


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nt cell death programs may be evolutionarily ancient.
2 is and that such asexual reproduction may be ancient.
3  clay) stamped by royal seals as part of the ancient administrative system in Judah (Jerusalem and it
4 of these crops can provide insights into the ancient agricultural system of eastern North America, th
5 lose relatives was inferred to have involved ancient allotetraploidy and subsequent recent allohexapl
6                              We propose that ancient ancestral origins for ciHHV-6A and ciHHV-6B are
7 water stickleback also act as reservoirs for ancient ancestral sequences that are highly conserved am
8 individuals have different mixtures of these ancient ancestries.
9           Biological clocks are a ubiquitous ancient and adaptive mechanism enabling organisms to ant
10 that RFamide neuropeptides participate in an ancient and central aspect of sleep control.
11 ure and fate of stomata in hornworts that is ancient and common to plants without sporophytic leaves.
12                      OPS protein function is ancient and conserved in the most basal angiosperms; how
13  through a modular programme which, although ancient and conserved, provides the flexibility that has
14 ies.IMPORTANCE Papillomaviruses (PVs) are an ancient and heterogeneous group of double-stranded DNA v
15                              While sex is an ancient and highly conserved eukaryotic invention, self-
16  of chemical forms in many systems including ancient and historic materials ranging from cultural her
17    Diet mostly influences the acquisition of ancient and large microbial lineages.
18 ing that their genomic location is extremely ancient and likely to place constraints on the evolution
19 t of great debate, but increasing amounts of ancient and modern DNA data are now providing new and mo
20               Recent genomic studies of both ancient and modern indigenous people of the Americas hav
21                             We identified 26 ancient and more recent polyploidy events distributed th
22  lines of evidence suggest that members from ancient and polymorphic gene families such as defensins
23 , China, [1, 7] to study his relationship to ancient and present-day humans.
24 ds and thus their origin and relationship to ancient and present-day populations remain unclear.
25                             This supports an ancient and tightly conserved genetic origin of stomata.
26 lyphosphate (polyP) granule biogenesis is an ancient and ubiquitous starvation response in bacteria.
27                                          Six ancient and underutilized apple varieties (Mantovana, Mo
28            This result is very important for ancient and underutilized varieties that are not consume
29 g the evolutionary relationships between two ancient animal lineages - sponges and ctenophores - and
30 .Production of reactive oxygen species is an ancient antimicrobial mechanism, but its role in antivir
31 oideum's CISD proteins as the closest to the ancient archetype of eukaryotic NEET proteins.
32  have been sought in fields ranging from the ancient art of origami to modern meta-materials research
33 e Diploscapter pachys gives clues as to how 'ancient asexual' animals can exist.
34 tough exoskeleton through the activity of an ancient bacterial symbiont with a tiny genome that serve
35 sm are evolutionarily related as a result of ancient balancing selection combined with independent or
36 ation of Drosophila but rather represents an ancient behavioral mode that is homologous to the more e
37 ithin the legal limits, except for some very ancient brandies whose contamination was probably due to
38 lts demonstrate little to no mobilization of ancient C stocks from this boreal peatland and a relativ
39      Finally, analysis of exons regulated by ancient CELF family homologs in chicken, Drosophila, and
40  genetic variation reveals the footprints of ancient changes in genomic mutation processes.
41 asites, provides compelling evidence for the ancient chimeric ancestry of eukaryotes.
42 abolic engineering, which are inspired by an ancient Chinese irrigation system.
43                                     The most ancient CID/NCBD formed a relatively weak complex (Kd ap
44 es a cytoplasmic glycosyltransferase from an ancient clade of CAZy family GT32 to catalyze transfer o
45 escales is controversial, with a scarcity of ancient clades exhibiting repetitive patterns of phenoty
46 the specimen analysed here is evidence of an ancient clotting mechanism not dissimilar to those of to
47 glutarate dehydrogenases are substituted by 'ancient' CoA-dependent pyruvate and alpha-ketoglutarate
48                     Iron-sulfur clusters are ancient cofactors that play a fundamental role in metabo
49 rack changes of crustal thickness changes in ancient collisional belts.
50  transliterated from the Hebrew above, is an ancient concept in Judaic scripture meaning "from genera
51 efines a conserved ciliary proteome, reveals ancient connections to signaling, and uncovers a ciliary
52 icult (and contentious) to determine whether ancient corals harbored symbionts.
53 s vulnerable to global change stressors than ancient counterparts.
54                                One region of ancient crust is the Hudson Bay terrane of northeastern
55 r isotopic composition determination in such ancient deciduous tooth.
56 city and dynamic coding in an evolutionarily ancient deep subcortical structure that is traditionally
57 lution along the mammalian tree and to infer ancient diets from the predicted microbiomes of mammalia
58                      Although syphilis is an ancient disease and the principles of recommended manage
59 round 1491 AD; however, the impacts of these ancient disturbances remain entirely unaccounted for in
60                      These data show that an ancient divergence allowed for the emergence of a so-far
61 l genomes are thought to be indicative of an ancient divergence, but this relies on unexamined assump
62                         Previously published ancient DNA analyses of uniparental genetic markers have
63                             Here, we present ancient DNA analysis, stable isotope data of oxygen, and
64 iminate surface contamination, and we tested ancient DNA authenticity based on plastid DNA metabarcod
65 es will further improve our understanding of ancient DNA breakdown dynamics.
66 nome-sequencing projects, with genomic-scale ancient DNA data sets now available for more than 1,100
67 fully understood due to the lack of relevant ancient DNA data.
68 s Europe using a high-resolution genome-wide ancient DNA dataset with a total of 180 samples, of whic
69  and reproduces most common bias observed in ancient DNA datasets.
70                       We propose a model for ancient DNA decay wherein fragmentation rapidly reaches
71 le of pedigreed hairless dog skulls by using ancient DNA extraction and present the associated dental
72                               In contrast to ancient DNA findings from Central Europe, we do not obse
73 eveloped gargammel, a package that simulates ancient DNA fragments given a set of known reference gen
74   Here we describe the shotgun-sequencing of ancient DNA from five specimens of Neanderthal calcified
75                                              Ancient DNA from historical and subfossil wood has a gre
76                                              Ancient DNA from the saber-toothed cat Homotherium revea
77                                              Ancient DNA is revealing new insights into the genetic r
78                                         Poor ancient DNA preservation in these regions challenged pre
79 mortem DNA damage allowed us to authenticate ancient DNA retrieved from the oldest Late Glacial pine
80            DNA metabarcoding confirmed which ancient DNA samples repeatedly amplified pine DNA and we
81                                              Ancient DNA studies have established that Neolithic Euro
82 ccessibility of relict wood for genome-scale ancient DNA studies.
83  an interdisciplinary approach that combines ancient DNA techniques, coalescent simulations and speci
84                                  Here we use ancient DNA to investigate the relationship between hunt
85 ation found on Kent's DNA, characteristic of ancient DNA, rendered traditional methods of relatedness
86 s and in cases of low-coverage data, such as ancient DNA.
87 que Late Pleistocene European fossil through ancient-DNA analyses, thus strengthening the evidence th
88 g., mammoths and cave bears), relatively few ancient-DNA studies have focused on saber-toothed cats [
89                                     Although ancient-DNA studies have led to huge advances in our kno
90 chemical characteristics projected for these ancient domains indicate that they contain metal and are
91  are ubiquitous in the atmospheres of Venus, ancient Earth, and Mars.
92 dge of how groups of organisms interacted in ancient ecosystems.
93 ic forcing data, Nilometer measurements, and ancient Egyptian writings.
94                     Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Eastern
95 viruses, but owing to the discovery of their ancient endogenous viral counterparts, their early histo
96 ursors made an important contribution to the ancient enteric nervous system of early jawless vertebra
97 osphatidylserine decarboxylase 1 (Psd1p), an ancient enzyme that converts phosphatidylserine to phosp
98         Arsenite oxidase is thought to be an ancient enzyme, originating before the divergence of the
99 nt in gypsum alabaster to unambiguously link ancient European source quarries and areas to alabaster
100 and the selective pressures underlying these ancient events have not been assessed.
101 ese protein capabilities could have roots in ancient evolution and could be mechanistically important
102 mergence of the bona fide type II CHIs is an ancient evolution event that occurred before the diverge
103                            Reconstruction of ancient evolutionary radiations is devilishly difficult
104 d, offering a new platform for understanding ancient exchange based on actual material transfers, bot
105 n of contacts, has left important aspects of ancient exchange open to speculation.
106                  To improve understanding of ancient exchange practices and their potential role in s
107 o determine whether sponges, one of the most ancient extant metazoan lineages, possess an MBD2/3 capa
108                                     However, ancient extinctions demonstrate that even active organis
109 cause of selectivity ratcheting during these ancient extinctions, so on average may be less vulnerabl
110 patocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF4) is the most ancient family of nuclear receptor transcription factors
111  tectonic plate boundaries generally exploit ancient faults, but not all intraplate faults are equall
112                         Here, we report that ancient fish-bone remains, despite being porous, brittle
113 e that characterizes the albuminous seeds of ancient flowering plant lineages.
114 oxygenic photosynthesis, is thought to be an ancient form of phototrophy along with the photosyntheti
115 wash with mechanical cues, probably the most ancient form of which are osmotic forces.
116 , industrial fouling and are also evident in ancient fossils.
117  a diagnostic criterion by which to identify ancient fragments of oceanic crust, and as a constraint
118                                    Hitherto, ancient frozen soils have proved excellent in preserving
119    To test principles governing retention of ancient function, we asked if prokaryotic genes could re
120  the hypothesis that the OCP evolved from an ancient fusion event between genes for two different car
121 eastern European populations and evidence of ancient gene flow from Siberia into Europe.
122          Highly conserved and evolutionarily ancient genes of primary metabolism were activated at in
123 ent a hybrid zone but instead formed through ancient genetic admixture.
124 s in a hornwort, further supporting a single ancient genetic origin of stomata in the ancestor to all
125 from archaic hominins to humans and emerging ancient genome data sets for domesticated animals and pl
126 port a primary role of genetic drift driving ancient genome reduction of marine bacterioplankton line
127 ds and campanulids, E. ulmoides underwent an ancient genome triplication shared by core eudicots but
128 d male demographic histories on the basis of ancient genomes can provide information about complexiti
129                          We finally leverage ancient genomes to document episodes of natural selectio
130  transition across Europe, we analyzed eight ancient genomes: six samples (four to approximately 1- t
131 t simulations and apply it to a large set of ancient genomic data from Western Eurasia.
132  of the gold/silver interface prove that the ancient gilding technology was diffusion bonding.
133                  Selectivity patterns during ancient global change extinctions confirm the hypothesis
134 s glycosaminoglycan modification and for an "ancient glycans" approach to dating of Neu5Gc loss durin
135 opean culture traces its history back to the ancient Greek civilisations, while Christianity and Juda
136 s from Curiosity rover data have revealed an ancient, habitable lake environment fed by rivers draini
137                     HRGPs are evolutionarily ancient, having been isolated from the protein-rich wall
138  the Chloroflexi phylum are not particularly ancient, having evolved well after the rise of oxygen (c
139 olecular divergence dates and demonstrate an ancient history for the inflated calyx syndrome.
140 ed psychedelics, such as psilocybin, have an ancient history of medicinal use.
141 ed the importance of the behaviors and their ancient history, but the molecular analysis of how the b
142 ve map of MEIs to date spanning chimpanzees, ancient hominids, and modern humans and reveals new aspe
143 nformation about the behaviour and health of ancient hominin specimens, as well as a unique system th
144 rily successful minimax strategy employed by ancient Homo sapiens subpopulations in a one-player game
145  data sets now available for more than 1,100 ancient human and archaic hominin (for example, Neandert
146                           Tuberculosis is an ancient human disease, estimated to have originated and
147 rs have witnessed an explosion of successful ancient human genome-sequencing projects, with genomic-s
148 ta sets with additional 32 modern-day and 46 ancient human genomes to reconstruct genetic histories o
149 reting our data within the context of recent ancient human genomic evidence that suggests an increase
150 also contain the highest values of predicted ancient human impacts.
151 logical evidence and in areas likely to have ancient human impacts.
152 biased toward areas with high probability of ancient human impacts.
153 king use of the rich information in DNA from ancient human remains, we also highlight admixture in th
154         Instead, most chromosomes supported 'ancient hybrid speciation' between a maternal octoploid
155 al sequences survive in modern humans due to ancient hybridization, providing an opportunity to asses
156 cal evidence highlighting the sensitivity of ancient ice sheets to volcanism is scarce.
157 ulates autophagy in neighboring cells via an ancient immune signaling program.
158    The lost Saraswati River mentioned in the ancient Indian tradition is postulated to have flown ind
159 eport the low-coverage genome sequence of an ancient individual known as "Shuka Kaa" ("Man Ahead of U
160    Analyses of genome-wide data from several ancient individuals from Western Eurasia and Siberia hav
161  dataset is between modern Armenians and the ancient individuals, as also reflected in both network a
162   We have assembled genome-wide data from 19 ancient individuals, including Minoans from Crete, Mycen
163 quences provide a molecular fossil record of ancient infections whose analysis might illuminate mecha
164 genetic evidence of ancestry affinity of the ancient inhabitants of Greater Nicoya and Casas Grandes
165 egulatory sequences correspond to relatively ancient insertions, which are fixed across human populat
166 herited sequences are not silent remnants of ancient interbreeding but have measurable impacts on gen
167  Irish clusters present homogenous levels of ancient Irish ancestries.
168 erence of 6,760 European individuals and two ancient Irish genomes, we demonstrate high levels of Nor
169 h several applications, among which the most ancient is winemaking.
170 sii in Xinjiang of China turns out to be an "ancient" isolated ecotype not directly contributing to a
171                 Origami, widely known as the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, has recently insp
172 cy based analyses, we identify a tripartite, ancient, Khoesan-related genetic structure.
173                      Liverworts are the most ancient land plant lineage and have a flattened, creepin
174                A new study finds that, in an ancient land plant, growth rate variation patterned by m
175 dicating that their ancestors arrived in the ancient landmass of Sahul (present-day New Guinea and Au
176  in sediments and are used as biomarkers for ancient life throughout Earth's history.
177  encoding PP2A subunits in mammals represent ancient lineages that expanded early in vertebrate evolu
178                                              Ancient literature and archaeology reveal hermetic seali
179     We attribute the observed differences to ancient long-wavelength topography on Mars, recent or on
180 iated with retained duplicate genes from the ancient maize polyploidy.
181 at cave sediments represent a rich source of ancient mammalian DNA that often includes traces of homi
182 d therefore retroviruses as a whole, have an ancient marine origin and originated together with, if n
183                   Here we show that the most ancient materials within Eridania are thick (>400 m), ma
184    This may originate from an evolutionarily ancient mechanism that protects photosynthetic bacteria
185 ts show that membrane bending by Mic60 is an ancient mechanism, important for cristae formation, and
186             Modifications in mRNA constitute ancient mechanisms to regulate gene expression post-tran
187 EI inheritance, and (3) the introgression of ancient MEIs into modern human genomes.
188     The northern and southern peripheries of ancient Mesoamerica are poorly understood.
189                                     However, ancient miRNAs and their binding sites in target genes a
190                To fill this gap, we analyzed ancient mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from Scythians of the
191                                    We report ancient mitochondrial DNA results of 213 individuals (15
192  report the first successfully reconstructed ancient mitogenomes from Central America, and the first
193                               Reconstructing ancient mobility is crucial for understanding human stra
194  of a thick (more than 35 kilometres thick), ancient (more than 3.5 billion years old) basaltic crust
195 t impact mitochondrial lineages encompassing ancient mtDNA functional polymorphisms, termed haplogrou
196  used it to discover MEIs in chimpanzees and ancient (Neanderthal and Denisovan) hominids.
197   However, the Canaanites, unlike most other ancient Near Easterners of this period, left few survivi
198 r, our results indicate that variation in an ancient neuropeptide contributes to interspecific differ
199                         The phylogenetically ancient neuropeptide oxytocin has been linked to a pleth
200 ern Siberians trace 57% of their ancestry to ancient North Eurasians, represented by the 24,000-yr-ol
201 s been well explored in central Europe using ancient nuclear DNA [1, 2], its genetic impact on northe
202            Proteins and small molecules from ancient objects and cultural heritage can provide key in
203 iment paleo proxy for the redox state of the ancient ocean.
204 ry of C. typus lineages is complex, in which ancient oceanic current systems and (currently unrecogni
205                         Chemical analyses of ancient organic compounds absorbed into the pottery fabr
206  taken advantage of the unique biology of an ancient organism to bring us a step closer to that goal.
207 kely to be useful in studies of non-model or ancient organisms that lack large amounts of genomic DNA
208                        However, due to their ancient origin and complex diversity, many tectiviral pr
209 and bacterial genomes are consistent with an ancient origin for M. elongata - M. cysteinexigens symbi
210  fuelled the hypothesis that the natural and ancient origin of organohalogens could have primed devel
211               Very little is known about the ancient origin of retroviruses, but owing to the discove
212                     We show that HBVs are of ancient origin, descending from non-enveloped progenitor
213 the BCOL enzymes are an independent clade of ancient origin.
214                                          The ancient origins for these families have been revealed by
215 ce in the environment is consistent with the ancient origins of antibiotics and a variety of studies
216                         However, despite the ancient origins of the SURF complex, we also found that
217  HIFalpha subunits, represent the core of an ancient oxygen-monitoring machinery used by metazoans.
218 s the twin challenges of (i) the accuracy of ancient paleomagnetic estimates and (ii) the dating of t
219  implicated in the positive selection of the ancient PAPhy gene duplication that lead to the creation
220 hole-genome duplication, which suggests that ancient paralogues can remain in the same regulatory net
221                We reveal the existence of an ancient parathyroid hormone (Pth)4 in zebrafish that was
222                                     Pth4, an ancient parathyroid hormone lost in eutherian mammals, r
223 ssayed mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms among ancient Parsi DNA samples excavated from Sanjan, in pres
224                              Autophagy is an ancient pathway in which parts of eukaryotic cells are s
225 al NF-kappaB processing is an evolutionarily ancient pathway, which can be reconstituted in human cel
226 ase of the subfamily, and that a set of more ancient pathways enabled evolution of seasonal cold tole
227 n one of the most important drivers of these ancient patterns in modern animal and plant distribution
228 e analysis of the genomes of both modern and ancient peoples have facilitated a number of breakthroug
229                  Here, we show that putative ancient peptide segments from the cores of both ribosoma
230 lygenic traits improves our understanding of ancient phenotypes and the dynamics of environmental ada
231 exi have traditionally been thought to be an ancient phototrophic lineage, genomics has revealed a mu
232 e analyses of plant DNA from fossil samples (ancient plant DNA, plant aDNA), and thus enable the mole
233 proach for 29 cycad species, representing an ancient plant lineage with diversified evergreen leaves.
234 and additional perspectives for the study of ancient plant populations and, in time, will provide hig
235 of animal cell types: division of labor from ancient plurifunctional cells and conversion of temporal
236 hin the genetic diversity of present-day and ancient Polynesians, and we can reject the hypothesis th
237 shown that one of the parental subgenomes in ancient polyploids is generally more dominant, having re
238  gradients, and assessed different inputs of ancient populations into modern populations.
239 d the Aegean, and most of the remainder from ancient populations related to those of the Caucasus and
240 n be easily applied to any other research on ancient precious objects and cultural heritage, since it
241 uses is rare, the founding infections may be ancient, preserved in wild Agaricus populations, which a
242                  Reactive oxygen species are ancient processes that protect plants, fungi and animals
243 ll vascular plants, which may derive from an ancient program for unidirectional cell growth coopted f
244 y scenario in which the dual function of the ancient prokaryotic fumarase, led to its subsequent dist
245  the involvement of the retromer complex, an ancient protein module initially discovered in yeast tha
246 isons to the related and evolutionarily most ancient protein, MBD2.
247 ows the resurrection and characterization of ancient proteins based on computational analyses of sequ
248 izes, prevalence of compact structures among ancient proteins, and more rapid structure evolution of
249 ese limits can be overcome by reconstructing ancient proteins, experimentally characterizing their pr
250                  Our results suggest that an ancient regulatory variant in GROW1 has been repeatedly
251 l genome diversity and isotopic ratios of 74 ancient remains in conjunction with the archaeological r
252  structure and stepwise folding coevolved in ancient repeat proteins and were retained as a functiona
253 ila-like dosage compensation mechanism in an ancient reptilian sex chromosome system and highlights t
254 Daemonorops draco, one of the sources of the ancient resin known as "dragon's blood".
255 vation and TADs suggests that these TADs are ancient, revealing a regulatory architecture conserved o
256                    We have proposed that the ancient ribosome increased in size during early evolutio
257 s; thus, the presence of complex steranes in ancient rocks not only signals the presence of eukaryote
258                      Our results point to an ancient role for brachyury in morphogenesis, cell polari
259                                  We infer an ancient role for SURF in regulating UPF1, and the intrig
260 ction as switches, which might be one of the ancient roles for kinase phosphorylation.
261 f ontogenetic processes, our results suggest ancient roles in non-neural ectoderm and regulating spec
262 ooideae cold-responsive genes appear to have ancient roles in stress responses, with most of the orth
263  proxy for tracking the urban development of ancient Rome over more than a millennium, providing a se
264 protocols and strategies for the analysis of ancient samples are often invasive and require microsamp
265 arly adequate for investigations on precious ancient samples that must not be altered by the analytic
266                                 By comparing ancient sequence data to that of modern specimens, we de
267                                    Canonical ancient sex chromosome pairs consist of a gene rich X (o
268 utionarily new plant metabolites may link to ancient signaling pathways.
269 nswered questions about the evolution of the ancient 'Silk Roads' across Asia.
270 zed the complete mitochondrial genomes of 52 ancient skeletons from present-day Armenia and Artsakh s
271 conomic inequality has been hard to study in ancient societies for which we do not have written recor
272                             Practitioners of ancient societies from the time of Hippocrates and earli
273 ing atmosphere masked that redox signal, but ancient soils record the mobilization of phosphorus and
274 t very reason the idea of reconstructing our ancient story is tantalizing, almost irresistible.
275 ypt (305-30 BCE), one of the best-documented ancient superpowers, to volcanically induced Nile suppre
276 organisms, while the differences between the ancient system and the internal structures of a modern a
277      This work uncovers a rare example of an ancient system of complex morphological and behavioral c
278 he idea that these genes are derived from an ancient tandem gene duplication that likely predates the
279                      The fossil reveals that ancient termite societies were quickly invaded by beetle
280  of COFs into different shapes mimicking the ancient terracotta process.
281 ridania basin occurs within some of the most ancient terrain on Mars where striking evidence for remn
282 e shrimps are believed to have inhabited the ancient Tethys Sea, with three particular geological eve
283 at negative regulation of Src by Csk is more ancient than previously thought and that it might be con
284 cancer (PCa) is a major cause of death since ancient time documented in Egyptian Ptolemaic mummy imag
285 um L.) is a perennial fruit crop grown since ancient times that has been planted worldwide and is kno
286 as been used to treat several diseases since ancient times, and is an important source of bioactive n
287 r its tremendous therapeutic potential since ancient times.
288 ve histories in the sequence space around an ancient transcription factor, which evolved a novel biol
289                Both the vast number of these ancient variants and the selective pressures they surviv
290 l gills prior to the divergence of these two ancient vertebrate lineages.
291                        Present results in an ancient vertebrate reveal for the first time a collectio
292             We also observe several possible ancient viral cross-class transmissions, involving lobe-
293  and can be considered as genetic fossils of ancient viruses.
294 ence suggests that ferroptosis represents an ancient vulnerability caused by the incorporation of pol
295 address this question using erosion rates of ancient watersheds to constrain Mio-Pliocene climatic co
296                   Nutritional mutualisms are ancient, widespread, and profoundly influential in biolo
297    We are entering an exciting era where the ancient wisdom distilled into the world's traditional he
298 ochondrial haplogroups detected appear to be ancient, with no evidence of later introgression during
299  propose that the house fly has retained the ancient X Chromosome, but the ancestral Y was replaced b
300 how that Anolis sex chromosomes represent an ancient XY system that originated at least approximately
301                            This sentiment is ancient yet implicated in the ratcheting evolution of hu

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