


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 ology showed evidence of intracellular storage, and genetic analysis confirmed a GLA A gene mutation (p.Asn215Ser) in all
2                                             A bootstrapping analysis confirmed a significant increase in R(2) for the mod
3                                                Change-point analysis confirmed a temporal association of high-frequency P
4                                                 Qualitative analysis confirmed cerebrocerebellar diaschisis in all gliobl
5                                          Single-cell RNAseq analysis confirmed CHX10(+) cells within the differentiated p
6 TM thinning with collapse of Schlemm's canal; and proteomic analysis confirmed downregulation of metabolic and structural
7                Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays and PCR analysis confirmed HNF-1beta binding to the Ppargc1a promoter
8 validation cohort (mean age, 62 years; range, 27-86 years), analysis confirmed improvement in specificity (from 17% to 33
9                                                  Functional analysis confirmed inactivating CYLD mutations as drivers for
10                                                 Metabolomic analysis confirmed no change in cellular metabolic response t
11                                             Stomach content analysis confirmed predation on cnidarians and gelatinous org
12                                         Moreover, In-silico analysis confirmed probable binding polar and non-polar regio
13                                       Our trans-ethnic meta-analysis confirmed recent findings implicating the KLB and GC
14                                                Glycan array analysis confirmed selective binding of the CRD to glycans th
15                                      Kinetic and mutational analysis confirmed several features seen in the crystal struc
16                                                 Conjunction analysis confirmed significant differences in the bilateral A
17                                                  Gene-based analysis confirmed strong interaction between COL5A3 and MMP9
18                           Accordingly, DNase I footprinting analysis confirmed that AbrB bound to the promoter region of
19                                               Multivariable analysis confirmed that ATLG was associated with inferior PFS
20                               Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis confirmed that clofibrate abrogates the binding of n
21 iles using multiple V regions validated by quantitative PCR analysis confirmed that distinct bacterial taxa dominate in d
22                                    Multivariable regression analysis confirmed that high-burden hospitals were more likel
23                                                    Mutation analysis confirmed that JZTx-27 bound to S3-4 linker of NsVBa
24                                                      RNAseq analysis confirmed that many of these loci are expressed.
25                                 Live-cell bioenergetic flux analysis confirmed that mensacarcin disturbs energy productio
26                                                        ChIP analysis confirmed that PGR proteins were recruited on proges
27                          Critically, effective connectivity analysis confirmed that reduced amygdala activity was not mer
28                Second, western blot and immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that Sal-1 suppressed iNOS expression in v
29                         Western blotting and immunostaining analysis confirmed that ShcA is expressed in podocytes.
30  was significantly associated with fertility and functional analysis confirmed that sperm from bulls possessing the haplo
31                                                  Behavioral analysis confirmed that the 14-day social defeat sessions res
32                       X-ray crystallography, HDX-MS and SPR analysis confirmed that the CDR regions of VHH6 interact simu
33                                               Protein BLAST analysis confirmed that the chosen peptide markers were uniqu
34                                            Moreover, RT-PCR analysis confirmed that the expression of the RNAi apparatus
35                                    In addition, the PCA-MLR analysis confirmed that the industrial sections; cutting, shi
36                                   Further mass spectrometry analysis confirmed that the isolated FaEO consists in the alr
37 c extracts were able to inhibit fungal amylase, and the PCA analysis confirmed that the relation between the chlorogenic
38                                                      Marker analysis confirmed that the two cell phenotypes were mutually
39 idgut protein vesicles showed weak binding, and ligand blot analysis confirmed the binding specificity.
40 r NOTAs was still functional; (iii) circular dichroism (CD) analysis confirmed the complexation of unmodified and NOTA-mo
41  the influence of combustion parameters and the sensitivity analysis confirmed the dominating influence of hydrocarbon fr
42                                                     qRT-PCR analysis confirmed the microarray results, that KIR2DL4, IL6
43 esence of NEIL1 and DNA, while small-angle X-ray scattering analysis confirmed the NEIL1 mediated PCNA trimer dissociatio
44                                                 Patch-clamp analysis confirmed the neuron-like electrophysiological profi
45                          The immunological and histological analysis confirmed the positive radiological performance with
46                                                Quantitative analysis confirmed the positive visual findings in (15)O-wate
47                                                Multivariate analysis confirmed the predictive value of baseline LV SUV fo
48                                Scanning electron microscopy analysis confirmed the presence of AuNP on the surface of PPD
49                                        CLRN1 minigene-based analysis confirmed the splicing of an aberrant exon due to us
50                          We conclude that metabolic network analysis confirmed the validity of the thermodynamic constrai

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