


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g the optomagnetic signal (via optical shape anisotropy).
2 l integrity (mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy).
3 nt alone does not guarantee charge transport anisotropy.
4 es the disorder, exchange field and magnetic anisotropy.
5  fluid were associated with lower fractional anisotropy.
6  again similar to the electrical resistivity anisotropy.
7 agnetic moments and local magnetocrystalline anisotropy.
8 fluctuations can be counteracted by magnetic anisotropy.
9  to thermal effects that modify its magnetic anisotropy.
10 lates with the stress dependence of magnetic anisotropy.
11 ion for complexity and dentine attrition for anisotropy.
12  of the thermal diffusivity and its in-plane anisotropy.
13 due to the presence of a weak easy-plane AFM anisotropy.
14  show a controlled reduction of polarization anisotropy.
15 extreme absorption and emission polarization anisotropy.
16 nd generates large easy-plane magnetoelastic anisotropy.
17 eported values of the electrical resistivity anisotropy.
18 metry, provides the source of unidirectional anisotropy.
19 romagnetic layer with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy.
20 ue to their high dimensionality and inherent anisotropy.
21 functional nanoscale objects with high shape anisotropy.
22 most likely origin is an unintentional shape anisotropy.
23 tion, resulting in loss of macroscopic scale anisotropy.
24 ields indicate the presence of weak in-plane anisotropy.
25 cterizing low-dimensional crystals with high anisotropies.
26 +/- 0.09] x 10(-3) mm(2)/sec), or fractional anisotropy (0.43 +/- 0.05 vs 0.42 +/- 0.06).
27 ence interval, -25.1 to -2.2) and fractional anisotropy (-0.0073; 95% confidence interval, -.012 to -
28 g of fluorescence polarization (fluorescence anisotropy), a versatile optical approach widely employe
29 ted one such technique based on fluorescence anisotropy, a spectroscopic method based on polarization
30 k.p theory with consideration of quantum dot anisotropy allows us to elucidate the origin of the robu
31       The results indicate that the enhanced anisotropy along the track acts as a barrier to inhibit
32 he same effect is found for the fluorescence anisotropy analysis, for which the trans (cis) isomer in
33 s may lead to tissue deformations, including anisotropies and curvatures, which shape growing volumes
34 arrier, where a large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and a sizable tunnelling magnetoresistance ha
35 based tractography indicated that fractional anisotropy and apparent fiber density in tracts connecti
36 rovide an experimental probe of the magnetic anisotropy and aromaticity of the C18 ring through the p
37                Here, by tailoring the unique anisotropy and exploiting the inter-cell coupling of met
38            Results showed reduced fractional anisotropy and fewer streamlines in chronic schizophreni
39 egional and temporal dependence of diffusion anisotropy and folding were distinct from the patterns o
40          Under the consideration of uniaxial anisotropy and magnetic field both perpendicular to the
41 eading to nonvolatile modulation of magnetic anisotropy and magnetization reversal characteristics.
42 ed limited change in white matter fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity in 13 players compared w
43                                   Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity were measured by means o
44                                   Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity were the same (P > .05)
45                                   Fractional anisotropy and normalized streamlines, an estimate of fi
46 etrieves pixel-by-pixel the collagen fibrils anisotropy and orientation by operating directly on two
47  in active biopolymer networks regulates the anisotropy and the length scale of the underlying deform
48 ion of depletion effects (via magnetic shape anisotropy), and directly increasing the optomagnetic si
49 ght path, (2) the modeling of covariance and anisotropy, and (3) the type of interpolation tools used
50 er helix angle, mean diffusivity, fractional anisotropy, and 3D tractograms were analyzed by using pa
51 s in fiber orientation, fiber configuration, anisotropy, and diffusivity.
52 onal chiral helimagnet with high crystalline anisotropy, and has generated growing interest for a pos
53 high upper critical field, Hc2, moderate Hc2 anisotropy, and intermediate Tc.
54 that are inaccessible with bulk fluorescence anisotropy approaches, and anticipate that p-PALM is wel
55     The effects of surface and bulk magnetic anisotropies are corroborated with those of thermally ex
56 and absorption efficiencies, and, scattering anisotropy are studied to identify the optimal microincl
57  proven their capability to predict magnetic anisotropy, are described.
58                                 Fluorescence anisotropy assay showed that FAM-UNO interacts with reco
59      Here, we have used a fluorescence-based anisotropy assay to quantitatively determine how initiat
60 screen followed by testing in a fluorescence anisotropy assay.
61  used protein semisynthesis and fluorescence anisotropy assays to explore the interactions of UNG2 wi
62 lationships between stress and two different anisotropies associated to the folded rock fabric.
63  is to analyze the effects of heterogeneity, anisotropy, asymmetry, follicular diffusion, and locatio
64  of age on gray matter volume and fractional anisotropy at a whole-brain and voxel level.
65 en Pt layer and polarized along the hard AFM anisotropy axis excites a non-uniform in time precession
66  [2Dy ][B(C6 F5 )4 ] is an SMM with a record anisotropy barrier up to 1277 cm(-1) (1837 K) in zero fi
67             Coimmunoprecipitation (coIP) and anisotropy-based FRET (AFRET) assays confirmed this inte
68 f cell contact length and depends on tension anisotropy between NBs and their neighbors.
69     Fitting these models to our fluorescence anisotropy binding data revealed that, surprisingly, the
70 nisms, we used a combination of fluorescence anisotropy, biolayer interferometry, and double electron
71 urther demonstrate that the charge transport anisotropy can be reversed by tuning the degree of polym
72 phs), with varying degree of metallicity and anisotropy, can further permit the fine-tuning of plasmo
73               Consequently, ThT fluorescence anisotropy cannot be directly used to study amyloid fibr
74 an twice compared with that for the constant anisotropy case.
75                                 The magnetic anisotropy change as response to the gating voltage is p
76                           In turn, diffusion anisotropy changes were strongly associated both regiona
77 al was observed in cells containing the high-anisotropy cobalt-doped particles.
78                     While Magnetocrystalline anisotropy combined with a Zeeman term are sufficient to
79 n magnetic films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy combined with ferroelectric substrates repres
80 y embedded within the membrane display equal anisotropy compared to the ones with extra membranous do
81 T (risk) allele showing decreased fractional anisotropy compared with other subgroups, independent of
82  nonlinearity along with tailored structural anisotropy could be a new design paradigm to access new
83 icipants with multiple sclerosis, fractional anisotropy decreased and mean diffusivity of non-lesiona
84 well as a significant whole-brain fractional anisotropy deficit (Cohen d = 0.63; P = 2.20 x 10-9).
85 erity of schizophrenia-associated fractional anisotropy deficits in the corresponding white matter tr
86  structure whose strength, extensibility and anisotropy depend on the orientation of crystalline cell
87 py, showing easy-axis or easy-plane magnetic anisotropy depending on the choice of Ln ion.
88 text] 10(5)% at 2 K and 9 T, it shows strong anisotropy, depending on the direction of the magnetic f
89 nly after age 35, and the rate of fractional anisotropy deterioration with age was constant and best
90 the very first demonstration of control over anisotropy direction, which is a significant leap forwar
91 d time-scale even in the absence of size and anisotropy distributions or material defects.
92                             Furthermore, the anisotropy drops sharply below the charge order transiti
93 low symmetry, with a characteristic in-plane anisotropy due to in-plane rhenium 'chains'.
94                         We also examined the anisotropy dynamics of the corresponding tryptophan side
95          A model including a strong magnetic anisotropy, elastic, Zeeman, Heisenberg exchange, and ma
96    Here, using time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy, electron cryomicroscopy, and all-atom molecu
97 ntrast, significant reductions in fractional anisotropy emerged in schizophrenia only after age 35, a
98 between the strain-induced and shape-induced anisotropy energies, and the resultant stable domain con
99 ) efficiency (change of interfacial magnetic anisotropy energy per unit electric field) leading in tu
100 ein, we show that pairing the axial magnetic anisotropy enforced by tetramethylcyclopentadienyl (Cp(M
101    This substantial velocity manipulation by anisotropy engineering is important in designing novel m
102  matter integrity, as measured by fractional anisotropy (FA) (beta = -0.182, p = 0.005).
103 The primary measure was voxelwise fractional anisotropy (FA) analyzed via tract-based spatial statist
104                                   Fractional anisotropy (FA) and blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD)
105                                   Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity images were also de
106                                   Fractional anisotropy (FA) and the apparent diffusion coefficient (
107 C obtained with DTI (ADCDTI), and fractional anisotropy (FA) at DTI.
108 el-wise statistical comparison of fractional anisotropy (FA) data and computational morphometry analy
109        In standard steady-state fluorescence anisotropy (FA) DNA-based assays, the ligand binding to
110             Amygdala-vPFC pathway fractional anisotropy (FA) from 669 diffusion magnetic resonance im
111             Purpose To analyze if fractional anisotropy (FA) in nonenhancing peritumoral regions (NEP
112 ed cortical volumes and decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) in SAD compared with healthy controls (H
113         Significant reductions in fractional anisotropy (FA) in schizophrenia patients were widesprea
114 toparietal network with decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) in the right hemisphere and a subnetwork
115                                   Fractional anisotropy (FA) maps of the control participants were us
116 nome-wide association analysis of fractional anisotropy (FA) value measured using diffusing tensor im
117 wer than controls (p < 0.05), and fractional anisotropy (FA) was lower within the left uncinate fasci
118      Our main outcome measure was fractional anisotropy (FA), a measure of WM tract integrity, in a p
119 on tensor imaging (DTI) measures: fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diff
120 nalytic pipeline to first analyze fractional anisotropy (FA), the most commonly employed metric for a
121 and assessed mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy (FA).
122               Uniquely high values of chiral anisotropy factors that spurred the development of the f
123 s needed to switch the magnetisation of high anisotropy FePt nanoparticles in our experiments.
124    Consistent with previous findings on sway anisotropy, FG skewed the direction of the GVS-evoked GR
125 coupling evidenced by a giant strain-induced anisotropy field ( approximately 1 T) and a sizable magn
126 of LSSE voltage (V LSSE), magnetocrystalline anisotropy field (H K) and surface perpendicular magneti
127 eld (H K) and surface perpendicular magnetic anisotropy field (H KS) in the same Pt/YIG system.
128 us readout of their brightness, fluorescence anisotropy, fluorescence lifetime, and emission spectra.
129 rtical thickness and white matter fractional anisotropy further improved accuracy.
130 avelengths between the ee of the analyte and anisotropy g-factor.
131 l centers appears to increase axial magnetic anisotropy, giving rise to larger magnetic relaxation ba
132 yaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and magnetic anisotropy gradient.
133 nescence measurements, we observe absorption anisotropies greater than a factor of 10 and degree-of-l
134                          Overall, fractional anisotropy had the best reliability, with mean CoV at 5%
135   Bleaney's long-standing theory of magnetic anisotropy has been employed with some success for many
136 l approach, single-molecule patch-clamp FRET anisotropy imaging and demonstrate by probing the dynami
137 ular interactions and establish fluorescence anisotropy imaging as a quantitative technique in a mini
138   Here we advance time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy imaging combined with two-photon excitation m
139 sonance spectroscopy to measure the magnetic anisotropies in different strains of Magnetosprillum gry
140 izes the important roles of bulk and surface anisotropies in the LSSE in YIG and paves a new pathway
141 gnment and aggregation, and charge transport anisotropy in a conjugated polymer series differing in a
142 of greater complexity in erosion and greater anisotropy in attrition confirm our hypothesis.
143                Experiments record a physical anisotropy in permeability of one to two orders of magni
144 l syndrome demonstrated increased fractional anisotropy in several regions and, for these regions we
145                                              Anisotropy in silver and gold nanoparticles offers the p
146  been widely employed to manipulate magnetic anisotropy in spintronic devices and artificial magnets.
147 rge elastic anisotropy, which induce a large anisotropy in the dislocation-line energy.
148  egg chambers, we document robust mechanical anisotropy in the ECM-based basement membrane (BM) but n
149 na are manifestations of unexpected in-plane anisotropy in the electronic transport.
150 ion in utero measurements of water diffusion anisotropy in the fetal brain.
151 ired groups in the association of fractional anisotropy in the forceps major with number of fights (P
152  two key properties of the cell wall, namely anisotropy in the form of hoop reinforcement and strain
153   Post hoc t tests showed reduced fractional anisotropy in the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex-a
154 ns with a significant decrease in fractional anisotropy in the patient group compared to controls wit
155 erized by a substantial in-plane resistivity anisotropy in the presence of a small in-plane field com
156 ndings we propose a new model to explain the anisotropy in the propagation speed of the fronts and de
157  the quantum wells lead to a strong in-plane anisotropy in the transport properties.
158 ic fields to visualize directly the magnetic anisotropy in the uniaxial ferromagnet CeRu2Ga2B.
159 wave theory, we confirm the large single ion anisotropy in this material and show that the Dzyaloshin
160 n-induced and temperature dependent uniaxial anisotropy in V2O3/Ni hybrid thin films, manifested thro
161  and white matter microstructure (fractional anisotropy) in 134 PLWH receiving suppressive cART and 7
162 n analysis reliably detected directionality (anisotropy) in bivariate species-environment relationshi
163                      We show that fractional anisotropy increases (from 0.1 to 0.5), diffusion coef
164  results from a hitherto-unknown resistivity anisotropy induced by an in-plane magnetic field.
165                          The symmetry of the anisotropy is argued to be more important than the magni
166                               Such extent of anisotropy is comparable to those of upper mantle minera
167 suggest that it originates from phonons, its anisotropy is comparable with reported values of the ele
168 IG) system and its association with magnetic anisotropy is essential towards optimization of its spin
169 f the system, from which the contribution of anisotropy is explicitly shown.
170 rous media and predicts that the directional anisotropy is fundamentally controlled by the bulk rock
171 gnetic materials with low magnetocrystalline anisotropy is one of the most effective ways to achieve
172                           The origin of this anisotropy is purely electronic-the so-called electronic
173                                The resultant anisotropy is tunable with temperature and is most prono
174                    Results from fluorescence anisotropy, isothermal titration calorimetry, and NMR ti
175 ty (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), and mode of anisotropy (MA).
176              This ability to manipulate high anisotropy magnetic thin films could prove useful for lo
177 le-induced aggregation, while their magnetic anisotropy makes them responsive to an external field.
178                              This electronic anisotropy may have implications on other oxide hetero-i
179 051, 0.129; P < .001), with lower fractional anisotropy (mean difference in z score per standard devi
180                               The fractional anisotropy, mean diffusion, and radial diffusion of wate
181                       DTI-derived fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD
182 alyzed the membrane fluidity by fluorescence anisotropy measurement.
183                  High sensitivity pump-probe anisotropy measurements and isotopic dilution clearly re
184                                 Fluorescence anisotropy measurements of reagents compartmentalized in
185 al label in microscopy, and for fluorescence anisotropy measurements of RNA dynamics.
186                   Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements were used to provide an explanat
187 yrosine intrinsic fluorescence, fluorescence anisotropy measurements, and solid-state NMR spectroscop
188 g spatially resolved second-harmonic optical anisotropy measurements.
189 Conventional mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy metrics were also assessed for comparison.
190 taneous dual-channel two-photon fluorescence anisotropy microscopy acquisition to perform drug-target
191 alues predicted by a simple Stoner-Wohlfarth anisotropy model, giving maximum values of 20 fNm for th
192                                        These anisotropies modulate the competition among quartz- and
193  was associated with reduction of fractional anisotropy near (i) contralesional hand area following v
194 d thus the crystal packing, has no impact on anisotropy, nor does the nature or function of the membr
195 ient to explain the origin of the shear wave anisotropy observed seismically in the D'' layer beneath
196                           The fact that this anisotropy occurs in a material that exhibits high-tempe
197 m(-1) K(-1) , resulting in a remarkably high anisotropy of (130 +/- 40) and (90 +/- 30) for the two i
198 er, which can produce a shear wave splitting anisotropy of approximately 3.7% with VSH>VSV.
199 s with which to harness the maximum magnetic anisotropy of Dy(III) ions.
200 ith the spin reorientation due to single ion anisotropy of Fe(2+) ions.
201 er as well as variations of the net magnetic anisotropy of FM nuclei.
202 ased on a finite size of myosin clusters and anisotropy of force generation by myosin heads at the en
203 at of a single tetragonal domain of STO, the anisotropy of interfacial electron conduction in relatio
204                      The magnetic moment and anisotropy of magnetite nanoparticles can be optimised b
205  of disorder and composition on the exchange anisotropy of permalloy/(Mg0.25(1-x)CoxNi0.25(1-x)Cu0.25
206  Here, we show that the three-dimensional Pt anisotropy of Pt-Ni rhombic dodecahedra can be tuned by
207                                The degree of anisotropy of ReS2 on WS2 largely depends on the domain
208                                          The anisotropy of T2 also interacts with age and declines wi
209                                     The high anisotropy of the 2D host materials makes them distort t
210  vs out-of-plane and, thus, characterize the anisotropy of the CT state.
211 nucleus-independent chemical shift (NICSzz), anisotropy of the current (induced) density (ACID), isoc
212                                      The low anisotropy of the device coupled with the application of
213 10(-7)) negative association with fractional anisotropy of the forceps major (effect size [d] = 0.34)
214                                   Fractional anisotropy of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus was p
215                                    The shape anisotropy of the MNP chains enhances the biosensor syst
216 ricity, can be finely tuned depending on the anisotropy of the rare earth.
217 ogether with information of the local charge anisotropy of the resonant ions, we obtained spectroscop
218 or imaging analysis revealed that fractional anisotropy of the right cingulum was inversely correlate
219  = 0.46 (SE, 0.15; P = .0009) for fractional anisotropy of the right inferior fronto-occipital fascic
220                             We show that the anisotropy of the room temperature magnetic susceptibili
221  dampen capillary waves such that rotational anisotropy of the solute, if present, is the dominant en
222                                   Fractional anisotropy of this tract correlated positively with func
223 spartate (NAA)/choline (Cho), and fractional anisotropy of white-matter pathways was assessed.
224 ults, comprehensive understanding of various anisotropies on the tunability of VTI is provided.
225 hat shed light on the effect of nanoparticle anisotropy on their enhancement capabilities.
226 reater than the near-zero magnetocrystalline anisotropy, opening up a large spin-wave excitation gap.
227 Good candidates are materials with intrinsic anisotropies or competing interactions, as they are pron
228 not improved when incorporating white matter anisotropy or different skull compartments.
229 cal gray matter volume and global fractional anisotropy over time.
230 of nanoparticles can be co-aligned with high anisotropy over very large distances.
231 iable was either complexity ( P = 0.0003) or anisotropy ( P = 0.0014).
232 0.001 by paired t-test) and lower fractional anisotropy (P < 0.001 by related-samples Wilcoxon signed
233                                  Despite the anisotropy, phonons are predominantly scattered by Umkla
234 , with the energy of the easy-plane magnetic anisotropy playing the role of the Josephson energy.
235 thermal stability and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA).
236 een the exchange interaction and 4f magnetic anisotropy present in the system.
237 Sb x Te3 thin films, where the field-induced anisotropy presents a strong dependence on the gate volt
238 ipolar couplings and residual chemical shift anisotropy provide a spatial view of the relative orient
239 both single-particle and interaction-induced anisotropies, providing a complete picture of this corre
240  correlations, to analysis of chemical shift anisotropy, providing unprecedented structural informati
241 ations comparable with or below the CMC, the anisotropy readout underwent a time-dependent decrease,
242                                     Magnetic anisotropy removes this restriction, however, and enable
243 ain configuration due to an induced magnetic anisotropy resulting from the inverse magnetostriction e
244                   Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy revealed a significant decrease of the OCP ro
245 lightly higher than that along <a>, with the anisotropy saturated at about 1.20 at high temperatures,
246 ase is increased due to the additional shape anisotropy; second, the rods dynamically reorientate in
247  for the dependent variables, complexity and anisotropy, showed the following effects of the independ
248 al connectivity, as measured by quantitative anisotropy, significantly decreased with age in the same
249   In materials with the gradient of magnetic anisotropy, spin-orbit-torque-induced magnetization beha
250 ue sheet, and experimentally induced tension anisotropy stimulates ectopic endoreplication.
251  anxious twin exhibited decreased fractional anisotropy (t = -2.22, p = 0.032) and axial diffusivity
252 ipolar tensor and carboxylate chemical shift anisotropy tensor of aspartate.
253 nczewski equation in the absence of magnetic anisotropy terms is described by a Mobius transformation
254 ns display systematically higher diffraction anisotropy than those of soluble proteins.
255 limit, signalling a reversal of the magnetic anisotropy that can be directly attributed to the topolo
256 pected trends in the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy that cannot be explained by the commonly used
257 o lithographic patterning induces a magnetic anisotropy that competes with the magnetocrystalline and
258 he small applied field leads to an effective anisotropy that is much greater than the near-zero magne
259                           Using a fractional anisotropy threshold of 0.15 and an angle threshold of 4
260                            Higher fractional anisotropy throughout the brain appears to be related to
261 ith the magnetocrystalline and shape induced anisotropies to play a crucial role in stabilising a flu
262   Once trapped, we recorded the fluorescence anisotropy to investigate the diversity of conformations
263 nificant association pathway from fractional anisotropy to processing speed to working memory (P = 5.
264              A reversible change of magnetic anisotropy up to 219 Oe is achieved with a low gating vo
265 les calculations, which show a high level of anisotropy up to the melting point, where the elastic an
266  SSF, ORF, and scattering depolarization and anisotropy using a combination of fluorophore UV-vis, fl
267 n in materials with the gradient of magnetic anisotropy using the CCM remains lack of investigation.
268                            A distribution of anisotropy values obtained from trapped tau protein is c
269 l gyri positively correlated with fractional anisotropy values of the CC subregion III, which structu
270 ter pathways, as indexed by lower fractional anisotropy values, uniquely within the pons.
271 vices is the low voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA) efficiency (change of interfacial magn
272 hich exhibit low voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA) efficiency.
273 determination of voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA) in Au/[DEME](+) [TFSI](-) /Co field-ef
274 e energy and the subsequent crystallographic anisotropy via ab-initio calculations based on density f
275 icelle concentration (CMC), the fluorescence anisotropy was independent of detergent concentration.
276                            Global fractional anisotropy was positively associated with selective atte
277                                   Fractional anisotropy was significantly lower in the inferior longi
278 ransient absorption and transient absorption anisotropy, we find that the rate and the dispersive cha
279                     Here, using fluorescence anisotropy, we report that TRIP8b binding to the CNBD of
280    METHOD: Gray matter volume and fractional anisotropy were mapped in 326 individuals diagnosed with
281 erences in gray matter volume and fractional anisotropy were regionally localized across the lifespan
282 duction of gray matter volume and fractional anisotropy were significantly faster in males than in fe
283 regional diffusion tensor imaging fractional anisotropy were used to measure white matter microstruct
284 nificant associations between complexity and anisotropy when the dependent variable was either comple
285 stacking fault energies and/or large elastic anisotropy, which induce a large anisotropy in the dislo
286 ures due to doping induced change in lattice anisotropy while maintaining the stripe domain morpholog
287 hanisms are related to mineralogy and fabric anisotropy, while confining pressure, temperature and st
288  closely parallel changes in water diffusion anisotropy with cerebral cortical maturation.
289 the cellular level and the loss of diffusion anisotropy with cortical development.
290                  Relationships of fractional anisotropy with dimensional measures of inattention, soc
291 were also seen, including reduced fractional anisotropy with increased mean and radial diffusivity.
292  Moreover, we find kappa exhibits noticeable anisotropy, with kappa zz being the largest component an
293 e pushed to move in a direction with reduced anisotropy, with the velocity being accelerated by more
294                              Here, diffusion anisotropy within the developing fetal cerebral cortex i
295  within the lateral epidermis, and stiffness anisotropy within the fiber-reinforced dorso-ventral epi
296 odelling show that myosin-II-dependent force anisotropy within the lateral epidermis, and stiffness a
297                             Lower fractional anisotropy within the splenium of the corpus callosum wa
298 plexity would be greater in erosion and that anisotropy would be greater in attrition.
299                         Masked by rotational anisotropies, xthe nonlinear chiroptical response of a m
300 odels taking into account magnetocrystalline anisotropy, Zeeman effect and antisymmetric exchange int

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