


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g eigenvectors of a Markov matrix describing anisotropic diffusion.
2 t highly elongated chrysotile fibers exhibit anisotropic diffusion at short time scales, a predicted
3 dielectric constants, optoelectric coupling, anisotropic diffusion coefficients, surface energy and s
4 ocal transport of macromolecules, leading to anisotropic diffusion depending on the relative size of
5 spatially heterogeneous pattern of increased anisotropic diffusion exists in various other white matt
6 ) and voxelwise analyses indicated increased anisotropic diffusion for pmTBI patients, with an elevat
7                                    Increased anisotropic diffusion has been previously linked with cy
8 function analysis (pCF) to measure molecular anisotropic diffusion in the interphase nucleus of live
9 ty effects, we measured direction-dependent (anisotropic) diffusion in ECS in mouse spinal cord by ph
10                                  A theory of anisotropic diffusion is presented.
11 icate that whereas a general pattern of high anisotropic diffusion/low radial diffusivity was present
12 4-0.8 microm) directions of the cell; and 4) anisotropic diffusion of Ca2+ and fluorescent indicator
13  shape of Ca2+ sparks is better explained by anisotropic diffusion of Ca2+ ions and indicator dye rat
14 iple channels within a junction, rather than anisotropic diffusion of Ca2+ or random overlap of round
15 of the brain white matter by quantifying the anisotropic diffusion of water molecules within axonal b
16  of the (1)F2(2)F2 pair, and analyses of the anisotropic diffusion properties of the (1)F2(2)F2 pair
17 to initial mechanical injury forces and that anisotropic diffusion provides an objective biomarker of
18 maging studies in schizophrenia showed lower anisotropic diffusion, relative to comparison subjects,
19                                              Anisotropic diffusion slowed fluorescence recovery when
20                                              Anisotropic diffusion was also dependent on the size of
21                                              Anisotropic diffusion was assessed in the uncinate fasci
22  number of localized clusters with increased anisotropic diffusion was identified across both cohorts

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