


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ogy, we identified mechanisms that eliminate aneuploid cells.
2  into the underlying molecular physiology of aneuploid cells.
3  in vivo, mechanisms exist to select against aneuploid cells.
4  polyploid cells is error-prone and produces aneuploid cells.
5 rturbed condensation similar to that seen in aneuploid cells.
6 les can predict protein level attenuation in aneuploid cells.
7 lantation embryos are mosaics of euploid and aneuploid cells.
8 in aggregates accumulate within lysosomes in aneuploid cells.
9 nuously elevated levels of DNA damage affect aneuploid cells.
10 wild-type p53 suppresses the accumulation of aneuploid cells.
11 and cell proliferation were downregulated in aneuploid cells.
12 owever, these models are based on studies in aneuploid cells.
13  cytokinesis, and formation of polyploid and aneuploid cells.
14  these genes are involved in the survival of aneuploid cells.
15 its traits that are shared between different aneuploid cells.
16  checkpoint activity and high percentages of aneuploid cells.
17  7 was used to identify small populations of aneuploid cells.
18 s in the formation of tetraploid rather than aneuploid cells.
19 ptosis, leading to a greater accumulation of aneuploid cells.
20 regated during cell division, giving rise to aneuploid cells.
21 ith a marked decrease in the accumulation of aneuploid cells.
22  multiple levels to prevent the formation of aneuploid cells, a phenotype frequently observed in canc
23 21WAF1/CIP1-infected cells and inhibition of aneuploid cell accumulation; and an alteration of the ma
24                                              Aneuploid cells activate the transcription factor TFEB,
25 nown exceptions to the involvement of p53 in aneuploid cells and that tissue context may be important
26                     To determine the fate of aneuploid cells and the developmental potential of mosai
27 depletion also resulted in the appearance of aneuploid cells and the formation of internuclear chroma
28  aurora result in the generation of severely aneuploid cells and, in the case of aurora, monopolar sp
29 of mutability to select specific tumor-prone aneuploid cells, and open unique avenues toward the unde
30                                              Aneuploid cells are characterized by incomplete chromoso
31 ease of enhanced proliferative capacity, and aneuploid cells are frequently recovered following the e
32            A number of studies indicate that aneuploid cells are present at a high frequency in the b
33 /+ or p53-/-) had an increased percentage of aneuploid cells as well as an increase in cells with sup
34 loid mouse cells could not, we conclude that aneuploid cells become drug resistant via specific chrom
35  that nondisjunction does not directly yield aneuploid cells, but rather tetraploid cells that may su
36 We provide evidence that p21 is activated in aneuploid cells by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and p38
37                                Chromosome 21 aneuploid cells constitute approximately 4% of the estim
38 ransplantation therapies in which the use of aneuploid cells could be detrimental.
39 hways that are essential for the survival of aneuploid cells could serve as a new treatment strategy
40 d and euploid cells, reveal that the fate of aneuploid cells depends on lineage: aneuploid cells in t
41 oncluding that nondisjunction does not yield aneuploid cells directly, but instead gives rise to tetr
42                                          The aneuploid cells display increased chromosomal instabilit
43  the recent observation of inappropriate and aneuploid cell division in cell lines expressing high le
44 ome segregation errors and the appearance of aneuploid cells due to the presence of VirD5 could be vi
45  turn, results in increased apoptosis of the aneuploid cells during subsequent cell division cycles.
46                                              Aneuploid cells experience a number of stresses that are
47 de screen in yeast to identify a guardian of aneuploid cell fitness conserved across species.
48 dent apoptosis limits the formation of these aneuploid cells following DNA damage.
49 unrestrained propagation of tetraploids into aneuploid cells, further undermines genomic stability an
50                                    While the aneuploid cells generally display a growth disadvantage
51                                       Indeed aneuploid cells harbor increased levels of reactive oxyg
52 ss of aneuploid yeast, is a key regulator of aneuploid cell homeostasis.
53 romosomal missegregation and accumulation of aneuploid cells in 53BP1-/- p53+/+ and 53BP1-/- p53-/- t
54  a metaanalysis on gene expression data from aneuploid cells in diverse organisms, including yeast, p
55 tment also reduced the steady-state level of aneuploid cells in HPV-16 E7-expressing cell populations
56  pathway in many tumors, but the presence of aneuploid cells in some normal human and mouse tissues i
57 om death and allowed for the accumulation of aneuploid cells in the epidermis.
58  12 controls revealed a higher proportion of aneuploid cells in the exposed group (median, 18.8% [int
59  fate of aneuploid cells depends on lineage: aneuploid cells in the fetal lineage are eliminated by a
60                                              Aneuploid cells in these mutant mice are likely eliminat
61 ted against suggests that the persistence of aneuploid cells in tumors requires not only chromosome m
62 icroRNA-based therapeutic strategy to target aneuploid cells in VHL-associated cancers.
63 s were identified with altered expression in aneuploid cells, including overexpression of the cellula
64 e-specific phenotypes and global stresses of aneuploid cells, including oxidative and proteotoxic str
65                                We found that aneuploid cells increased in a concentration- and time-d
66                    Most solid tumors contain aneuploid cells, indicating that the mitotic checkpoint
67 ggest that the generation and maintenance of aneuploid cells is a widespread, if not universal, prope
68           Notably, the importance of UBP3 in aneuploid cells is conserved.
69 that the fitness ranking between euploid and aneuploid cells is dependent on context and karyotype, p
70 uman tumors, but the molecular physiology of aneuploid cells is not well characterized.
71                   Overall, the proportion of aneuploid cells is progressively depleted from the blast
72 more find that although DNA damage is low in aneuploid cells, it nevertheless has dramatic consequenc
73                             Cancer cells and aneuploid cell lines can acquire resistance against mult
74                                Most of these aneuploid cell lines had rapid proliferation rates and e
75 ckpoint activity, increased mitotic defects, aneuploid cells marked by a specific transcriptional sig
76  early human embryo, including management of aneuploid cells, may paradoxically promote embryo develo
77                                     However, aneuploid cells might instead be glia, nonneural, or dyi
78 totic centrosomes, may induce an increase of aneuploid cell population and contribute to tumorigenesi
79 neuploidy in 13 of 15 patients (87%) who had aneuploid cell populations detected in premalignant epit
80 on status of the p16 promoter in flow-sorted aneuploid cell populations from 21 patients with premali
81                                              Aneuploid cell populations from 32 patients with Barrett
82 e patients (75%) had allelic loss at 9p21 in aneuploid cell populations.
83 ploid) cell fractions, and the appearance of aneuploid cell populations.
84 eattachment defect, and selective removal of aneuploid cell populations.
85 alysis confirmed the presence of significant aneuploid cell populations.
86 ntaneous chromosome missegregation events in aneuploid cells promote chromosomal instability (CIN) th
87                        The mutation rates of aneuploid cells ranged from 10(-4) to 10(-6), but no dru
88  cells was observed in confluent cultures in aneuploid cells relative to their diploid counterparts.
89 chromosome 3q that occurs in HPV16-infected, aneuploid cells represents a pivotal genetic aberration
90                                          The aneuploid cells result from aberrant mitosis as multipol
91  in cells undergoing mitotic slippage and in aneuploid cells resulting from aberrant mitosis.
92 eight-cell division, we efficiently generate aneuploid cells, resulting in embryo death during peri-i
93 cription of metabolic genes, consistent with aneuploid cell state.
94      Flow cytometry revealed emergence of an aneuploid cell subpopulation.
95 lic conditional gene knockouts in diploid or aneuploid cells, such as pluripotent stem cells, 3D orga
96 e demonstrate that certain drugs that act on aneuploid cells synergize with inhibitors of Aurora B to
97                     Our results suggest that aneuploid cells that accumulate during aging in some mam
98 nerate a diverse population of proliferative aneuploid cells that have the potential to contribute to
99 and a 70-gene signature derived from primary aneuploid cells was defined as a strong predictor of inc
100             We also found that many of these aneuploid cells were able to continue to grow and form c
101  chromosome missegregation rates to generate aneuploid cells with CIN.
102                             The existence of aneuploid cells within the mammalian brain has suggested
103 sely resembles the stressed state of primary aneuploid cells, yet CIN is not benign; a subset of gene

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