


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d arrest, permitting primary cells to become aneuploid.
2  such as prostate cancer are also frequently aneuploid.
3 rited the wrong number of chromosomes: it is aneuploid.
4 nd the majority of these variant progeny are aneuploid.
5 ne hepatocytes, human hepatocytes are highly aneuploid.
6 hibit a variety of phenotypes and are highly aneuploid.
7 omal protein (rp) genes or in p53 are highly aneuploid.
8  and mitotic spindles in culture, and became aneuploid.
9 oid, but approximately one-third are diploid/aneuploid.
10 some numbers showed that Klf4(-/-) MEFs were aneuploid.
11 omes from 24 glioblastoma tumors are in fact aneuploid.
12 ion "defects" in normal cells that result in aneuploid adult progeny.
13 tems, the heterogametic sex became partially aneuploid after degeneration of the Y or W.
14 normal cells, malignant cells are frequently aneuploid and contain multiple centrosomes.
15 enetic background develop aggressive, highly aneuploid and estrogen receptor alpha-positive (ERalpha+
16 ell tracking in chimeric embryos, containing aneuploid and euploid cells, reveal that the fate of ane
17 ely aneuploid, forming mosaics of intermixed aneuploid and euploid cells.
18                       The tumors were highly aneuploid and exhibited a metabolic burden similar to th
19              Although many human embryos are aneuploid and genomically imbalanced, often as a result
20                       Most human cancers are aneuploid and have chromosomal instability, which contra
21             The recurrent tumours are highly aneuploid and have varied activation of pro-proliferativ
22                   Solid tumors can be highly aneuploid and many display high rates of chromosome miss
23 ression from meiosis I to meiosis II lead to aneuploid and polyploid gametes, but the regulatory mech
24 n result in tetraploid cells that can become aneuploid and promote cancer.
25 st notably, mouse TLX1 tumors were typically aneuploid and showed a marked defect in the activation o
26  (FLC), the most widely used antifungal, are aneuploid and some aneuploidies can confer FLC resistanc
27 he mature hepatocytes in mice and humans are aneuploid and yet retain full ability to undergo mitosis
28 ncer, likely occur in cells that are already aneuploid, and influence pathways of tumor progression (
29                        Most solid tumors are aneuploid, and it has been proposed that aneuploidy is t
30                  Solid tumors are frequently aneuploid, and many display high rates of ongoing chromo
31                        Most solid tumors are aneuploid, and many missegregate chromosomes at high rat
32 genome-wide expression changes that occur in aneuploids are still being elucidated.
33 model for Candida infection, suggesting that aneuploids arise due to azole treatment of several patho
34  that 15.3% and 20.8% of cerebellar NPCs are aneuploid at P0 and P7, respectively.
35        The majority of colorectal tumors are aneuploid because of the underlying chromosome instabili
36                                We found that aneuploid budding yeast cells are under proteotoxic stre
37 onsequences of aneuploidy on the proteome of aneuploid budding yeast strains.
38            Compounds that cause lethality in aneuploid, but not euploid, cells could therefore provid
39  that breast cancer metastases are generally aneuploid, but not tetraploid, and are histopathological
40 and p53+/+ HCT116 tumor cells rapidly become aneuploid by continuing to cycle after cleavage failure.
41 s been consistently associated with a single aneuploid cancer cell lineage that we refer to as DFT1.
42 that GTSE1, a protein found overexpressed in aneuploid cancer cell lines and tumors, regulates MT sta
43 tion with chemotherapy, while PTEN-deficient aneuploid cancer cell lines are sensitive to TTK inhibit
44                                         Many aneuploid cancer cells also have greater-than-diploid DN
45 that chromosomal gain can promote mitosis in aneuploid cancer cells via Ran.
46 trosome amplification is a common feature of aneuploid cancer cells, we tested whether supernumerary
47 es due to infiltration with normal cells and aneuploid cancer genomes.
48 t the same alterations are not common to all aneuploid cancers.
49 ocytopoiesis, as well as aberrant mitosis in aneuploid cancers.
50         We were able to correctly detect all aneuploid cases with extremely low false positive rates
51 r the first time the existence of individual aneuploid CD31(+) CECs and co-existence of "fusion clust
52 de screen in yeast to identify a guardian of aneuploid cell fitness conserved across species.
53 ss of aneuploid yeast, is a key regulator of aneuploid cell homeostasis.
54                                Most of these aneuploid cell lines had rapid proliferation rates and e
55 eattachment defect, and selective removal of aneuploid cell populations.
56 cription of metabolic genes, consistent with aneuploid cell state.
57                                              Aneuploid cells activate the transcription factor TFEB,
58 nown exceptions to the involvement of p53 in aneuploid cells and that tissue context may be important
59                     To determine the fate of aneuploid cells and the developmental potential of mosai
60 depletion also resulted in the appearance of aneuploid cells and the formation of internuclear chroma
61                                              Aneuploid cells are characterized by incomplete chromoso
62 ease of enhanced proliferative capacity, and aneuploid cells are frequently recovered following the e
63            A number of studies indicate that aneuploid cells are present at a high frequency in the b
64 We provide evidence that p21 is activated in aneuploid cells by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and p38
65 hways that are essential for the survival of aneuploid cells could serve as a new treatment strategy
66 d and euploid cells, reveal that the fate of aneuploid cells depends on lineage: aneuploid cells in t
67                                          The aneuploid cells display increased chromosomal instabilit
68 ome segregation errors and the appearance of aneuploid cells due to the presence of VirD5 could be vi
69                                              Aneuploid cells experience a number of stresses that are
70 dent apoptosis limits the formation of these aneuploid cells following DNA damage.
71                                    While the aneuploid cells generally display a growth disadvantage
72                                       Indeed aneuploid cells harbor increased levels of reactive oxyg
73  a metaanalysis on gene expression data from aneuploid cells in diverse organisms, including yeast, p
74  pathway in many tumors, but the presence of aneuploid cells in some normal human and mouse tissues i
75 om death and allowed for the accumulation of aneuploid cells in the epidermis.
76  12 controls revealed a higher proportion of aneuploid cells in the exposed group (median, 18.8% [int
77  fate of aneuploid cells depends on lineage: aneuploid cells in the fetal lineage are eliminated by a
78                                              Aneuploid cells in these mutant mice are likely eliminat
79 ted against suggests that the persistence of aneuploid cells in tumors requires not only chromosome m
80 icroRNA-based therapeutic strategy to target aneuploid cells in VHL-associated cancers.
81 ggest that the generation and maintenance of aneuploid cells is a widespread, if not universal, prope
82           Notably, the importance of UBP3 in aneuploid cells is conserved.
83 that the fitness ranking between euploid and aneuploid cells is dependent on context and karyotype, p
84 uman tumors, but the molecular physiology of aneuploid cells is not well characterized.
85                   Overall, the proportion of aneuploid cells is progressively depleted from the blast
86 ckpoint activity, increased mitotic defects, aneuploid cells marked by a specific transcriptional sig
87 ntaneous chromosome missegregation events in aneuploid cells promote chromosomal instability (CIN) th
88  cells was observed in confluent cultures in aneuploid cells relative to their diploid counterparts.
89 e demonstrate that certain drugs that act on aneuploid cells synergize with inhibitors of Aurora B to
90                     Our results suggest that aneuploid cells that accumulate during aging in some mam
91 nerate a diverse population of proliferative aneuploid cells that have the potential to contribute to
92 and a 70-gene signature derived from primary aneuploid cells was defined as a strong predictor of inc
93  chromosome missegregation rates to generate aneuploid cells with CIN.
94  multiple levels to prevent the formation of aneuploid cells, a phenotype frequently observed in canc
95 of mutability to select specific tumor-prone aneuploid cells, and open unique avenues toward the unde
96 unrestrained propagation of tetraploids into aneuploid cells, further undermines genomic stability an
97 s were identified with altered expression in aneuploid cells, including overexpression of the cellula
98 e-specific phenotypes and global stresses of aneuploid cells, including oxidative and proteotoxic str
99                    Most solid tumors contain aneuploid cells, indicating that the mitotic checkpoint
100 more find that although DNA damage is low in aneuploid cells, it nevertheless has dramatic consequenc
101  early human embryo, including management of aneuploid cells, may paradoxically promote embryo develo
102 eight-cell division, we efficiently generate aneuploid cells, resulting in embryo death during peri-i
103 lic conditional gene knockouts in diploid or aneuploid cells, such as pluripotent stem cells, 3D orga
104 sely resembles the stressed state of primary aneuploid cells, yet CIN is not benign; a subset of gene
105 ogy, we identified mechanisms that eliminate aneuploid cells.
106 wild-type p53 suppresses the accumulation of aneuploid cells.
107 and cell proliferation were downregulated in aneuploid cells.
108 owever, these models are based on studies in aneuploid cells.
109  cytokinesis, and formation of polyploid and aneuploid cells.
110  these genes are involved in the survival of aneuploid cells.
111 its traits that are shared between different aneuploid cells.
112  checkpoint activity and high percentages of aneuploid cells.
113  in vivo, mechanisms exist to select against aneuploid cells.
114  polyploid cells is error-prone and produces aneuploid cells.
115  into the underlying molecular physiology of aneuploid cells.
116 rturbed condensation similar to that seen in aneuploid cells.
117 les can predict protein level attenuation in aneuploid cells.
118 lantation embryos are mosaics of euploid and aneuploid cells.
119 in aggregates accumulate within lysosomes in aneuploid cells.
120 nuously elevated levels of DNA damage affect aneuploid cells.
121 ed cytotoxic compounds by means of different aneuploid chromosome stoichiometries.
122 en by up-regulation of a gene encoded on the aneuploid chromosome.
123 etes with non-haploid (either non-reduced or aneuploid) chromosome sets.
124 ning-FISH (SE-iFISH), to detect a variety of aneuploid circulating rare cells (CRCs), including CTCs
125 immune system in preventing the outgrowth of aneuploid clones in tissue culture.
126 udy, we have combined a detailed analysis of aneuploid clones isolated from laboratory-evolved popula
127                                We found that aneuploid clones rise to high population frequencies in
128 ereas the remaining 14 individuals (38%) had aneuploid compositions.
129                      We employed a segmental aneuploid condition in maize to study phenotypic and gen
130  Since the identification of the first human aneuploid conditions nearly a half-century ago, a great
131  stability of RNF212 and be risk factors for aneuploid conditions.
132 bnormal division that produces three or more aneuploid daughter cells.
133 is the most common example of a neurogenetic aneuploid disorder leading to mental retardation.
134 imated with ribosome footprint data from the aneuploid Drosophila S2 cell line, we report that the do
135  duplicated the mutant chromosome and become aneuploid during culture.
136  that the genes involved in dosage-sensitive aneuploid effects also influence sex-biased expression.
137                                              Aneuploid eggs result from chromosome segregation errors
138 ome segregation in mammalian oocytes lead to aneuploid eggs that are developmentally compromised.
139 ional NuMA in oocytes are sterile, producing aneuploid eggs with altered chromosome number.
140 his process in meiosis leads to formation of aneuploid eggs.
141 data indicate that the chromosomal status of aneuploid embryos (n=26), including those that are mosai
142 norhabditis elegans that fluorescently marks aneuploid embryos after chemical exposure.
143 bset of genes is differentially expressed in aneuploid embryos during the first 30 h of development.
144  to the four-cell stage, whereas only 30% of aneuploid embryos exhibit parameter values within normal
145 n the female germ line by the elimination of aneuploid embryos; and report chromosomal drive against
146                      Trisomic and monosomic (aneuploid) embryos account for at least 10% of human pre
147 emonstrated that co-culture of wild-type and aneuploid ES cells or supplementation with extracellular
148  BMP4 rescues the differentiation defects of aneuploid ES cells.
149 experiments confirmed that three out of four aneuploid events isolated from evolved populations were
150                           Tumor cells become aneuploid, express increased levels of c-Myc and show el
151                  The genetic etiology of non-aneuploid fetal structural abnormalities is typically in
152 d underrepresentation of chromosomes from an aneuploid fetus.
153 ormed exome sequencing on a cohort of 30 non-aneuploid fetuses and neonates (along with their parents
154                              The majority of aneuploid fetuses are spontaneously miscarried.
155 e investigate if the survival probability of aneuploid fetuses is affected by the genome-wide burden
156 on, leading to chromosome missegregation and aneuploid fetuses.
157 tion, 2) Niemann-Pick C1 patients accumulate aneuploid fibroblasts, neurons, and glia, demonstrating
158             Since tumor cells are frequently aneuploid, FISH and DIA can be used to detect malignancy
159                                              Aneuploid fission yeast strains also exhibited defects i
160  by allowing tumors to constantly sample the aneuploid fitness landscape.
161 ed intergenomic translocations, and 69% were aneuploid for one or more chromosomes.
162                               The process of aneuploid formation in C. albicans is highly reminiscent
163 of the normal vertebrate brain are diversely aneuploid, forming mosaics of intermixed aneuploid and e
164 1, results in a reduction of the S phase and aneuploid fractions, implying a functional role for thes
165  Meiosis in triploids results in four highly aneuploid gametes because six copies of each homolog mus
166  meiotic chromosome segregation that produce aneuploid gametes increase dramatically as women age, a
167 that triploid meiosis predominately produced aneuploid gametes, most of which were viable.
168 lures in step-wise cohesin removal result in aneuploid gametes, preventing the generation of healthy
169 ed bivalent formation and crossing over, and aneuploid gametes.
170  chromosome segregation errors that generate aneuploid gametes.
171 e moderately compensated at the mRNA level - aneuploid gene expression is shifted towards wild-type l
172                  Comparing the properties of aneuploid genes from the two cell lines suggests that se
173 293 cell lines to study the dynamics of this aneuploid genome in response to the manipulations used t
174 oid cells such that CIN generates cells with aneuploid genomes that resemble many human tumors.
175                                              Aneuploid genomes, characterized by unbalanced chromosom
176 ce phenotype that permits the propagation of aneuploid genomes.
177 ontribute to the generation of cells with an aneuploid genomic complement.
178    Intranuclear p21 accumulates in Pttg-null aneuploid GH-secreting cells, and GH(3) rat pituitary tu
179                        Most solid tumors are aneuploid, having a chromosome number that is not a mult
180  to the decreased proliferative potential of aneuploid hematopoietic cells.
181 ed CD8(+) T-cell populations that recognized aneuploid hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC).
182 id not observe cancer but instead found that aneuploid hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) exhibit decrea
183                                              Aneuploid hPSCs show altered levels of actin cytoskeleta
184 rentiation and apoptosis between diploid and aneuploid hPSCs shows that trisomy 12 significantly incr
185                           Here, we show that aneuploid hPSCs undergo DNA replication stress, resultin
186  the ongoing chromosomal instability seen in aneuploid hPSCs.
187 some condensation and segregation defects in aneuploid hPSCs.
188 ly when combined, also show efficacy against aneuploid human cancer cell lines.
189 mportant role in limiting the propagation of aneuploid human cells in culture to preserve the diploid
190 esion defects and aneuploidy, whereas in two aneuploid human glioblastoma cell lines, targeted correc
191 ading cause of chromosome mis-segregation in aneuploid human tumour cells that continually mis-segreg
192  and then undergo ploidy reversal and become aneuploid in a dynamic process called the ploidy conveyo
193 eas nonregenerating adult tissues are highly aneuploid in these mice, HSCs and other regenerative adu
194 robust chromosome mis-segregation leading to aneuploid, including trisomy 21, daughters, which is pre
195 ndeed, in many plant species, populations of aneuploid individuals can be easily obtained from triplo
196 notyped a population of Arabidopsis thaliana aneuploid individuals containing 25 different karyotypes
197            The proportion of additive versus aneuploid individuals differed from that found previousl
198                           Nevertheless, some aneuploid individuals survive despite the strong genetic
199  for the same pair of chromosomes without an aneuploid intermediate.
200 rofiled transcriptome abundance in naturally aneuploid isolates compared to isogenic euploid controls
201 esult indicates that selection of a specific aneuploid karyotype can result in the adaptation of hepa
202                       Most solid tumors have aneuploid karyotypes and many missegregate chromosomes a
203                         Cancer cells display aneuploid karyotypes and typically mis-segregate chromos
204 Cs revealed the development of tetraploid or aneuploid karyotypes in the rhesus cells at P20 or P30.
205   In this study, we found that 3% of random aneuploid karyotypes in yeast disrupt the stable inherit
206   Overall, our work identified biomarkers of aneuploid karyotypes, which suggest insights into the un
207 comparable translational compensation in the aneuploid Kc167 cell line.
208 30% of clinically recognized conceptions are aneuploid, leading to spontaneous miscarriages, in vitro
209 While it is still unclear whether new stable aneuploid lines will arise from these populations, our d
210                        Interestingly, mildly aneuploid (<5 chromosomes lost or gained) populations re
211 ome instability is somehow suppressed in the aneuploid lymphomas or that selection for frequently los
212 und to be more prone than wt cells to become aneuploid; Mad1(+/-), but not wt, MEFs produced fibrosar
213  to high-dose estrogen results in human-like aneuploid mammary cancers in ovary-intact ACI rats.
214       Indeed, male sterility is common among aneuploid mice used to study chromosomal abnormalities,
215 multiparameter flow cytometry using multiple aneuploid model systems such as cell lines, patient samp
216  able to produce a targeted autosome loss in aneuploid mouse embryonic stem cells with an extra human
217 in)-mediated tumour number was determined in aneuploid mouse models Ts65Dn, Ts1Rhr and Ms1Rhr.
218 ene ortholog regulation was recapitulated in aneuploid mouse neurons carrying human chromosome-21, im
219                  We used hepatocytes from an aneuploid mouse strain carrying human chromosome 21 to d
220 uranoside) as a pharmacological inhibitor of aneuploid murine fibroblast proliferation.
221             Indeed, specific degeneration of aneuploid neurons accounts for 90% of neuronal loss in A
222 eta-induced microtubule dysfunction leads to aneuploid neurons and may thereby contribute to the path
223                                We identified aneuploid neurons, as well as numerous subchromosomal CN
224 ar experiments were performed in diploid vs. aneuploid non-transformed human primary cells.
225 tral nervous system (CNS) that also produces aneuploid NPCs and nonmitotic cells.
226 ce, have a significantly higher frequency of aneuploid nuclei relative to wild-type controls in the c
227 m and transmit human chromosome 21 to create aneuploid offspring.
228 ment protein SYCP3 produce viable, but often aneuploid, oocytes.
229              The majority of B-ALL cases are aneuploid or harbor recurring structural chromosomal rea
230 he appearance of large cells that are either aneuploid or polyploid.
231 enotypes expressed in the diploid progeny of aneuploid parent(s) but not in euploid controls from dip
232 em from epigenetic modifications passed from aneuploid parents to their diploid progeny.
233                A central question is whether aneuploid phenotypes are the consequence of copy number
234                                              Aneuploid pituitary cell p21 may constrain pituitary tum
235 ically expressed in developing leaves of the aneuploid plants.
236  biopsies and mapped aberrations in multiple aneuploid populations arising in primary and metastatic
237 SH), which revealed neuronal and nonneuronal aneuploid populations in both the adult mouse and human
238         A clonal KIT amplicon was present in aneuploid populations sorted from the primary tumor and
239 the corrected chromosome outgrew co-existing aneuploid populations, enabling rapid and efficient isol
240 Patau syndrome) in a cohort of 18 normal and aneuploid pregnancies; trisomy was detected at gestation
241      Chromosomally unstable cancer lines and aneuploid primary cells also share an increase in glycol
242 d meiotic generation of both recombinant and aneuploid progeny may expand genetic diversity.
243 ehaviour leading to continuous production of aneuploid progeny with low viability and high cellular d
244 nd tetraploid progeny, as well as a swarm of aneuploid progeny, which carry incomplete chromosome set
245 sulted in unequal DNA segregation and viable aneuploid progeny.
246 ome segregation errors and the production of aneuploid progeny.
247 helial cells have excess centrosomes and are aneuploid, properties that probably contribute to the mo
248 The mutants grew slowly, became polyploid or aneuploid rapidly, and also lost chromosomes at a high r
249                           Our data show that aneuploid rearrangements occurred early in tumour evolut
250 quency at which genes located outside of the aneuploid regions are positively or negatively regulated
251 sion even though they are not located in the aneuploid regions.
252 opically expressed or completely silenced in aneuploids relative to wild-type plants.
253 nded clinical evaluation of 1269 euploid and aneuploid samples utilizing this high-throughput assay c
254 ng gene expression levels between normal and aneuploid samples.
255             Strains derived from some of the aneuploid spore colonies had very high frequencies of mi
256 gregation patterns to be ascertained even in aneuploid spores.
257 gle or multiple chromosomes to show that the aneuploid state causes non-genetic phenotypic variabilit
258 duality is a universal characteristic of the aneuploid state that may contribute to variability in pr
259 tress response as a universal feature of the aneuploid state.
260 c plasticity conferred by access to multiple aneuploid states.
261  cell-division genes or by acquiring certain aneuploid states.
262 by mapping rice centromeric genes onto wheat aneuploid stocks.
263                                              Aneuploid strains are prone to aggregation of endogenous
264                        Furthermore, 10 of 14 aneuploid strains display a cell cycle entry delay that
265                                              Aneuploid strains exhibited a general fitness defect rel
266 ies of single chromosomes and found that all aneuploid strains exhibited one or more forms of genomic
267 l proliferation defects, with many different aneuploid strains exhibiting a delay in G1, a cell cycle
268 utic or antifungal drugs, we found that some aneuploid strains grew significantly better than euploid
269 d signature and improves the fitness of most aneuploid strains.
270 erone family, Hsp90, are compromised in many aneuploid strains.
271 s well as mutations shared between different aneuploid strains.
272 aploid cell populations senesce and generate aneuploid survivors--near diploids monosomic for chromos
273 ul system for a genome-wide investigation of aneuploid syndromes, an approach that is not feasible in
274 n, quantitative traits, dosage compensation, aneuploid syndromes, population dynamics of copy number
275 e aberrant testis architecture, males of the aneuploid Tc1 mouse strain produce viable sperm and tran
276                                              Aneuploid/tetraploid histograms were considered positive
277 somes involved in TFs were more likely to be aneuploid than chromosomes not involved in TFs in the sa
278  "fusion clusters" of endothelial-epithelial aneuploid tumor cells among enriched non-hematopoietic C
279 al adenocarcinoma tissue, revealing a highly aneuploid tumor genome with extensive blocks of increase
280 ls for 3-4 weeks results in the formation of aneuploid tumors in the mammary gland.
281 cancer types, we find that, for most, highly aneuploid tumors show reduced expression of markers of c
282  of heterozygosity and mutations in BCL9L in aneuploid tumors.
283 n synthesis inhibitors that selectively kill aneuploid tumour cells and repress translation of specif
284                                       Highly aneuploid tumours are common in epithelial ovarian cance
285               Our data show that even though aneuploid tumours select for particular and recurring ch
286               Furthermore, these tumors were aneuploid with double-stranded DNA breaks and end-to-end
287  similar to that previously characterized in aneuploid yeast and cultured cells.
288     Paradoxically, existing studies based on aneuploid yeast and mouse fibroblasts have shown that an
289 o resolve this paradox by demonstrating that aneuploid yeast cells can evolve mutations in the protea
290                                         Many aneuploid yeast strains adapt to DNA damage and undergo
291                                          All aneuploid yeast strains analyzed to date harbor elevated
292 Ubp6 improves growth rates in four different aneuploid yeast strains by attenuating the changes in in
293                        We show that 10 of 14 aneuploid yeast strains exhibit a growth defect during G
294               Protein aggregate formation in aneuploid yeast strains is likely due to limiting protei
295 filing, that levels of protein expression in aneuploid yeast strains largely scale with chromosome co
296 ic segregation, 38 stable and fully isogenic aneuploid yeast strains with distinct karyotypes and gen
297        To probe this question, we identified aneuploid yeast strains with improved proliferative abil
298 itiation and elongation are impaired in some aneuploid yeast strains.
299 or gene deletions that impair the fitness of aneuploid yeast, is a key regulator of aneuploid cell ho
300 urther proteasome-mediated proteotoxicity in aneuploid yeast.

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