


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iversity book that was manually marked by an annotator.
2 ences which need to be examined by the human annotator.
3 Annotator, and cTAKES Fast Dictionary Lookup Annotator.
4 inations achieve results close to one of the annotators.
5 cords that can be modified by the NCBI staff annotators.
6 evels of accuracy approaching those of human annotators.
7 ty of laboratory biologists and professional annotators.
8 , and sometimes surpasses, that of the human annotators.
9  were tested and manually evaluated by three annotators.
10                                     The GSDB Annotator, a multi-platform graphic user interface, is f
11                                      The SNP Annotator adds traits, ontology terms, effects and inter
12  behind an indicative measure of human inter annotator agreement on the same task.
13                           We report an inter-annotator agreement rate of over 60% for triggers and of
14 us is additional evidence, beyond high inter-annotator agreement, that the quality of the CRAFT corpu
15 tional Center for Biomedical Ontology (NCBO) Annotator-an ontology-based annotation service-to make i
16 ve and interactive process between the human annotator and a probabilistic named entity tagger.
17 t our approach, CAnceR geNe similarity-based Annotator and Finder (CARNAF), enables detection of pote
18 ojects, and should be useful in training new annotators and consumers in the production of GO annotat
19 ports three levels of users: public viewers, annotators and curators.
20 hree dictionary-based systems (MetaMap, NCBO Annotator, and ConceptMapper) are evaluated on eight bio
21 ep, Concept Mapper, cTAKES Dictionary Lookup Annotator, and cTAKES Fast Dictionary Lookup Annotator.
22 hical client-server interface tool, the GSDB Annotator, and via GIO (GSDB Input/Output) files.
23 s, manually assigned to documents by trained annotators, as clues to select important text segments f
24 man and Vertebrate Annotation (HAVANA) group annotators at the Sanger center are using this to annota
25 ils to meet the 'gold standard' of the human annotator because of the difficult recognition stage.
26 riptions, gene symbols, Gene Ontology terms, annotator comments and links to National Center for Biot
27  data, either automatically or through human annotators, creating a large corpus of data written in t
28                   The Dual Organellar GenoMe Annotator (DOGMA) automates the annotation of organellar
29          Currently, over a hundred community annotators help curate the database.
30 ht priority genes for annotation, and to aid annotators in selecting gene evidence tracks from 91 tis
31                         DIYA (Do-It-Yourself Annotator) is a modular and configurable open source pip
32 al annotation, when performed by experienced annotators, is more accurate and complete than automated
33 ations vary in quality between databases and annotators, making assessment of annotation reliability
34                             First, two human annotators manually reviewed a purposeful training sampl
35 om muxFM data alone as successfully as human annotators seeing only the muxFM data, and accurately re
36 thod, known as ALIGATOR (Association LIst Go AnnoTatOR), successfully detected biological pathways im
37 eComet, a web application for biologists and annotators that facilitates the re-annotation of gene ex
38     This extension of GO allows gene product annotators to comprehensively capture the genetic progra
39                                          The annotator tool in PeerGAD is built around a genome brows
40 d and further annotated by a team of trained annotators using a new Curation and Annotation Tool.
41                           MGD scientists and annotators work cooperatively with the research communit
42                                              Annotators worldwide are currently using ASAP to partici

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