induced growth arrest of breas
46 liposarcoma, tumor location exerts as strong an influence on prognosis as biology.
47 ation between nanomotors is possible and has an influence on propulsion behavior.
48  sequence substitutions that we predict have an influence on protein function.
49 ctors or other life events not measured have an influence on psychologic functioning.
50 c role in post-traumatic stress disorder via an influence on safety signal learning and/or threat-saf
51 aptic transmissions in MD were evaluated for an influence on seizures evoked from area tempestas (AT)
52  their personal goals and collectively exert an influence on social and economic systems.
53  + T content, on transversion proportion and an influence on substitutions by nucleotides other than
54 s been suggested as a prognostic factor with an influence on survival.
55 he autonomic nervous system, perhaps through an influence on systemic blood pressure, has a significa
56 ion and excretion of (11)C-erlotinib and has an influence on the ability of (11)C-erlotinib PET to pr
57 unized with lipopeptide can be attributed to an influence on the adaptive immune response.
58 d Bb lipoproteins, OspC and DbpA, likely via an influence on the alternative sigma factor, RpoS.
59 used to optimize the induction rates and had an influence on the background expression levels.
60          Further, nitrogen fixation may have an influence on the capacity of the oceans to sequester
61 smoother edges and denser surfaces that have an influence on the catalytic properties of the S-Mo-S(C
62 ules and by hydrogen bonding but not through an influence on the cis to trans isomer ratio.
63 al-transcriptional selection, therefore, has an influence on the codon usage of a gene.
64 de-chain quenching and/or indirectly through an influence on the conformational ensemble of the pepti
65 ons provide additional dimer contacts, exert an influence on the conformations of the substrate bindi
66 r receptor phenotype, did not appear to have an influence on the course of heart failure.
67 g the acetal groups to its periphery all had an influence on the critical micelle concentration and t
68 ooling rate, and types of emulsifier all had an influence on the crystallisation properties of fat in
69 ons, rather than because each individual has an influence on the decision per se.
70                       Moreover, Src may have an influence on the development of the metastatic phenot
71                   The data also suggest that an influence on the distribution of cellular transmembra
72  of HIV-specific CD8 T cell responses showed an influence on the early viral set point, a broader HIV
73                     The parameters that have an influence on the electrophoretic separation and the M
74 f gaze direction, whereas gaze direction had an influence on the emotion perception of ethnic out-gro
75  sulfide precipitation in ODZs may also have an influence on the global distribution of other trace m
76 gly suggest that substrate binding must have an influence on the heme geometry of HRP and that the he
77        Bacteria and fungi in buildings exert an influence on the human microbiome through aerosol dep
78 tudy demonstrated that P. inui infection had an influence on the immune response to an SIV DNA vaccin
79 part of the pharmacophore were found to have an influence on the MC4/MC1 receptor selectivity.
80 e, seasonal changes as well as captivity had an influence on the number of proliferating cells.
81  compositional or processing parameters have an influence on the odour quality of egg powders.
82 to mitochondria for oxidative metabolism has an influence on the outcome of retinal ischemia/reperfus
83  at the abutment or bone interfaces may have an influence on the pathogenesis of peri-implant bone lo
84 ic interactions, in which a gene only exerts an influence on the phenotype in the presence of a parti
85 d demonstrates that orbital effects can have an influence on the properties of layered ruthenates, a
86 uctural analyses of these revealed primarily an influence on the protein stability.
87 onjugate channels, and can inevitably impose an influence on the quantum effects such as entangled de
88 ing rate (1 versus 10 degrees C min(-1)) had an influence on the structural properties.
89                         Flow conditions bear an influence on the thickness of the aqueous diffusion l
90 gene to assess whether this gene product has an influence on their antitumor efficacy, replication ki
91 h luminal antigen and B cells appear to have an influence on these altered epithelial differentiation
92  cell was assessed as a growth factor and as an influence on tyrosine sulfate content of thyroglobuli
93 tassium channel subunits, respectively, have an influence on vascular reactivity.
94 e expression in appropriate strains and test an influence on virulence.

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