


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  AC5, adding a new facet to the functions of annexins.
2 n and dysferlin-interacting proteins such as annexins.
3 dicated that CERK1 physically interacts with ANNEXIN 1 (ANN1), which was reported to form a calcium-p
4 t the ROS-regulated Ca(2+) transport protein Annexin 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana (AtANN1) is involved i
5 tase 5 (PP5), formyl peptide receptor 2, and annexin 1.
6 amed tissues and concomitantly downregulated annexin-1 and IL-10 production.
7    In this report, we show that DPP binds to annexin 2 and 6 present in a rat ureteric bud cell line
8                         In addition, DPP and annexin 2 colocalize in the ureteric bud branches of emb
9 larly, the cell type-dependent enrichment of annexins 2, 5 or 6 in calcifying EVs posits one of sever
10 not only cell-cell complex molecules such as annexin-2 and claudin-1, but also focal adhesion compone
11 Akap12, gelsolin, myosin light chain kinase, annexin-2, and Hsp70, manifested altered translation rat
12  of apoptosing RGCs labeled with fluorescent Annexin-5 on DARC images.
13      A post-translationally modified form of annexin A1 (AnnA1) is selectively concentrated in human
14 o experiments have identified involvement of Annexin A1 (Anx A1) in both these fusion processes.
15 ncy was associated with an early increase of annexin A1 (AnxA1) and did not modify the course of neut
16  inflammation such as resolvins, protectins, annexin A1 (ANXA1) and galectins as potential targets fo
17 upled with increased expression of mRNAs for annexin A1 (AnxA1) and the formyl peptide receptors [(Fp
18 tide receptor-1 (FPR1), which interacts with Annexin A1 (ANXA1) from dead cells.
19                                              Annexin A1 (AnxA1) is a glucocorticoid-regulated protein
20                                              Annexin A1 (AnxA1) is a glucocorticoid-regulated protein
21                                              Annexin A1 (AnxA1) is a protein involved in modulation a
22                                              Annexin A1 (AnxA1) is a protein that displays potent ant
23                                              Annexin A1 (AnxA1) is an effector of the resolution of i
24                                              Annexin A1 (AnxA1) is recognized as an endogenous anti-i
25 In this work, we demonstrate that endogenous annexin A1 (ANXA1) is released as a component of extrace
26           We demonstrated high expression of annexin A1 (ANXA1) mRNA by MSCs and confirmed expression
27                                              Annexin A1 (ANXA1), an inflammation modulator, is a pote
28 at is activated by an endogenous FPR ligand, annexin A1 (ANXA1), and its cleavage product Ac2-26, whi
29  ALX/FPR2, which is activated by the protein annexin A1 (ANXA1), found in high abundance in inflammat
30         In this article, we engineered novel Annexin A1 (AnxA1)-based peptides, AnxA1(2-50), that dis
31  we show that these contacts are tethered by annexin A1 and its Ca(2+)-dependent ligand, S100A11, and
32                 Mechanistically, we identify annexin A1 as an endogenous inhibitor of integrin activa
33               Deletion of FPR2 or its ligand annexin A1 enhances atherosclerotic lesion formation, ar
34                            Specifically, the annexin A1 fragment Ac2-26 counteracts conformational ac
35 te the role of FPR2 and its resolving ligand annexin A1 in atherogenesis.
36 nd treatment with FPR agonists: AnxA1Ac2-26 [Annexin A1 mimetic peptide (Ac-AMVSEFLKQAWFIENEEQEYVQTVK
37 tial of 2 proresolving endogenous mediators, annexin A1 N-terminal derived peptide (AnxA1Ac2-26) and
38 comprises a small bioactive peptide from the annexin A1 protein grafted into a sunflower trypsin inhi
39 ribution of FPR2 and its proresolving ligand annexin A1 to atherosclerotic lesion formation is largel
40 f these lipids as well as by peptides (e.g., annexin A1), has been shown to be one of the receptors i
41 ulation were associated with the cleavage of annexin A1, a powerful anti-inflammatory protein known t
42         Subcellular patterning is evident as annexin A1, dysferlin, diacylglycerol, active Rho, and a
43  activated by IAV, which harbors its ligand, annexin A1, in its envelope.
44                              Instructing the annexin A1-FPR2 axis harbors a novel approach to target
45                                              Annexin A1-regulated contacts function in the transfer o
46 proresolving mediators and proteins, such as annexin A1.
47 ng required the expression of caveolin 1 and annexin A1.
48 d override the prosurvival effect of LPS via annexin A1.
49 trophin-glycoprotein complex of proteins and annexin A1.
50 ctinin-1, moesin, 14-3-3 protein zeta/delta, annexin A1/A3/A4/A5/A6, clathrin heavy chain 1, glyceral
51 emmal repair through increased expression of annexins A1 and A6, which mediate myofiber repair.
52       Within seconds of membrane disruption, annexins A1, A2, A5, and A6 formed a tight repair "cap."
53 the release of the anti-inflammatory protein Annexin-A1 (Anx-A1) from mast cells.
54                 Endogenous anti-inflammatory annexin-A1 (ANX-A1) plays an important role in preservin
55         In these studies, we have identified Annexin-A1 (ANXA1) as a novel regulator of TLR-induced I
56 , we show that similar to dysferlin, lack of annexin A2 (AnxA2) also results in poor myofiber repair
57    Human-derived H1650 SP cells over-express annexin A2 (AnxA2) and SOX2, and are resistant to conven
58 1R phosphorylated the prometastatic molecule Annexin A2 (AnxA2) at Y23 and Y333 in response to stroma
59                       We recently found that annexin A2 (ANXA2) co-localizes with PS-ASOs in late end
60 eport that the phospholipid-binding protein, annexin A2 (ANXA2) functions to maintain vascular integr
61                    Here we reveal a role for annexin A2 (AnxA2) in host defense against infection as
62                                              Annexin A2 (AnxA2) is a peripherally associated membrane
63                                              Annexin A2 (AnxA2) was reported to be an extracellular e
64 ach we uncovered the physical association of Annexin A2 (AnxA2) with native TRPA1 in mouse sensory ne
65                            The mRNA encoding Annexin A2 (ANXA2), one of the most abundant proteins in
66 -206 directly targets the oncogenes KRAS and annexin a2 (ANXA2), thereby acting as tumor suppressor i
67 n the membrane phospholipid binding protein, annexin A2 (ANXA2), we observed a significant decrease i
68  We also identify the S100A10 subunit of the annexin A2 (AnxA2)-S100A10 protein complex as a novel Mu
69 ion between NKCC2 and the cytosolic protein, annexin A2 (AnxA2).
70 ve enzyme and co-localizes with cell surface annexin A2 (ANXA2).
71 orylation and extracellular translocation of annexin A2 (AnxA2).
72                                Consistently, annexin A2 and a cell-internalizing, penetratin-fused ve
73 whereas the anti-inflammatory proteins (e.g. Annexin A2 and Annexin A6) were significantly upregulate
74  an anti-inflammatory tick protein, binds to annexin A2 and impairs the formation of the NLRC4 inflam
75 gnized functional link between intracellular annexin A2 and tumor cell adhesion, migration and in viv
76 tif that binds to and inhibits intracellular annexin A2 as a candidate therapeutic lead for potential
77 omatography-mass spectrometry, we identified annexin A2 as a factor H binding partner.
78 , we identified the calcium-effector protein annexin A2 as a novel binding partner for ICAM-1.
79                            Here, we identify Annexin A2 as an autophagy modulator that regulates auto
80         We thus propose membrane exposure of annexin A2 as an oxidative stress signal for some Vdelta
81                                              Annexin A2 can contribute to AP-mediated tissue inflamma
82 graphy showed that cortical actin bundled by annexin A2 connected docked secretory granules to the pl
83 that the membrane curvature-inducing protein annexin A2 contributes to the formation of these vesicle
84             This process is dependent on the Annexin A2 effectors ARP2 and Spire1.
85                                              Annexin A2 expression increases after starvation in cell
86 t starvation-induced autophagy by regulating Annexin A2 expression levels.
87                                              Annexin A2 facilitates the binding of Vamp8 to the autop
88 rinsic actin-bundling activity of endogenous annexin A2 had the opposite effects.
89       We show that S100A11 in a complex with Annexin A2 helps reseal the plasma membrane by facilitat
90  through a recently identified receptor, the annexin A2 heterotetramer (A2t).
91                                  Recombinant annexin A2 impaired complement regulation by factor H an
92 a membrane repair in general and S100A11 and Annexin A2 in particular as new targets for the therapy
93 er, our analyses highlight the importance of annexin A2 in vesiculation of a population of Atg16L-pos
94 mococcal otitis media, the administration of annexin A2 increased AP-mediated bacterial opsonization
95        ICAM-1 clustering promotes the ICAM-1-annexin A2 interaction and induces translocation of ICAM
96                                              Annexin A2 knockdown abrogates starvation-induced autoph
97            In conclusion, our data show that annexin A2 limits neutrophil transendothelial migration
98 reveal that dysfunction of the BLOC-1-KIF13A-Annexin A2 molecular network underlies the pathophysiolo
99                                      When an annexin A2 mutant with impaired actin filament-bundling
100 S TX binds to human surfactant protein A and annexin A2 on airway epithelial cells and is internalize
101 n turn, enhances the trans-activation of the Annexin A2 promoter.
102                            To understand how annexin A2 promotes this membrane remodeling, the involv
103                                   Absence of annexin A2 reduces both vesicle formation and homotypic
104              Further experiments showed that annexin A2 reduces the binding of factor H to cell surfa
105 sma phagocytophilum Macrophages deficient in annexin A2 secreted significantly smaller amounts of int
106 l support to our findings, better binding of annexin A2 to sialostatin L2 in sera from 21 out of 23 i
107 the cell triggers recruitment of S100A11 and Annexin A2 to the site of injury.
108                     Depletion of endothelial annexin A2 using RNA interference enhances ICAM-1 membra
109                           Moreover, purified annexin A2 was able to stimulate the proliferation of a
110 ication and mass spectrometry, intracellular annexin A2 was identified as the corresponding binding p
111 entify antigenic ligands of gammadelta TCRs, annexin A2 was identified as the direct ligand of Vgamma
112       In conclusion, the local production of annexin A2 within tissues suppresses regulation of the A
113                                              Annexin A2, a calcium-, actin-, and lipid-binding protei
114         Notably, caveolin-1, caveolin-2, and annexin A2, which are proteins associated with lipid raf
115 ut not nonphosphorylated PS1, interacts with Annexin A2, which, in turn, interacts with the lysosomal
116                                 Accordingly, Annexin a2-deficient mice were more susceptible to A. ph
117                        Lipidomic analysis of annexin A2-deficient mouse cells indicates that this pro
118                                        Thus, annexin A2-induced actin bundling is apparently essentia
119                                 Although the annexin a2-p11 heterotetramer constituents do not bind t
120 ular C-1-P, acting through the extracellular annexin a2-p11 heterotetrameric protein, can mediate vas
121 hat 30% of Atg16L-positive vesicles are also annexin A2-positive.
122 peripheral blood mononuclear cells and other annexin A2-specific Vdelta2(neg) gammadelta T-cell clone
123  endosomal tubules along microtubules to the Annexin A2/actin-dependent stabilization and detachment
124 ses the amount of the ternary complex of p11/annexin A2/SMARCA3.
125 l PEC markers A-kinase anchor protein 12 and annexin A3 exhibited similar sensitivity.
126 red tubular cells (kidney injury molecule 1, annexin A3, src-suppressed C-kinase substrate, and CD44)
127                                              Annexin A4 (AnxA4) has been implicated in diverse cellul
128                                              Annexin A4 (AnxA4), a Ca(2+)- and phospholipid-binding p
129 etermined the molecular target of 2F11 to be Annexin A4 (Anxa4), a calcium binding protein.
130 The phospholipid- and Ca(2+)-binding protein annexin A5 (ANXA5) is the most abundant membrane-associa
131                      As an example, we chose annexin A5 (AnxA5), a recombinant 35-kD protein extensiv
132                             These effects of annexin A5 are mediated by its ability to inhibit lipopo
133                                              Annexin A5 belongs to a large family of calcium-binding
134                                 We find that annexin a5 binds Ca(2)(+) in solution according to a sim
135                                              Annexin A5 blocked platelet internalization and HepG2 pr
136                                              Annexin A5 depletion by siRNA led to decreased annexin A
137                                 Importantly, annexin A5 dose-dependently inhibited lipopolysaccharide
138 To understand the functional significance of annexin A5 in renal cell death, we used a siRNA-mediated
139 is study, we aimed to verify the function of annexin A5 in the apoptosis of renal epithelial cells.
140                               Treatment with annexin A5 inhibited myocardial mitogen-activated protei
141  cisplatin strongly induced translocation of annexin A5 into mitochondria.
142                                              Annexin A5 is a 35-kDa protein with high affinity bindin
143            There is increasing evidence that annexin A5 is related to cytotoxicity, but the precise f
144                      Our study suggests that annexin A5 may have therapeutic potential in the treatme
145        Taken together, our data suggest that annexin A5 may play a crucial role in cisplatin-induced
146          Our aim was to study the effects of annexin A5 on myocardial tumor necrosis factor-alpha exp
147  We discuss how weak membrane association of annexin a5 prior to Ca(2)(+) influx is the basis for the
148 ence analysis, showed that the expression of annexin A5 significantly increased in the presence of ci
149                                              Annexin A5 siRNA also increased cell viability compared
150 is the basis for the cooperative response of annexin a5 toward Ca(2)(+), and the role of membrane org
151 nexin A5 depletion by siRNA led to decreased annexin A5 translocation into mitochondria and significa
152 dotoxemia with and without recombinant human annexin A5 treatment (5 or 10 mug/kg, i.v.).
153 d by either an immediate or a 4-hour delayed annexin A5 treatment after lipopolysaccharide challenge.
154                                              Annexin A5 treatment decreases cytokine expression and i
155                      Moreover, expression of annexin A5 was induced by other nephrotoxicants such as
156                                 Furthermore, annexin A5-treated animals showed significant reductions
157 used a siRNA-mediated approach to knock down annexin A5.
158 d to the peripheral membrane-binding protein annexin a5.
159 tablished that autoantibodies to troponin I, annexin-A5, and beta 1-adrenegic receptor best discrimin
160 cavenging hemopexin and by the PS antagonist annexin-a5, in vitro and in vivo.
161                                Here, we show annexin A6 (Anxa6) to be a crucial regulator of atrial n
162                   Earlier studies implicated annexin A6 (AnxA6) to inhibit secretion and participate
163 and accumulation of phosphatidylserine (PS), annexin A6 and matrix metalloproteinase-2, which convert
164 29) myofibers, and impaired translocation of annexin A6 associated with impaired resealing of the sar
165 tin was recruited to the site of damage, and annexin A6 cap formation was both actin dependent and Ca
166                Live cell imaging showed that annexin A6 orchestrates a repair zone and cap at the sit
167 yptic splice donor, resulting in a truncated annexin A6 protein called ANXA6N32.
168  and increased the production of a truncated annexin A6 protein.
169 splayed reduced translocation of full-length annexin A6 to the site of laser-induced sarcolemmal disr
170 lustrated by literature evidence with Anxa6 (annexin a6) as an example.
171 i-inflammatory proteins (e.g. Annexin A2 and Annexin A6) were significantly upregulated by PgLPS1435/
172 nd RNA sequencing identified Anxa6, encoding annexin A6, as a modifier gene.
173 ontrast, ANXA6N32 dramatically disrupted the annexin A6-rich cap and the associated repair zone, perm
174 gnature and identified a contribution of the annexin A6/LDL receptor-related protein 1/thrombospondin
175 xon in the membrane-binding tumor suppressor annexin A7 (ANXA7) diminishes endosomal targeting of the
176 ti-alpha-enolase (>15 mg/L) IgG2 and/or anti-annexin AI (>2.7 mg/L) IgG2 were detected in most patien
177 tients with high anti-alpha-enolase/low anti-annexin AI IgG2 and patients with low anti-alpha-enolase
178 tients with low anti-alpha-enolase/high anti-annexin AI IgG2.
179 gG2 autoantibodies against alpha-enolase and annexin AI predominate in the glomerulus and can be dete
180 gG2 autoantibodies against alpha-enolase and annexin AI were detected in 11 and 10 of the biopsy samp
181  revealed colocalization of alpha-enolase or annexin AI with IgG2 in glomeruli.
182 glucocorticoid response elements upstream of annexins and was reinforced by the expression of forkhea
183  and (ii) reduced glutathione S-transferase, annexin, and dermatopontin, after antigen challenge.
184         We find that biochemically identical annexins (annexin V) display different effective Ca(2+)
185            In this article, we show that the annexin (Anx) family members AnxA5 and AnxA13 translocat
186                                              Annexins are a family of proteins that bind to phospholi
187                                              Annexins are abundant cytoplasmic proteins that can bind
188 can be used to repeatedly induce and disrupt annexin assemblies and study their structure, dynamics a
189 ion shell of the peripheral membrane protein annexin B12 were studied using MD simulations and Overha
190  polarity-sensitive annexin-based biosensor (annexin B12-Cys101,Cys260-N,N'-dimethyl-N-(iodoacetyl)-N
191 nstrated with a peripheral membrane protein, annexin B12.
192                    Furthermore, we show that Annexin B9, a member of a class of proteins associated w
193 ld(S) rat retinas using a polarity-sensitive annexin-based biosensor (annexin B12-Cys101,Cys260-N,N'-
194  to solid supported membranes containing the annexin binding lipids phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosp
195 ylserine-binding proteins, which, along with annexin-binding protein S100A4, regulated fusogenic acti
196                 In particular, EV-associated annexin calcium channelling proteins, which form a nucle
197 ding is mediated by the conserved C-terminal annexin core domain of the protein and requires the pres
198                   Differential regulation of annexin expression was evident, with AtANN2 down-regulat
199 yclophilin, inducible nitric oxide synthase, annexins, galectin, cathepsins and heat shock proteins),
200 ens provided comparable benefits in terms of annexin gene expression and muscle repair.
201                         Although seven other annexin genes are expressed in mouse utricles, mass spec
202                                              Annexins have been proposed to mediate Ca(2+)-dependent
203 membrane via the Orai1/TRPC1-mediated Ca(2+)/Annexin I/S100A11 pathway, partially contributing to SOC
204 ling mechanism via the Orai1-mediated Ca(2+)/Annexin I/S100A11 pathway.
205 ces the selective loss of p11 (also known as annexin II light chain, S100A10), a multifunctional prot
206 t in 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) of human Annexin II receptor (AXIIR) mRNA, there are two upstream
207  of the crystal adhesion molecules, CD44 and annexin II, in tubular epithelial cells in vitro and in
208 approaches demonstrated that three proteins, annexin II/p36, stratifin/14-3-3 sigma, and heat shock p
209                            We also show that annexin is membrane-recruited and forms stable supramole
210 itope identification, we constructed an anti-annexin IV single-chain antibody (scFv) and an scFv link
211                                              Annexins mediate lipid raft-dependent trafficking of tra
212                                           An annexin peptide (Ax) served as the target.
213        Fusion also depended on extracellular annexins, phosphatidylserine-binding proteins, which, al
214  cell proliferation (cell counts), survival (Annexin-PI), viability (WST-1) and significantly reduced
215                     Apoptosis was confirmed (annexin-PI, SubG1/cell-cycle, apoptotic genes, caspase-3
216 3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodine negativity, annexin positivity, and poly (adenosine 5'-diphosphate-r
217 thynyl deoxyuridine, a thymidine analog) and annexin-propidium iodide flow cytometry was performed to
218  6) in lung epithelial cells, as measured by annexin/propidium iodide detection by flow cytometry.
219                                        Thus, Annexin proteins may link membrane resealing to cytoskel
220 s in cellular morphology, high percentage of annexin-stained cells and sub-G1 populations as well as
221 layed by Ca(2+) in the reversible binding of annexin to the membrane surface.
222 of lymphoid cell death using a near-infrared annexin V (AV-750).
223 h were confirmed with positive control, anti-Annexin V (MV universal marker).
224 99m)Tc-hydrazinonicotinamide ((99m)Tc-HYNIC) annexin V and (201)Tl and underwent dual-isotope SPECT/C
225  cell death levels (P < 0.05) as analyzed by annexin V and caspase 3/7 activity.
226 monocyte-derived thrombin markedly increases Annexin V and factor Xa binding to platelets, consistent
227   Apoptosis and necrosis were assessed using Annexin V and flow cytometry.
228 rted by high levels of the apoptosis markers annexin V and p53 in knockout testes.
229                                           An annexin V assay used to measure eosinophil apoptosis sho
230 tidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling and Annexin V assays).
231 tics (ENR); membrane permeabilization (PRM); annexin V binding (ANX), and cell death protease activat
232 th proteasome inhibitors exhibited augmented annexin V binding and a drop in mitochondrial transmembr
233 croscopic blebs, caspase 3/7 activation, and annexin V binding at the plasma membrane).
234                                 In contrast, annexin V binding showed no differences between WAS/XLT
235 hanges in platelets, as revealed by enhanced annexin V binding, reactive oxygen species production, a
236 elevated caspase 3/7 activity, and increased annexin V binding.
237 ced expression of the early apoptosis marker annexin V compared with control subjects, which was sign
238                       Time course studies of annexin V expression revealed that autoreactive T cells
239 roteomic profiling, immunohistochemistry and annexin V FACS staining.
240 ting assays that are not quantitative (e.g., annexin V flow cytometry), and it is applicable to the s
241 l viability and apoptosis were determined by annexin V flow cytometry.
242 survival by a clonogenic assay; apoptosis by Annexin V immunofluorescence; gammaH2AX, Rad51, and HDAC
243 l ion beam-scanning electron microscopy with Annexin V immunogold-labeling revealed a complex organiz
244 /P stimulation and interaction of S100A9 and annexin V indicated that a phosphatidylserine-annexin V-
245 hile increasing sub-G0 DNA fragmentation and Annexin V markers of apoptosis.
246 inomycin D were observed, but the absence of annexin V membrane staining supported that neutrophils d
247  </=0.01) increase of early apoptotic cells (annexin V positive) and late apoptosis (caspase 3 activi
248 lenge (P < .05), higher levels of apoptosis (Annexin V positivity, P < .005), and less lung allergic
249  mice assessed in vivo by technicium-labeled annexin V single photon emission computed tomography and
250                    Apoptosis was measured by Annexin V staining and caspase-3 enzymatic activity assa
251 ervical cancer cells as measured by enhanced Annexin V staining and cleavage in PARP protein.
252 tion of programmed cell death as assessed by Annexin V staining and DNA fragmentation assays.
253  cycle arrest and apoptosis as determined by Annexin V staining and increased cleaved caspase3 and Ba
254                                              Annexin V staining indicates increased apoptosis of Tmod
255 RAW264.7 cells exhibited cytopathic effects, annexin V staining, and cleaved caspase 3.
256 bserved using propidium iodide exclusion and annexin V staining.
257  by cell viability assay, DNA laddering, and Annexin V staining.
258                                (99m)Tc-HYNIC annexin V uptake as percentage injected dose (x10(-4)) d
259  myocardium, infarct size, and (99m)Tc-HYNIC annexin V uptake were quantified from the scans from day
260  FVIII, prothrombin, and PS-sensitive marker Annexin V were distributed nonhomogeneously: they were p
261 evated levels of endothelial microparticles (annexin V(+)/CD41(-)/CD31(+)), including subtypes expres
262  find that biochemically identical annexins (annexin V) display different effective Ca(2+) and membra
263                   Densities of C4d+ and C4d+/annexin V+ (C4d+/AVB+) microvesicles were also increased
264 B and higher percentages of early apoptotic, Annexin V+ cells were observed in PBMC co-cultured with
265 al and apoptosis were tested by Trypan blue, annexin V, and cleaved caspase-3 assays.
266 Bak-1, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, lactate dehydrogenase, annexin V, and propidium iodide) nor VEGF or TGF-beta le
267  as determined using three apoptotic assays (Annexin V, Caspase 3, and TUNEL) indicated that: a) An i
268 conditions, ubiquitous "caps" with increased Annexin V, FX, and FXa binding were observed, indicating
269 inogen, showed a bias for oxidation, whereas annexin V, heparanase, ERp57, kallekrein-14, serpin B6,
270 ine, at DMSO concentrations >1% (v/v), using annexin V, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP ni
271  mimic lacking TIM sequences and composed of annexin V, the mucin-like domain of alpha-dystroglycan,
272 ired 95% by pretreating apoptotic cells with annexin V, underscoring the requirement for phosphatidyl
273 dging virus to cells, but, surprisingly, not annexin V, which has been used to block phagocytosis of
274 ting with the signal of the apoptosis marker Annexin V-Cy3.
275 ogin, a Ca(2+)-sensor protein, to execute an annexin V-dependent externalization of matrix metallopro
276 n the tumor cell line, as evidenced from the annexin V-FITC/PI assay.
277                                              Annexin V-FITC/PI staining assays confirm that the cell
278 re validated by WST-1 cytotoxicity assay and annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide (PI) staining as apoptos
279                                              Annexin V-immunogold staining revealed that the calcium-
280 k180 in ECs reduced caspase-3/7 activity and annexin V-positive cell number upon induction of apoptos
281 howed both apoptotic (cleaved caspase 8- and annexin V-positive) and living cells.
282 nnexin V indicated that a phosphatidylserine-annexin V-S100A9 membrane complex facilitates hydroxyapa
283 oexpressed the cell surface apoptosis marker annexin V.
284 ase promastigotes in which PS was blocked by annexin V.
285  emission computed tomography and ex vivo by annexin V/7-amino actinomycin D flow cytometry, terminal
286  was assessed via caspase 3/7 activation and Annexin V/PI flow cytometry.
287 ts as measured by caspase 3/7 activation and Annexin V/PI flow cytometry.
288 lity/apoptosis was measured by MTT assay and Annexin V/PI staining , activation related genes includi
289 (LDH) release assay, Hoechst 33342 staining, annexin V/PI staining, and JC-1 staining.
290                  Apoptosis was quantified by Annexin V/PI staining.
291      The result of a fluorescent microscopic annexin V/propidium iodide assay, performed in microflui
292 e, as indicated by PARP-1, caspases 3/7, and annexin V/propidium iodide assays.
293  of the cancer cells has been determined via Annexin V/Propidium iodide stain and flow cytometry.
294 s, the most well-studied example being (18)F-annexin V; more recently, probes that target caspase end
295 tacts (HHCs) were analyzed for expression of annexin-V and propidium iodide by flow cytometry.
296 or necrotic dendritic cells was evaluated by annexin-V and propidium iodide staining.
297 e cells using MTT, (3)H-thymidine uptake and Annexin-V apoptosis assays.
298 l subsets were quantified by flow cytometry; annexin-V status identified apoptotic cells and phosphor
299  Several assays, including Western blotting, annexin-V/propidium iodide binding, comet, and micronucl
300  included cellular viability (calcein AM and annexin-V/propidium iodide), reactive oxygen species (RO

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