


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 the magnetic interaction is dependent on the annealing temperature.
2 istors, has strong performance dependence on annealing temperature.
3 decreasing the amount of Ag and lowering the annealing temperature.
4 s its melting temperature below the reaction annealing temperature.
5 and selects the primer pairs with comparable annealing temperature.
6 11) substrate, and facet sizes increase with annealing temperature.
7 e in length, base composition, location, and annealing temperature.
8 y reducing the sample input and lowering the annealing temperature.
9 structure can be easily controlled by tuning annealing temperature.
10 rimer, the low T m flanking primer and a low annealing temperature.
11 erials, which was more prominent at elevated annealing temperature.
12  continuously decreased with the increase of annealing temperature.
13 nt on the solution reaching denaturation and annealing temperatures.
14 ent, deriving CODEHOPs and calculating their annealing temperatures.
15 harmacogenetics for templates with different annealing temperatures.
16 ers in a DNA cycle sequencing system at high annealing temperatures.
17 fication, most likely due to unavoidable low annealing temperatures.
18                            The effect of the annealing temperature (700, 800, or 900 degrees C) on th
19 ll nanoliter qPCR (nL-qPCR) chip at a single annealing temperature and buffer condition.
20 ent a robust fundamental correlation between annealing temperature and catalytic activity, where a ap
21  heterojunctions, or alloys depending on the annealing temperature and composition.
22 an be improved 4- to 10-fold by lowering the annealing temperature and implementing a reverse transcr
23  rate of 1.5 degrees C s(-1) for reaching an annealing temperature and is run for 48 cycles.
24 ed nanoparticle superlattices is dictated by annealing temperature and the flexibility of the interpa
25  found that, the growth rate scales with the annealing temperature and the graphene height is proport
26  skutterudite superlattices as a function of annealing temperature and time.
27  combinations of magnesium concentration and annealing temperature, and after screening over 750 mark
28 4H-SiC (0001) by the systematic variation of annealing temperature (AT) with several deposition amoun
29                    The program estimates the annealing temperature for each primer and selects the pr
30 primer combinations, used with the optimized annealing temperature for each set of primers, produced
31 ssence of the method is to use two different annealing temperatures in consecutive PCR cycles to effe
32 ly due to high primer concentrations and low annealing temperatures in this protocol.
33 his quantitatively shows that an increase in annealing temperature leads to a reduction in copper vac
34 p product was amplified differentially at an annealing temperature of 56 degrees C but not with the t
35            The first PCR was performed at an annealing temperature of 68 degrees C, which did not all
36 s were tested for HIV-1 DNA by using a lower annealing temperature or a different primer pair for the
37  HIV-1 DNA sequences by using a 50 degrees C annealing temperature or the pol primer pair were 71 and
38 n abrupt mobility change, so that at typical annealing temperatures, polycrystals will contain both s
39  the resulting GNRs can be controlled by the annealing temperature, providing GNR films with optical
40 sults show that small changes in the thermal annealing temperature result in significant changes to t
41 examines the effect of fragmentation length, annealing temperature, sequence identity and number of s
42 3+)]/[In(3+) + Sn(4+)] molar ratio (0.7) and annealing temperature (T(a) = 250 degrees C) afford TFTs
43  have been developed, but these require high annealing temperatures (T(anneal)>400 degrees C), which
44     More interestingly, with the increase of annealing temperature, the crystallinity of the Ni shell
45                                  At a higher annealing temperature, the quasi-1D chain structure tran
46 amplify the expected size product at a lower annealing temperature using the OCP2 3'-UTR PCR primers
47                                     When the annealing temperature was increased to 800 K, electron d
48 centage of primers/probes bound at the assay annealing temperature was performed to assess the potent
49 ercentage of bound primer/probe at the assay annealing temperature was performed to assess the potent
50 he qPCR conditions, primer concentration and annealing temperature, were optimized.
51 n limited agglomeration at comparatively low annealing temperature, which is also accompanied with th
52 gaprimer product of the first PCR and a high annealing temperature, which prevents priming by the low
53 erage length of the cylinders increases with annealing temperature, with a narrow length distribution

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