


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ly stopped under low temperatures (suspended animation).
2  that it would lead to a career in molecular animation.
3 and amplitude field mapping, and propagation animation.
4 ducing diapause, a natural form of suspended animation.
5  may be mechanistically related to suspended animation.
6 an prevent this damage by inducing suspended animation.
7 astocyst stage achieves a state of suspended animation.
8 s Research Update, accompanied by a computer animation.
9  biological process is arrested in suspended animation.
10 nance of a state of anoxia-induced suspended animation.
11 ific guideline passages and graphic evidence animations.
12 rogrammers or animators to create models and animations.
13 pid construction of molecular structures and animations.
14 tool that can be used to produce informative animations.
15 y of raw-data formats, as well as movies and animations.
16  is also illustrated with computer-generated animations.
17 enable them to directly construct models and animations.
18 he imaging session, participants watched the animations again and segmented them into meaningful even
19                                   The use of animation allows dynamic examination of anatomical chang
20 lations, secondary structural data and FVIII animation already available.
21 nvey a vivid, compelling impression of human animation, although the percept collapses to a jumble of
22 a, many organisms enter a state of suspended animation, an extreme form of quiescence in which micros
23 (<0.001 kPa O(2)) by entering into suspended animation and in mild hypoxia (0.25-1 kPa O(2)) through
24  of downstream molecules and visualizes with animation and records the dynamic changes of the network
25          In two experiments, children viewed animations and either compared one visible array of dots
26 mpression, level of detail control, culling, animations and image caching.
27 s Viewer to support painting of metabolites, animations and zooming to individual pathway diagrams.
28 e of a carefully designed interaction model, animation, and integrated searching and browsing towards
29  passive upper eyelid animation, dynamic lid animation, and soft tissue repositioning.
30                                          The animations are interactive, allowing the user to adjust
31 sents a unique state of reversible suspended animation associated with tolerance to an otherwise leth
32 n mammals is a reversible state of suspended animation associated with tolerance to an otherwise leth
33                                      Playing animations backward also reduced performance for sex jud
34                     Our spatial profiles and animations bear a striking resemblance to experimental i
35 ned into a state of anoxia-induced suspended animation before cold exposure, the associated cold-indu
36 y condition the viewpoint included a walking animation, but not in NoSway.
37 d less accurate descriptions of these latter animations, but equally accurate descriptions of the oth
38  and novel fluids; b) extension of suspended animation by ultraprofound hypothermic preservation (0 d
39     A range of high-resolution 3D images and animations can be projected, setting the foundation for
40 aps, frequency (time interval) maps and data animations can be rapidly generated.
41 t equally accurate descriptions of the other animations compared with controls.
42 elid movement play a critical role in facial animation, contribute to the regulation of blink frequen
43                                        These animations demonstrate that GFP-22 is present in a diffu
44                                          The animations depicted two triangles moving about on a scre
45 enters into a recoverable state of suspended animation during all stages of the life cycle.
46 esuspension or support, passive upper eyelid animation, dynamic lid animation, and soft tissue reposi
47              During anoxia-induced suspended animation, embryos lacking functional SAN-1 or a second
48 veloped to facilitate induction of suspended animation, eventually in the field.
49            The finding that even point-light animations evoke activity in frontal regions suggests th
50                              This "suspended animation for delayed resuscitation" strategy includes u
51                                   'Suspended animation for delayed resuscitation' is a new concept fo
52                                    Suspended animation for exsanguination cardiac arrest of trauma vi
53                                    Suspended animation for prolonged preservation of viability could
54 topologies, while the latter generates short animations for arbitrary input alignments and phylogenet
55 controlled hemorrhagic shock, and "suspended animation" for delayed resuscitation have their own hist
56 f images can be selected for the creation of animations from which the user can select sub-regions of
57                                    Suspended animation has been explored and documented as effective
58                                    Suspended animation has been suggested for presently unresuscitabl
59 table) cardiopulmonary bypass, and suspended animation have potentials for clinical breakthrough effe
60                                      Several animations have been included to illustrate the bombardm
61 rrest in a state of anoxia-induced suspended animation, implying that in such a state, progression th
62  gene, san-1, that is required for suspended animation in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos.
63 macologic or chemical induction of suspended animation in the field; asanguinous profound hypothermic
64 ivation (anoxia) enters a state of suspended animation in which cell cycle progression reversibly arr
65 h positive and negative valence and to short animations in which the valence of a character's emotion
66  for the systematic development of suspended animation include the following: a) aortic flush, combin
67                  The objectives of suspended animation include: a) helping to save victims of tempora
68 of 60-120 mins, with preservation (suspended animation) induced immediately after the start of exsang
69                                    Suspended animation is defined as the therapeutic induction of a s
70 arch effort, basic and applied, on suspended animation is justified.
71 eve that seeking a breakthrough in suspended animation is not utopian, that ongoing communication bet
72 that hydrogen sulfide can induce a suspended animation-like state in a nonhibernating species, the ho
73 ggests the possibility of inducing suspended animation-like states for medical applications.
74    Exceptions to this norm include suspended animation-like states such as hibernation, torpor, and e
75                                    Suspended animation means preservation of the viability of brain a
76                                          The animation method used by Mayr is generally supported by
77 ss the central sulcus was well delineated in animation movies.
78 l parameters and output formats, interactive animation of collective modes and advanced graphical fea
79  new web server that integrates high-quality animation of molecular motion (MM) with structural and f
80                                      In vivo animation of SEPs and somatosensory-induced gamma oscill
81  secondary structural data and a sound+video animation of the model.
82    The new tool, dubbed POLYVIEW-MM, enables animation of trajectories generated by molecular dynamic
83                                              Animations of atomic trajectories, available as Supporti
84  that uses JavaScript to generate in-browser animations of biogeographic and phylogeographic historie
85                            Using point-light animations of biological motion, we examine the extent t
86 ve-cell infection, and we present time lapse animations of GFP-22 localization throughout the virus l
87 irst, by comparing responses in the STS with animations of human and robot walking figures, we determ
88                                              Animations of metastatic tumor cells moving in live rats
89        We present illustrative and realistic animations of motor stepping in the presence of thermal
90 nce imaging while participants viewed simple animations of moving objects.
91 f moving morphology (XROMM), we generated 3D animations of the mouth skeleton and created a dynamic d
92                      132 participants viewed animations of triangles that were designed to move in a
93 uination cardiac arrest to explore suspended animation potentials with hypothermic and pharmacologic
94  As laboratory studies to optimize suspended animation proceed, clinical trials should be initiated.
95  development of the most effective suspended animation protocol for clinical trials in trauma patient
96 iac arrest; and d) modification of suspended animation protocols for possible use in normovolemic ven
97 ussion session, investigators with suspended animation-relevant research interests brainstorm on pres
98 thelial cells to enter a state of "suspended animation," remaining viable for at least 30 days, even
99 sing of motion cues was tested with computer animation sequences known as random-dot cinematograms, w
100                                    A typical animation showing the crystallization (with atomistic de
101    Scientists are increasingly turning to 3D animation software borrowed from the entertainment indus
102      The possibility of inducing a suspended animation state similar to natural torpor would be great
103  defense is sufficient to induce a suspended animation state, resembling natural torpor, in a nonhibe
104 ufficient to induce and maintain a suspended animation state.
105 y in five studies that used diverse stimuli (animations, static line-drawings, and dynamic line-drawi
106 which we have used recent motion capture and animation techniques to animate an average head [9].
107 a sets we seek to represent and the kinds of animation that allow us to visualize and communicate the
108 e now improved EMPeror to create interactive animations that connect successive samples to highlight
109                                While viewing animations that elicited mentalizing, in contrast to ran
110 ortex, which was highly active when watching animations that elicited mentalizing, showed the same am
111 lineation in both early and late phases, and animation to allow for image correlation and evaluation
112 uples surgical videos with three-dimensional animation to enhance the trainees' topographical underst
113 its tailored extensions, publication quality animation using PyMol, and customizable 2D summary plots
114 ll equations are verified via simulation and animation using the parameters of a Grey Heron (Ardea ci
115 mplars, which were generated as realistic 3D animations using a computer-graphics model.
116    Virtual reality, cognitive curriculum and animation video programs can be helpful in improving res
117                      To understand suspended animation, we compared oxygen-deprived embryos to nontre
118 oxia, zebrafish entered a state of suspended animation where all microscopically observable movement
119 fferent ways: Turtles undergo near-suspended animation, whereas carp remain active and responsive in
120 digm together with bistable point-light (PL) animations whose perceived direction of heading fluctuat
121                            We compare Mayr's animation with the phylogenies of eight sea urchin gener
122 aphic design, advanced web interactivity and animation within a suitable client.
123 igated whether point-light biological motion animations would lead to activity in frontal cortex as w

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